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Presented by
Maria Nouelle B. Ibit
May 15, 2023
All families go through difficulties and challenges, some
families just try to survive through it, while some is able
to overcome and transcend which leads them to growth
and maturity. Have you ever wondered what helps your
family overcome difficulties? What keeps your family
strong as you go through life challenges, and even
tragedies? What makes your family resilient throughout
the years? Is spirituality one of your basic foundations to
be resilient every time you stumble upon challenges,
difficulties and tragedies?
The researcher tried to answer these question through
interviewing 2 couples, 1 mother and 1 daughter from
different families. The results were aligned to the previous
studies with regards to the positive relationship of
spirituality and resilience. The conclusions were based on
the key processes of Family resilience framework by Froma
Walsh focusing on the core family process of
Transcendence and Spirituality. Base on the results,
spirituality has a great positive impact on family resilience
which actually affirms the framework of Froma Walsh that
spirituality can be used to strengthen family resilience.
• Discover the different views or concepts about
• Determine the most common concept that is
prominent among Filipinos
• Determine the impact of spirituality on family
• Can help pastoral ministers and counselors assess
if spirituality can be a source of strength in
building family resilience as they accompany
families that are going through difficult times.
Research Objectives
• To identify the views of Filipino families
on their family resilience
• To identify the factors the affects family
resilience of Filipino families.
• To know the views of Filipino families on
• To know the impact of spirituality in
family resilience among Filipino families
Research Method
• Research Survey
• Zoom Interview
Significance of the Study
• Identify the impact of spirituality on
family resilience among Filipino families
• Provide the most common concept of
spirituality and family resilience among
Filipino families
• Know the importance of spirituality in
strengthening family resilience
Limitations of the Study
• The number of Interviews does not
represent the population of Filipino
• The interviewees are friends of the
researcher which may have an influence
in how they answered the questions.
• associated with religious beliefs,
practices, and traditions that is under
one’s religion
– no religion , no spirituality
• “Spirituality is about what we do with the fire
inside of us, about how we channel our eros.
And how we do channel it, the disciplines and
habits we choose to live by, will either lead to
a greater integration or disintegration within
our bodies, minds, and souls, and to a greater
integration or disintegration in the way we are
related to God, others, and the cosmic world.”
( Ronald Rolheiser)
Resilience & Family Resilience
• Resilience is the process and outcome of
successfully adapting to difficult or challenging
life experiences, especially through mental,
emotional, and behavioral flexibility and
adjustment to external and internal demands.
• Family resilience is the successful coping of
family members under adversity. that enables
them to flourish with warmth, support, and
cohesion. (Keri & Lobo)
Spirituality and Resilience
• Perception, Resiliency, and Coping Strategies of Filipinos
amidst Disasters by Maria Celina C. Ang, and Lily Beth L.
– Faith-based Resiliency and Bahala na
• The Development and Initial Evaluation of Katatagan: A
Resilience Intervention for Filipino Disaster Survivors by
Hechanova, M. R. M., Waelde, L. C., Docena, P. S.,
Alampay, L. P., Alianan, A. S., Flores, M. J. B., & Melgar,
M. I. E.
– The protective factors and strengths of survivors,
primarily spiritual coping, humor, and family support
– A common protective factor cited was survivors' strong
faith in God
Spirituality and Resilience
• These studies emphasize on the positive
impact of spirituality to the resilience of
the Filipino people though it also
presented some negative effects of
spirituality in terms of the the individual’s
religious beliefs or image of God.
Spirituality and Family Resilience
• Spirituality, Religion, and Resilience Among
Military Families by Denise L. Hamlin-Glover
– Couples that incorporated their spiritual and
religious beliefs and practices into their marriages,
bounced back from their crises, whereas those
couples who did not, experienced difficulties in
their marriages.
• Strengthening Family Resilience, Froma Walsh
– Family Resilience Approach
• key processes in family resilience
Based on the responses of the interviewees, spirituality
really has great impact on family resilience because it helps
them to be strong as individuals and as a family and also
gives them hope that God will always make a way to help
them overcome difficulties and learn from their difficulties.
Somehow the answers of the respondents are related or
connected to the explanation of Transcendence and
Spirituality as one of the core process of family resilience.
This also affirms the findings of the previous studies on
Filipino resiliency. As it was discussed in Chapter 3 that
faith in God is one of the factors of Filipino resiliency.
It is very evident that spirituality among Filipino
families is one of the foundations that helps the
family be strong especially during difficulties,
challenges, and tragedies. Therefore, the
researcher concludes that the impact of
spirituality on family resilience among Filipino
families is positive, and life giving for each
member of the family and for the family, which
leads them to greater integration.
• American Psychological Association. “APA Dictionary of Psychology.” Last modified 2022. Accessed April 20, 2023.
• Hechanova, M. R. M., Waelde, L. C., Docena, P. S., Alampay, L. P., Alianan, A.
S., Flores, M. J. B., & Melgar, M. I. E. (2015). The development and initial
evaluation of Katatagan: a resilience intervention for Filipino disaster
survivors. Philippine Journal of Psychology, 48(2), 105-131.
• Ang, Maria Celina C. , and Lily Beth L. Diaz. “Perception, Resiliency and
Coping Strategies of Filipinos amidst Disasters.” n.d. Accessed April 15, 2023.
• Black, Keri, and Marie Lobo. “A Conceptual Review of Family Resilience
Factors.” Journal of Family Nursing 14, no. 1 (February 2008): 33–55.
• Cambridge Dictionary. “SPIRITUALITY | Definition in the Cambridge English
Dictionary.” Last modified 2019.
• Hamlin-Glover, Denise L. “Spirituality, Religion, and Resilience among
Military Families.” Dissertation, 2009. Accessed April 10, 2023.
• Rolheiser, Ronald. The Holy Longing (p. 11). The Crown Publishing Group.
Kindle Edition.
• Merriam-Webster Inc. “Definition of Spirituality.” Last
modified 2019. Accessed April 15, 2023.
• Walsh, Froma. Strengthening Family Resilience. 2nd ed. New York: The
Guilford Press, 2011.

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