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Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 317 (2007) 20–28


Magnetostriction, Barkhausen noise and magnetization processes in

E110 grade non-oriented electrical steels
F. Bohna,, A. Gündela,b, F.J.G. Landgrafc, A.M. Severinoa, R.L. Sommerd
Departamento de Fı´sica, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil
Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus UNIPAMPA/Bagé, 96412-420 Bagé, RS, Brazil
Departamento de Engenharia Metalúrgica e de Materiais, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 2463, 05508-900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fı´sicas, Rua Xavier Sigaud 150, Urca, 22290-180, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

Received 24 April 2006; received in revised form 23 March 2007

Available online 19 April 2007


Magnetostriction and Barkhausen noise are investigated in non-oriented electrical steels, with composition FeSi3.2%, corresponding to
the E110 grade produced by ACESITA (Brazil), as a function of both, the magnetic induction level and the angle between the applied
magnetic field and the rolling direction. The aim of this study is to understand the magnetization and hysteresis loss processes for this
steel, identifying the magnetization mechanism taking place when magnetic field is applied in directions not aligned with the rolling
direction, mainly at high magnetic induction levels (above 0.8 T). It is shown that the Barkhausen noise is always present at these high
induction levels which can be associated to domain wall motion and to the nucleation and annihilation of 1801 and 901 domains as well as
to their evolution with the applied field. Thus, it is shown that the origin of the high induction loss in these samples is the motion of
domain walls, irrespective to the angle with respect to the rolling direction.
r 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 75.60.Ej; 75.80.+q; 75.60.Ch

Keywords: Magnetostriction; Barkhausen noise; Non-oriented electrical steels; Magnetization processes

1. Introduction In general, NO steels present a texture component which

results in an effective anisotropy in the material. In
Non-oriented electrical steels (NO) are the soft magnetic particular, the ACESITA E110 grade steel is known to
materials most commonly used in applications that exhibit a strong (1 1 0) [0 0 1] texture component, which
demand isotropy of magnetic properties along the plane makes interesting to study the hysteresis loss per cycle and
of the sheet, such as rotating electrical machines and the magnetization processes as a function of the relative
transformers in home appliances. In these applications, angle between the direction of the applied magnetic field or
there are some parts of the magnetic circuit where magnetization and to the rolling direction. In particular,
the magnetic flux is oriented at a given angle with respect previous results [1,2] show that the best properties were
to the rolling direction (RD) of the sheet. As these obtained at 01 with respect to the rolling direction, with
materials are extensively used, they are responsible for a total losses around 2.8 W/kg at 1.5 T and 60 Hz, while the
great part of the energy loss in an electric power system. worst hysteresis loss per cycle was observed for angles
For this reason, the study and the control of the magnetic between 451 and 601, with total loss per cycle of about
parameters of these steels become a very important 3.3 W/kg [1]. Besides, it was suggested [3] that the hysteresis
economical issue [1]. loss per cycle in these materials could be separated in two
components: the low induction loss and high induction
Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 55 32208618; fax: +55 55 32208032. loss. It is supposed that there are different energy
E-mail address: felipebohn@gmail.com (F. Bohn). dissipation mechanisms acting along these different regions

0304-8853/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
F. Bohn et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 317 (2007) 20–28 21

