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SEEC FORM 20 ber rian inital st sua oh 01 cH < yuTTa NBO! AunaHye yoga wos GaN! COVER PRE TS — = ozs 5 ea sie Tosa = lw a TE a a Ra aS eno ance aI SS orerancen Oneo tte nerd pmsl Cus ay tli ton Crm Olson Cee avowner seas te sw ety ety an in ne pe of ie snc at a ie inrmion ene hi enized Campaign Flames ery nt tn peri covert ue, erate an come Sth Franc Sebvaore ¥- oay10'2023 ee 3.00k St Danbury cr) ose a are — pee ar Eoin [aga coe oops RIT TEA oT OSG aro set siope Peseta sry crt re No. frseaueciecuentow semaine scmncpan rsd NO i a RSET RT REISS BE STON Be Tae posed sein? ves Ne Event #: 0331/2028, oreo E= rae en Fee (crogt Card 033112003, $50. Aus 8 cr} osx Tine eae Donan Law Offas LLC fesn mnce t eanatwhsadmingalyvaued NO He [Se a aR ORI Event # 0212420234 ves " check oxrarzoes —s ‘Section 8 Hemized Gontibutions to im Indias Boa soso ee TIT 7 FE 52 Federal Rd Danbur cer} ose aa RET TE Retires otis aT pe oT foseraitn no fietsatnadssestatainszmincpaatee No heen frog muni dors eter fies Sa PT RR a a RCT pment con? ve No owe [erates ‘ie sso cus r £89 Padanaram Rd orl" sass Paralegal Te a No ed NO TEN RRR aT TORTIE TTT Fema we fom No ewsncas [ones er sonal Bravo Wate 109 Ean ubeay st [cxf ces TR = Compensation Anatst rachel ne TAT Tp eps sine No fteaswkedsintaesconsconksscrencpsnyaicd No aa TROT RTT a ears RTT PRIETO poved msc? or No Event #: 03191720204, Grog Card osis1/2023 meen $260 Seaton 8 hemized Contributions from Indias oer pao Braz ison E a ee TOT iy = , 16 SKYLNEDA Danbu cr] san TRE ancora Engineer Lockheed Martin esamaarsin su rio fosetaines ppotessecone? Event #: 0224720034 ne nese ono ion ct f I ste EE 7 =, 14 Feira Avorue Danbury cr} sax Prat ornsor lamar ‘egal Assistant Collins Hannatin PC SRT a es of ee ete efecto sry es cicor orb woenectegminharscoracoahsomnchay ied ND RTA RTT eT pared scion? RI PAT ORS FOR No vont #: 09/91/2025, amas reanan E= a EE, credit Card 13112028 $50. an = Briton isa Mu 14 Fare Ave Danbur orl sex ae sarap Ottice Admin Coline Hennatin Ege aait tome or eons check No. frbemincnatthnesertecwasmencesyed | No Se ERTS FREI HPT To ORES Yes No Event #: 022420200, ooresio023 meter 500.0 Seution B- Nemized Contibulons tom Individuals at at fa jrmattaes = =z. seach oan crt con ro a os aa cals Henin £0 cwueeane ere iScloccabe ose csmevcpiy onan or ees, fe vw» ee ome a = 7 fess 220120234 maces [orzo [Paton Fy an saat aes hv ‘cont ck con = == Sapte “nal tog eo omen innit wo PSSST [aa crane ae ce eR a ao RTT ™ Yes No er 00020208 omer [cas ee om hse aalitas f= =E, rascal oe og caf oxod a Sore lacey wana Rnmeioe a nae See ee a ee » SRE EES ESR — ae se TTT aaa a _ Cet 22024 Check 0212412023 sam _ $100, ‘Section B- emized Contbutlons from Individuals Brown ‘Tromas ase i mS, 40 Valo Lane anbur orl oss IT TTT PilovPyrotachnician Soll [Faaaagsaimitiome ane No peste secs oat susmungany ues NO TaN TGCS freaseuant? No ho croc Care onis2023, mates gt00.0r Bron Thomas aa eT iy , 10-Vaero Lane Danbur orl" oss TT eae Rotied Rotired FRE STR sp IO Saosin refund srunepay don aro ees, No [Sireschadanacrconawhansimcoaryveued NO Event #: 03/312028 AERA TT EIT TT RATT TTT a No No costo comma [san f_ sino fr aad 7 = tes Ps ae TT iv = iS, 10 Chappell St Now London orl 06: RTO a Etocions Director wep TSS ps epee Fai So Tiga Grae ama [iaztvinoyse (Seema ices fs meaty aoe cot bus, ‘ctgegenginhaescowstwussdmecoaysaiel NO TERT LE STA NATE OTT ven Yos No Crest Card Rae ae IO = 0391/2023. s20.0 Section 8 -lemized Contibutions tom ious Bure Loa a iy {7 Hitop Manor Danbury cer] ose SRT RI TIERCE PTT paras cen no No arco Tea [rer Pea rad Card 2012028, feat Burke. ot Se A 7 a, 7 atop bine Danbury cr) oss pS porad wacent no f= to ences — [comes [nem Fn ee a pe Buzaid Peter IS Se ST aoe 2 Ewe Drive Danbury cor oss TO iia Aiton. ‘at fiisorominyaa shone arene erence cer oo mapa des conautreb No fisted nar sonacah may ed No mare SR ves Yos No vont #: 027242028 cuarcas [canes [ Fe sooad ‘Section B - Hemized Contibutlons trom Individuals Buzaid Peter N Fao crn 7 a 2 wie Dr Danbury cr oss ap OT To Attorney Buzad Law aaa aa nt SEER [Tarai aT HET SRE cote fitstewenee No fiesta eke ea No oan frees = ene states No No a aca eae CaEa ra chook oszsrz023 | $1,000.00 ‘500.0 Bysiowice Susan ‘sates tte orl oo inal OT =a Li. GovernodLawyor Stale of Connecticut ee emery teins tee has may eu cra ar bac. No frstespecnesventaescoacatsnmscootvned NO retro STRAT RTT we STS a FORSTER O WORETE rparedicon no Fm ho Credit Card 1912025, en $80 pom Tae Cabrera acquoine ian Noa 7 rae ‘50 Saw Mal Road Uni 4104 Danbury er|* oa ORTON TE Faun ison tncquotine Onbrora sara rete rs mmc com cor arbre mrescedh hwesconucwihsumencpai ved NO STR SERS an of eee Fim TT SS eer 8 No. firme STRAT ASTANA oo RS TTT aS RET Yes fener 02724120230 dT eb parecer area cee Pea rot Card oorpara025 $25. ‘Section B= lteizod Contributions fom vis ‘cani aura A a ae NTT kr =e, 17 Montauk Wa Gat rl ont TRA pene otred etced egiaara iba nom eran net recut of rnkipay doe catibar oF STS Fesraitsnicontt akties No No ATE NPT TST ROR TPT oe Se ati Popol sesnctt No to cwncs | eeumnes | ae capetire Sandy. 