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Tech Detectives:

Main idea of the text: The main idea of this text is to show us how
modern technology helped to solve these three crime cases through
DNA analysis, x-rays and computed tomography images.
King Tut’s Family Secrets:
Main idea of the text:
The main idea of this text is that through DNA technology, researchers
discovered the diseases suffered by King Tutankhamun, as well how
they managed to discover how he died and next to him were the tombs
of his closest family.
How is technology helping to solve global challenges?
Main idea of the text: The main idea of this reading is how technology
helps us solve problems in many areas. This technology is applied to
help remedy and solve the challenges that the world demands today,
through the Internet and what all of today's technology implies.
Make a list of other ways technology help us solve other problems and
how technology could solve them.
1. Quick access to information: Access to information through
technologies such as the web is practically instantaneous. This
allows more people to have access to more data that can help them
make better decisions. In addition, through the websites or devices,
anyone can have access to any type of knowledge. This, together
with speed, is a very valuable tool, especially in training processes.

2. Stimulates creativity: Today, there are many technological

resources that allow creation in multiple fields (artistic, academic,
musical, literary, cinematographic, computer science).
Over time, these types of resources (which used to be very
expensive) have become more accessible, helping to stimulate
creativity and foster new spaces and formats of creation.
3. Facilitates educational processes: Technology favors the approach
of educational resources to inaccessible places. It allows more and
more people to overcome the digital divide and join an
interconnected world.

Distance education processes and augmented reality applied to

education are examples of how modern technology can significantly
influence academic training.

4. Create new sources of work: With technological advances,

problems arise that need innovative solutions. This creates new job
opportunities, which drive economic development on multiple levels.

5. Improvements in health systems: The development of science and

technology has meant an important advance for the optimization of
health systems. The improvements benefit both patients and health

The care, diagnosis and treatment processes are increasingly

efficient thanks to new tools, drugs and intervention systems.

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