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Eutocius Commentary on Proposition 43 of Book 1 of Appolonius

Translated imperfectly by Marcel Chartier, so check ambiguities and illustrations, and make sure you understand each step. In some cases the demonstration of this proposition is done thus: Now rect. FC,CD=CB2 [prop 371], It will be that [Eucl.VI:172] FC:CB::CB:CD; so that also fig.on FC:fig.on CB::FC:CD [Eucl. VI:19 porism3]. However [Eucl. VI:194] FC2:CB2::EFC:BLC. [FC2:CB2::Dup rat.of FC:CB::EFC:BLC] [also are sim. Figs. w/ corresponding sides] But [Eucl. VI:15] FC:CD::EFC:ECD; therefore ECF:BLC::ECF:ECD Therefore ECD=BCL [Eucl. V:96]1). And it is thus in the hyperbola convertendo, but in the ellipse e contrario and separando (subtract ECF from both) ECF:ELBF::ECF:EDF; so that EDF=ELBF. And because FC2:CB2::ECF:LCB, It will be separando in the hyperbola, however in the ellipse, e contrario and convertendo and e contrario Rect. AF,FB:CB2::ELBF:LCB. 2 Similarly CB :rect. AK,KB::LCB:MLBK; ex equali therefore rect. AF, FB:rect. AK, KB::ELBF:MLBK. However, rect. AF, FB:rect AK, KB::EF2:GK2 [prop. 217]::EDF:GHK[Eucl.VI,198]; so that EDF:GHK::ELBF:MLBK. Alternately EDF:ELBF::GHK:MLBK. But we have demonstrated EDF=ELBF; so also GHK=MLBK. Therefore MCK=LBCGHK.[and EDF=ELBF as we have demonstrated above.] In this demonstration the inquiry is this (for it is somewhat obscure in the proportions of the ellipse), because of which, joined together with the brevity of Apollonius words, we shall explain,2) (for he says: because CF2:CB2::ECF:LBC, E contrario et convertendo and e contrario [u. supra p 256, 17]) CB2:CF2::LBC:ECF; convertendo CB2: rect.AF,FB (this is CB2CF2 [Eucl.II:59], because C bisects straight line AB)::LBC:ELBF; e contrario Rect.AF,FB:CB2::ELBF:LBC. Now there are 11 cases in the hyperbola, just as in the preceding proposition has regarding the parabola, and one other, where the point taken up in G is the same as E; thus because it follows that EDFBLC=ECF; for we have demonstrated, that EDF=ELBF, and ELBF=ECFBLC. In the ellipse, however, either G is the same as E or it is taken up within E; and thus it is manifest, that the parallel will fall either between D,F, as it is with Apollonius. But if G is taken up outside of E, and a straight line drawn parallel to EF falls between F,C, point H effects 5 cases; for either it falls between D,B, or on B or between B,F or on F or between F,C. But if a straight line through G drawn parallel to the ordinate falls on the center C, again point H effects 5 other cases in the same way; and thus it must be noticed that, the triangle from the straight lines ED,EF will be equal to the triangle BLC made from parallel straight lines; for because EF2:GC2:: EDF : GHC [Eucl. VI:1910]; for they are similar; and
1 2

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EF2:GC2::rect. BF, FA:rect. BC, CA [prop. 2111]::rect BF, FA:BC2, it will be that EDF:GHC:: rect BF, FA::BC2. We have demonstrated however, that Rect. BF, FA:BC2::ELBF:LBC; So that EDF:GHC(K)::ELBF:LBC. And permutando.3) we are also are able to demonstrate that these cases are true4) in other ways, this has been demonstrated in the scholia to prop.41 regarding parallelograms, which are twice as big as these triangles. But if a straight line drawn through G parallel to EF falls between C,A and is produced until FE joins it, the point H effects 7 cases; for it either falls between B,D or on B or between B,F or on F or between F,C or on C or between C,A. And in these cases it happens that the difference of the triangles LBC, GHK is construed below the straight line AB produced from the straight line LC. But if G is taken up by another part of the section, and a straight line falls between B,F from G parallel to EF, for the condition of this demonstration is produced, until it cuts the straight line LC, the point H now effects 7 cases either placed between B,F or falling on F or between F,C or on C or between C,A or or on A or outside of A. But if the straight line falls from G on the point F parallel to the straight line EF, thus so that EFG might be one straight line, the point H effects 5 cases; for it falls either between F,C or on C or between C,A or on A or outside of A. But if GK falls between F,C, H effects 5 cases; for it falls either between F,C or on C or between C,A or on A or outside of A. But if GK falls on the center C, point H effects three cases falling either between C,A or on A or outside of A; and in these cases it happens again, so that GHK=LBC. But if GK falls between C,A, point H falls either between C,A or outside of A. It occurs therefore, so that in the ellipse there will always be 42 cases and likewise in the circumference of the circle also, thus so that the cases of this proposition will always be 96.


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And EDF=LBFE, as we have demonstrated above Sc. Where the straight line drawn through G falls in the center of the ellipse.

prop 37: If a straight line touching an hyperbola or ellipse or circumference of a circle meets the diameter, and from the point of contact to the diameter a straight line is dropped ordinatewise, then the straight line cut off by the

ordinate from the center of the section with the straight line cut off by the tangent from the center of the section will contain an area equal the square on the radius of the section, and with the straight line
between the ordinate and the tangent will contain an area having the ratio to the square an the ordinate which the traverse has to the upright. (CB=radius of the section, FC=cut off by ordinate to the center, CD=cut off by the tangent to the center.)

Eucl.VI:1: If three straight lines be proportional, the rectangle contained by the extremes is equal to the square on the mean; and, if the rectangle contained by the extremes is equal to the square on the mean, then the three straight lines will be proportional. (FC and CD are the extremes and CB is the mean.)

Eucl. VI:19 porism: Similar rectilineal figures are to one another in the duplicate ratio of the corresponding sides.

( FC:CD is the duplicate ratio of FC:CB, for as FC:CB::CB:CD )

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Eucl. VI, 19: Similar triangles are to one another in the duplicate ratio of the corresponding sides.

Eucl. VI:1: Triangles and parallelograms which are under the same height are to one another as their bases.

Eucl. V:9: Magnitudes which have the same to which the same has the same ratio are equal.

ratio to the same are equal to one another; and magnitudes

prop. 21: If in an hyperbola or ellipse or circumference of a circle straight lines are dropped ordinatewise to the diameter, the squares on them will be to the areas contained by the straight lines cut off by them beginning from the ends of the transverse side of the figure, as the upright side of the figure is to the transverse, and to each other a s the areas contained by the straight lines cut off (abscissas), as we have said.

Eucl. VI, 19: (see #4)


Eucl.II:5: If a straight line be cut into equal and unequal segments, the rectangle contained by the unequal segments of the whole together with the square on the straight line between the points of section is equal to the square on the half. ( A __________________C______F_____________B AF,FB + CF2 =CB2 )

Eucl. VI:19: (see #4)


prop. 21: (see #6)

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