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Original Article

Determinants of pathological tooth migration

Leelarani Moka, Ramanarayana Boyapati1, Shyam S. Salavadhi1, Srikanth Chintalapani1,
Kotya Naik Maloth2, Kirankumar Nagubandi1
Department of Periodontics, G S L College of Dental Sciences, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, 1Departments of
Periodontics and 2Oral Medicine and Radiology, Mamata Dental College, Khammam, Telangana, India

Objective: Pathological tooth migration (PTM) is an esthetic and functional problem that may be associated with multiple
etiological factors. The purpose of this cross‑sectional epidemiological study is to determine prevalence of PTM among
periodontitis patients and investigate the association of various contributing factors such as tongue thrusting, missing posteriors,
trauma from occlusion, class II malocclusion, and aberrant frenum.
Materials and Methods: A cross‑sectional study was conducted with a total of 445 participants (age of 25–65 years) with
chronic periodontitis.
Results: Comparison of categorical values was done using Chi‑square test and continuous variables were done using
independent‑sample t‑test. Statistically significant results were seen in patients with tongue thrusting  (P < 0.002), missing
posteriors (P < 0.032), trauma from occlusion (P < 0.007). The results are not statistically significant with abnormal frenum,
class II malocclusion.
Conclusion: We conclude that tongue thrusting, missing posteriors, and trauma from occlusion are associated with PTM in
periodontitis patients. Though class II malocclussion and aberrant frenum are seen in patients with pathological migration,
significant association is not present.

Key words: Diastema, facial flaring, pathological migration, periodontitis

INTRODUCTION be addressed by creating awareness towards early

diagnosis instead of a challenge to treat psychological
Chronic periodontitis results in inflammation within destruction and its effects.
the supporting tissues of the teeth that causes
attachment loss, periodontal pocket formation, Teeth position relies on two factors; health, normal
bone loss, mobility, and may be associated with height of the periodontium, and the forces exerted on
pathological tooth migration  (PTM). PTM is defined the teeth. Imbalance among the factors that maintain
as a “Change in tooth position that occurs when there physiological tooth position result in PTM.[2] The
is disruption of forces that maintain teeth in a normal prevalence of PTM among periodontitis patients
relationship.”[1] PTM is of more concern in dentofacial is 30.03–55.8%. [3] Equilibrium in tooth position
aesthetics as its impact is more in adults; it needs to may become disrupted by several factors such as
periodontal attachment loss, pressure from inflamed
Address for correspondence: tissue, occlusal factors, unreplaced missing posteriors,
Dr. Ramanarayna Boyapati,
abnormal frenal attachment, and oral habits such
Department of Periodontics, Mamata Dental College,
Khammam, Telangana, India.
E-mail: This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
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DOI: How to cite this article: Moka L, Boyapati R, Salavadhi SS,

Chintalapani S, Maloth KN, Nagubandi K. Determinants of pathological
tooth migration. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2018;7:89-93.

© 2018 Journal of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 89
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Moka, et al.: Pathological tooth migration

as tongue thrusting, digit sucking, playing of wind of the tongue through the anterior spacing’s while
instruments.[4] swallowing. Trauma from occlusion was determined
through fremitus test “a palpable or visible movement
PTM is a sign caused by complex and multiple of a tooth when subjected to occlusal forces.” The
factors, and its treatment in advanced stage is location of alveolar attachment of abnormal high
complex, expensive, time consuming, and requires frenum is observed by “blanching test.” Clinical
interdisciplinary approach. Importance of complete parameters were assessed considering cementoenamel
periodontal examination along with dental examination junction  (CEJ) as the reference point. Pocket
should be emphasized upon for timely detection and depth  (PD) was measured from gingival margin  (GM)
intervention. PTM associated with parafunctional to the base of the sulcus. Clinical attachment level
habits, occlusal factors, and aberrant frenum requires was calculated from PD and gingival recession.
correction of respective anomalies apart from Further, bone loss was evaluated using intraoral
periodontal treatment alone. Hence, a clinician periapical radiographs obtained through paralleling
should focus on thorough examination of oral angle technique. Bone loss was calculated from the
cavity pertaining to correct diagnosis and eliminate CEJ to the alveolar bone crest. Clinical examination
the etiologic factors.[5] The aim of this study is to was done by a single operator to prevent bias.
determine the various factors contributing to PTM in
patients with chronic periodontitis. RESULTS

MATERIALS AND METHODS All the analysis was done using SPSS version
18.0 IBM SPSS (IBM Inc. Chicago). A  P  value
A cross‑sectional study is conducted on chronic of  <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
periodontitis patients during 2015–2016, Comparison of categorical variables was done using
with age group of 25–65  years. A  total of Chi‑square test and continuous variable was done
445 participants  (249  females and 196  males) were using independent‑sample t‑test. This study included
selected among patients attending the department of 445 participants  (249  females and 196  males); their
periodontics. An informed consent form was obtained distribution and prevalence is presented in Table  1 and
from the patient after thorough explanation of the Chart 1. They fall under the age group of 25–65  years,
study. The study was conducted after obtaining an with a mean age of 48.93  years. Age distribution is
institutional ethical committee clearance. displayed in Table  2 and Chart 2. In the present study,