of the induction curve. The first component is associated to measurements in order to provide a further insight in the
the magnetization processes at magnetic induction levels magnetization processes of these materials and, eventually,
such that B(H)oB(H such as m ¼ mmax), where mmax is the to help NO steel producers to decrease the magnetic, or
maximum value of the total permeability m ¼ B(H)/H and hysteresis, loss per cycle by making appropriate changes in
B(H) is the magnetic induction of the sample at a given the fabrication process. Another important point that it is
value of the applied external magnetic field H [4]. The low addressed in this manuscript is the question raised by the
induction loss is usually associated to the motion of 901 scheme of loss separation proposed in the Ref. [3]. If there
and 1801 domain walls (DWs) [4]. On the other hand, the is BN at high magnetic induction and this can be associated
high induction loss is associated to the magnetization to some specific features in the magnetostriction curves,
processes at magnetic induction levels in the range B 4 then the high induction loss can be connected to motion of
B(mmax). As there is not much information about the energy DWs, nucleation and annihilation of magnetic domains.
dissipation mechanisms at this magnetic induction levels,
this part of the total hysteresis loss is usually associated to
2. Experimental
the magnetization rotation process [4]. However, as it is
known that at least a large fraction of the magnetization
Barkhausen noise (BN) consists in time series of voltage
rotation is a reversible and non dissipative process,
pulses detected by a sensing coil wound around a
therefore it could not account for the 50% of the total
ferromagnetic material when the material is submitted to
hysteresis loss per cycle at high magnetic induction levels,
a varying magnetic field [5,6,10]. The pulses are associated
as observed in Ref. [3].
with sudden changes owed to domain walls, pinning and
The split of the total hysteresis loss per cycle in
deppining of domain walls, as well nucleation, growth and
components related to the magnetic induction levels was
annihilation of magnetic domains [5,6,10-12].
adopted based in classical books, such as the Ref. [4], that
On the other hand, magnetostriction corresponds to the
indicate that the maximum permeability defines the
dimensional variation l(B) ¼ Dl(B)/l of a sample as a
magnetic induction value in the magnetization curve that
function of the applied magnetic field or, in other words,
divides this curve in regions associated to different
under different magnetic induction levels. Details of the
magnetization mechanisms: motion of DWs, below the
l(B) curve can be associated with peculiar changes in the
knee, and magnetization rotation, above the knee of the
domain structure [7-9]. Motion of 1801 DWs does not
magnetization curve.
produce any dimensional magnetostrictive change. On the
The same kind of book describes Barkhausen noise as an
other side, nucleation and annihilation of domains, motion
effect appearing nearby the coercive fields. These views are
of 901 DWs and magnetization rotation always produce
naive, as already shown in Refs. [5,6], where it can be seen
dimensional changes [7-9,13-17]. The measured l(B) is
that in many steels, within a wide range of texture levels,
based on the relation for a single domain in a cubic crystal:
the nucleation of an intermediate or subsidiary domain    
structure takes place at a magnetic induction level, well Dl 3 1
above Hc. This domain structure, in general composed by ¼ l100 a21 b21 þ a22 b22 þ a23 b23 
l 2 3
spike or transverse domains evolves through motion 901 þ 3l111 ða1 a2 b1 b2 þ a1 a3 b1 b3 þ a2 a3 b2 b3 Þ ð1Þ
and 1801 DWs as the field is further increased. At high
enough field levels, depending on the magnetic circuit, the where the l100 is the saturation magnetostriction in the
magnetization finally evolves through the rotation process. [1 0 0] direction and l111 is the saturation magnetostriction
As the field is decreased, starting from the saturated state, in the [1 1 1] direction when magnetized in the same
the magnetization process takes place through magnetiza- directions and the ai (i ¼ 1, 2, 3) and bi are the direction
tion rotation, followed by the nucleation of the subsidiary cosines of the magnetization within the domain and the
structure, its evolution and annihilation towards the direction cosines of the measurement direction of the strain
regular domain structure present at low magnetic induction with respect to the cube axis, respectively [8]. In the case of
levels. Barkhausen noise can then be observed at low the material studied in this work, the effective measured
magnetic induction levels, due the DW motion taking place l(B) corresponds to an average of the contributions of
as the main domain structure evolves with the changes of many domains of different grains present in the sample.
the external field, and also at high magnetic induction Barkhausen noise and magnetostriction investigations
levels, as the subsidiary domain structure evolves. were performed in NO electrical steel FeSi3.2% E110 grade
On the other hand, these books, in the case of samples produced by ACESITA (Brazil). Texture measure-
magnetostriction, indicate a non zero value only when ments performed by ACESITA established that this steel
the magnetic structure is nucleated and evolves through the shows a strong (1 1 0) [0 0 1] texture component in the RD.
motion of 901 DWs and magnetization rotation, under the The samples were cut by photocorrosion with the principal
varying external field [7-9]. axis oriented with angles 01, 101, 201, 301, 401, 501, 601, 701,
Therefore, this manuscript aims to study the magnetiza- 801 and 901 with respect to the RD, defined during the
tion mechanisms in ACESITA E110 grade NO electrical fabrication process, as shown in Fig. 1. Barkhausen noise
steels by means of Barkhausen noise and magnetostriction and magnetostriction were measured in sets of samples
22 F. Bohn et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 317 (2007) 20–28