47 Maltown ré Danbur orl eat TO eo Finance manager ce focus obs. No frtetcehacetshacsttantwsdmncnatynsel No [aaa RT TRS FRE reanseantir Ne to coca [ones [On Pc a rane [ TST NOES iv =e, 555 Branchuilo Rd Fidget cr! ossr pT ee Campaign Manage Himes tor Congies faicerseoas [pear mtn sme crate jeter cer st munity sors ara" ses No fastaseauiutocrentnossamarenavet No Enric RCT TOT Sea TER TIE “ Yes No vont #: 0311/2023, radi Cara Pan PO Fe ‘Soction B - omized Gontibutions trom Individuals Capodupo Francesca TaN Ste 7 FE. 513 Branchilo A lid cl oss] TTT aT Campaign Manager Himes fo Congress [itdtsiceat ener Tareas carl ameneely docensoaa oon, No faniimckansashaatatitnSteincyiased No feroeainseion? no P= he credit Card 3101/2023, onset 250i capt rane lf 513 Branchlle Rd légotols or RTT mee Campaign Manager Himes for Congress aaa ne tence ce monly ows corbuoor buses io. fetheiecaystine senate smnctywoeed | NO Ra aT BRET HE TIT PITT No No crest Card 2012023 = 50. Cagoatupo Francosea aaa 7 a 513 Branchville Re Fidget orl sa] RR TR Campaign Mana yess ivalscanyar nr wm sere cos munca oceanic inst No frscasatanmstweranaran sonnel No SRT TWO RTT a TTT TOT No No Credit Card osi2a/2003, mein sisi ‘Seaton B- Hemzed Gontibutons trom Inviduals Capocip, Francosea ferro 7 Fe, 513 Branchville Rb idol rl sez Rare TTT Campaign Managor Himes for Congress ‘erecta a fa mney eer er bes No pesisattehaet attr smesteyced No SRT ER TTR TT SCTE Event #oaiar/aozan YS no credit Card cosssv20eg | stono00 f= Capodiips Francesca frtaraa Secenr Pr =i {519 Branco Rd Ridgetes rl sar TT oo Campaign Manager Himes for Congress ae nse ee he Serco core aos No SRS RATT TAT ODT We % a a ae SE ee ee Fy amr 14 bane om ees ce » ESERIES oe wo wo SITS as arom RE recht Card 031302023, fewer $50 ‘Seaton &- Hamized Contibutons om individuals Carboni [earmems oer iy 496 Pembroke Road Unit 90 Ofce Manager Saar pe Te SR SRST RT HoT RTT ORT pated mse? vee te sett O3/31I20230 rot Cand os1s112003 emer $26. cardoso Emma. {8 Tanglowoos Dr Danbury ork ose: RT ae Bankor Savings Bank of Danbut efor may Swe corenr rts No [rotescnasantacsconatwrtsadmnceamvaicd NO ara pT Oo Re HATA AT TTT TH fee nt veo F™ No feens 03/31/2023, ca cas asin Fre n Cavothor Rachel sree Ne i oe 2155 Downing Svest Denver 0 POT TT event Planner DiNEwont SRE SN peo pT TO TSG aR OE TT uae tena fcr as munca cmc biess No froasecnensthaesemtancrunciytie NO Raa TN eT RT RTT I TAT OTR TT rpareainacon wo Pe" No ITT reaT fama a RT Credit Cara 0712023, i $250.0 ‘Section B- omized Contibutions from Individuals Carranes Michell 41 Coder Knolls Dive Now Nord orl oars ROT prmeoreenare Sank Manager Union Savings Bank Esser ow roe a Ranga GS nme sistent No. foe aches tt and manda aed No REE pEA [ae TRE TS FRNT Event f:osmuzcesa YP Ne frararareanaaor parc rear CON ae ro Car sis112003, $5.00 an aaa E Carreras Thomas Se Pr me 8 Jui civ Danbury cr} eax pa ET CoRR nae ee SETS SRT OSI [aR TT IT SERS ote faotaiaiya Nef enc cr sma dn cru ess No fetiesscasswntowscnatmsnmoensiseed NO aT ATT wT Fa errr ane ves fo" No Event #: 03312028 Crest Care 03172023, $50: Carona suis 90ak Lane, Danbury crt" _osai ITT Pao omnes _Atvets Auto Body tain rca tae munca sarc uee FSR SBet pane wT Femara No foettnemnetethhacscomatwindmcipaseed NO re tan ne SRT aa SRST ES HOPE No No me vases Prem xnal ‘Section B- Nemized Contibutions trom Iniduals oes a catia aia aaa S E sate st cry cal one oR == owe ai voile Sa es jsstassens No. [siesta aw cat wi oad No, a ae Event #: 02/24/2029A es Ne pasion as oe E cas canazn so. chang stu situ iso De at crt so rasa ae ros rat move sts eestor fscowcanv one oa mine nce ese We Sse! ne =e TTaTeS a =e te . Credit Card 2107/2023 mast 525 chinese ren cats S = ie me a ae aaa a ee a eats oe we ase We eae geen fase emeoamarae Event #: 02/24/2023A Yes ne aco = rao ok conaroes ssaod ‘Sooion B emized Contbutions om Individuals Chin 8 12 Ath St. Unt I us Operator Sa oe oT ator === Se RS TRACTS RTT Event #; 02/24/2023A ves No Check coxreaiooza_| $300.00 on $050.0 an comi E a2 Foun st abu crf ons OT a Pe aot creat srry dacs beiee No paninickelitiinacscourwinsedmncpsiysead NO Sa STRAT ao PRET Event #ozramozan YP Ne | ararareonmaor parecer Pea aT Ee cash oar24/2003, $50.09 Oswaldo Danbus ol ere Hee [scenes cera smn sos connor hes ioe ecaegtinonscoetm somcoanyaed | NO eR RET OR SRT PRT ARTS TTT feoneeinsecint'® ww P= No $25.09 OTT RI Ee a Crest Card coxvzareoes | _ $325.00 ‘Setion B- emized Contibutions rom Individuals tack. Tonya aa ae TTT 7 a 338 Main St Danbury er] sax aT Teal eT “Tesohor Henry Abbot STR oan ar gaa ent etantene No fsictenigestrnsanraconr sumone No TRS RTT ST TT TTR [ee vee No free 02/24/2023 Crest Card oaresra023 meson 2s. clarke Luar ae TT 7 FB, 4 Goldon Hil La Danbur orl cas TT Tae Student ‘Student Siactaisyer em shard sma cscrritr orbs: No frtecteiesyishonscomntwinsd-wncayniel No ROAST [aaa RR TCE Event a onrearoasa YS ne a aT E F eam ash, 242003, S10. cmt am c a a a om 2 Fox Hollow Lane ‘Sandy Hook orl sa a neo NT ora Ctavete 2.C0. ieecone eres [stoi ater afsmuncaty Serco oer, No fithceacsetnner mt nsstmancramwics | No [aaa aan ESERIES OORT ven No No RS pare er maar, rast Card 312872023, $100.09 Scion B- ltemized Contibutlons tom Individuals Cocco Susan io 7 a £513 Branchville Road Fidget a TT lr Advertsing _ Colangelo fiiwotaicsoan eae [ictonecune oofsmonoaty doco oun No frathetsainataishae acon iid mecesivaed NO Ta RNG SR TTT RE me No No TTT TTT = area cE ree Croat Cars 0362025, $2501 cate van fe aT Se I Ee 0 80x 173. Brooklold cr| RR a otied Rood liidsasaer se eecu eof mnie doe coro burst No fesessecnatyashaczenatamnemecstyroce NO TSR SET NRTA STATS RAPT a No No RATT co ae oe Chock 012712025, ‘1001 cootho ‘ton TOT NE 7 FE. 5 Rvelord RS Brooklld cr] RTT iil ownerPresient fiduacayar ne Semen ifeamerwear ofa mutpey dos corn bret we No