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Período:31/07/2023 08:00 a 18/08/2023 23:59 (Horário de Brasília)

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The next Marvel movie, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, marks the end of an almost decade-long run for the
titular team of cosmic misfits. Lead man Chris Pratt, who plays Peter Quill, aka Star-Lord, has revealed that
while he’s down to return to the role in the future, he won’t pursue anything unless "something makes

All three Guardians movies have been directed by James Gunn, who is now switching to DC so he can build
out that franchise. Without having Gunn by his side, Pratt is unsure whether it would feel right to continue
on as Star-Lord. “It would be strange to continue

StarLord s

story without James,” Pratt told Total Film. “He’s done such a masterful job in the first three films. We really
found the voice of Peter Quill together and without him, obviously, I would never have had this opportunity.
He writes it, he directs it, he dreams up the music, it’s his imagination on screen. So, to continue to tell the
story, it would really be important to honor what he’s done in the first three films and to honor what the
fans have grown to love about the character and not simply do it because people might show up to pay for
it, you know? I don’t want to be cynical in the approach and if that’s the case, I just wouldn’t do it at all. So
maybe down the road if something makes sense I would do it but it would really have to check a lot of the
right boxes".

Whether or not that comes to pass, Pratt assures fans that the threequel is a perfect sendoff for the heroes,
especially for the set of fans who grew up with the Guardians movies. “I really love the idea that 10 years
have passed since the first film and fans will have grown up watching these movies,” he said. “I think it’s a
more emotional ride than the previous two


it’s exciting to me that people who were kids when the first movie came out are now young adults and will
emotionally be ready. They’ve matured alongside the franchise in a way. This is an emotional send-off that
feels like it’s specifically made for them".

Fonte: adapted from:

guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-2-zoe-saldana. Acesso em: 4 abr. 2023.

Taking the text into account, analyze the following statements and the relationship between them:

I. According to Chris Pratt, he will only return as Star-Lord if it makes sense to continue the story without


II. He (Pratt) believes it would be important to honor James Gunn's work and the fans' love for the character.

Considering the statements, choose the correct option:

Statements I and II are true propositions, and II is a correct justification for I.

Statements I and II are true propositions, but II is not a correct justification for I.

Statement I is a true proposition, and II is a false proposition.

Statement I is a false proposition, and II is a true proposition.

Statements I and II are false propositions.

Leia o trecho da entrevista a seguir, acerca do trabalho da linguista Sabine Harnau, originalmente publicada
do site Superlinguo.
Linguistics jobs - Interview with a Communications Consultant
It’s the final linguistics job interview for the year! And we’re finishing on a high note, with Sabine Harnau.
Sabine set up From Scratch, a communications consulting firm grounded in linguistic research. Being the
boss of your own organisation has its perks, not least of all what Sabine puts on her business cards. You can
follow From Scratch on twitter (@scratch_posts) or check out the website ( for more
examples of Sabine’s work.

What did you study at university?

I studied in Germany, where higher education is (mostly) free. This was when Germany still had its own
degree structure — before the introduction of the Bachelor/Master system. So I always struggle to translate
my “state exam” degree. When you compare the required credits, exams and thesis papers, it’s equivalent to
an M.A. — perhaps with a bit more breadth rather than depth. At the time, I was planning to teach English
and German at grammar school level, so my degree covered anglophone and German-speaking literatures,
cultural studies and linguistics from the pre-medieval times to the present day. In tune with the German
school curriculum, I focused my linguistics courses on syntax, orthography, translation, sociolinguistics and
second language acquisition. And, of course, educational studies to help me share that knowledge with
AyLoTuEnRgNApTeIoVpAleS aged 10–19. That’s a lot of ground to cover, and so I spent 7 years at university and another 2
at teV a,cV
h,eVrs’ college, using all my available free time to teach at school. Luckily, a state programme allowed
me to take on long-term substitute teaching roles with full responsibility and pay (pro-rata), so I was able to
gainVl,oVa,dFs of teaching experience before I had even left university. (...)
F, V, V
What is your job?
I runF,a Fc, oVmmunications consultancy called From Scratch. As the founder, I got to choose my own job title,
and I got to indulge my love of puns! So according to my business card, I’m a Head Scratcher. Which is true
F, V, F
— an d leads to much more interesting conversations than “managing director”.Day-to-day, I work with
companies that want to improve the way they speak and write to their customers. A lot of this work involves
ª QUESTÃO copywriting, training teams and consulting on communications strategy. (…)