with dimensions 30  1  0.5 mm3 and 30  3  0.5 mm3, compensate the induced flux in air. The signal was
respectively. amplified and filtered by a low noise preamplifier model
The inductive Barkhausen noise measurements were Stanford Research Systems SR560 and digitized by a
performed in an open magnetic circuit. Fig. 2 shows the Tektronix TDS320 oscilloscope connected to a computer
block diagram of the Barkhausen noise experimental by an IEEE-488 GPIB interface. The acquisition and
system. In this case, the sample was inserted in a long control of the measurements were performed through
solenoid with compensation for the borders in order to software based on the Agilent Vee.
ensure a homogeneous magnetic field applied. The samples In order to quantify the Barkhausen noise activity along
were cycled in their hysteresis loops by a 50 mHz the hysteresis curve, the root mean square value (Vrms) of
homogeneous triangular waveform and maximum ampli- the time series as a function of the magnetic induction was
tude 40 kA/m magnetic field. The magnetic field was calculated for all samples. The Vrms is defined by the
applied along the principal axis of the sample. The expression:
electrical current furnished to the solenoid was provided " #
by a low noise power amplifier based on the integrated 1X N
V rms ¼ ðV i Þ (2)
circuit Burr-Brown OPA541 with a low pass filter, N i¼1
controlled by a waveform generator Stanford Research
Systems Model DS345. The waveform generator and the where V is the voltage value and N is the number points per
low noise amplifier were fed by packs of 24 V batteries in acquisition. The results of the Vrms of BN can be related to
order to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. BN was detected the motion of DWs, magnetization rotation, domain
by a small sensing coil with 400 turns, length 5 mm, made nucleation, growth and annihilation [5,6,10–12,18].
with a 44 AWG wire, wound around the central part of It is important to keep in mind that the BN measure-
sample. Another pickup coil with the same number of turns ments were performed along the half hysteresis cycle, from
and the same cross section, but wound in the opposite 41 kA/m to +41 kA/m, and not only near the coercive
direction, was adapted to the system in order to field. Fig. 3(a) shows a time series of Barkhausen noise as
measured for the sample 01. A developed routine makes
the smoothing and discounts the base line. Fig. 3(b) shows
the BN signal obtained after discounting the base line. The
Vrms was obtained from the BN signal shown in Fig. 3(b).
For each sample, 50 time series were acquired along the
half hysteresis loop and the effective Vrms of the BN is a
simple arithmetic mean of the Vrms of the 50 acquisitions.
Fig. 1. Direction of measurement and cut of the sample with respect to the Longitudinal and transverse magnetostriction l(B)
rolling direction. The angle y defines each sample: 01, 101, 201, 301, 401, curves were measured using strain gauges model 062BG
501, 601, 701, 801 and 901. produced by Excel Sensores, with resistance of 350 O and

Fig. 2. Block diagram of the Barkhausen noise experimental setup. Left side: the waveform generator, low noise amplifier and the low pass filter furnish
the electrical current to the solenoid. Center: Solenoid, sample and sensing coils. Right side: preamplifier, low-pass filter, oscilloscope and computer
acquire the voltage pulses.
F. Bohn et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 317 (2007) 20–28 23

