SSC Je Mains Civil 2004-2020 Papers

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Q.1 (a) What are the properties of first class bricks? of water in the channel of approach is 1.26
(15) m and down stream of the weir is 0.93 m.
Q.1 (b) State the qualities you will consider in se- Determine the discharge assuming Cd 1 =
lecting timber for construction purposes ? 0.58 and Cd 2 = 0.80. (15)
(10) Q.3 (b) Write short note on stability of floating
Q.1 (c) The length of a line measured with a 20 m body with different types of equilibrium.
chain was found to be 250m. Calculate the (15)
true length of the line if the Chain was 10 cm Q.3 (c) A tube well of 30 cm diameter penetrating
too long. (15) fully in a confined aquifer. The strainer
Q.1 (d) The following bearings were observed with length is 15 m. Calculate the yield from the
a compass. Calculate the interior angles. well under a drawdown of 3m. The aquifer
(20) consists of sand of effective size of 0.2 mm
having coefficient of permeability of 50m/
day. Assume radius of draw down as 150m.
1 AB 60 30'
2 BC 12200'
3 CD 4600' Q.3 (d) A masonry dam 10 m hight has trapezoi-
4 DE
205 30' dal section having top width 1m and bottom
5 EA 30000' width of 8.25 m. The slope of upstream face
is 1 : 10. Determine factor of safety against,
Q.2 (a) Describe sinking fund with respect to valu-
overturning and factor of safety against slid-
ation : (10)
ing. Assume unit weight of masonry as 22.4
Q.2 (b) Determine the depreciated value of a car
kN/cum, of water as 9.81 kN/cum and per-
whose purchase value is Rs.5,00,000 with a
missible shear stress at joint as 1400 kn/sqm.
scrap value of Rs.5,000 and its useful life 10
years. Fine out its book value after 5 years
Q.4 (a) The speed of overtaking and overtaken ve-
using straight line method. (10)
hicles are 70 and 40 kmph. If the accelera-
Q.2 (c) The in-situ percentage voids of a sand
tion of overtaking vehicle is 0.99 m/sq sec,
deposite is 34%. For determining the den-
calculate safe overtaking distance on two way
sity, dried sand from the stratum was first
traffic road. Assume reaction tome 2s. As-
filled loosely in a 1 litre mould and then was
sume any other relevant data. (15)
vibrated to give maximum density. The loose
Q.4 (b) Name the different type of railway sleep-
dry mass in the mould was 1610g and the
ers. List advantages and disadvantages of any
dense dry mass was found 1980g. Determine
one. (15)
the density index if the specific gravity of the
Q.4 (c) Design a rectangular sedimentation tank
sand particle is 2.67. (20)
for a capacity of 3MLD with detention pe-
Q.2 (d) Describe the load settlement curve in
riod of 4 hrs and velocity of flow of 10 cm/
plate load test for determination of bearing
min. (15)
capacity. (20)
Q.4 (d) List methods of disinfection. Write short
Q.3 (a) A submerged sharp crested weir 0.81 m
note on disinfection by UV rays. (15)
high stands clear across a channel having
Q.5 (a) Determine the shear force and bending
vertical sides and width of 3.15m. The depth
moment equation for a cantilever length 5.5

m loads with a pure moment of 40kNm
anticlockwise acting at 4m from fixed end
and point load of 10kN acting upward at free
end. (30)

MB = 40kNm

4m 1.5m

Q.5 (b) A singly reinforced beam 250mm wide and

380 deep to the centre of reinforced with 3
bars of 18mm diameter. Determine the depth
of neutral axis and the maximum stress in
concrete when the stress in steel is 150N/mm2.
Take m = 13.33. (15)
Q.5 (c) Calculate ultimate load carrying capacity
of reinforced concrete short column with
600mm × 600mm section. It is reinforced with
16 bars of 20mm  as longitudinal reinforce-
ment. Use M20 concrete and Fe415 steel.
Adopt LSM. (15)
Q.6 (a) List the factors affecting workability.
Q.6 (b) Calculate the moment of inertia and z of
the steel section given below. What is the
maximum Bending moment that it can carry
safely. Assumed that the value of yield stress,
fy for the structural steel is 250 N/mm 2
(MPa). (30)





