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FOCUS Discharge Process

DATA Conscious and Coherent

No Complaints made
ACTION Summarized bills
IV pulled out aseptically
V/S monitored and recorded
Bill settled, Discharge slip secured
Patient home instruction instructed to folks
and verbalized understanding thereafter
All needs attended
RESPONSE Discharged per wheelchair accompanied by
the student nurse in stable condition.

FOCUS CBG Monitoring

DATA CBG result: 86mg/dl
ACTION Instructed to eat thereafter
Due meds given
RESPONSE Endorsed.

FOCUS Status
DATA (+) LBM or loose stool x2
(+) body weakness
(+) dry lips
ACTION Diaper changes noted for blood consistency
Bed pad changed
Fecalysis specimen sent
Oral medications given
IV antibiotic started after negative skin test.
RESPONSE No reaction from IV antibiotic

FOCUS Diagnostic Procedure

ACTION Maintained on NPO
Brought to UTZ


FOCUS Altered Body Temperature

DATA Febrile at 38.7 degree Celsius
(+) chills
Warm to touch
ACTION Paracetamol ___mg ___ tab given
TSB instructed to folks
Encouraged increase fluid intake
Room Temperature regulated


DATA IV cannula is dislodged
ACTION IVF pulled out aseptically
IVF reinsertion done at (time)
IVF regulated and infusing well
Made comfortable and all needs attended

VIP score = 0

FOCUS Discharge Process

DATA Conscious and Coherent
No Complaints made
ACTION Summarized bills
IV pulled out aseptically
V/S monitored and recorded
Bill settled, Discharge slip secured
Patient home instruction instructed to folks
and verbalized understanding thereafter
All needs attended
RESPONSE Discharged per wheelchair accompanied by
the student nurse in stable condition.

FOCUS Diagnostic Procedure

DATA For hepatobiliary ultrasound
On NPO status
ACTION Brought to ultrasound room per stretcher
accompanied by folks
Ultrasound procedure done by Dr. ______

Brought back to room per stretcher

Transferred to bed and made comfortable
RESPONSE Ultrasound findings relayed to attending

FOCUS Respiratory Status

DATA Received patient with IVF going on attached
to infusion pump
RR: ____ 02 Sat: _____ CR: ______
Oxygen tank standby on bedside
Occasional cough noted

ACTION Medications given orally

VS taken and recorded
Comfort measures provided
RESPONSE Ultrasound findings relayed to attending

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