We work mainly with companies that stand for strong ethical values, and our clients are often creative
businesses — transforming their industry or enabling customers to make things ‘from scratch’. This means
their customers are likely to have special support requirements: some might question the ethics of a
business decision, others may be stuck on a craft project. There’s more at stake in those conversations than
in your typical account management or shipping query, so one focus of our work is building trust and
conveying warmth and competence via the right language. (…)

How does your linguistics training help you in your job?

Saying this will make me feel like a rapper dissing her peers, but: having worked in customer
communications for years, I’ve seen a lot of unfounded platitudes being passed off as great revelations. I
just don’t think that anyone’s business will really take off because they hear that “customer service is an
attitude, not a department”. On the other hand, there’s loads of linguistic research that isn’t easily available
to businesses. When I started From Scratch, I did so with the aim of connecting linguistics, educational
theory and business. My degree helps me make research findings accessible to non-linguists. For example,
interactional sociolinguistics can teach us a lot about why certain customer service phone calls don’t go well.
And I’m able to do a lot of proofreading with confidence because I studied orthography and punctuation in
a way that a non-linguist probably hasn’t. (...)

Do you gave any advice do you wish someone had given to you about linguistics/careers/university?
Don’t study any topic just because you think it might come in handy in your future job. That future job may
not even exist yet — and you’ll probably change your mind about it a couple of times anyway! Study what
interests you. Career profiles are more flexible than we expect, and your enthusiasm will make you
successful. (...)

Disponível em: <>.

Acesso em 01 de julho de 2022. Adaptado.
Considerando as informações contidas no texto, avalie as assertivas como V para verdadeiras e F como
How to Lose a Pound a Day
Anna Murphy - Mar 4
I. Na resposta
cargo, be àwonderful
no itcaso, pergunta
Head “What
to know
Scratcher, iswith
fazendo job?”, a entrevistada
um trocadilho emhow diz
referência mesmade
a pound
ao nome a escolheu
day? Boy,othat
sua empresa. de seu
could help
outAoa responder
II. lot especially after celebrations
a pergunta “What didandyouspecial
study holidays after you’ve
at university?”, enjoyed afirma
a entrevistada weeks of overindulgence.
que sua graduação,On
the other hand, let’s say you have quite a few pounds to lose. It would probably
dentre outras matérias, incluiu estudos culturais e linguísticos desde os tempos medievais até make you feelos
a lot
de if
hoje.knew you could lose a pound a day. The problem is how in the world do you lose a pound a day? I
mean is it even possible. The short answer to that question is sure it is but you’d have to go through some
III. Quando
da andperguntada
universidade, sobre conselhos
a entrevistada means.
diz que que ela de
gostaria gostaria de terpara
ter ouvido recebido
estudaracerca da os
apenas linguística, da carreira
tópicos que fossem ou
If youpara
know posição
how toprofissional
lose a poundfutura.
a day you have to be ready to take some serious action. Yes, that
means changing
As assertivas I, II eyour dietrespectivamente
III, são drastically in most cases. You need to embrace calorie reduction and clean eating,
which consists of eating healthy non processed foods. Fresh vegetables and lean proteins are a plus.
Additionally, you should decrease the amount of calories you consume each day. Check with your doctor to
see what is determined a safe number of calories to consume daily for your particular weight.

Of course if you want to know how to lose a pound a day, you know you’ve got to include some serious
exercise. While changing your diet is essential to you dropping the pounds, if you really want to turn the
weight lose accelerator on you need to include some form of aerobic exercise at least five to six days a
week. If you’re a weight loss newbie start off with twenty minutes of cardio each day and as you get more
comfortable add more minutes until you ultimately reach sixty minutes. Hey, no one said losing a pound a
day was easy but it is possible.
Thank you and best of luck.

Disponível em: <>.

Acesso em 01 de julho de 2022. Adaptado.