Patients with chronic periodontitis, systemically healthy, TABLE 1: COMPARISON AND GENDER DISTRIBUTION
nonsmokers, have not undergone periodontal therapy W I T H A N D W I T H O U T PAT H O L O G I C A L T O O T H
previously, probing depth  >3  mm, CAL  >3  mm were
Total Subjects P
included in the study. All participants were examined
clinically for any manifestations of PTM, i.e.,  flaring,
n % n %
diastema, rotation, extrusion, and tipping of teeth. Sex
Possible contributing factors such as occlusal factors, Female 120 56.9 129 55.1 0.711; NS
parafunctional habits such as digit sucking lip sucking, Male 91 43.1 105 44.9
tongue thrusting, placing coins between teeth, anatomic Chi‑square test
anomalies such as aberrant frenum, and absence of
replacement of missing posteriors other than third 60.00% 56.90% 55.10%
molars were also assessed. Parafunctional habits 50.00% 43.10% 44.90%
contributing to PTM were assessed using a thorough 40.00%
questionnaire in the interview. 30.00% Absent
The questionnaire includes type of parafunctional 10.00%
habits and the duration of association with the habit. 0.00%
The tongue thrust was determined through lingual Female Male

interposition, examination of swallow pattern, teeth Chart 1: Comparison and Gender distribution with and without
indentations on tongue, and popping out of the tip pathological tooth migration

90 Journal of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences | Volume 7 | Issue 2 | April-June 2018
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Moka, et al.: Pathological tooth migration

60 Absent
48.93 25.0% 23.1% Present occlussion
50 47.3

40 17.5%

30 15.0% 13.2%
Absent 11.8%
20 10.4%
Present 10.0% 8.5%
5.7% 5.2%
5.0% 3.8%
Tongue Missing Trauma from Class 2 Abnormal
Chart 2: Comparison of mean age in patients with and without thrusting posteriors malocclusion frenum
pathological tooth migration
Chart 3: Prevalence and risk factors in patients with and without
pathological tooth migration
the association of factors such as tongue thrusting,
missing posteriors other than third molars, trauma from TABLE 2: COMPARISON OF MEAN AGE IN PATIENTS
occlusion, class  II malocclusion, and aberrant frenum W I T H A N D W I T H O U T PAT H O L O G I C A L T O O T H
with PTM in periodontitis patients was examined. MIGRATION
Analysis of the contributing factors is presented in Total Subjects P
Table  3 and depicted in Chart 3. No PTM Group PTM Group
Mean SD Mean SD
Age 47.30 11.20 48.93 8.13 0.082; NS
Among 445 participants, the chronic association of
Independent sample t‑test
tongue thrusting was seen in 54 participants with
PTM which contributes to 23.11%; 48 participants TABLE 3: PREVALANCE AND RISK FACTORS IN
had nonreplaced missing teeth comprising 20.51%. PATIENTS WITH AND WITHOUT PATHOLOGICAL
Trauma from occlusion is seen in 16.6% of the TOOTH MIGRATION
studied group, 8.5% of participants with class  II PTM P
malocclusion and aberrant frenum is seen in 3.8% 0 1
of participants with PTM. Periodontitis patients with n % n %
Tongue thrusting
PTM with no other contributing factor were seen in
0 186 88.2% 180 76.9% 0.002; Sig
32.47% participants. PTM set out in different forms 1 25 11.8% 54 23.1%
are presented in Table  4. Missing posteriors
0 189 89.6% 193 82.5% 0.032;Sig
DISCUSSION 1 22 10.4% 41 17.5%
Trauma from occlusion
0 199 94.3% 203 86.8% 0.007; Sig
Successful treatment of PTM depends upon accurate
1 12 5.7% 31 13.2%
diagnosis and early intervention. A  differential Class 2 malocclusion
diagnosis needs to be made regarding the etiology of 0 200 94.8% 214 91.5% 0.168; NS
the condition to propose a proper treatment plan. The 1 11 5.2% 20 8.5%
clinician must identify different forces causing tooth Abnormal frenum
movement to reposition tooth to their proper location. 0 207 98.1% 225 96.2% 0.222; NS
Kim et al.  (2012)[6] observed that, except periodontal 1 4 1.9% 9 3.8%

bone loss, no other single factor was associated with

PTM. Similarly, Rohatgi et al.  (2011)[7] concluded TABLE 4: DISTRIBUTION OF DIFFERENT FORMS OF
in his study that a direct relationship exists between
Specific form of movement No of sites Involved Prevalence
PTM and clinical attachment loss as well as gingival
Facial Flaring 642 87.1
inflammation. Oh in 2011 stated that adjacent teeth Diastema 597 81
are held by the transeptal fibers that may play a Rotation 530 72
very important role in PTM.[8] In fact, these fibers Extrusion 332 45.04
form a chain from one tooth to another and are Tipping 89 12.07
considered helpful in maintaining contact between
teeth throughout arch. If the continuity of this chain combination with the occlusal factors, imbalance in
is broken due to periodontal infection alone or in forces arise which may displace the teeth. The present
Journal of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences | Volume 7 | Issue 2 | April-June 2018 91
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Moka, et al.: Pathological tooth migration

study aims at targeting the contributing factors for interferences have been implicated as a common
PTM in patients with chronic periodontitis.[9] cause of PTM.