Frstentmemshacacnentacsmencpsyvie No vente: o2raroasa YM "° aT TS = pa PT check o2rparz003 $1,000. ‘Section 8 - emized Cantibutions kom Individuals - en r 24 Grandview Ave Watertown, [°* ozers Se acne ee pee he at 8 ay eae nes — Forma ee ieee sion (feat occa memcpy orca rast No. fothesethanoe Setetns a incpny se ST TI SST ORT Event #: 03131720239, Yee " cruncaa [essen Fan coliade Cosar fesarar aan nara 7 ee 1 Sou st cr, I fremumar arbor Cosar Collado SRST Ro RTI Fa ATTN NTT ae a i ar os manny oso a es. No faisciiteayshawscrsnt wm cctmmncaynaed No oe RT RT TT FETT ord ma cuca conn |” FF sod = i t ieee P z 4 Tope Ra, Danbu orl oss [citcacnevannner scone whssmmcoitated NO fens nau an No No TT TT TT RTTA Credit Card Pe OE ‘Section B-lomized Contibutons fom Iaviusls comet com i stow ie non ot oe = = = "eas w =e = . roar aT TR RT crodt Card osis12023, meer s04 cosa en Ie Laelia = =e en ra, ype cr oan aT aE at ac fesse Ficlecsnn stand sepa Sosa eerie, rseauecagnme sont nzmmcpayees NO SaaS EE free eR Event #: 02/24/20294 ves Ne oe shod paren ae ct canacaa sa = ae com in i beer = =e, enw TRA ‘assure ert on aR ae a srry aay » Een cnna A pm EE — ET we wo eonoxe oan Fe nad Sotion B= emized Contbuons trom Individuals onto natn ae S = ssAkng tat an at ao aaa 0 cxyaomeuny eae arenes — emer Sao a No foter Sete ic seomat nym ES a RTT Event #: 039/31/2023A Yes No cc xniza Fe ao 7 r cis Jin i 128 Kons nt ext cau pao aa tos ates [asaarttae erm [stecain ster araruneyty Socrates, vo fieemectacetalt a Sci Ny [eas Legge arr Event #: 02/24/20238 ves Ne are = = Ee es conus sox ct Jin veowntntees [ont cl oa Po a ets ates ees we PSSM SIRS onto fare Event #: 03/81/2029A ves ne Credit Card 93/31/2023 $50.00 “ 520.0 ‘Seaton 6 temized Contbutions trom Individuals I = z Cordova Rosa ‘SElgworth ave. Unit Dan cr| TTT fname Soanstoss Family Tar Shop lisfeieesonn mene Aafoecnuehce a smaenay Soros etnne, No feieescarnantiSes cca mney No aS a pORTNT STC aE TTR RTO HORE Event #:oatizozan YS cad raeroeonem parieco arene aon aT Credit Card 0311/2028 weer $25.09 Phi o TS TE m7 FE, 10 Westport Rd Witton cr os891 ae = Finance. Tavok, ne SATE St sp oT Fi ET TGS TO cone necesito No [Eee ene No STR RTT TTT [SER RT RTT a otedmseaoni ve te vty 02724220238 rearoremrar r= eam aT credit Card 212023 $50 oe ras fr. framers a ae E 1 Konnedy av Danby cr} ose pepo eo oae ets Roto bade me [cerca crass ne conor wrest No ie cet ocnent ban mance No oan ve No sony _ 0573120234 rerorremaan prrvecrer Paseo f= Creat ard oara0r2029 m $100.00, ‘Seotion Hemized Contibutions om Individuals Cucou Maroal E Seat TES iy ——, 33 Wild Tukey CL Bi ct} 9871 pa RT panera Driver Uber [rae a on ERT rea mT RRS IT ren jrasersinies No setsetenuenmestneatonmomsty ed No =" Se TEIN ARTI event :o2riz023q YS "e chock 22412023, pater $100.0 ‘Cunningham uss 149 Oakwood Lane Poona eal toe Frrsariaar seth spann 3 ae [ivoersnoat sen ripen eo bess No feetentatetshansctentusdruncanyaset No area RTT a TT ORS ROTOR rede aant te to TST = parece PT crodt Care oavonr2023 1.0001 pa ‘cai r Dacre AnaBela 175 Beushy Hil Rd Danbury orl osax TORI ——, mee ‘European Mat SRST a SPT on oT DES oes Hieron il sma or 2 marcy so cero res ‘ No froteSeathesnitiv scons chsedminepatyvsnee NO nas su a TORT SIRT aT ORS HORN aad No No es ne i es a ‘Secon B-lemized Contibutions trom Iniduals cruz avi ae a Fr Ee, 20 east pembroke road units | _Danbut orl ssn IT RTE fame Logal-cS80 Stato of Cr SER mw goa Ree y e es ra orens n ae No = no I TA STRAT we SERS RTT ORT RTE poet Seon? ves no Event #: 0901/2020 cence | eons | ts ae aa asiva Augusto 17 Lekecrest Drive anbur orl sax RT ee Property management Salt [iiersusyar [ner tcuve oir oa mney doe coeuter oboe No fcieseacaeeatitonscowntamnamocrsigased NO Ta RTT [eR RRR RR OT fee . No TTT er pa pee Credit Card 190/202, $500. atte on r 18 washington avenue, Sanbus orl osax STR a ‘Acmitsrave sistant Dunbury Puli Setiot FSR TRReL ease oper [oRRNaeTT ayaa SGEE carers neta No se seacheganoms ona ncn ed No aan TRI EN ERR FRI TE No No. cit cat soa [ ae ‘Section & Nemized Contributions trom individuals basiva Josoph Tana TT a a 38 Washington Ave Danbucy rl sax TORR lamer Attomoy & Probate Judge Danbury Probate Court SER pete No POSeSGitEcestensscokestwrsscmmeenr ses No. ato fepoestrsoint vee P= No fen 02/24/2023, dT CR e™ Parse Coa ae cred Card oasrar2003 $250: asia Linda 8 TS ee my zi, 157 Kohenza St Danbur cel ossit TOT soe ats Rots fence ee sts manconysereoner of rest No fusessathcrssianesconrtwanasmmepayaced NO ETAT ST RTT TT Event #: 02/24/2023A ves LD Check i corzareons =. $200.00 Daugherty 20 Lakecrost ve Paneer otros leicare sos No fimtectottnelsliatstonratschadimmspanyened No as ACT TRE STARE a HOTT ves No sent _ 02/24/2023 er oeteas | 0121/2023, meses s75.0 ‘SrtionB- emized Contributions tom Individuals ‘oa monte f TI Se ITE Fr aE, ‘3. Weldon Woods Fd Now Farld orl oes TR ie TTR Stylist ‘Aveda Salon aaa Foaionoreg mre Bian ace res [rsserercaie No frn'scadit hata necting moneyed NO pareaiscon we pm ho Credit Card osit872029, " Day Leo. 24 Beach De Now Milord TTT poneaenaa Doctor of Physical Therapy Me lager oe earn nara Sea oe hist siney Toc hs csr en cer obese io. friessecuaasttowscomemsnomaneoysnied | NO RET ATSOTT eR PT Ta SATS PETE No No RATT ae mor aT Cros Card 2712003 100: Daytit ohn a ae TE 7 = 15 Wostviow Or Danbur orl ose aR ST ‘smal Business Ome roster Shipsing [isdrasanyer noes tetera cr a mavoply doer coorao bits No fie seine areata wa sou mincpatyweved NO Sree Rear aR RTT GRIT a Yes fewee 