De acordo com as informações contidas no texto, é correto afirmar que a condicional “would” no texto é
usada para

fazer um convite às pessoas a manterem uma dieta equilibrada e atividades físicas constantes.

dar instruções sobre o que as pessoas devem fazer para perder uma libra (cerca de 0,450 kg) por dia.

solicitar (pedir) às pessoas para que elas cuidem de sua saúde e percam peso, caso a obesidade esteja lhes
causando problemas de saúde.

indicar uma incerteza (situação imaginária), hipótese e/ou probabilidade, relacionada à ideia de perder peso, a
sensação que perder peso poderia trazer e aos meios para que isso aconteça.

indicar obrigações que as pessoas que desejam perder peso devem ter, por exemplo, reduzir a ingestão de calorias,
reduzir o consumo de alimentos processados, aumentar o consumo de alimentos saudáveis e fazer atividades
aeróbicas de cinco a seis vezes por semana.

Read the text below:


With a good wind, the best of health, and an immortal mindset how far could someone run in a lifetime?
TLDR: 2,384,112 km (1,481,419 miles). That’s 90 times around the world.
Here are my workings:

D = Days Able to run

M = Max distance per day
D*M = Total lifetime distance

This basic equation is simple, yet those two factors represent multiple variables that cut into life, possibility,
and sheer opportunity cost.

Days Able to Run

Taking a generous lifespan of 81 years there are 29,565 days in a lifetime. Even the best among us will
concede it is not possible to run every day.


Even in laboratory conditions there will be times at the start and end of life when it’s not possible to run.
Combining this with an expectation of education and we can discount the first 16 years, leaving 23,725

Injury and recovery cut into this total. Because this is a maxim I am assuming peak possible health. While
novices carry higher injury rates, a Dutch study found that even experienced runners received an average of
4.11 injuries per 1000 hours.

The good news is that ultra-marathoners get off lightly in the injury room — the American College of Sports
Medicine found 95% of injuries were minor in nature and mostly due to skin-related disorders (74.3%).

Even taking a best-case scenario, the greatest athlete running continuously can chalk off an average of 2
days per month for injury. These days will have a higher instance in the earlier and twilight years of the
runner’s lifetime. This leaves 22,165 days.

Finally, there should be some consideration that runners take rest days, even at the peak of their careers.

Paula Radcliff, the fastest female marathoner of her generation, took one day a week. As a maxim, let’s
quarter that, discounting one day every month. Leaving 21,436 days of active running.

Fonte: adapted from:

d3c1b4651196. Acesso em: 6 abr. 2023.

Com base no exposto, analise as afirmativas a seguir:

I. O trecho “Paula Radcliff, the fastest female marathoner of her generation, took one day a week” responde
à pergunta: “How many rest days did Paula Radcliff take per week?”.
II. O trecho “TLDR: 2,384,112 km (1,481,419 miles), That’s 90 times around the world.” responde à
pergunta “With a good wind, the best of health, and an immortal mindset how far could someone
run in a lifetime?”.
III. O trecho “Even in laboratory conditions there will be times at the start and end of life when it’s not
possible to run. Combining this with an expectation of education and we can discount the first 16 years,
leaving 23,725 days” responde à pergunta: “How many days, in average, can a person run in their
IV. O trecho “Even taking a best-case scenario, the greatest athlete running continuously can chalk off an
average of 2 days per month for injury” responde à seguinte pergunta: How many days per month, in
average, can the greatest athlete who runs continuously be prevented from running because due to

É correto o que se afirma em:

I, apenas.

I e III, apenas.

II e IV, apenas.

I, III e IV, apenas.

I, II, III e IV.

Um resumo gráfico (graphical abstract, em inglês) é um breve resumo visual de um trabalho científico
(artigo de pesquisa, dissertação, tese, apresentação de conferência etc). Trata-se geralmente de uma
imagem que inclui as principais descobertas ou conceitos apresentados no estudo. O objetivo de um
resumo gráfico é ajudar os leitores a entender rapidamente os principais pontos da pesquisa e atrair sua
atenção para ler o trabalho completo. No texto a seguir encontram-se algumas orientações sobre a
produção e o envio de um resumo gráfico para uma empresa editorial de revistas científicas, a Elsevier.