Q.1 (a) Water has be supplied to a town with one Q.2(c) For a flow of water in rectangular chan-
lakh population at the rate of 150 Litre/ nel of 4 m width and depth 2.5 m, the Darcy-
capita / day from a river 2000 m away. The Weisbach friction factor f is estimated to be
difference in elevation between the lowest equal to 0.02. Estimate the value of Chezy's
water level in the pump and reservoir is coefficient C and Manning's coefficient n.
40m.If demand has to be supplied in 8 (15 )
hours, determine the size of the main and Q.2(d) A pelton wheel is to be designed for fol-
the brake horse power of the pumps re- lowing specifications:
quired. Assume maximum demand as 1.5 Shaft power = 11722kW
times the average demand Assume f = 0.03, Head = 380 pm
velocity of pipe = 2.4 m/s and efficiency of Speed 750 rpm
pump = 80%. (15) Overall Efficiency = 86%
Q.1 (b) A 8 m thick clay layer with single drain- Jet diameter is not be exceed one-sixth of
age settles by 120 mm in 2 years. The Co- the wheel diameter. Determine:
efficient of consolidation for this clay was (i) The wheel diameter
found to be 6 ×10 -3 cm 2/s. Calculate the (ii) The number of jets required
likely ultimate consolidation settlement and (iii) Diameter of jet
find out how long it will take to undergo 90 Take Kv1 = 0.985 and Ku1 = 0.45 (15 )
percent of this settlement. (15) Q.3 (a) Describe the triaxial with the help of neat
Q.1 (c) Design an irrigation channel to carry 50 diagram and explain its types. (20)
cumecs of discharge. The channel is to be Q.3 (b) Design a simply supported roof slab for
laid at a slope of 1 in 4000. The critical ve- a room 8m × 3.5m clear in size if the Super-
locity ratio for the soil is 1.1. Use kutter's imposed load is 5 kN/m 2. Use M 15 mix
rugosity coefficient as 0.023. (15) and Fe 415 grade steel. Use limit state
Q.1 (d) Explain the different methods of conduct- method of design. (25)
ing speed and delay studies. (15) 100 As/bd 0.15 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0
Q.2(a) What are the factors to be considered in
selection of a gauge? Write advantages and (N/mm ) 0.19 0.36 0.49 0.57 0.64
disadvantages of uniformity of gauges?
Q.3 (c) Differentiate Limit state design and
(15 )
Working stress method. Also explain the
Q.2(b) The following are bearing observed on a
design of singly reinforced beam using both
closed compass traverse:
methods. (15)
LINE F.B B.B Q.4 (a) Mention the factors governing section
AB 710 05' 250020' of dam site. (15)
BC 110020' 292035' Q.4 (b) Enumerate the laboratory tests of ce-
CD 1610 35' 341045' ment and describe any two of them. (15)
DE 220050' 40005'
Q.4 (c) What are the characteristics of good qual-
EA 300050' 121010'
ity of timber ? (15)
Determine the correct magnetic bearings Q.4 (d) Design a regime channel for a discharge
of the lines. (15 ) of 35m3/s with silt factor of 0.9 by Lacey's

theory taking side slopes as 1H : 2V. (15) (iii) Uniformly coefficient
Q.5 (a) A retaining wall, 8 m high with a smooth (iv) Coefficient of curvature (25)
vertical back, retains a clay backfill with c' Q.6 (a) Define the following terms :
= 15 kN/mm2,   15 o and   18 kN/mm3/ Sinking fund, Scrap value, Salvage value,
Calculate the total active thrust on wall as- methods of valuation. (15)
suming that tension cracks may develop to Q.6 (b) A single ISA 100 × 75 × 10 is used as a
tension member with the longer leg con-
the full theoretical depth. (10)
nected to a 10 mm thick gusset plate.
Q.5 (b) 60 cm diameter well is being pumped at
The connection is made with the help of
the rate of 1360 litres/ minute Measure- a lug angle. Design the connction and
ments in a nearby test well were made at sketch the rivet details. Use 20 mm di-
the same time as follows. At a distance of ameter rivets st = 1500 MPa. Permis-
6m from well being pumped, the drawn sible shear and bearing stress in rivets is
100 MPa and 300 MPa respectively.
down was 6 m and at 15 m, the drawdown
Setions available for lug angle are:
was 1.5m. The bottom of well is 90 m be-
ISA 60 × 60 × 8 – 896 mm2
low the ground watertable.
ISA 60 × 60 × 10 – 1100 mm2
(i) Find out the coefficient of permeabil-
ISA 70 × 70 × 8 – 1200 mm2
(ii) If all the observed points were on the
Dupit curve, what was the drawdown Q.6 (c) A beam ABCD 20m long is loaded as
in the well during pumping. shown. The beam is supported at B and C
(iii) What is the specific capacity of the and has an overhang of 2 m of the left of
well. support B and an overhang of Km to the
(iv) What is the maximum rate at which right of support C which is in the right hand
water can be drawn from this well. half of the beam. Determine the value of K
(25) if the midpoint of the beam is the point of
Q.5 (c) 500g of dry soil was subjected to sieve inflexion and for this arrangement plot S.F
analysis. The weight of soil retained on the and B.M diagrams indicating the principal
Sieve is as follows : numerical values. (20)

IS sieve size WL of Soil, g Is sieve size WL of Soil, g w

4.75 mm 10 425 85 A

2.00 mm 165 212 40 2 18-K K

1.00 mm 100 150 30
75 50

Plot the grain size distribution curve and

determine the following :
(i) Percentages of gravel, coarse sand,
medium sand, fine sand and silt-clay
fraction in the soil.
(ii) Effective size