In the present study, smokers were excluded as In the present study, the association of PTM
smoking aggravates the loss of alveolar bone. [2] with class  II malocclusion is seen in 8.5% of
Sutton  (1985)[10] proposed a theory affirming within the participants. This association is supported
the blood vessels and inflamed tissue in the by studies of Craddock and Youngson  (2004) [15]
periodontal pockets the hydrodynamic and hydrostatic and Fujita et al.  (2010) [16] who reported PTM as
forces may account for abnormal teeth migration. having association with factors such as occlusion.
In the present study, the chronic association of Selwyn  (1973) [17] conducted a study, stating that
occlusal factors, such as class  II malocclusion, short a class  II skeletal pattern was more common in
dental arches, i.e.,  missing posteriors other than third patients with migrated incisors.[2] Absence of lip seal
molars, trauma from occlusion, oral habits such as associated with angles class  II division I and direct
tongue thrusting, digit sucking, and anatomic factors trauma to the gingiva by mandibular anterior in angles
such as aberrant frenum were studied. Among the class  II division II have been an aggravating factor in
234 periodontitis patients with PTM, tongue thrusting developing periodontal diseases,[8] which potentiates
was seen in 23.11%, which is in accordance to tooth migration. However, the results obtained in the
previous studies by Profit (1978),[11] who reported present study are not statistically significant in causing
that forces from tongue, cheek, and lips together with PTM.
the forces of the periodontal tissues are important
factors that maintain tooth position. Emslie  (1964)[12] Most researchers such as Angle et al. reported
reporrted that the pressure from adjacent muscular that high labial frenal attachment causes midline
organs  –  tongue, cheek, and lips  –  determine tooth diastema.[18] In this study, the association of aberrant
position. Seki et al.  (2010)[13] emphasized the role of frenum with PTM is seen in approximately 3.8% of
oral musculature of the lips, cheek, and tongue on the the study sample. This is not a statistically significant
movement of the migrated teeth. result. Ceremello  (1933) [19] found no correlation
between frenum attachment and diastema width,
In the present study, the association of trauma between frenum width and diastema, or between
from occlusion is approximately 13.2%, which is frenum height and frenum width. High frenal
a statistically significant result. According to the attachment and muscle pull have been considered
literature review, TFO may cause a shift in tooth deleterious to periodontal health as it pulls away
position either by itself or in combination with the gingival margin, contributing to accumulation
inflammatory periodontal disease [1] as a result of of plaque and calculus, leading to periodontitis.
trauma to the maxillary anterior teeth from the Hirschfield  (1939) [20] is a pioneer who called to
mandibular antagonists; the maxillary anterior incline attention the marginal attachment of the frenum
forwardly, resulting in an increased circumference as a causative factor in periodontal disease and
of upper arch. Occlusal disharmony created by the recommended its excision. Periodontitis alone as an
altered tooth positions may traumatize the supporting etiological factor is seen in 234 participants  (32.47%),
tissues of the periodontium, reducing the periodontal showing that inflammatory granulation tissue
support, and leading to further migration of teeth.[2] and bone loss are major contributing factors to
Among the 234 participants, missing molars were tooth migration. According to studies by Towfighi
seen in 17.5% of the patients with PTM, showing et al.  (1997),[3] most common form of manifestation
statistically significant association between the two. of teeth migration is facial flaring which accounts to
This  is in accordance to Sarita Paulo et al.  (2010),[14] approximately 90.9  ±  4.4%, diastema 88.6  ±  4.8%,
conducted a study, the results of which affirm that rotation 72.7  ±  6.8%, extrusion 68.2  ±  7.1%, tipping
the extreme shortened dental arches had significant 13.6  ±  5.2%. Similar results are seen in the present
more interdental spacing’s, occlusal contacts of study with facial flaring amounting to 87.1%,
incisors, and vertical overlap compared to complete diastema about 81%, rotation 72%, extrusion 45.04%,
dental arches. The occlusion and its effect on the and tipping 12.07%. Finally, after knowing the
periodontium have been reported in the literature as different contributing factors of PTM, considerations
early as 1970s. Posterior bite collapse and occlusal have to be made with the different concepts of
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Moka, et al.: Pathological tooth migration

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repositioning. Following periodontal therapy, there There are no conflicts of interest.
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