09/31/2023, ne cuncaa [evans | assed ‘Seaton 8 tomized Contibulons from individuals de Gracie Jos Mora vss + rE, 12.cook tn Foo f rl oes aT aa Janitor 7 ibang Busnes Sea camas —[emmagmars marae geen ie no Pieciaichcdanramineseetetcers no [eeccis SS — ea TT es wo Event #: 02/24/2024 ve can woes | a Daten act fv aes 7 = {.evergen De root xl ono RO PresidonvOwner Ba eH pO cP itso ns canscn ae es Sens No epanlisaonc EE ASTER RATT REE STE Event #: 02724720038 fesrrerea eT parcecar Pea check ozar2009 aa PRR Detours Steven 191 Codlish tll Road Bathe rl seo Reamer eae Atoney, dg Picbate Court Adminstrator [sseoraiaoene he omneronree ‘eines ol seuncoty Scour no fmessedcg ne xomatoassdcrayvnisd | NO aS TTT Se CR ATT a OREITTIE No No aT pie rare ae f ita vans ou Section B-temizod Contibutions rom Individuals — — oo pS : ot SI aw aomnghnete way ae mies rom pacman » ECR om ER RE 7 Yes. No on onay0234 Credit Card 03931/2023 rowwwiee $26. sou —_ on f pet seas pus cok os IST = fea —— ao Senco Teeeanest omega ve SEeSEacoaeNomene = oe No No aa : ora EEE Grecit are Distino Jeanne me soe ary pure Sra oat ros Gare are STR RI RTT oT A Event #: 031312028A ves a tT a eo Ea, 0131/2088 $20: ‘Section B= ltemized Contibutions tom Inaviduals Ditonzo Geracine i 1705 Cypress Dr Danbur orl onett otired ir Rotiod SEM ee aa seeamtscussinhaw seaneacakhsidmancpsiaed NO fare Event #: 0272420250 Yes RI RET TTA T TORT No. cheek. rao = Eee oorpara023 $100.00, = Simpario circle Dr east Sr Kitchen aide GTR sao RI hotel No TS RST AA SRT RTT [acter oe " J cnzun0r3a omncns | atenoa — gee a Ine na es =e, ci ran or col esa rE a serena angel aac posses No Secchi saa mpd No RS RET pe ATS ETE ™ No. No ret Card sra2023 a Seutlon 8 - lemized Contbutions rom Inaviduals has sot Lu 1883 Fairfield Beach Rd Fairfield rl sss ote ae a No. fresressotsey nine aconeuc wan sismunriaaiad NO Fess [Se a evonedinSeaenit ae ho Chock 03/27/2023 me" s100, = — i ons - es = rE 1 Sumas tut cal ox jroo ae ets nates ZS re 0 ee SS SRT — pape Ra i we ~ dc cman [” re saad oot tan ee a ct an a a end osteo Gt ee — ee ee monte No Seacaasehow senate No a Event #: o2rea/2020A, Yes " Cash ooresin023 ‘Section 8 Hemized Contibutions rom individuals oh ss ee S =E 1210s i omy ck ces at ee alan me ee ee SES a [" ‘e ve jena saain0z34 cnc coum [OE Doni sein ssi Eee cal esa EE ama evs: soo Houes ic Se ae ve ve SS eS aT Event #: 09/31/2023 Yes No cua cannon [" een born wat srt 5 = 2a sonst at a a ae at notes nae ene vo esmaatemrantt ie a = No. No. a iat = EE coat canons sie ‘Seation 8 - Hemized Contibtions rom individuals Dubois lon k Ta See TE mw = Ey 10.Shoroviow Lane Danbur crf ose aR paneer Rottes tio fst atstyacr even alee cos money oncaniareunan aaa No ine ee Mince samo nara wes No ae Toa Sa TTR aS RTT 7 Yos No. Event #: 0224120230, chook ooreara023, owner Ovbois Lawrence aes ATT Fr E 40 Shoroviow Lane anbur cr" ast Tapa Oeaoe Panera Founder & CEO. Pasesiiijan en sernee tence ceo mnpaty oe aaa No feescetnaastincraracinnssomnayiicd | NO oS ara ESTATE aaa NN TTS ORIN Event #:o2raozaa YP " cheek oareara023, — uFOUR, GEORGE uw ‘7701 BLOOMFIELD ROAD. eAsr mo" 160 i oT Attorney Aare Tite [SaaS reo war Tomer ai vas rane re 7 [rtcrateoren No frsessecnagyitinerantacunsomenayaced | NO apne RR TTT RIT TTT TS Event #: 09/91/2023 a "eo credit Card 2131/2020, assem ct FE ‘Seaton B- omized Contributions rom individuals oo = rr 5 ist 6 taledeotad ey cal sou cee — oe a Ee ee 9 SESE 0 Pe Event #: 039/31/2023A, Yee No ae coven | in asad = co fu a = coh ows = —— cate my al a ee nT i 2 ROSTER Nm wee fe a bes we . wena comcas [cosas ex = =o 3 i — a si ee 5 pal ee = aoe a — ——— = rere a re para exesnerecucamanrincy wo Ecco Ny ee a a ae oon os Sextion B- emized Contibutions from individuals a f — fer =p ‘ssh ony oa or note fea iapear = No couenadionanaeieaee No. RST ape TS RIT aa ORT RTT No No cittcna owneares | Fo Po aaa Fe Dyer Matt 408 Hunter Divo Literiots cr" 0675s [eRbaar Sato spane waren iota 4 So ve 02/24/2023 LJ on a conuroa [saan gun Eaton ota praatiaes by = 1 Washinton vo omy crf os ai TET nme alo etogng eer ra rears ee to SEES oe ‘Event #: 02/24/2023 Ye No can conus iF $20.09 Seution B -lemized Contibutons om Inviduals Eigen Catt J 22 Mountsinvile Road, Unitt__| _Danbut cr} onan Fraps ocr ToT Business Development Manager ARC Relocation [isieraitper ee ene nsrewcuny otro amancpaty areca baa No fieeiatewnsetctak-smncoues | No RSET SHARE SARA DET TORSO TTPO oveamsewani? oe Ne Event onsioesa rod Cara ois112023 sues $80 Edgott aT Na Wy = 22 Mountaile Road Danbury er] ose Surgical Techrologist Diagnostic Endoscopy Tay sti sp epee ‘iat elec om oman coe rn, ibetscttctethfansarastnsdenparyraucd | NO ren a ane [Se Ne RC RTE Yes No Evert # 03/31/2023, TT RET fraser os a, red Card osis112023, $2509 ae oe F; Edwards Eugene P 26 Southland Ave Groonvile scl" 20601 ip TET — owes tio STR ses PTO SRT ETT TSS RTT eee meee No rameter herent mc od No pared secin we pr No ET a ae TO Pee crectt Card 3120/2029, 1,000. ‘Seaton 8 - emized Contributions rom indhiduals Etbaum Steve ‘51 TUDOR LANE TRUMBULL cr} oss TTT pn ER Attorney Fobinson + Colo LLP ae Tanrbarsg wear Hes araiin ores fio Restscheteacnse tities minus es imseaont ww f= vee Credit Garé owt 772023, e"_ sts04 ot Joshua ae ITT ay ae, 59 Macarthur Dr cr} oss PrRrerr eo Owner ‘The Common Bond Market cae eo sy cca or bornert No. fustessncsesuntnneseonencwiisss munctoryveiied NO areas ie a oan ica are Se TTS ARTE ™ No. No I parecer = Be rot Card owas 200 pee ae i Endres uaih 4 sn 