(v1  v 2 )2  Note: On principle plane shear stress will always 0.  By Rate of introduction of super elevation: Surveying Chain: Revenue chain (33 ft), Gunter’s chain ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 
Open-channel Flow
f p  f c   f 0  f c  e  kt Member  max  
 Sudden expension: h l  2g Type of Structure Degree of Indeterminacy Ds
4PL , (66 ft), Engineer’s chain (100 ft), Metric chain  
  min
R  max  max. 2. Circular Tapering Bar: L=  D1D2 LS  e.N.  w  w e  (Rotation about inner edge)   A member carrying compressive load 
Steady unsteady
2D (plane) frames (3m+r)-3j
 Radius of Mohr’s Circle (max): 2 fp = Infiltration capacity at any time t, Equipments for Measurement Right Angles: Cross  Variation of Demand   resulting from dead load and imposed load 180  
v2 v2 staff, optical square, Prism square. Max. daily Consump. = 1.8 × Annual avg. daily consump.  
 Entry Loss: h entry  0.5 2g , Exist of Pipe: h exit  2g 3D frames (6m + r)-6j  Normal stress at Location of (max) (max-max shear f0 = initial infiltration,
  A tension member in which reversal of
Uniform Gradually Rapidly Spatially Gradually Rapidly Spatially
PL e.N.  w  w e   Tap Corrections: 
canal flow Varied Varied Varied Varied Varied Varied
L1 =L 2  fc = Final steady state infiltration. LS  (Rotation wrt centre line)   direct stress due to load other than 180  
2D (plane)   2  Defection of Composit Bar: 2 Maximum Weekly Consumption = 1.48 ×Avg. weekly
 vc  v 2 2  Backing up Hydraulic Flow  River flow in  A surge  Surface runoff
pin-jointed truss
(m+r)-2j stress): n  1 A1E1  A 2E 2
 Correction for Slope: CS= L  L2  h 2
  wind and seismic force 
 Sudden Contraction: h contraction  of water due Jump over alluvial reach moving due to 2 Maximum Monthly Consumption = 1.28 × Avg. monthly.  
2g to dam side weir during rising
upstream rainfall
3D truss (m+r)-3j  Volumetric Strain of Rectangular:  Deflection due to Self Weight of Bar: IRRIGATION 2
v 2
 Population Forecasting Mehtod  A member subjected to compressive
h2  forces resulting from wind EQ force 250  
v2  Empirial Formula: LS  R (Plain & Rolling) , LS  R (Hilly area)
h fitting  k.    x   y  z   Methods of Irrigation  Correction for alignment or bad ranging: Cal =  provide deformation of such member 
 Bending of the Pipe: 2g , k = constant, 1 2 / 3 1/ 2
Slope Deflection Equations V WL L2 2L Arithmetic Increase Method: P n = Po  nx (For old cities) does not affect stress
 Chezy’s Formula: V  C RS , Manning equation V R S0  v    (1  2) 1. Prismatic Bar:   Free flooding, Border flooding, Check flooding, Basin  
V  E  2AE 2E ,  Correction for Temperature: Ct =  (Tm-To)L  
T-Bend, k = 1.8, 90º-Bend, k = 1.2, 45º-Bend, k = 0.4 flooding, Furrow Irrigation, sprinkler Irrigation, Drip 4.4 Compression flange of Beam against 300  
Dimension of C = L1/2 T–1, n = L–1/3 T1, f = Dimensionless 2EI  3  L  2S   r 
 laterial torsional buckling.
M AB  M FAB   2A  B   (Continuous Beam)  Length of Summit Curve: N (L<SSD)  P  P0  L Geometric Increases Method: Pn = Po  1   (For new cities)  
l  l   Volumetric Strain of Cylindrical:  v  e  2 D Irrigation.  Correction for pull or Tension: CP=  100 
WL L2 AE  A member normally act as a tie in 
2. Conical Bar:   350  
Chart for Most Economical Sections 2AE 6E  Roof Truss
MAB 3EI é d ù  Volumetric Strain of Spherical:  v  3 D Na  NS2 n(n  1)  
M BA = M BA - + êq - ú (one end is pin supported)  Sodium Absorption Ratio: S.A.R  L L(wL) 2   Tension member other than Pre-tension 400  
 GEDMETRICAL  RECTANGULAR  TRIANGULAR  TRAPEZOIDAL 2 L ëê B L úû  Thermal Expansion:  = ET,  = LT Ca   Mg 4.4 (L > SSD)  Correction for Sag: CS =  Incremental Increase Method: P n = Po  nx 
 