gauge factor equals to 2.1. The strain gauge was fixed on electromagnet GMW model 5403, responsible for the
the sample with an Epoxi KBR-610, produced by the same generation of the applied magnetic field with maximum
company, and put in a furnace during 2 h at temperature of amplitude 160 kA/m, measured by a Hall sensor. In all
150 1C for cure. It must be cited that before fixing the strain measurements, the magnetic field was applied along the
gauges, the surface of the samples was polished with principal axis of the sample.
sandpaper. The magnetic induction B vs. H and magnetization moM
Two configurations of strain gauges, longitudinal and vs. H measurements were also performed. The magnetic
transverse, were measured. The block diagram of the induction curves, not shown here, were acquired using a
magnetostriction experimental system is shown in Fig. 4. fluxmeter, while the magnetization curves were obtained
The voltage signal, proportional to the change of resistance with the VSM. As small differences of the demagnetizing
of the strain gauge and strain, was measured using a field can produce large errors in the evaluation of the
Wheatstone bridge connected to an amplifier lock-in internal fields in soft magnetic materials, the results of
Stanford Research Systems model SR830. The same lock- magnetostriction and Barkhausen noise are plotted as a
in controls a current source, which provides 712 A to an function of the magnetic induction [6-8,13-17]. This
procedure will be followed in this article.

3. Results and discussion

Fig. 5 shows the moM vs. H and moM vs. Hi curves, where
Hi ¼ HNM is the effective field and H is the external
magnetic field. Through the analysis of these curves, it can
be seen for all samples that the saturation magnetization is
approximately 1.8 T. The saturation induction is approxi-
mately 1.99 T. Furthermore, the remanent magnetization is
0.9 T and the coercive field is approximately 30 A/m. It can
be noticed that these values do not change considerably
from sample to sample. This fact becomes significant once
the studied steel present a texture component and,
consequently, variations of these values were expected.
Zaykova et al. [19] has reported, for highly textured steels,
that the coercive field and the remanent magnetization
change significantly as a function of the angle between the
main axis of the sample and RD. However, for these non-
Fig. 3. (a) Time series of Barkhausen noise as measured in the sample 01 oriented electrical steels, the texture component is not
(b) Barkhausen noise signal obtained after discounting the base line strong enough to induce visible changes on the
obtained in the smoothing. magnetization curves, although the differences do exist.

Fig. 4. Block diagram of the magnetostriction experimental setup. Bottom: the lock-in and the current source provide the electrical current to the
electromagnet. Top: the Hall sensor and the voltmeter measure the magnetic field value. Center: the strain gauge and the Wheatstone bridge measure the
voltage signal proportional to the magnetostriction.
24 F. Bohn et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 317 (2007) 20–28

Fig. 5. Magnetization as a function of the external magnetic field (solid Fig. 6. The Vrms value as a function of the magnetic induction for the
lines) and of the effective magnetic field (dot lines) for the samples 01, 101, samples 01, 101, 201, 301, 401, 501, 601, 701, 801 and 901.
201, 301, 401, 501, 601, 701, 801 and 901.

Consequently, the magnetization curves cannot reveal field where the second peak appears. This peak is
differences in the magnetization process for the different connected to annihilation of the main domain structure
samples. For this reason, BN and magnetostriction were and the nucleation of the subsidiary domain structure that
measured with the intention of observe different magneti- evolves until its annihilation by the external field. It is
zation mechanisms. important to keep in mind that the peaks can be associated
Fig. 6 shows the Vrms of the BN as a function of the to the motion of 1801 and 901 DWs, as well to
magnetic induction for all samples. The Barkhausen noise magnetization rotation, all connected to nucleation,
was acquired from the negative to the positive saturation growth and annihilation of magnetic domains. Bertotti
induction, so these curves correspond to half hysteresis considers that these nucleation and annihilation processes
cycle. It was observed that measurements in the other half are the main mechanisms responsible by the energy
cycle, not shown here, presented absolutely symmetrical dissipation above the knee of the magnetization loop [5,10].
behavior. The Barkhausen noise is present in almost all It is noticeable that for all angles, the first peak is higher
parts of the hysteresis loop including the high magnetic than the second one. A possible reason is that, for
induction values above 0.8 T. decreasing fields, there is a decrease in the micromagnetic
The first noticeable characteristic of the Vrms curves order, while, for increasing fields, the field itself increases
behavior is the presence of two strong peaks at magnetic the micromagnetic order. However, the true reason for this
induction levels around 1.5 and 1.5 T, respectively. The difference of peak amplitudes still remains unclear.
observed peaks correspond to a fingerprint of topological The magnetic induction value for both peaks is the same
instabilities in the domain structure of the material. for all samples. The first peak shows small differences,
Starting from the negative saturation induction, BS while the second peak becomes a plateau at y4 701. At
(BS ¼ 1.99 T), the first peak can be associated to the these angles, the annihilation occurs in small proportions
nucleation and growth of new domains [5,6,10-12,18], because the magnetic domains oriented along the crystal-
followed by the nucleation and growth of the main domain lographic axis [1 0 0] and [0 1 0] are favorable to the
structure. This structure is kept for all field values up to the magnetic field.
F. Bohn et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 317 (2007) 20–28 25