7 =, 7 Hubball anu cr oss scare ive acme MN Trane fra mney dene No fetictoedncatshaesomndeatsdmeteseyose’ No Te [Sa eT RTT TRIE one No No onto To Peo ‘Section &- Hemized Contibutlons tom Incividu Sins eben 7 Gola se cay cal esx =e TR ark soit ee 1 SERENE no SRT —— a oe RRS OS Sane = e Eset 02120904 Credit Card 03/31/2023 “men s100g — ai s as =e. ‘Poot an cal oa ——— aaa sas Lai epta qt — EE Ee jsserme eee “om sib sumed ihre acareaathtatimnipatyvaind NO SST ae TRE - ‘Yes No 022420224 re sea p= EEE cea caso tn eso Fone sae seat sae wl we aie te rage keeeel ee — eee mae . a ve We Credit Card 09/30/2023, “ee ‘Section B- mized Contbutions trom Individuals Faia niin poet 1 7 1580 Ron esta cal exo uct ae cams com Se ts eer ae No. factsheet ih nancyaby ad No SE ES poe v v6 Credit Card 02101/2023 S _ ss00.0¢ fet ‘somos cat = ae ste a Postan oa ee erage, Sccenaglerraltsa siete o SSS pe a No. No. passa sear aT ceoscad usa 2s rats erat aot = TE sefaboRans ang ei OS Same ots ia Ui EE tea — eee No. fst nite machina aed NO. SRE ERT Tan ere van aaa te . 7 aT aa RRR SEE endicas conven ses Section B lomized Contbutons tom Individuals ESSeea a ro oa Fanell oromy 18 South Lakeshore Or Brooklet ol SOC = Owner oxomy K Farrel Autism No fSMchatetshaesConnt amnesty wooed No Rae Yes No vent #:02/28:20200, fromararcanrma peed aon eT cash 27410008 $25. rt tan r 190 Sil Road West Hontons orf ost OT ns oF Postal Strategist wee Secon re serene ees money nso aes, No fritsmaczahatihacranacnnsimnctehywied NO RR RTT I TT TORII Yes Event # 0272420204 " rect Card osra02025 own $100.08 Scott Brooks aOR TT State of a SS TR fle No prose mecatet ash ear ER SRT SIS TITTIES 7 No No cones | aes $25.0 ‘Soation B- llemized Gontbutions trom individuals Fazsino nathan fear se nares 7 ii 150 Summit Wood Orive er rl 06031 naa TT Lawyer Cohen and Well, PC Sains tip sp pT eee no Pree er ncpscg ed No TT SRST OTE SRS GRIST TARE aR RRSTS PPE rraanecan ve ne wet 02/24/2023 frsverrconramor aaa rat Credit Card 02742028 mer ssa ‘ene — 32 Grows Nest Ln anbur rl sax a pe ‘Senior IT Manager Kyra RTS ae = SSR —— [ORTON RO STS ore tei fit nce cet meet des conn ots ae No fecesearasewshnwscwaromsnamncpaiy ied NO REN RINT ORT GE TT RT FORA [epoca No No cowcss | oaeres [ in saad Fermino tayton a Se Ae a a 32 Crows Nest Ln Unit 22 Danbury cr} oss a aoa 1 Bkector yma STR a HIT RTE TET TER eT nape No frtanmckataishneretitmnsorenceiyrdd NO TT RI ITT THT a PRT TS No vont #: 09/91/2025, Credit Card carsi200a_| $75.00 notin ‘Section B- ltemized Contibutions om Individuals a am I tonweingotiso, | eoetaesn oa se] Face ane ‘Aanta Volunteer Lawyer's pono pce ram aa No PuBrssitnelserstshataihstmmcpstereuee No [earmmnamoanan ae a SRI A fen Ne te TTT P= al Credit Card 9072028, 350.09 Fai erosa A 6 Mountain Viow Or Watebu of oor TROT TR Thora “Torosa Final, LLC fierce em Piles espn esr bse No fistetnatarytstncrsteceravmocan/ aed NO area IRS RTT TT OTIRTTT a No No dca coe Ps Flanagan Michael tan Poa on™ oss PATI RE RTT owes tied [agairsonce ere ‘Slama cle fs mrs serene bos, No fpieipecneteiniaesrsetwcadociiysatel No RR REET we | pF RE REST PIPE feranestnSeaoni'® ves" to Event #: 02724720288, Check oormar2023, ‘100, SextionB- itemized Contibutons fom Individuals Flanagan Stephen z nr omy crf at ae eae Part-Time Locturor wosu Sete mee (Sfesun sr aren anecante or wanes, No rae ceeginhaest tue No cd scanttt vee f= te Event #: 0224020230, frorarareoma ae eo mae ‘check orrsro023 $50 rat ste r a 7 =, 1 Saterlee Road ‘Now Farol rl sat aT fe TERRE sitoney. Foreht Associates LLP Pasteur roe ores [seercaacr fs macy does conrau oes io. fethescaahaathoe sate omeponyanes | No TST a STR TO TORT ia No No oar v2023 “er or P= z Fragoso Paticia Tse NER i me fe 1 matin oad sandy hook ar TOT pe TER Attorn Vectra law cuter ory en cr orbs friicrsncyagutinowscomwisssd cosines YOs ag tivo — are ema RRO NTT Saar RR aa RITE No Yes arearconrmesr Te asa a PRT Credit Card osi28/2023, $3250.00, Seution B-lemized Contibutions fom Inidvals aoa iz Ee s2¢utng cn cal ose a a este sm Sigeisonee ve tence af mural oes corto bess » ST = ve we Credit Card 02/02/2023 romaneon 100: fate cut nm Pts F E ‘2iting a oan ck cont el are Rod ssw ces ee amen memyaemece wo Scere no [ene a . or e238 Credit Card 93/31/2023 $150.00, ensson $50.0 A Ti i ies An sin | oxy co a OE aT caso roco0e fausa (fensae ofc sts nese eran ores, ene aS ET pee ae ST RTT Event #: 02/24/20234 vee No Check 0212412023 mae 200, Section B= Nemized Contibutions rom Individuals al Sead 18 uate an cal ons pro ae ast setempoyes see Rae red aganay ces " No. fotescrkseucascosetimisaunpanyeccs | No festa == 7 Check 03/28/2023, sms 100.0 nk. Po S =e. on ca as Sa ate iets Tefen oof rc dw carr ess en ieee erases —— ra ET a No No. = ea (reemataeea Es, 409 Broad Stet Windsor orl oso ORR imal Legislator Connacteut aS noo apa FORTE ETT gn cote a ‘irate itchy creerer ues, No fettessecnehabtacretetnosssmcyaysaeed No aR aaa TR A sR I GIST HRT feponeinseantt? ‘wnat No No hare eo eo aa crest Cara osvzr2023 $254 ‘Seaton 8 Hamized Contbutions tram Individuals xn: ea pant 7 =e 12 Denton any cof one a [Ee rae tn ean Dec Reece re or eens conten sn ees of 00 a canine conte fr ” No No aaa RRC scons nc of te Con POSPEGNESTE vo [ost a cuaces | ours * _ssoed canmnen Nona 112 ata, ‘oan a pero ra = nd 9 NAV Se oe eT, a vo PSseeenatar SS ny ae ws ve Crodit Card -oz7r923 | $500.00 $250, nat —_— f jam F =. scape es ca ese a a any il cit tuned eee eae, wo feseermeceertitet imal No TTA a a TT TT ve v0 22420234 = tas =F ems cad conan $10 ‘Section B - Nemized Contibuans trom Individuals os else hrf amy heat hn one No aR RTT OT RI RT TT FT fers Secon Ne te AT RTT aay Parana ar fam Credit Card osn612028 $100.00 ee tne [ 196 Hilerost Ad eis cr oa606, eT ER porcine Program Coordinator iy of Bridgeport bressissone ere (feces sarc done enrntr er ses No firicecettnneremtechoameysyaict | No Ta RON | Ro TOTS Yes No me 02/24/2023 aT E a ee Credit Card 022412025 $50.00 cents [Pr ae Me 4 le Road [non orl sss TOTES [reer unemployes Unemployed fscertin ee seres elec orcs scene ones, No. fetesccciciihrscowethamncpayoced | NO aT NTE ee as FRET AA AST PTT TR pea nse vee ho v_O2/2492023A error E pac roa Crest Card 22009 ot $280. ‘Seaton Hemized Contibutions rom Individuals Gentle ohn frsaervres aor 7 oo 20 Rose Lane Banbury cr ToT Roles Td No estes arson sansa No Fepoa Sosnci? wo Fo to TTT E= eo Faas, crest Gare si2712023, $50. fae a Georgiacis Dw M iene ae a =, 321 Puritan Rd Fails cr TT pec Rote Rotted Baten Pe Sener Vette cos mene eet artroo'o es, Yos freecatnetiinaescoatemammcyeyced | No NR SIRT ST Ta ee RT TT feronesseaon ves Fo" to Event #: 0331/2023, Tea aed em re cro Care 3131/2028, $200.0 Aor a mE, Danbut cr] 6st SS ve 008, elena ofc fo mmeputiy do concer orbeinss No frosaaikaraatnnescratunssomncstywwed No EEE ETT Re INTROS SIT No No Credit Care oxzer2023, 250, ‘Seaton B - Hemized Gontibtions from individuals iodine cay r eee S PE 23 Maplecrest Dr Danbury, orl" ocs1 aaa == Maat soe Coa rons [rere A CO ner eeee cree ana No foetal oar smrsyy es No Ler aera rors a RPO ( No No: aT oat ——$paroaFe cvs cu vans sual itn van 23 Maplecrest Or Danbur crf oss pacar aos ust ce \ePacuere fae see [ett ar osm oscars est vo PEEeuenUmatnisataar wn ere EES a fener we v6 pare he er cin car xnazora sional sos nee A 19 Stilman Ave Danbury crf osx = eae State Nepresentative aie CT House of ia — ee cseeeeine mae ae a a » Ee aE ES pa RT Event #: 02/24/20234 Yes Ne eres ee cna nuns sa SeutionB -lomized Contibutions trom Inviuals cates Jee Soa a = see ise Sn cant cxf os a a ane ose saenpoyed a — oer Metin vio fuietscianmtmawacomacmnsssmoncpace Mo fase 7. 7 aa eam aR EE vex ovzsz0a ss catia i e aa te = P= tenes Sun om cal osx a ae ees Bote setae a eee egies to facieneeterverttan Stays wo SERRE ere TORT et va Se w Eve o2az2an Cheek 02/4/2023 $200.00 "er es i” r pee 1 —E svgtn way vas | oa ah oss aaa == on Cals omsta No cg ytnna acral rane ed No ma we ve 03/22/2023, me s250. ‘Section 8 Hemized Gontibutions rom individuals _ - a : [si dian caoo 8 ron eo LET ne ERR ESTEE ra TST TERT - Yes: No. ent Sava atc canna Fe seal a = costae a fi et S =E town Fits cal on a (Same oto foes athe — poeta a ee Ea — eee v6 we beara — pa EE cat cat nanos suo Gonaias in asgmost Oe ot a a == tea ates apie — ee eee ce vo fateawnetenams We a i‘ No. No ae P= P= = stat oataza sw. ‘Seaton 8 lemized Contributions trom Individuals GoneaWvos Vander A fesaeaaarenoue mW ae anon ré anbut orl ossty TR ear Owner Danbury upholstery liao eee fseiccvon oka devmmcqaly dosconrbur eet a No [asics comer ‘rwmcpsnaucd NO. eR ERTS aR RET SITET DTI par tw ho paren eo eae SE creat Gard orazre029 $50.09 Goncalves-Rosa Fernando aa es ae 7 me omn oa cot ot TOR mma Retired ete Gomcnmonardsmntnay acer eoahe a Sp Sp IO fete ives costa sos mney sa No [irre an a0" Ser RRR ra SOS = = . aT Ley mae oe fees ‘Event #: 03/31/2023A, Yes ed — oo feet = canoes eu sate ome Laotian x : ne = co cu bisa — = = liaieretangars ee erseveneene Viet eteccee cao manply dou conta er bens para we [Se aain we ane . = . 03103/2023 mon $1001 ‘Seaton emized Contbuons trom individuals va caine A poration S =e. sFistonone an cl oss peer a tins tes fires rm frcroneue ata da meepaly aro comincrorbomest Se [Santee —_— te eo Tea at a SEE ecu catezoz fe ss at ow a staat ty of a aa - ae rn aera geaeagae ee te we Recenter RS RET pea CTT ae we ve Credit Card 1/21/2028 ‘ewes ot vat w ra aes ¥ =. seston cal os OE ate bsseisn me eens Sonate fe mstcaty dos arate bess wo PES no SRT —— fae eS ETT be We a ia ac Credit Card oainre0s | $50.00 $28. ‘Section 8 - Namized Gontibutions trom individuals vase aa ‘2st On non aa = = ai nates ‘ote [ecuneosee cs mamcpoty sorcerer, ‘No [rss chegasahewscenore a “sidmonegetayned NO SE a TE " No No. ancar —_[ ouaas Fee oad == = 7 va sa orscmtnasngers [sen cal wes a = —_ — oe — ee ee Soe agar eae, i » ERR cT NS wo ~ Yes No Jr cannon o2'e4/2023 eases sr00.0 Credit Gard Hawloy yan Pr i Ee crt oss ‘eid a a oa nei rset aan eae aaron ano vo facemueaatecratatansimaay sn SRS EN ae a v6 aT se = Ee ovtezes ss ‘Section 8 Hemized Contibutons trom individuals alse TE m7 ae 12 Rodine Road cr|"* oss Freasoeae lam Account Associate Prudential Financial [Sareea no nse Tae BES es me No [raenmeeastoe femocnn sd mamepnysaed NO pared secen re ho Credit Card osereoes | $52.00 enn, ser. 142 Shelter Rock Road Danbury ct) 0681 — ja —_— set [isatebosomaa re ee Prctense oer ata mune Gosconstcerorbuies No fe tesco od mapa as No Credit Card 03/30/2023 eeesten $100.09 we _ . — : a! a — badeetcan erent Viren oar alt munca escort erbess No. [fess oa ora wth sas mamcpanyvaiae NO a wae ae OE SeutionB- omized Contributions kom Inidvals Matthow i os TR wv z 8 Spruce Ti Danbury cr} ovary Reem aad Computer Programmer Evexia Diagnostics Jeera pa ese fens 02/24/2023, ies [rte cf mol asco oT me No [iicsegeessecraneatommamnsiyesce No ea SSRI TTT BET [een Yes No Pome FE attorney us ca ay a f frat a — ttc Se ae wl ons ma, sa Heaney & Small, LLP Ewen Se TT TST