 Relationship Between Elastic Constant: 24P 2
Important Points Coefficient of Thermal expansion (Aluminium > 2  Strength of plate between rivet holes in Tension =
PARAMETERS  Important Terms  Physical characteristics
E E Brass > Copper > Steel) 1/ 2
at × (p-d)x t
k  2G 9kG  Nv 3   Bearing: Direction of a line with respect to fixed me- Turbidity: (limit 1-5 NTU) Baylis, Jackson, Nephelometer
my my G K  E  Length of Valley Curve: LS  2  C  (Comfort criteria)
y shear plane () 2(1  ) , 3(1  2) , 6k  2G , 3k  G 2EA    Bearing strength of rivet = at × d × t or = Pb×d×t.
1V:MH Pcr  (Euler's Theory) PR 
c A
(Rankine 's Formula)  Depth of water stored in root zone: dw 
d. d
(FC  M 0 )
ridian is called bearing. Colour: Tintometer (limit 5-15 TCU), Taste & odour: T.O.N = 1 ( | 3)
y IV:mH 2  1  . 2
y Number of independent Elastic Constant: w  True Meridian/Bearing Temperature: 10ºC desirable ( | 25ºC) 
 DIAGRAM 1 Principle  Shear Strength of rivet = Tvf   d
(in single
plane () Homogenous & Isotropic = 2, Anisotropic = 21, NS2 NS2  True meridian is a line joining True North pole, Total solid = Dissolved solids + Suspended solids 
B (n, max)
  L > SSD: L  (2h1  2Stan )  (1.5  0.035S) (h1 = 0.75,  = 1°) True South Pole end and point of reference. It never
B Orthotropic = 9 3
(Gravimetric Method)
 In case of Pure Bending: Z   D 
(meter) ,
 Axial Elongation of the Prismatic Bar:  Relation b/w duty and Delta: D changes with time. 
x x  Chemical Characteristics 2
shear), 2  Tvf   d in double shear), d = gross di-
B min (n,0) max PL 2PL (2h1  2S. tan  )  Angle measured for any line w.r.t True Meridian is 
y Total solids & suspended solids: Limit 500-2000 ppm
 Condition for most Economical  2 m = 1,  = 45º L=
AE ,
AE (for Instantaneous loading) T 16T  3 B = Base period in days, D = Duty in hectare/cumec  L< SSD: L  2S  N called Ture bearing.
PH = – log H+ (6.6 to 8.5) Methyl Orange & Phenolphthalein
 In case of pure Torsion: max  Zp  D3 Zp 
 Irrigation Efficiency  Bearing Taken W.r.t magnetic meridian is called mag- ameter of rivet, d  6.01 t (unwins formula)
2y 1   60º Hor.  Deflection In Non-Prismtic Bars:
B m n  Basic Capacity of Single lane, Vehicle Per hours: v netic Bearing. 50  50 
 3 3   30º Vert. Total Hardness: [Ca 2  ]  + [Mg 2  ]    (EDTA using EBT)  Diameter: Grosss diameter = nominal diameter + 1.5
P1L1 P2L 2 f W vf k j 20  12 
y 1. Stepped Bar: L= 
A1E1 A 2 E 2
 b M E
  (a) Water conveyance Efficiency: n c  Wr 100 , = speed kmph, T(Sec/km) = , qmax  , TM mm (if  25mm), Nominal diameter + 2mm (if >
 Bending Equation: v 4 N M.M MM A Carbonate Hardness: min of total hardness or alkalinity
y I R
Where, Chloride: limit – 120mg/L (Water), 250 mg/L (Sewage) 25mm)
A  (B  my)  y wf = water delivered to the farm, wr = water supplied  A 
 Area A = B.y = 2y.y  A  my   w Nitrogen Content: Limits: Free ammonia | 0.15mg/  Pitch: Should not exceed 16t or 200mm, which ever
SLOPE & DEFLECTION vf = Free mean speed, (Maximum speed at zero density.),
E 
W kj = jam density, (Maximum density at zero speed), Maximum L, Organic Nitrogen | 0.3 mg/l, nitrite should be is less in tension member, and 12t or 200mm, which
na  s 100 W E W E
 2y 1  (b) Water appliacation Efficiency (na): O O zero, nitrate | 45 mg/l ever is less in Compression Members. Tacking riv-
 A  2y 2  Ay
 A
 3
 yy 
3 
 3 y 2
flow qmax occurs when the speed is
and density is kj/2.
2 Measurement (i) Free Ammonia-by simple boiling of ets should not exceed 32 t or 300 mm which ever is
L Number of potential conflicts: Both roads are two way water. (ii) Organic Ammonia – By adding Kmno 4 , less. Minimum pitch = 2.5d
B B Below the farm root-zone Wf  Ws  R f  D f ,
 Perimeter P  4y p  2 2y  P  2 3y M = 24, Both road one way = 6, One road is two way, S S (i+ii) are known as kjeldahl Nitrogen Nitrite and
WS = Water stored in the root zone, other one way = 11 Eastern Declination Western Declination Nitrate by - colour Matching Method.  Force due to axial load on each rivet: Fa =
y y A B Wf = Water delivered to the farm,  Chemical: (Mn = 0.05 mg/L) (Iron – 0.3 mg/L),
 Hydraullic Radius  R  y/2  R2 2  R
2 M.L PL2 WL3 Rf = Surface run off, Df = deep percolation  e  p 
280w 1  1   Magnetic Declination (Fluride : 1.0 –1.5 mg/L) (Sulphate : 250 mg/L) (Cya- Mr
A = 0 B = B = B =  w  3  , W e1  e2  Types of interchange: Trumpet, 
EI 2EI 24EI Q
 w weaving 
 3.5  Diamond, Full Cloverleaf,
 Partial Cloverleaf