Journals are increasingly requesting the submission of a “graphical” or “visual abstract” alongside the body
of the article. This is a single, concise, pictorial and visual summary of the main findings of the article. It
could either be the concluding figure from the article or better still a figure that is specially designed for the
purpose, which captures the content of the article for readers at a single glance.

The graphical abstract will be displayed in online search result lists, the online contents list and the article on
ScienceDirect, but will typically not appear in the article PDF file or print.

Authors must provide an original image that clearly represents the work described in the paper. Graphical
abstracts should be submitted as a separate file in the submission system by selecting “graphical abstracts"
from the drop-down list when uploading files. Please note that, just as each paper should be unique, so
each graphical abstract should also be unique.

For ease of browsing, the graphical abstract should have a clear start and end, preferably "reading" from top
to bottom or left to right. Try to reduce distracting and cluttering elements as much as possible.

Image size: please provide an image with a minimum of 1328 x 531 pixels (w x h) using a minimum
resolution of 300 dpi.


Font: please use Times, Arial, Courier or Symbol with a large enough font size as the image will be reduced
in size for the table of contents to fit a window 200 pixels high.

File type: preferred file types are TIFF, EPS, PDF or MS Office files.

No additional text, outline or synopsis should be included. Any text or label must be part of the image file.
Please do not use unnecessary white space or a heading “graphical abstract” within the image file.

A basic visual/graphical abstract template is provided below in the"further reading & resources" section
along with advice and further tips on how to create one.

Fonte: Acesso em: 5 jun. 2023.

Sobre o exposto, assinale a alternativa correta:

Tipicamente, o graphical abstract aparece na versão impressa do artigo.

O resumo gráfico deve ser inserido no mesmo arquivo em que está o artigo encaminhado à revista.

Elementos que possam causar distração ou sensação de desordem devem ser evitados tanto quanto possível.

A altura máxima da imagem deve ser de 1328 pixels, e a largura deve ter o máximo de 531 pixels, com a resolução
de até 300 dpi.

A inscrição "graphical abstract" deve constar, como item obrigatório, junto ao arquivo de imagem do resumo gráfico
encaminhado à revista.

O texto a seguir é uma notícia, na qual se reporta um acidente na subestação de energia em Odessa, nos
Estados Unidos.

Odessa spends Wednesday without electricity after animals enter the substation
LAFAYETTE COUNTY, Mo. (KCTV) – Angela Brodeur’s kids were swimming in the pool around 1am when they
noticed huge flashes of lightning near the Odessa water tower.

“My youngest brother ran into the house and said there was something going on in town, like the town was
blown up, that it just lit up. He didn’t know what was going on, he was completely panicking,” Brodeur said.

By the time Angela got out, the city of Odessa was pitch black.

Officials from Evergy said the outage began affecting Odessa around 1 a.m. Wednesday. They said an animal
entered a city-owned substation and came into contact with the equipment, damaging the city’s equipment
and Evergy’s equipment.

A nearby substation recognized the problem and isolated it from the grid. Before it was isolated, however,
about a mile of Evergy transmission caught fire.

The crew members have been actively working on the line all day.
Luckily, Angela didn’t lose power because she was out of town. She said she hoped it would return soon and
that she would never forget that moment.

“When he showed me the video that he and my other son had shot, it just reminded me of the movie
Independence Day when the alien ship swooped in and brought down the Empire State Building. It’s like the
whole town is lit up,” said Brodeur.

The city has issued updates throughout the day, saying crews are working extremely hard in the heat to get
power back, and that it hopes to have power restored later this evening.

Around 7:30 p.m., the city also said it would have to “put down at a later date” for permanent repairs.
However, that will be announced at that time.

Around 9 p.m., the city said: “We are slowly getting the system up and running. Some areas will be restored
to power. It will take some time.”

Finally, at 9:27 p.m., the city said: “All circuits have been restored to power. Please call us at 816-633-5521 if
you are without power."

Disponível em: <

the-substation/>. Acesso em 7 de julho de 2022. Adaptado.

Considerando as informações contidas no texto, analise as afirmações a seguir.

I. Os filhos de Angela Brodeur viram grandes raios de luz enquanto nadavam na piscina, por volta da 1h da
II. Em seu relato, Brodeur compara as imagens do acidente, que ela viu em um vídeo, com imagens de um
III. O irmão mais novo de Angela Brodeur estava em pânico ao contar a ela que o ocorrido na cidade parecia
uma explosão.
IV. De acordo com os oficiais da empresa Evergy, o corte de energia ocorreu devido a um animal que
adentrou uma subestação e causou danos a equipamentos.

