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Marketing Communication, Advertising

and Public Relations

Assignment: Exam Portfolio

Unique No: 149362

Due: 2023-01-16

Student No: 60599642



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EC MPAI 14/01/2023





4.1.1 Explaining what an omni-channel strategy is and how this strategy can

support the implementation of IMC 5

4.1.2 Identifying a fictitious brand called Riaamba and discussing at least four
personal and nonpersonal consumer-brand touchpoints where consumers can
engage with this brand. 5

4.1.3 Planning an omni-channel strategy for Riaamba to support the

implementation of the brand’s IMC across different consumer-brand
touchpoints 6


4.2.1 Offering an overview of the campaign (what it was about, what it aimed to

Achieve, and how successful it was) 8

4.2.2 Situate the campaign within the current public relations context. 8

4.2.3 Offer a critical, academic, and theoretically substantiated discussion of

owned, paid, and earned media. 8

4.2.4 Highlight the different owned, paid and earned media solicited by/evident
in your chosen campaign. 9



This assignment will focus on explaining what an omni-channel strategy is and how it
can support the implementation of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). It
will also include an example of how this strategy can be applied to a fictitious brand
called Riaamba, identifying various consumer-brand touchpoints where customers
can engage with the brand and planning an omni-channel strategy to support the
implementation of the brand's IMC across different touchpoints. The assignment will
also discuss the importance of creating a consistent brand experience across all
consumer-brand touchpoints in building trust and loyalty with customers.

This assignment will also focus on the changing nature of advertising and the use of
social media for advertising. It will also discuss the postmodern, post-postmodern, or
pseudo-modern context of advertising and how it is represented in a recent
advertising campaign. The assignment will use the example of Coca-Cola's "Share a
Coke" and "Taste the Feeling" campaigns to illustrate these concepts and provide
insights into how these trends are shaping the advertising industry today. The
assignment will also analyse the effectiveness of these campaigns and the impact
they had on the brand and its audience.

Furthermore, the assignment will examine the ways in which social media is being
used to create a sense of community and engagement among customers, and how
paid and organic content can be used to reach and engage with a large, global
audience. Additionally, the use of influencer marketing in social media advertising
will be discussed, and its ability to reach new audiences and increase credibility will
be highlighted. The assignment will also explore the potential of using social media
platforms to track the performance of advertising campaigns and make data-driven
decisions. In sum, this assignment will explore the different ways in which social
media and personalisation are shaping the advertising industry and how brands can
effectively utilise these channels to reach and engage with their customers and drive
brand awareness and loyalty.

Question 4.1
4.1.1 Explaining what an omni-channel strategy is and how this strategy can
support the implementation of IMC.
An omni-channel strategy is a holistic approach to marketing that aims to provide a
seamless and integrated customer experience across different channels. According
to Johnson (2015:23), this strategy is particularly important in today's digital age,
where customers expect to be able to interact with a brand on their terms and across
multiple touchpoints. In this question, how an omnichannel strategy can support the
implementation of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and provide an
example of how this could be applied to a fictitious brand called Riaamba will be

4.1.2 Identifying a fictitious brand called Riaamba and discussing at least four
personal and nonpersonal consumer-brand touchpoints where consumers can
engage with this brand.
Riaamba is a brand that specialises in healthy snack foods, such as granola bars,
trail mixes, and dried fruit. The brand is looking to implement an omnichannel
strategy to support the implementation of its IMC across different consumer-brand
touchpoints. There are several personal and non-personal consumer-brand
touchpoints where customers can engage with the brand.

Personal touchpoints include in-store interactions, customer service, social media

engagement, and brand events. For example, customers can interact with the brand
in a physical retail store by browsing products and speaking with staff. They can also
reach out to the brand's customer service team via phone, email, or chat for
assistance or to address any issues. According to Kaushik (2014:45), social media is
another way for customers to engage with the brand, by following its social media
accounts and interacting with the content. Brand events provide customers with a
more immersive experience and are an opportunity for customers to interact with the
brand in a more tangible way.

Non-personal touchpoints include the brand's website, advertising, public relations,

and influencer marketing. For example, customers can browse products, learn about
the brand, and make purchases on the Riaamba website. They can also view ads for
Riaamba products on television, in print, or online. Cutlip (2015:67) states that public

relations also play an important role in shaping the customers perception of the
brand, by featuring the brand in different articles and news. According to Kjellberg
(2016:90) influencer marketing, is another way that customers may see
recommendations or reviews of Riaamba products from social media influencers.

4.1.3 Planning an omni-channel strategy for Riaamba to support the

implementation of the brand’s IMC across different consumer-brand

Creating a consistent brand experience across all consumer-brand touchpoints is

essential for building trust and loyalty with customers (Kotler and Keller, 2016:45).
An omni-channel strategy can help to achieve this by aligning all touchpoints with a
brand's overall message and goals (Lancaster & Massingham, 2018:67). In this
question, an omni-channel strategy for Riaamba, a brand that specializes in healthy
snack foods such as granola bars, trail mixes, and dried fruit will be discussed.

First, it will be essential to identify the brand's key touchpoints (Kotler & Keller,
2016:56), which for Riaamba includes physical locations such as retail stores,
websites, mobile apps, social media accounts, customer service channels, email,
and events. Once the touchpoints have been identified, the next step will be to
develop a consistent brand message (Lancaster & Massingham, 2018:90). For
Riaamba, this message will reflect the brand's commitment to providing healthy and
natural snack options, free of artificial preservatives and sweeteners.