 At any place horizontal angle b/w True Meridian and nides = 0.2mg/L) (Arsenic : 0.01 ppm)  Force due to moment M on any rivet: Fm =  h 2
 1    
(R = A/P) w  l  Magnetic Meridian is called magnetic Declination.
(c) Water use efficiency (nu): n u  u  100 ,  Screening: Velocity | 0.8 to 1m/sec
ML2 PL3 WL4 wd For Eastern Declination:  = B + E or T.B = M.B +E
4y A = 0 B = A = B = Floating Car Method: For Speed and delay study. 2 2
 Area along Section: Ant = t  b  n  d   S1  S2 
 Top width (T)  T  2y  T  2y  T
2EI 3EI 30EI For western Declination:  = B – w or T.B = M.B – w Based on stokes law. Setting velocity: VS  Q  
wu = water used beneficialy, Note .L   4  g1 4  g2 
w/m w2
 100 Q
A B A B wd = water delivered.  Aggregate crushing value: (+) Sign is used for declination is to the east, sign (–)
3 w1  Design Criteria: Over flow rate = BH , 500–750 lit/  Net Effective Area:
 Hydraullic Depth  Dy  D  y/2  D y B M M L/2 c L/2 is used if declination is to west
w hr/m2 for plain sedimentation, Depth = 03 to 4.5m
(d) Water Storage Efeiciency (ns): n s  s  100 , Fore bearing and Back Bearing: B.B = F.B 180º 
3  A1
wn Loss of wt. in gm Width B  10 m A net  A1  A 2  k1  k 1 
 A WL3 ML ML  Coefficient of Hardness:  20  Local Attraction: F.B – B.B  180º 3 A  A 1 2

D   B = A = B = A = B = 3  Coagulants
 T 6EI 2EI 24EI
ws = water needed in the root zone prior to Irrigation, Latitude and Departure
Projection of a line on N-S direction is called lati- 1. Use of Alum l1
wn = (field capacity–Available moisture) A 1  (l1  t / 2  d ' )t  A 2  (l 2  t / 2)  t 
WL4 ML2 ML Contact Pr essure 2. Use of copperas: (FeSo4,7H2O)
B = max @1/2 = c =
(e) Water Distribution Efficiency (n d ):  Rigidity factor: R.F  Tyre Pr essure tude: L  l cos 
8EI 8EI 3. Use of chlorinated copperas (Fe2(So4)3+FeCl3),
Heart Wood A net  (l1  l 2  t)t
Note: Circular section (a) For maximum discharge 2 Outer Bark Projectione of a line on E-W direction is called 4. Use sodium Aluminate (Na 2Al 2O 4 )
w/m  Y
n d  100  1   , Y = average numerical deviation in
 d k.(T.I)(90  R) deparature: D  l sin  Comparision of slow sand and Rapid Gravity Filters.
= 302º22, d = 0.938 D, (b) For maximum velocity 2 w/m
Pith A L/2 L/2 B  California Resistance Value: t  C1/ 5
Slow sand filter Rapid sand filter
c depth of water average depth stored during Irrigation (d). Adjustment of closing Error. Cu = 3—5 Cu = 1.2–1.6
A C B A B  For pair of Angle Placed back to back connected by
= 257º27, d = 0.81 D  Elastic Modulus:  is maximum vertical deflection of  Sum of all internal Angles of a closed Traverse: (2n– D10 = (0.2–0.3) mm D10 = (0.35–0.55) mm
 Consumption Irrigation Requirements (CIR): CIR  C u  R e 4)×90º where n = No. of sides. Frequency of cleaning = (1–3) Cleaned through Back washing only one lag of each angle.
Type of flow Depth of Velocity of Froude Comments p.a
PL2 WL3 5 WL3 the flexible plate,   , Rigid circular plate is  Sum of all deflection Angle = 360º months
A = B = A = B = A = B =  Fs
flow flow No 16EI 24EI 192 EI NIR Design period = 10 year n = 1.22 Q 5  A1
FIR   Sum of latitude:  L  0  A net  A1  A 2  k 2 ,  K 2 
Subcritical y > yc v < vc Fr < 1 As streaming or transquil Sap Wood Inner Bark Field Irrigation Requirement (FIR): na 5P.a
Use for smaller plants in village Rate of filtration (3000-6000)
5 A  A 1 2
flow PL3  5 WL4  used instead of flexible   FS , a = radius of plate,
C = C =  384  EI   Sum of departure:  D  0 Design on max. daily demand. l/m2/hr The area of a web of Tee = Thickness of web × (depth
Critical y = yc v = vc Fr = 1 48EI   p = pressure at deflection, Es = young’s modulus of
FIR Rate of filtration (100-200) l/m2/hr Operational Troubles– - thickness of flange)
Super Critical y < yc v > vc Fr > 1 Shooting flow, rapid P Gross Irrigation Requirement: GIR  nc pavement material.  Closing error In the Traverse: e = ( L) 2  ( D) 2 is very low as compared to (a) Air Binding
Medullary Rays 2L/3 max w/m
flow, torrential flow Cambium Layer M 1/ 2
R.S.F., but efficiency is High (b) Mud ball formations
L/2 L/2  1.75P A 
A B A B  California Bearing Ratio M/D: t    ,  Bowditch’s Method (Compass Rule) (c) Cracking of filter Tacking rivet
L C  CBR  
  NIR  CIR  LR  PSR  NWR , (GIR > FIR > NIR > CIR)
  t = Pavement thickness in Cm, P = wheel load in kg, Permissible error in linear Measurment e  1. Minor Methods.
dy  So  Sf  ROCK Classification
Dynamic eq. for G.V.F.:  B = A = B = C =  A = B = C = 0 CBR = California Bearing Ratio (%), A = Contact Area (i) Boiling, (ii) Treatment with excess lime, (iii) Treat-
dx  q2  4EI  Kennedy’s theory: Vo  0.55.my0.64
1 3  in cm2 1 ment with ozone (KMNO4), (iv) Treatment with silver
 gy 
Gelogical Physical
Permissible error in angular measurement e  . Process.
Agrillaceous Silicious Calcareous 2L ML2 PL3 WL4
Stratified Unstratified foliated Max@ from A. C = C @ l/2  0.00155 1  Load or pressure Substained 2. Major Method Chlorination (Disinfection with Cl2)
Hydraulic Jump Eq. Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic 3 27EI 192EI 384EI  23    at2.5 or 5.0 mm Penetration Gusset plate
S n
Rock Types Chemically Physically Geologically V  RS  CBR TEST: CBR   pH  5
 Cl2  H2O   HOCl  HCl ,  pH  8
 H   OCl
 Kutter’s/ chezy’s Formula:   0.00155  n  Load or pressure Substained  Correction to latitude: CL =  L    HOCl  Mp a z z
2q 2
(y 2  y1 ) 3 Granite Siliceous Unstratified Igneous P MAB 1   23    by standard aggregate at y p p
 y1y 2 (y1  y2 ) , 2. Energy Loss E = Quartzite Siliceous foliated/Stratified Metamorphic   S  R   Shape Factor: S = M = a  z
1. g L 4y1y 2 Marble Calcarious Stratified Metamorphic b B M W
corresponding pressure level. pH  7
 HOCl   H  OCl– ,  NH3  HOCl   2 Cl  H 2 O y yz

