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Strand A: Atom Grouping Activity

Grade 9
Subject : PPL1O
Strand(s): A Active Living: Fitness and Health for life, Physical Literacy

Learning Goals(s)
∙ Building community through physical activity

∙ Practicing and exploring a range of new exercises and movements

- Ability to practice daily physical activity

Curriculum Correlation

Key Concept/Question/Issue
∙ Boosting student confidence and willingness to explore new movements and activities through group play

∙Applying the Gradual release model from Growing Success. Rather than the teacher being responsible for
leading all activities, this lesson empowers students to lead. Student leaders call out the number of
students each group must form and also calls out the exercises they will be performing.

MOE Learning Expectations

∙ A1.1 actively participate in all aspects of the program (e.g., being appropriately prepared and equipped to
participate in the activity, being engaged in the activity, striving to do their personal best, adapting to challenges when
exploring new activities, monitoring their progress and successes in order to boost their confidence and increase their
willingness to try new activities), choosing from a wide and varied range of activities (e.g., fitness and
individual/partner activities, such as yoga or Pilates; small and large-group activities, sports, and games, such as
wheelchair curling, shinny, sepak takraw, or rounders; recreational and outdoor pursuits, such as orienteering,
cycling, or hiking) [PS, IS]

∙ A2.1 participate regularly in sustained moderate to vigorous physical activity to the best of their ability for a minimum
of twenty minutes (e.g., aerobic fitness blasts, capture the flag, continuous play in small-sided games) [PS]

Learning Skills: lesson focus

Responsibility Independent Work Organization Collaboration Initiative Self regulation

Assessment for/as/of Learning

Success Criteria
∙ Self-assessment prior to activity
∙ Student participate in all exercises for the full specified duration
∙ Student must create a log of a 5 minute exercise completed at home
Materials & Resources
∙ Students must be appropriately prepared and equipped to participate in physical activities. Running
shoes are mandatory.

Instructional Strategies


Teaching/Assessment Differentiation Student Learning

∙ Learning Materials ∙ All: Variation
∙ Learning Environment ∙ Some: Accommodation
∙ Ways of Learning ∙ A Few: Modification
∙ Ways of Demonstrating Learning

©York University Faculty of Education: Professional Learning

3-Part Lesson

1. Activation: prompt/review connection to prior

- Ask students to brainstorm a list of all the

exercises they know. Next they will create a chart
to outline which muscle group each exercise
targets. Lastly, students will rank their top 3
favorite exercises.
- Students will fill out a personal questionnaire
about their activity levels

2. Action: task/activity/problem/inquiry

*select a student leader for the day or create a schedule

of student leaders for each week*

1) Students are encouraged to be active by traveling around the

activity area using a variety of locomotor and fundamental
movements such as light jog, skipping, walking on toes, “frog
jumps”, walking in slow motion etc.
2) In their groups, students perform a physical activity (e.g.,
jogging on the spot, stride jumps) or a fundamental movement
skill (e.g., skipping, hopping, slithering, crossovers). If there are
extra students after groups are formed, they can perform the
activity with a group making the formation or circle around the
"extra" student(s).
3) The leader calls out another number to continue the game.

3. Reflection: reinforcement/connection/consolidation
Continuing the Learning: Reflection/Cumulative Consolidation

∙ Students will be given a personal activity log handout. They are to perform an activity/exercise that was
demonstrated in class at home.
- Reflection question: How difficult/challenging were the exercises? What are some ways the exercise
could be made more challenging? What variations of exercises could make them easier/ more
- Students are to create a list of exercises for when it is their turn to be the “leader”. This activity can be
done at the start of each class until everyone has had an opportunity to lead

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