em iene eer af mary desc Oban No feseasocnanatinnescomcwnssmencyayad NO STARTS aR RIT GRAS OS pod te No edit Gara sv29r2003, ot 1004 Hondbik Robert {$7 East Adgo Ra Fidget rl gaz TT oT Managing Decor Alvaie Pasiners LLC Faamaraamn: iva Sessa yanhaves terion ad mmcoatyroes NO foes 0272420234, Yes No crest Card [mw ee fain $180.0 Sextion B- emized Contibutions tom Inidvals Hermanson, ott alae A 7 a 2561 Eastchester Rd Bron nv roa Faroe pasar Retred Relies liafeetanan ee ree Fanart of nena coscansecr est [serene No “meng senna says No era aaa Ta aS FNS vena No No. FETA TERT eo rae c oda casoznes sin Homando2 Ana fesaat arnt Ae a =i 71 Davis St Danbur orl oa nara ET Manager La Mad dol Mundo FSR Tt sp oT fa rence aneaeror es, fer ocr af mune Sosee ores a No feetemizetsnoescemetwnsmnceseyced No RR TE TART ae aaa ranean alain te Event #:09/91/20294 out coma | Fer a paso ae FF Homande2 ison feaataren ner yr 11 Davis St Danbut orl ses TTT TTT owner Laid dol Mundo as pica FREON eT TT cei ae pce No [etessotnanatinwescomerwnsamncpiyaed No a [I RT aN RE Yes ‘Event #: 0909120288 * coe coma [ et ‘Section B-lemized Contibutions ftom Inavials rg vay E ae a Pe 89 Chostnut Hl Road Glastonbur orf TER po Sel-emplayed (media production) Solkomployed aust TST pune, epee foctesnscnevsaihavessokeowancnamaneyseyratee MO. em 1 02/24/2023 No Esc fiea ve ho amarante Rd fan TREES o2re2r2023 " $50.09 crest Care Horshman ay caste m7 aT 262 Preston Ter. Cheshire cr] osax oN ae eR Attorney Ballo & Horshman PC EDL a ah era Tana a STS ee > fides No roesgad hon nad fmutcpatiywced NO ROT FISTS SE SARTO OREO fsonetnscaonc we bem No redit Card osrte20e3 eee" 1,00 ‘Hoyman Soseph a a =e, 7 Kotcham Ra mn rl 687 TET aa ‘owoor Frahouse Gout ‘Mace SRS ga Spine oa No ananassae freares sockets hese ah mph et No No eo RTE SRS PT No check 3129/2003, even st00c ‘Section 8 Nemized Contributions from Indvcuals ina ‘Alon 4 Fara see 7 mF 2560 Great Plain Road Danbury cor] ose TOR Te TRG Retod tired aaa oe RI ap ET TSG GRE UTC en Me No Pipeeamanot No No TTT vt Para oO E =, ‘Ceecit Care 12812025, $100. Hoskeng Craig 12.Cidor il Road or! Pan ala tomey Hockenga, Machado & Lyon, Fecraregr spit space ar epee lesa asa” cacti macy se Satie: No frsczseemmsnaes atmo wncrayaased No RE TTT aa TT RI posed mse! tw No aT AT ee RTO crogt Care osg12003 1,00 Hofman, Jonathan 9 funn — of TE TERRE Astor Sait iia Prstercute ocr sincsty aoe conrtmer oes sree No feteasecenmhtwcrematninsatmacesiyensed No feporesin sett tw» No framerate Tae STITT pe rod Care osunte023 $250, ‘Sooton &- Hemized Contibutions trom individuals Hombva Fi 18 Highand Ave Danbur inp OT Whosale else mavens pSSfeecune cbse cemecpaiy doecenenres ares No Sencpapasnnes coe nvonmmegsntyned NO area rare TT RET TS PTT vont #: 0513120230, al ne a CoRR E= a TR crocit Care oa 72023 $25.09 one mn f oso omy cat cone TE a TE Rotires tied Lainie ee (icensuicliar a srmeposy oct antares No fescasecnergsbinesenensomaptyaced NO powedmseoni we ho com oes Fe sod Hoxowitz Janet a fea sehr 7 om 17 SOUTH KING STREET Danbury rl oss FFRescenor oe tied Betied SER an waa [rearrange er “" No anal aca coat wcrsmenepay ene No TERRIA EST tae RS ROT seen No No oveore02s $20. Sestion B - lemized Contibutions from Individuals Horowitz sant BR oss oe 7 me {7 SOUTH KiNG STREET anu cor{ oss aa TTS Retired ete aE — oe SS aad No eemceeneanta eet csamuncysnyecece NO [=aneone a w aR ia aa EE Credit Card ogreeraozs | $250.00 $50. abate st smanenoy ie rin ct crn aa — Veta Pete GCs Eau [oomenina cranes ogee vo ffecumaetaecratatesisimtaic No EE — pa Event #: 09/81/2023 ves No entions tn =e ‘soi ee f P.O.Box 633 Bethel of pro aa une tosis fisaeesatbyen ”™ ove arenes fee ier orci ees conor or bes wo Pee eS no ace 7. = i comcas | tonunrs Fr so ‘Soaton B- Hemized Contributions rom indvicuals Japatvcio Micha! 9612 Fae Oaks Pace Longboat Key rl saax nap TOT RT Business owner J apalvec ne acess ree [scrneune osc mumcpay dso or earest 7 Ho fethematncgrintew sciratrasnaiencrsiyced NO SRT [Sa a Ta ROT No No cums [cams a Ingorso, Toa aT Se ST my a maser Non ia ROR TBAT ProsidenticeO Ingersol Automotive EERE GaN ain fae apa a ETA TEST coe [recta No. soe nsniucdintcaconsecm napa oes No pepsin seit nc No TT CTT (a FECTS A Credit Card osveara02s $1,000, eral aurora vont #: 09/91/2025, re cS cata onan | $25) ‘Seution B= llemized Conttbutions om Indviguals a pa Jarl ett stows ot col a ao a ati aos eS ae — Ea Se ee vo PSSENSRe iowa Sees, [mcrae ~ e prc par rot cas caro ses i pee F ines Pate pele: = mE ‘9 omar a nt caf os in RT —— rece an al . 7 cuca, [came [ somal sornsou eanoana jae aS fe = Ba Hata oad att caf oso joe =a dation atoms ie Receecn granny oe tg a vo SRSA ETE ny =e = . cred Card nese" g100. fron OE ‘Section 8 - Hemzed Contibutins rom individuals a aa F hon Kate sr Aa 7 = 192 Groat Pain Rd Danbury cr} oss aT TT area cPA Burts & Johoson Freres gant spa oa [sites coger se taimencply encom owes itaetnehtanerssintsmsamemsnyanen | No aT Sera aT FT No No. ‘check oortere003 manner ss00e nae fee 1000 HIGHGROVE DRIVE CHAPEL HILL cl ers nara ne aT tired otros SRG SEU spank oe RE NET TOTES Ra roe ‘solange Picemercetcrd snr oocyte No frsscainanatthnescsatnncammiptyoed No TT ae aaa RT No No. arraoea re ener aT PT rect Gara 2712023, " $100. in un f 43 Gad Avenue TOT versa ils Sa Tet ep perce Suni rponcanseanti? Event # 03091/2029A, ee Ee ret Gare $50 ‘Section B- emized Contibutions rom individuals Kapoor Nek ea Se A a Re, 109 Meadows End Road Monroe cr} ose apo eT ‘VP, Operations