Limestone Calcarious Stratified Sedimentary c c A L B A B 

Sandstone Siliceous Stratified Sedimentary a l/2 l/2 1/ 6  Correction due to departure: CD =  D    NH3 + HOCl is called combined chlorine. (Load factor = FOS × S)
Slate Argillacous Stratified Metamorphic   Qf 2  Shape factor For different Shapes
y2 1 y3
Chlorine forms: Free chlorine, Hypochlorites (Swim-
3. 
y1 2
 
1  8F12  1 , 4. y3  y1y2 (y1  y 2 )
Laterite Argillacous Stratified Sedimentary. MBA  Lacey’s Theory: V
 140 
 , f  1.76 d mm
 Tri Axial Method:
  3p.  y 
TP   
  2S 

2 E 
  d   S  t1  E 2 
 
1/ 3

ming Pool), Chloramines, Chlorine dioxide Section Shape factor

2 
  EP 
 t 2  E1  L D
Tools for Quarrying stones  Transit Method: CL =  L  , CD   D 
1. Rectangular Section 1.5
2 3 2
ML 11 2 Lr Dr
Jumper, Dipper, Crow bar, Tamping bar Pa Pa Pa b
C = ’   BTotal = + (C = B) B = MAB = wl f 5/ 3 Formation of free chlorine and 2. Solid circular Section 1.7
Types of Jump Fr E L /E 1 Water surface 2EI 3EI 2EI 3EI 192 5  V2  Q  Axis Method. Presence of chloro-organic
Test Purpose R    S A p P 3. Triangular Section 2.34

Chlorine residual (p.p.m)

 2  f  3340 Q1/ 6 v k  0.5 compounds not destroyed
Undular 1-1.7 0 Undulating Smith test for presence of soluble matter  Design of Rigid Pavement:  0.125
II (vertex upward)
Weak 1.7-2.5 5 –1 8 % Small rollers form Pa 2 ML 5 1 Destruction of chloramines ua
Brard’s test for frost resistance B = C + 1, 1 = b. A = = B /2 MBA = wl 2 closing error 0.4 and chloro organic comp id

