Grad Script 19 20 V1

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“Fill the World with Love”

Kinder Graduation and Preschool/Grade 1 & Grade 2 Moving Up Day

21 May 2020; 9:00-11:00am

I. Opening Reminder ……………………………………………………

II. Opening Prayer …………………………………………………… Pastor Mark Del Rosario
III. Philippine National Anthem …………………………………………………… Video
IV. Processional
V. Graduation Song ……………………………………………………
Kinder Graduates
VI. Giving out of Certificates …………………………………………………… T. Pearl
VII. Special Number ……………………………………………………
VIII. Video Presentation …………………………………………………… “The Year That Was” (Grade 2)
IX. Program …………………………………………………… “Fill the World with Love”
A. Dance # 1 ………………………………… Grade 2 students

B. Scene # 1 ………………………………… Kinder students

C. Dance # 2 ………………………………… “Stop and Go”

Nursery 1 & 2
D. Scene 2 ………………………………… Kinder students

E. Dance # 3 ………………………………… “Gonna Serve”

Kinder Peace
F. Scene # 3 ………………………………… Kinder students

G. Dance # 4 ………………………………… “I Stand for Jesus”

Grade 1 Proverbs
H. Scene 4 ………………………………… Kinder students

I. Dance # 5 ………………………………… “”
Grade 1 Solomon
J. Last Scene ………………………………… Kinder students

K. Dance # 6 ………………………………… “ ”
Grade 1 Psalms
L. Video ………………………………… “The Year that Was” (N-G1)

M. Finale ………………………………… Finale song:

Primary students
O. Closing Remarks and Prayer …………………… Teacher Socorro Pelea
P. Recessional ………………………………… Kinder Students only

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“Fill the World with Love”
Kinder Graduation and Preschool/Grade 1 & Grade 2 Moving Up Day
21 May 2020; 9:00-11:00am

Background: Playplace

Scene 1: Self- control and Peace

Background sound/video: Playground
* 5 students playing with each other

Student 1: So, what are we going to play today?

Student 2: How about these blocks?
Student 3: Oh! I love that game!
(Student 4 walking towards the group looking sad and worried)
Student 5: What’s wrong, ________________(S4)
Student 4: My playmate grabbed my toy without asking. I got mad and wanted to grab it back but my hand
stopped and I thought of what teacher told us…
Student 5: Hmmmm…(thinking) Oh Yeah! I remember that teacher taught us that we always need to be a
Student 4: Yuh! I remember that also! Whenever someone did something bad to us, we need to stop and
listen to what God says.
Student 5: You’re right! And go and do what God tells us to do!
(run towards Student 1-3 to play)

Dance #1: Nursery 1 & 2- Stop and Go

Scene 2: Kindness and Goodness

Props: juice and biscuit, lunch bag, table and chair, placemat

Student 6: (walks towards the students while holding the snacks) Hi ________ and ______! Do you want some
snacks? I brought some extra so I can share it with my friends.
Student 1: Wow! Thank you______. (holding the tummy)
Student 6: No worries! Here, I have some more in my bag.
Student 1: (having a hard time to open the food)
Student 6: Do you want some help? I can open it for you.
Student 1: Thank you,________! You are so kind! Let me help you pack away your things. Thank you for
reminding me to be kind, __________.
Student 6: My pleasure! Let us always try to be kind and good to each other and to everyone else!

Dance #2: Kinder Peace - “1 Thess. 5:15-18 (Wrong for Wrong)”

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Scene 3: Patience and Gentleness

Studente 7: ( trying to dance then scratching head as if having a hard time) (play background music)
Student 2: (while holding a ball) Hey guys, what’s the problem?
Student 7: We are practicing our dance but I am having a hard time doing it.
Student 3: Oh, for our assembly?
Student 2: Yes.

Dance #3: Kinder Faith- “Every Move I Make”

Scene 4: Service
Actors/s: Sihoo, David Basco
Props: 2 back packs

Sihoo: I love our topic in our SF today.

David: Me, too! I love learning about being blessed to be a blessing.
Sihoo: That is true. Come on, our fetchers are waiting for us.
David: ( carries the bag, acts like the bag is heavy)
Sihoo: I’ll carry it for you. At your service! (winks)
David: Thanks!!!

Dance #4: Grade 1 Solomon- “I’m gonna serve”

Finale : Time, Treasure, Talent, Service

Actor/s: Isabella, Micah, Skylar, Kylie, T. Pearl & T. Ruth
Props: 2 auditorium chairs for the teachers

T. Pearl & T. Ruth: Good morning, students!

All students: Good morning teachers!
T. Pearl: Are you ready for our sharing time?
All students: Yes!!!
T. Ruth: How can one show how is it to be a blessing to others?
Skylar: ( Raises her hand)
T. Ruth: Yes, Skylar
Skylar: I saw kinder students in the waiting area spending time with a sad kid. They blessed her with their
Isabella: (Raises her hand)
T. Pearl: Yes, Isabella
Isabella: My brother shared an extra crayon to his best friend. He blessed that friend with his treasure.
Micah: (Raises her hand)
T. Ruth: Yes, Micah
Micah: I saw a kinder student teaching her classmates how to dance. She blessed them with her talent!
Kylie: (Raises her hand)
T. Pearl: Yes, Kylie.
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Kylie: I passed by a classroom and I saw a student helping his friend carry his bag. He blessed his friend with
his service.
T.Ruth: Wow! Thank you for sharing all those stories of blessing others.
T. Pearl: God blessed us with time, treasure, talents and ability to serve others. Aside from that, He gave us
Jesus. The greatest blessing we could ever receive and share to others.
T. Ruth: When we learn to bless others, we too, are also blessed. We should always be grateful for all His
blessings and love Him more!

Dance #5: Grade 1 Proverbs- “God Has Given to Me”

Dance #6: Grade 1 Psalms- “Love You More”



Closing dance: Kinder students- “One Day” (Hillsong)

Processional Message: Good morning! Welcome to the Preschool

Graduation and Moving Up Day! We would like to request our family

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members and guests to keep the center aisle clear as we will use this
area for our processional and recessional during the program.
Thank you for your cooperation. Please enjoy the program.

I. Opening Prayer – Let us all rise for the opening prayer.

II. National Anthem – Please remain standing for the Philippine

National Anthem

III. Processional – You may now take your seats.

IV. Graduation Song – Let us all welcome the Kinder graduates of

school year 2018 - 2019 as they sing their graduation song,

V. Giving Out of Certificates – We now call on Teacher Toots Pelea,

(School Principal) and Teacher Mac Leroy Baugbog (Prefect of
Discipline ),_____________ from the Board of Trustees of GCF-
ICS to give out the certificates to the graduates. After receiving
the certificate, your child will proceed to the side of the stage for
a brief photo session.

VI. For Kinder Faith… ( name)

VII. For Kinder Peace… ( name)

VIII. After Giving of Certificates – Let us give one more round of

applause for the Kinder Graduates of School year 2018 – 2019.

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