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Fractional Distillation Organic Chem Laboratory Manual

Name:Limocon, Montemor, Remolana, Samar Score: /35Rating: %

Fractional Distillation

Objectives: (3 points)

I. To perform Fractional Distillation and identify different types of fractionating columns

II. To determine the boiling points of different compounds
III. To compare the relative efficiency of simple and fractional distillation

I. Observations:

1. Ignition or Flame Test: ( +++ ) intense blue ; ( + ) yellow flame (-) no ignition
Fraction Volume of distillate Temperature, oC Intensity of Flame
collected (0 pt.) Produced after Ignition
(0 pt.)

----------- first drop 78.0 --------------

1 1 mL 78.8 +++

2 3 mL 79.0 +++

3 5 mL 80.0 +++

4 7 mL 91.0 ++

5 9 mL 93.5 ++

6 11 mL 96.0 +

7 13 mL 98.0 +

8 15 mL 99.0 -

2. Complete the following table: (2 point each)

0 0
Compound Observed Boiling Point C Literature Boiling Point C
ethanol 78.00C 78.40C
water 91.00C 1000C

Dept. of Chem, CSM, MSU-IIT AY: 2019-2020 Page 21

Fractional Distillation Organic Chem Laboratory Manual

3. In the space provided below, draw the fractional distillation set-up and label each part
(6 pts).

II. Questions:

1. Basing from the ignition test which fractions represent higher concentrations of alcohol?

(2 pts) Fractions 1, 2, and 3.

2. a) Basing from the distillation curves which method of distillation provided better separation?

(2pts) Fractional distillation

b) Briefly explain how you came to this conclusion. (2pts)

Fractional distillation gives more accurate values in separation or purification of liquid

mixtures than sample distillation.

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Fractional Distillation Organic Chem Laboratory Manual

3. Using the same graphing paper you used in simple distillation, make a plot of the
volume of distillate versus the temperature. Use another color of pen. (5 pts)

Simple distillation

Fractional distillation

4. What is the role of the fractionating column? (3 pts)

In comparison to the simple distillation, a fractional distillation involves a fractionating

column inserted between the distilling flask and the condenser which allows a better
separation of the components of a liquid mixture.

5. Provide two reasons why the boiling points of the two fractions you separated from your
fractional distillation are lower than the literature values. (4 pts)

There are certain factors of why the two fractions in the observed boiling points
are lower than the literature values. It might be because of the set-up and the process
of performing the method which caused the slight inaccuracy of the values. It may also
be of the compounds itself. Compounds with higher vapor pressures will boil at lower

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