On the other hand, at low magnetic induction levels, the values. However, the amplitude of the variations is
magnetization process proceeds mainly through motion of different from sample to sample. This fact is associated
DWs. The Vrms is smaller than the value of the peaks and is with different volume fractions of domains oriented along
independent of the magnetic induction value. This experi- the crystallographic axis for samples cut in different angles
mental feature is completely different from the case of y with respect to RD. So, the behavior of the domain
grain oriented (GO) electrical steels, as observed in the structure is strongly dependent on the angle y.
Ref. [6]. Two peaks can be observed in l(B) at magnetic
At high magnetic induction levels, above 1.8 T, the Vrms induction levels around 1.8 and 1.8 T. These peaks
is zero. This means that in this magnetic induction level, indicate that, at these magnetic induction levels, the
the sample is almost saturated and the slight variations on magnetization vectors are oriented along the easy axis
the magnetization take place mainly by magnetization which, in the case of the present samples are the [1 0 0],
rotation, which does not generate BN. [0 1 0] and [0 0 1] axis [8,9]. Starting from the negative
Fig. 7 shows the longitudinal l(B) curves measured saturation, below 1.8 T, before reaching the first max-
under the half hysteresis cycle. The magnetostriction was imum, an increase in l(B) associated to magnetization
acquired from the negative to the positive saturation rotation can be observed. The same process is observed for
induction. Measurements on the other half cycle are B 4 1.8 T, just after l(B) reaches the second maximum.
similar. For convenience, the reference length value to For 1.8 ToBo 1.5 T, l(B) decreases significantly
zero l was taken at the negative saturation induction [8], and it can be related to an intense motion of 901 DWs. At
once at this induction value, the magnetic domain structure this magnetic induction level, the motion of DWs is a
is known. consequence of the nucleation and growth of new magnetic
The first observed characteristic of the behavior is the domains. For 1.5 ToBo0 T, l(B) does not change
similar shape of the magnetostriction curves for all significantly. So, the magnetization process proceeds
samples. The changes occur at the same magnetic induction basically through motion of 1801 DWs. For 0 T 4 B 4

Fig. 7. Longitudinal l(B) curves as a function of the magnetic induction

for the samples 01, 101, 201, 301, 401, 501, 601, 701, 801 and 901. The
reference length value to zero l was taken at the negative saturation Fig. 8. Transverse l(B) curves as a function of the magnetic induction for
induction. the same angles of Fig. 7.
26 F. Bohn et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 317 (2007) 20–28