É correto o que se afirma em

II, apenas.

I e III, apenas.

II e IV, apenas.

I, III e IV, apenas.

I, II, III e IV.

Gentleminions, rejoice! The only movie Quentin Tarantino’s kid has seen is Despicable Me 2
By Matt Schimkowitz

Our gentlest minions, we have some very exciting news for you. The acclaimed filmmaker and movie-lover
known for popularizing extremely niche genres, actors, directors, and tired jokes about feet, Quentin
Tarantino has begun passing on the finest of cinematic delights to the next generation. According to a
recent interview with Empire, Tarantino’s two-year-old son has seen one movie. Was it Sister Street Fighter?
How about Tony Scott’s Renegade? The Great Waldo Pepper? Nope. No. Sorry. The kid has only seen
Despicable Me 2. So the only question now is, does he need to see another movie?


pretty young, so he’s only really seen one movie,” Tarantino told Empire. “I thought I was hitting a Minions
cartoon, and I realize it’s Despicable Me 2. And he seemed to be interested in the opening credits, so I go,
‘Okay, I guess we’re watching Despicable Me 2. He gets up and he walks behind the couch, but he’s still
watching the TV. We watched it for 20 minutes, until it was time for him to go to the park, and then the next
day we watched another 15 minutes of it. And so, in the course of a week, in small bites, the first movie Leo
ever watched was Despicable Me 2.”

The revelation of a child enjoying the Minions puts to rest years of criticism that the Minions are only for
teenage boys in suits and moms on Facebook. So, Gentleminions of the world, we implore you: Take young
Leo Tarantino under your H&M blazers and train him in the ways of Gru—at least until we get a screening of
Despicable Me 3 at the New Beverly.

Now, we know this isn’t news that most care about. It might not even be worth the publication of this article.
Nevertheless, millions of people paid hard-earned money last weekend to make Minions: The Rise Of Gru a
cultural inflection point. The scene was chaos as innocent teens, hoping to bring some style and finesse to
the movies by emulating their prophet Nicole Kidman, were shut out in the cold for wearing ties to the
cineplex. It seems as though some theater owners might be tired of Stuart, Kevin, and Bob saying “ba-na-
na.” Well, Tarantino’s kid isn’t, so back off!

Disponível em: <

1849149827>. Acesso em 7 de julho de 2022.

Com base nas informações apresentadas no texto, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre

I. O trecho “The kid has only seen Despicable Me 2” apresenta o uso do tempo verbal Present Perfect


II. Nesse trecho o autor tem o intuito de indicar o fato de o filho de Quentin Tarantino ter assistido ao filme
Despicable Me 2 repetidas vezes, sem parar, antes dos passeios ao parque.

A respeito dessas asserções, assinale a opção correta.

As asserções I e II são verdadeiras, e a II é uma justificativa correta da I.

As asserções I e II são verdadeiras, mas a II não é uma justificativa correta da I.

A asserção I é uma proposição verdadeira e a II é uma proposição falsa.

A asserção I é uma proposição falsa e a II é uma proposição verdadeira.

As asserções I e II são falsas.

O texto a seguir aborda o aumento da diabetes tipo 2 entre crianças e jovens. Um dos motivos para esse
aumento é o grande número de crianças acima do peso, fato que, por sua vez, está associado ao modo de
produção e comercialização de alimentos industrializados. Em termos linguísticos, no texto é recorrente o
uso de adverbs (advérbios). Sendo assim, faça a leitura, prestando especial atenção ao uso deles.
Cases of type 2 diabetes among young people rise 41% in three years
Leap brings calls for ministers to act to prevent so many children getting grossly obese

Growing numbers of children and young people are developing type 2 diabetes, a disease usually seen in
those aged over 40, in the latest sign of worsening childhood obesity.

The number of people aged up to 25 with the condition in England and Wales increased from 507 in 2013-
14 to 715 in 2016-17 – a 41% rise.

The sharp rise has prompted concern among doctors and led to renewed calls for tougher government
action to tackle the relentless increase in the number of dangerously overweight youngsters.