Engineering, ne aati om rem eto iy doe contr of anes, we io fecitgatnnavesenteatonimnrysernc No BTR TCT STR RST TERS TO POPSET pocedmseton ne Foe to cesncas [conan i a a a Pa 46 Lindencrest dive Danbury cr) ossty TE aT ties Aetied ER ea or No ahs contrac ed No peasant mr Yos Event #: 09/91/2020 "e ear oT eE= a credit Card si51/2028 ease" soo, Karat Frederick J ISS TES a7 oa 20 Drummers Lane Botnet orl" 5801 RTC TENOR ations stom Heath laiversooer rena [Bree scr snc ur bt No fesessacneoginnowscmhsomncsnywcd NO feronenseaantl? ww b= to framarrcanar A eas roi Care osi62023 $50. ‘Scion B-lemized Contributions fom Iviuals - ws a seo a nae No |fmteneceegamtinieaconradunteasmencpayaied NO mana : cence an _ - — : a! vomiatinze [ang oP a ana vst biorebsoe eevee tence oa s muna so ————— No No aoe ee Fe os _ wa ae — oe a vam at =e ~ SES faeces oe pera waa [en waa etan 8: tmize Contos om aus Aeckien anes @ 01 Seminole de Danbur orl" oss a a tes tea ERE TREN — RET EEL eee Ne Eee se Ea age rear ves N Jews o2rn0220 cea cans putea en "a at r sa aba 7 =e 799 Ratu Road rage ool os eT = coo v cr Faosnare TER oan vaman — oeseeeregreer mere ones no febemmatestsnieeitcatyrt ny eportedin Section LT? ves [r" No. vent 022420234 Feserrcanr par rar aE end cad cara sano) ng ob 300 $ Revena Blvd Ann Arbor on aa So eT ti mE = “eee sano ener area cena a vo [ESeaaiseotveraam smtp No TR Event #: 03/31/2023 Yes No Credit Card 09/31/2023 smiene® $100.00 ‘Section B lemized Gontrbutions trom Indviduals Knickerbocker Mathew c TUE se es 7 Ea 10 Colonial Or Bothel rl" e801 Papo eae ‘Town manager “Town of Witon TREE SB spate pT Fa TT TSG TT aes fssvareti feet cee smrcpali ducati, » ee iret = . ron 4 fear ark a EE cision canazn ss Xone snaapienss WA as a aE ew a aaa — Ee manne Soe a » Eee a eens = a jesse = EE cit ca a sesocd ase - r suerresoune meu Bank tae [xc pane ep RON OE No cree temas sa ho Muncy aed No vont 03191720204 hal a rot Card srs e003 ier gio ‘Seaton 8 amized Gontibutions trom individuals Kennet eso i zie 41 Van Gampen Lane Bothol cr -oareer poner tied ote figerawetyar me et nc ce amy owt cna or ert No ficiithatstekerasctasnemnryemenet | No erie Ee ~ rer —__ RE ence cms 00 ‘ f St z. tomer veto cl” os itera munya ot RO oes iaeedinseaceneogmthond maneptyaes NO NO econ RSET See PRT CR FS iia No No Credit Gard ovza2003 ewes 3180 Kovtourbas Elena oven not a cat oa aR eg saz ee tbat sicesesaan meer Pscenecaie cake amnesty dos conrur o baes No fsiessecuerrnesconten cmmceayced | NO iesuctonti?| wo ho FST TT sea par pT roi Care osre72023 ‘Section B- emized Contributions rom individuals ‘aon nt f era EEE 7 =e 1 ete uty caf oss TE = ate aes Se a — seen te eed homseanentnan anche No a re een ve . for O2BUNEIA poner pam = oscar canszos gat - cavieuse owe.aa 110 | raw oxy ww ra Sone sate rates Zee eee eee Ce vo feceenwransecremmtansimet sy No a tr We we prearacaeonr ia a RET eos ca cosozs ssn0 an im 6 aos - E Fla 8 oat ca ose prosrocams == natn i Rare remas — peers reraeiitien ae Tenure eee = vo fecumucasinent saci no == _ we we om | tes [™ in ‘Seaton B - omized Contributions from Indvduale uvian Kovin Fa se = me %, 5 LawieJoe Way ‘Simsbury crt ok ra a save Liaison [saa tit sme ceed faites coger eaten cond no ame No. a ( No. No. ceascaa vez ssa exh bi rosRinsin oy ot os == a se Sent re ee ees vo frscumncnecramatanisimensyes a i No. Credit Card 01/20/2023 per" §1,0004 aut a Lona noo cal al at Se on lst Gmertst a ae re jason ee eenana No firttsetshae ohms sed NO Raa RTE SRR TTR TTT TORT mre No No a eran et am rod Card osit272023, ‘Section 8 temized Gontibutions tom Individuals LaBut Kyle a aS 7 PE 74 LORRAINE TER BRIDGEPORT. cr] aT OT ne TORT Aton ‘State of Connecticut fotie nninelenistewscstret mative tees NO aeaaa aS ok ore Sara ERE TET cna Ne Ean at Event #: 03/31/20208, No Credit Card 03/31/2023 $45.00 “ "_s26.00 = — r= en xen eo ama sue ow wl a a aon ee unesavo or eae a ee St Geena oar SSSR eTES iy SE ET pe TE ene No. No. Credit Card 0330/2023 meen sso — a v cas S E sic ay as cal cer aaa aT eur maguine sr sna attra hearagee See — omer » SSS EE RR pa TOR (* No. Credit Card o2nr2023 ‘Sexton - Namized Contibutions rom individuals Laugingoses stineoa ets TO ve Etro — oe sey (No Frise modes ws neeecarretwth si om Event #: 03/1/20238 id No a eam == EE cut ca casizos sso a — r Laugginse etwsa ott iz 7 stays ont ak oa eo aT Marae usr eS wo Picemeticenemtan simran No RES ee Event #: 09/31/2023 id Ne Credit Card 0313112023 — $5. ate sin ear by ses west ce songs 1 a oa ‘tome at ee mon (No fonts ssacauesuanhavesconactwthsai mencpatyvabed NO a a —— ae a Saas 7" 7 a a = EE cndicas azo sno ‘Section B- emized Contbutions trom individuals me [oom Sam — —_ TT ai eae . a . Credit Card 03/90/2023 snes $100. - oe — = la Closing Coordinator Law offices of Lawrence ietsieiga nome er seneset hefner oa mee or at bar, === Event #: 09/31/20234 ed No banat we prea cas sins = os a : Citas ; = cua wn cE a Pastor [PP na. Plossant AME. Zion eeeese eee FE ony Sos oa ote No ary me |muncipslty valued NO Event #; 09/31/2023 Yes No — ——— concn = a ‘Section 8 - Hemized Contibutions rom Individuals = mn somone Eo — a _ = iverentiya ere ete ars mecca beers Event #: 03/31/2023 ve LS Credit Card 03/31/2023, fwnwen g75. soma Posing aE Attorney ert ston, Adler, Pulda,_ nivale tence tr of ammo soe aD ea = ee, re = om oe ; Eo Low ofons of Lawronge Mt en EEL pureainsean? uc Event #: 08/91/2028 co No eS ea [RTT aT crest Card 013112025, $25.

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