1.8 T, l(B) increases until reach the second maximum and induction levels for the 01 sample with the lines at the same
this feature can be associated to motion of 901 DWs [7,9]. magnetic induction levels in order to associate the changes
Fig. 8 shows the transverse l(B) curves. It can be seen of the Vrms and l(B) values to magnetization mechanisms.
that the changes on the value happen at the same magnetic It can be seen that these curves can be separated in the
induction levels as in longitudinal l(B) measurements. regions I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII, where each
However the longitudinal and transverse changes in the magnetic induction region is associated to a particular
sample dimensions are opposite. dominant magnetization process. Making a connection
By combining the obtained results of the Barkhausen with the induction B vs. H curve, it is possible separate the
noise and magnetostriction measurements, the mechanisms same regions along a half cycle of the curve, as is shown in
active along the magnetization curve can be elucidated and Fig. 10. The magnetic field is changed from the negative to
further associated to the losses at the respective magnetic the positive maximum amplitude, Hm until Hm, and,
induction levels. In order to discuss the results, it is consequently, from the negative to the positive saturation
important to keep in mind that these samples show a induction, BS until BS. The regions and the associated
strong (1 1 0) [0 0 1] texture component in the RD. In NO magnetization mechanisms are:
electrical steels, in contrast with GO electrical steels, the Region (I): Starting from the negative saturation, BS,
separation between main and supplementary domains is until the magnetic induction equals 1.8 T, the magnetiza-
not possible because the volume fraction of the supple- tion process takes place initially by magnetization rotation
mentary structure is large. Consequently, the domain [7,9,17] that can be observed through the increase of the
structure is very complex [8]. For samples cut at an angle longitudinal l(B) value, region I of Fig. 9(b). As this
y, the fractions of the domains and the magnetic behavior mechanism does not generate Barkhausen noise, the Vrms is
change, depending on y. zero, region I of Fig. 9(a). So, it is reasonable that the
Fig. 9 shows the Vrms, as well longitudinal l(B) and sample goes through magnetization rotation from the
transverse l(B) curves as a function of the magnetic saturation to a magnetic state where there are regions with
magnetization vectors parallel with axes [1 0 0], [0 1 0] and
[0 0 1] of the crystals. At approximately 1.8 T, the
maximum longitudinal of the l(B) value, Fig. 9(b),
corresponds to the magnetic state where the magnetization
is oriented along these easy directions.
Region (II): Between approximately 1.8 T until 1.5 T,
the longitudinal l(B) value decreases significantly, region II
of Fig. 9(b), in a feature that can be associated to motion of
901 DWs [7,9,17]. At these induction levels, approximately
1.5 T, the motion of DWs is a consequence of the
nucleation and growth of new domains, a feature mapped
by the first peak in Vrms curve, region II of Fig. 9(a).

Fig. 9. (a) Vrms, (b) longitudinal and (c) transverse l(B) curves as a
function of the magnetic induction separated in induction ranges Fig. 10. The induction curve, from BS until BS, separated in the same 8
according to the respective magnetization mechanisms. magnetic induction ranges.
F. Bohn et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 317 (2007) 20–28 27