“Type 2 diabetes is a disaster for the child and their family and for the NHS,” said Graham MacGregor, a
professor of cardiovascular health at Queen Mary University of London who is also the chair of the
campaign group Action on Sugar.

“If a child gets type 2 diabetes, it’s condemning them to a lot of complications of that condition, such as
blindness, amputations and kidney disease,” he said.

“These figures are a sign that we are in a crisis and that the government doesn’t seem to be taking action, or
not enough and not quickly enough.”

The figures have been collected by pediatric diabetes units at hospitals across England and Wales and
collated by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH).

“Type 2 diabetes typically develops in adults over the age of 40, so – while still rare in children – it is
extremely worrying that we are seeing more young people develop the condition,” said Izzi Seccombe, the
chair of the community wellbeing board at the Local Government Association (LGA), which obtained the
figures from the RCPCH.

Type 2 diabetes is closely associated with being very overweight. Almost four in five (79%) of the 715
children suffering from it were also obese, the NHS data revealed.

The figures show that people from some ethnic minorities are much more likely than others to develop type
2 diabetes. Almost half of the 715 young people were black or Asian.

“Much more needs to be done to reach out to black and ethnic minority groups over the disease,” said the
LGA, which represents 370 councils across England and Wales.

The figures come soon after it emerged that 22,000 children aged 10 and 11 in England are severely obese
because their body mass index (BMI) is at least 40.

For adults, a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 means someone has a healthy weight; 25 to 29.9 denotes they are
overweight; 30 to 39.9 means someone is obese; and 40 or above signifies severe obesity.

“The rise in type 2 diabetes in young children highlights why bold measures are needed to tackle childhood
obesity – and change won’t happen overnight”, said Eustace de Sousa of Public Health England (PHE).

It has asked food manufacturers to cut the amount of sugar in their products by 20% by 2020. However,
firms have reduced the sugar content by just 2% in the first year of the initiative, well below the 5% target
PHE set. It is also helping to plan a series of “healthy towns” and is running healthy eating campaigns.

Ministers recently announced measures intended to halve childhood obesity by 2030, including:
- DeImeaInId
, ianpgencaasl.orie labelling on menus in cafes, takeaways and restaurants.
- Banning the sale of caffeine-filled energy drinks to under-16s.
I, II e III, apenas.
- Stopping supermarkets displaying treat foods near checkouts or including them in money-off offers.
I, III e IV, apenas.
But much firmer action is needed, said MacGregor. “Appeals to people to eat more healthily won’t be
enouIIg,hI.IIWeeIVn,eaepdentaos.ban the marketing and advertising of unhealthy foods altogether, not just limit it,
I, II, III e IV.
ministers are considering.
“We should also extend the sugary drinks tax to confectionery and set a target of reducing the sugar in
QUESTÃO by 50%, far more than the 20% PHE is proposing,” he added.

Seccombe, a Conservative member of Warwickshire county council, criticised government cuts to councils’
public health budgets as “short-sighted” given the scale of the obesity epidemic.

A spokesperson for the Department of Health and Social Care said: “We know the damage obesity causes
and are determined to halve childhood obesity by 2030.

“We’ve invested billions in public health services and have already removed the equivalent of 45m kilograms
of sugar from soft drinks every year.

“Our new childhood obesity plan will now get children exercising more in schools and reduce their exposure
to sugary and fatty foods.”
Dyoisupnogn-ípveol epmle-: r<iseh-t4tp1s-:i/n/-wthwrwee.t-hyeegaursa>rd. iAacne.csosome/smoc1ie7tjyu/l2.021081/

Avalie as assertivas a seguir e assinale a alternativa correta:

I. No trecho These figures are a sign that we are in a crisis and that the government doesn’t seem to be taking
action, or not enough and not quickly enough há um advérbio de modo que indica velocidade.
II. Em Type 2 diabetes is closely associated with being very overweight há um advérbio de modo. Aqui, se
afirma que a diabetes tipo dois é aproximadamente duas vezes mais comum em pessoas que estão acima
do peso.
III. Na construção Growing numbers of children and young people are developing type 2 diabetes, a disease
usually seen in those aged over 40 é utilizado um advérbio de frequência; afirma-se, aqui, que números
crescentes de crianças e jovens estão desenvolvendo diabetes tipo 2, uma doença usualmente vista em
pessoas acima de 40 anos.
IV. No excerto The sharp rise has prompted concern among doctors and led to renewed calls for tougher
government action to tackle the relentless increase in the number of dangerously overweight youngsters há um
advérbio de modo que é derivado de um adjetivo. Esse adjetivo, por sua vez, pode ser traduzido como

É correto o que se afirma em:

Fonte: Acesso em: 5 jun. 2023.