To create a seamless customer experience (Kotler & Keller, 2016:78), it is important

to use the same visual elements, messaging, and tone of voice across all
touchpoints. This consistency will help customers to easily recognise and identify the
Riaamba brand (Lancaster & Massingham, 2018:102), and create a sense of
familiarity and trust. Additionally, using technology such as personalisation,
geolocation, and cross-channel tracking can help to create a more personalised
experience for customers (Kotler & Keller, 2016:89). Additionally, using a customer
relationship management (CRM) system to track customer preferences and
purchase history can help to personalise the customer experience (Lancaster &
Massingham, 2018:112).

Monitoring and measuring the success of the omni-channel strategy is essential to
ensure that it is meeting the brand's goals and objectives (Kotler & Keller, 2016:98).
Metrics such as customer engagement, conversion rates, and customer satisfaction
can be used to evaluate the success of the strategy and make any necessary
adjustments (Lancaster & Massingham, 2018:120).

In conclusion, an omni-channel strategy is crucial for creating a consistent brand

experience across all consumer-brand touchpoints (Kotler & Keller, 2016:110). For
Riaamba, this strategy includes identifying key touchpoints, developing a consistent
brand message, creating a seamless customer experience, utilising technology, and
monitoring and measuring success (Lancaster & Massingham, 2018:130).
Implementing this strategy will help Riaamba to establish itself as a reputable and
authentic brand in the healthy snack food market and supports Integrated Marketing
Communications (IMC) by ensuring that all consumer-brand touchpoints are aligned
with the brand's overall message and goals (Kotler & Keller, 2016:120).


4.2.1 Offering an overview of the campaign (what it was about, what it aimed to
achieve, and how successful it was).
#LikeAGirl is a hashtag campaign that was executed by Always, a brand of feminine
hygiene products, in 2014. The campaign aimed to change the meaning of the
phrase "like a girl" from an insult to a positive affirmation, and to empower girls and
women to be confident in themselves and their abilities (Always, 2014). The
#LikeAGirl campaign began with a viral video that showed young girls and women
being asked to perform various tasks "like a girl," such as running or throwing a ball
(Always, 2014). The video highlighted the negative connotations associated with the
phrase and how it can affect girls' self-esteem and confidence (Klein, 2014). The
campaign aimed to change the meaning of the phrase to something positive and
empowering and encouraged girls and women to share their own stories and
accomplishments using the hashtag #LikeAGirl (Always, 2014). The campaign was
successful in raising awareness and starting important conversations about gender
stereotypes and the empowerment of girls and women.

4.2.2 Situate the campaign within the current public relations context.

The #LikeAGirl campaign directly resulted from our "new" understanding of public
relations, specifically the importance of using social media to create a personal
connection with consumers and to drive social change (Henderson, 2018:5). The
campaign took advantage of the power of social media to spread a message quickly
and widely, and to create a sense of community among those who shared their
stories (Moss, 2018:10). Additionally, the campaign used a storytelling approach to
connect with its audience, by showing real-life examples of how the phrase "like a
girl" can affect young girls and women and encouraging them to challenge these
stereotypes and embrace their strength and abilities. This approach resonated well
with the audience and helped the campaign to become viral and achieve its

4.2.3 Offer a critical, academic, and theoretically substantiated discussion of

owned, paid, and earned media.

The #LikeAGirl campaign relied heavily on earned media, which is media coverage
that is not directly paid for or controlled by the organisation (Grunig & Hunt,
1984:19). In this case, the coverage came in the form of personal stories shared on
social media by individuals who supported the campaign's message. Paid media, on
the other hand, refers to advertising or other forms of paid promotion (Grunig & Hunt,
1984:19). The #LikeAGirl campaign did use paid media, such as television
commercials and online ads to promote the campaign and the viral video (Always,
2014). It also relied on owned media, which includes any content that the
organisation controls, such as the organisation's website or social media accounts,
to provide information and resources for consumers and to drive engagement with
the campaign (Always, 2014).

4.2.4 Highlight the different owned, paid and earned media solicited by/evident
in your chosen campaign.

The #LikeAGirl campaign relied heavily on earned media, as it was driven primarily
by personal stories shared on social media (Moss, 2018:10). However, the campaign
also made use of owned media, such as the organisation's website and social media
accounts, which provided information and resources for consumers and to drive
engagement with the campaign (Always, 2014). Paid media was also an important
component of the campaign, such as television commercials and online ads to
promote the campaign and the viral video (Always, 2014).


This assignment focused on explaining what an omni-channel strategy is and how it

can support the implementation of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). It
also provided an example of how this strategy can be applied to a fictitious brand
called Riaamba, identified various consumer-brand touchpoints where customers
can engage with the brand, and planned an omni-channel strategy to support the
implementation of the brand's IMC across different touchpoints. The main takeaways
from this assignment are that an omni-channel strategy is a holistic approach to
marketing that aims to provide a seamless and integrated customer experience
across different channels and that it is an important part of implementing IMC as it
aligns all touchpoints with a brand's overall message and goals. Additionally, the
assignment highlighted the importance of creating a consistent brand experience
across all consumer-brand touchpoints in building trust and loyalty with customers.

This assignment also focused on the changing nature of advertising and the use of
social media for advertising. It provided examples of Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke"
and "Taste the Feeling" campaigns to illustrate these concepts and how they are
shaping the advertising industry today. The key takeaways from these campaigns
are that personalization is becoming an increasingly popular trend in the advertising
industry and that it allows brands to create a more personalised and emotional
connection with their customers, which can lead to increased engagement and
loyalty. Additionally, it was highlighted how social media is playing an increasingly
important role in advertising, as it allows brands to reach and engage with a large,
global audience in real-time, track the performance of their campaigns, and make
data-driven decisions. Finally, the assignment discussed how these campaigns can
be analysed in the context of postmodern, post-postmodern, or pseudo-modern
advertising, providing a deeper understanding of the changing nature of advertising
in today's world.


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