Region (III): From the magnetic induction approxi- material possibly is connected to the nucleation of
mately equals to 1.5 T until 0.7 T, as l(B) does not transverse domains, perpendicular to the plane of the sheet
change significantly while the Vrms decreases, region III of [20,21]. At lower magnetic induction levels, the structure
Fig. 9(b) and (a), respectively. In this range, the magnetiza- evolves by motion of 1801 DWs until the reversion of the
tion process takes place mainly by motion of 1801 DWs field, after what the nucleation of magnetic domains occurs
and the nucleation of new domains occurs in smaller and the motion of 901 DWs is again present. For
proportion. 551oyo901, the [1 0 0] and [0 1 0] axis are favored and
Region (IV): For 0.7 T until 0 T, the l(B) and Vrms do the l increases. There are small differences from sample to
not change significantly, region IV of Fig. 9(b) and (a), sample depending on y. As in GO steels, the nucleation,
respectively. In this way, at this magnetic induction level, annihilation and motion of DWs in NO electrical steels can
the magnetization process proceeds mainly by motion of be related to significant changes that occur in the
1801 DWs. supplementary domain in order to close the magnetic flux
Region (V): For the magnetic induction 0 T until 0.7 T, in the sample [20,21]. In this way, it can be observed that
there is a rearrangement of the domain structure through the anisotropy of the magnetic properties reflects the
the motion of 1801 and 901 DWs because, at this magnetic evolution of the domain structure and the transition of the
induction range, the Vrms does not change significantly and domains in [0 0 1] easy axis in the plane to [0 1 0] and [0 0 1]
the longitudinal l(B) begins to increase, as observed in easy axis perpendicular to the plane through nucleation,
Fig. 9(a) and (b). growth, annihilation and motion of 901 and 1801 DWs [8].
Region (VI): For the magnetic induction 0.7 T until
1.5 T, the evolution of the domain structure proceeds 4. Conclusion
through the motion of 1801 and 901 DWs as the fingerprint
of the increase of the longitudinal l(B), region VI of Barkhausen noise and magnetostriction measurements
Fig. 10(b), and the Vrms, (a). At approximately 1.5 T, the were performed in samples of NO electrical steel produced
Vrms reaches the second peak. At this magnetic induction by ACESITA.
level, this motion of DWs can be related to the annihilation Barkhausen noise was observed at low and high
of magnetic domains [5,6,10-12,18]. magnetic induction regions, dropping to almost zero at
Region (VII): Above the magnetic induction 1.5 T, as 1.8 T. For this reason, the measurements indicate that the
the domains are annihilated, the Vrms decreases until zero, motion of DWs occurs at low and high magnetic induction
region VII of Fig. 9(a). Motion of 901 DWs occurs in a levels. Furthermore, at high magnetic induction levels, the
small proportion until the magnetic induction approxi- motion of DWs is related to the nucleation, growth and
mately equals to 1.8 T, where the longitudinal l(B) reaches annihilation of domains, mapped through the existence of
the second peak and the domains have magnetization the first and the second intense peak of Vrms, respectively
vectors closer to the axes [1 0 0], [0 1 0] and [0 0 1] of the [5,6,10-12,18].
crystals. On the other hand, magnetostriction shows that the
Region (VIII): At higher magnetic induction levels, motion of 901 DWs and magnetization rotation occur at
above 1.8 T, the Vrms is zero, region VIII of Fig. 9(a), the high magnetic induction region, observed through the
longitudinal l(B) decreases, Fig. 9(b) and the few changes changes of l(B) curves [7-9,13-17]. Furthermore, it seems
of the magnetization occur due to the magnetization reasonable to associate the motion of DWs to the process
rotation. of nucleation, growth and annihilation of magnetic
Therefore from the analysis of Barkhausen noise and domains or, in other words, to the evaluation of the
magnetostriction curves, it can be observed that the magnetic domain structure at high induction levels.
peculiarities of the domain structure evolution occur at In conclusion, our experiments of BN and magnetostric-
typical magnetic induction values and, as a consequence, tion in non-oriented electrical steels reveal that the
this description of the magnetization mechanisms is valid magnetization process at low magnetic induction levels
for the samples of all angles. proceeds mainly by the motion of 901 and 1801 DWs.
It can be seen that the magnetostriction curves have Besides, the motion of DWs is present at high induction
similar forms but different amplitudes. This feature reflects levels. However, in this case, the motion of DWs is
the fact that the magnetization mechanisms depend on the associated to the main responsible magnetization processes
angle y. So, magnetic properties of the non-oriented at this induction range: the nucleation, growth and
electrical steels cut in different angles with respect to RD annihilation of magnetic domains [5,6,18]. Only, at higher
have a behavior depending on the texture. induction levels, it is observed the magnetization rotation.
Due the existence of this angular behavior, in the Through the BN and magnetostriction measurements, it
literature two ranges of angles are, in general, considered was shown that it is possible to infer a particular dominant
[6,9]. For 01oyo551, the [0 0 1] easy axis is favored. magnetization process to each range of magnetic induction.
Starting at the saturation induction, the magnetization Therefore, it can be concluded that a reasonable part of the
process is initially due to domain nucleation and the magnetic losses at high magnetic induction levels is
subsequent motion of 901 DWs. The contraction of the associated to the motion of DWs and also to irreversible
28 F. Bohn et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 317 (2007) 20–28

magnetization rotation, as well as to nucleation and growth [7] V.A. Zaykova, I. Ya Eingorn, Phys. of Metals and Metallography
of new magnetic domains, in the descendant branch, and (USSR) 51 (1981) 73.
[8] J.W. Shilling, G.L. Houze Jr., IEEE Trans. Magn. 10 (1974) 195.
annihilation of domain structures, in the ascendant branch.
[9] F. Bohn, A. Gündel, F.J.G. Landgraf, A.M. Severino, R.L. Sommer,
Phys. B: Condens. Matter 384 (2006) 294.
Acknowledgements [10] G. Bertotti, Hysteresis in Magnetism: For Physicists, Materials
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