Sobre o exposto, analise as afirmativas a seguir:

I. Uma das personagens afirma que o café está em todo lugar.

II. O texto apresenta uma crítica ao problema de falta de infraestrutura nos países do sul global.
III. No texto, uma das personagens apresenta características comuns que podem ser atribuídas tanto ao café
quanto à infraestrutura.
IV. O objetivo do texto é apresentar críticas a outras obras do mesmo gênero textual que fazem apologia ao
consumo de drogas ilícitas.

É correto o que se afirma em:

I, apenas.

I e III, apenas.

II e IV, apenas.

I, III e IV, apenas.

I, II, III e IV.

What Learned from 5 Years of Cold Showers (That I Didn’t After a Year)


(This is just for informational purposes. Talk to your doctor before giving cold water therapy a try.)


1. It gives you an instant, free, dopamine hit

At the height of the pandemic, I suspected that I


had many of the symptoms of dopamine dysfunction. I lacked motivation, had a really hard time focusing,
became addicted to my phone, and just had a general malaise that was hard to shake. There were two
things that worked consistently to pull me out of my funk — heart-racing exercise or a cold shower. But only
one could work within one minute and with no exertion.

2. It flips the switch on procrastination every single time

Something I struggled with more since the pandemic than I had my entire life was procrastination.

I found that if I took a cold shower early in the day, it was as if the switch had been flipped and it made the
rest of my day more focused and more energized. I procrastinated less for that entire day, not just
immediately after. It was as though someone had broken the circuit. To this day, I still call it my circuit

3. It helps you understand that maintaining a habit takes a lot less energy than activating it
I strongly believe that one of the reasons most people give up on new habits is because they don’t
understand this fundamental principle of life — it always takes far more emotional energy and willpower to
establish a new habit than to maintain it.

Every time I start a new habit, I always remind myself how much harder cold showers felt in the first year
versus the second year versus now. Each subsequent year is significantly easier. It motivates me to ride
through the activation phase of any new endeavor.

4. It will show you that the dread in your mind is often worse than the act itself
Five years of taking cold showers have shown me that I’ve never once struggled as much once I’ve stepped
into the shower as I had just thinking about it.

I’ve heard the phrase, “Do the hardest thing first” aka “Eat that frog” for years and have never been able to
consistently implement it in my life because well…it’s hard. But several years after I started taking cold
showers it changed. Now, every time I put something off because I dread it, I remind myself how I actually
feel once I’ve actually stepped into the shower, and it motivates me to actually do the hard things first
because I know it’s never as bad as I think it is.

5. It teaches you how to breathe through distress

Even as I write this, I realize how trite this advice sounds. But there is a reason why breathing techniques and
literature is the hallmark of so many cultures. It’s because it plays a huge part in controlling our physiology
AND most of us don’t think twice about it.

A cold shower does give you an easy and consistent way to create controlled stress that you can instantly
practice breathing through and observe the effectiveness of your breathing. Having methods to calm your
body through small stressors will prepare it to automatically know what to do when bigger stressors
inevitably arrive.

Fonte: adapted from:

after-a-year-4d170de0eaf4. Acesso em: 6 abr. 2023.

Taking the text into account, analyze the following statements and the relationship between them.

Com base no texto, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas:

I. The author states that she prefers taking a cold shower to doing heart-racing exercises to improve her


II. A cold shower works faster and more efficiently than heart-racing exercise in pulling her out of a funk.

Assinale a alternativa correta:

Statements I and II are true propositions, and II is a correct justification for I.

Statements I and II are true propositions, but II is not a correct justification for I.

Statement I is a true proposition, and II is a false proposition.

Statement I is a false proposition, and II is a true proposition.

Statements I and II are false propositions.

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