Free residual
I res  1  k3 
Oscillating 2.5-4.5 1 8– 45 % Water oscillates in random
Acid test To check weather resistance
2EI 6EI 192
Correction of any length: That length  2 0.3 Formation of chloro-organic bin
4. Hallow circular Section 1.7   
4 
manner  2 1/ 4 Length of Axis compounds and chloramines co
m 1 k 
Hardness test Mohr scale 2 q   Eh 3  C III nd
Steady 4.5-9 4 5– 70 % Roller and jump action Pa 3 Pa 2 L ML wetted perimeter P  4.75 Q scour depth  1.35   I  0.2 Destruction of ea
 f   Radius of Relative Stifiness: , al Fr
5. a. Diamand Section Rhombus 2.00
12K 1    
B =  b. max@ from A, max = 9 3 EI 2 chlorine by idu
strong  9  70% Very rough and choppy 3EI 2EI 3 Direct levelling methods reducing compound d res
1 0.1 ine b. Thin Hollow Rhombus 1.50
Window Width = [Width of room  Height of Room] mb D
Co Break Combined residual
8 Difference B/W Lacey & Kennedy Theory point 6. Thin Circular ring Solid 1.27
N P N Q Simple check Profile Reciprocal 0
4. DS < Dk 4. Dk < Ds Kennedy Lacey levelling levelling levelling levelling 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 7. I section
NS = (H)5/4 (for Turbine), NS = (H )3 / 4 (for Pump) • The sill of a window should be located about (70 –  Pure Torsion Equation For Circular Shaft:
m pD Force Method/Flexibility Method/ Displacement Method/Stiffness 1. Trapezoidal channel 1. Semi elliptical channel Chlorine Added (p.p.m) a. About strong Axis 1.12
80) cm above floor level of the room.  Hoop Strain: H  (2  ) 2. Applicable for alluvial 2. Applicable for alluvial channels
b  1.6a 2  h 2  0.675h when (a < 1.724 h) Differential
levelling b. About weak Axis 1.55
Laminar Transition Turbulent T  G 4tE Compatibility Method Method/Equilibrium Method
  channels as well as for rivers. Treatment With Water 8. T Section. 1.90 to 1.95
Flow in pipe Re < 2000 2000 < Re < 4000 Re > 4000 • Generally Height of a Door should not be less than J r L 5. (i) Virtual work/Unit load method (i) Slope deflection method  Sensitivity: Angle b/w the line of sights in radius
3. Silt is kept in suspension 3. Silt is kept in suspension 3P
Flow between Re < 1000 1000 < Re < 2000 Re > 2000 (1.8 – 2) m (ii) Method of consistent deformation (ii) Moment distribution method St  (Glodbeck’s formula) 1. Treatment with Copper Sulphate (CuSO4.H2O)
 Combined Bending & Torsion: L 
(1  2) (iii) Elastic centre method (iii) Minimum potential energy
due to eddies generated due to eddies generated both h2 S  l  S   Method of Analysis:
parallel plate
 Longitudinal Strain: from bottom. from side slope and the bottom   n    206265
 Added to open reservoir and lakes to kill algae
Flow in open channel Re < 500 500 < Re < 2000 Re > 2000 • Commonly Width height relation used in India: 4tE method D R R  nD 
Flow through soil Re < 1 1 < Re < 2 Re > 2 i.e. through out the parameter. or to check the growth.
16  16  (iv) Column analogy method 365A [(1  r) n  1]
(i) Width = (0.4 – 0.6) Height max  M  M 2  T 2  ,  max  M 2  T 2  4. No eq. for bed slope 4. Gave eq. to calculate bed slope N= × FD D = Distance of the instrument from the staff 2. Treatment with KMNO4 Plastic moment
D3   D3   (v) Three moment theorem r condition
pD 5. Recommended Kutter eq. 5. Gave his own velocity equation n = Number of divisions  Acts as oxidizing agent to remove to taste, odour
BMC (ii) Height = (Width + 1.2) m  Thin Spherical Pressure Vessels: n  L 
4t (vi) Castigliano’s theorem of
to find velocity Bankelman Beam Deflection Method l = length of one divison (2mm) and colour and to kill bacteria. (a) Lower bound theorem
minimum strain energy
Test of Cement • Doors of residential Buildings:
 Equivalent Moment: M eq 
M  M 2  T 2 
6. Trial & error procedure 6. Diret procedure
R = Radius of curvature 3. Aerations (P  Pu )
2   (vii) Maxwell-Mohr equation. D Equilibirim
 FINENESS TEST  Sieve Method pD Overlay Thickness: h0 = 550 log10 c S = Staff intercept.  For increasing Di-oxygen to remove CO 2, upto condition
(a) External Door – (1 × 2) to (1.1 × 2) m S.SOROUT, 9255624029 Da
or t  z  4t  Check in Height of Instrument Method
 Air permeability Method some extent removal of Fe and Mn. (a) Upper bound theorem
 (Nurse and Blaine’s method)
(b) Internal Door – (0.9 × 2) to (1 × 2) m
 Equivalent Torque: Teq   M 2  T 2 
 
CBR test
For classifying & evaluating soil subgrade & base  BS–  FS =  Rise –  Fall = Last RL–First RL 4. Fluoridation (P  Pu )
 Sedimentation mehtod (c) Doors for bathrooms and Water closets:  EI  AVAILABLE BY course materials for flexible pavements  Necessary if F < 1mg/L. Add Naf or Na2 SiF6 or H2SiF6 Mechanism
2 2
 (Wanger Turbidimeter Method)  Euler’s Buckling Load: P  2 min  Water Budget Equation. P  R  G  E  T  S Crushing test Strength of Aggregates d 1 d  condition
– (0.7 × 2) to (0.8 × 2) m Theory Given by Remark  eff . CIVIL Ki GOLI PUBLICATION: Abrasion test Hardness of Aggregate  Curvature: CC = –
= –0.0785d2. Refraction: Cr =  
7  2R 
to keep fluorine content between 1 to 1.5 mg/L
 CONSISTENCY TEST  Vicat’s Apparatus. Impact test Toughness of Aggregate (1) De-Fluoridation. (if F > 1.5 mg/L) In India, Treat-
Maximum Principle Rankine Suitable for Instruments used in measurement
 SETTING TIME  Vicat’s Apparatus. • Public Buildings (School, Hospital, library)  End Condition of column: 1. CIVIL Ki GOLI Soundness test Durability of Aggregate  Final Combination Correction: W
Stress or Brittle Shape test Gives idea of workability & stability of mix ment is done by Nalgonda Technique (Use Alum for
 SOUNDNESS TEST  Le-chatelier Method (a) (1.2 × 2) m (b) (1.2 × 2.1) m (c) 1.2 × 2.25) m Maximum Normal 2. CIVIL BOOSTER Bitumen Adhesion test Gives stripping value of Aggregates 6  d2  reducing flurides) Simply supported Beam
Relative humidity Psychrometer Name Isopleth L/2 L/2
 Auto clave test Softening point test It is done by Ring & ball apparatus to ensure safety C = Cc– Cr = –   = –0.06735d2
stress Humidity Hygrometer Isobar Pressure 3. REASONING Ki GOLI of Bitumen
7  2R  5. Removal of Radioactive Substances By coagulation & filtration.
 TENSILE STRENGTH  Briquette test Designation of Door = Length × Type of Door × Height
Maximum Principle St. Venant Can be applied for Wind speed Anemometer Isohyets Rainfall Float test for viscosity of Bitumen.
End One end fixed Both end Both end One end fixed • Distance of Visible Horizon 6. Desalination (i) By evaporation and distillation 4M P
 HEAT OF HYDRATION  Calorimeter test 8 DS 20 – A door opening Having width (8 × 100 mm) × Strain Brittle and Ductile condition one end free Hinged Fixed one end Hinged Rainfall depth Ombrometer Isonif Snowfall 4. HARYANA Ki GOLI Wu 
(ii) Electrodialysis (iii) Reverse Osmosis. L
 SPECIFIC GRAVITY TEST  Le-chatelier’s Flask. Height (20 × 100 mm) with S (Single SHutter) D (Door) Maximum shear Guest and Suitable for Ductile Leff 2L L L/2 L
Isotherm Temperature
Isopleths Evapotranspiration
5. SOLUTION OF CIVIL Ki GOLI RAILWAY ENGINEERING d = 3.85 h , d = in km and h = in meter. 1 2 / 3 1/ 2
Stress Treseca (Theoretical)  Hydraulic design of sewers: V = R S W
Test On Concrete Types of Window 2 Evaporation Atmometer Isohaline Salinity 6. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL  Reciprocal Levelling: The true difference Elevation: n 8M P
Maximum Strain Haigh and Ductile S + 10H dLt Fixed Beam Wc 
1. fixed 2. Pivoted 3. Sliding 4. Bay 5. Corner 6. Cable (7) Energy Beltrami
CSI = , Sleeper density = M + x, 1  Oxgen Demand: dt =  KL, L t  L  10
 Compacting factor Test 20
Dormer (8) Skylights (9) Louvered (10) Lantern (11) Gable Annual Rainfall 7. CIVIL’S CAPSULE H =  (h a  h b )  (h a ' h b ') Eccentric Load
 Vee-bee consistometer method Maximum shear Vonmises and Ductile 2
S–W GV 2 BODt = L 0  L t  L 0 1  10  kDt  [BOD5 = 0.684L0],
 DIRECT TENSILE  Cylinder Splitting Test Stairs Strain energy Hencky  The Coefficient of var iation Dmin = ,e=  Determining Areas: Mid ordinate rule  (Area) = Av-
2 127R 2M PL
STRENGTH OF • No of steps are not more than 12 and not less than K DTº = KD20 [1.047]T-20 Fixed Beam: Wc 
CONCRETE 3 in a flight. VAy Leff (As per
2L L 0.65L 0.8L
100  standard deviation 100  m-1 HIGHWAY ENGINEERING Length of transition curve
O  O  ....  On
erage ordinate × Length of base,  = 1 2 L a b ab
 Shear Stress:  IS code.) Cv = = n Disinfection
 BOND B/W CONCRETE  Pull out Test • Angle of Inclination (Pitch) – (25° – 40). Ib mean P Roman Roads  Tresaguet Construction  Metcalf Construction  Oil and Grease Trap Biological Unit SST Uniformly Load At Centre
 Average ordinate Rule: Area D = Average ordinate of Bar Grit (Skimming Tank)
& STEEL • Head room must not be less than 2.05 m. Telford Construction  Macadam Construction Screen chamber
2 m
I approach II approach W 8M P
 COMPRESSIVE  Rebound hammer Test  2
Nov. 1927  Jayakar Committee formed L Wc 
• Minimum width of stairs in residential building – 2 6s  d 2   Number of Stations
C 
N v  ,  10%, m 1 i
(Pi  P)
Maximum of the following the base=  O 0  O1  ....  O n   L, D   D , SST L L2
STRENGTH  Shear Stress In Rectangular Section: q  bd 3  4  y  (q = ),  Shaft In series: E  m 1 Feb. 1928  Recommendations by Jayakar Committee  n 1  (n  1) Sludge
85 cm and in commercial building is 1 m.   PST studge

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