Capacity Building V1.0

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10/29/21, 10:36 AM Capacity Building related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) …

Capacity Building related to Multilateral

Environmental Agreements (MEAs)

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Capacity Building related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs

The overall objective of the Programme is to enhance the capacity of ACP countries to
comply with Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) in order to improve the
countries’ management of their environment and natural resources. The long-term
intended impact of Phase II is to reduce the adverse effects of loss of biodiversity, and
contribute to the sound management of chemicals, including the adequate disposal of
waste and obsolete pesticides.

The specific objective is to support and strengthen institutions and other stakeholders
involved in the mainstreaming and implementation of Multilateral Environmental
Agreements (MEAs)

The expected results of Phase 2 Programme are as follows:

1. Institutional capacity-building - The key ACP regional institutions and MEA

Secretariats involved have an enhanced and sustainable capacity to implement the
target MEA clusters (chemicals/wastes and biodiversity).

2. National capacity-building - The national authorities and focal points in ACP

countries have an enhanced capacity to implement the target MEA clusters
(chemicals/wastes and biodiversity).

3. Synergistic implementation - The national authorities and focal points in ACP

countries have in place specific processes or mechanisms that facilitate the sharing of

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information and experiences, and especially the synergistic implementation of the target
MEA clusters (chemicals/wastes and biodiversity).

Capacity Building related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)

Many developing countries are unable to fulfil their obligations as signatories of

multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) because they lack capacity to address
increasingly complex scientific and technical issues. Developing countries are facing a
variety of obstacles, including inadequate human, financial, and technical resources.
These constraints severely impact their ability to implement MEAs. Thus, the project is
based on the recognition that ACP countries have different levels of capacity related to
the implementation of MEAs and in that there are a lot of opportunities for South-South
Cooperation between the ACP regions.

Thus, the objective of the Programme is to enhance capacities within ACP countries to
comply with Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) in order to improve the
countries' management of their environment and natural resources. The long term
intended impact of the work is to reduce the adverse effects of loss of biodiversity, and
contribute to the sound management of chemicals, including the adequate disposal of
waste and obsolete pesticides.

Phase 1 of the ACP MEAs project (ACP MEAs 1) financed by the EU’s 9th EDF started
implementation in March 2009 and completed its activities by February 2014 with great

Phase 2 (2 014-2017)
Phase 2 (ACP MEAs 2) of the present project is financed by the 10th EDF and builds on
lessons learned and experiences gained from Phase 1. It also builds on the
achievements of Phase 1 to further enhance the capacity of the ACP countries. Phase 2
focuses on two specific clusters of MEAs: biodiversity and the sound management
of chemicals and waste.

Phase 2 of the program will run at a total cost of Euro 11 million for a period of 4
years (2014-2017) having commenced on the date of signature of the contribution
agreement between European Commission (EC) and the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP) on 10 December 2013, and in accordance with the period of

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execution of the EC – ACP Secretariat Financing Agreement. The EC has a seperate

agreement with FAO under which it pursues its specific sub-component.

Capacity Building related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) in African,

Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Countries > Project Components and Expected Results
Submitted by anjanavarma, on Fri, 24/06/2016 - 10:33 (0 comments)

Phase 2 is implemented by UNEP under two components:

1) Institutional strengthening of three regional Hubs to provide assistance in the
implementation of MEAs in the ACP regions hosted by the African Union Commission
(AUC) in Africa, the Caribbean Community Secretariat (CARICOM) in the Caribbean and
the Secretariat for Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) in the Pacific;

2) Support to the implementation of specific MEAs in the two focus areas, namely,
the CBD, CMS and CITES as well as Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions with
direct support from UNEP Divisions, Regional Offices, select NGOs and
Collaborating Centers. The two components are designed to work in full coordination
and harmony.

The expected results of aims to enhance:

1. Institutional capacity-building - The key ACP regional institutions and MEA
Secretariats involved have an enhanced and sustainable capacity to implement the
target MEA clusters (chemicals/wastes and biodiversity).

2. National capacity-building - The national authorities and focal points have

an enhanced capacity to implement the target MEA clusters
(chemicals/wastes and biodiversity).

3. Synergistic implementation - The national authorities and focal points in ACP

countries have in place specific processes or mechanisms that facilitate the sharing of
information and experiences, and especially the synergistic implementation of the target
MEA clusters (chemicals/wastes and biodiversity).

Phase 2 is implemented by FAO with the same expected results, with the addition of
field-based projects to implement MEAs on pesticide related issues; biodiversity
(CBD), and mercury (Minamata Convention).

Capacity Building related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)

10/29/21, 10:36 AM Capacity Building related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) …

Capacity Building related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)

The capacity needs identified so far include:

1. Adequate national and sub-regional policy frameworks for the effective

implementation of global and regional conventions.

2. Development and implementation of national legislative frameworks in a

coordinated manner in order to comprehensively address the complexity of issues
covered by global conventions.

3. Adequate institutional mechanisms for the implementation of such frameworks,

including strengthening the role of existing environmental and agricultural

4. Enhanced mechanisms for management of environmental and agricultural

information, including coordination, integration, reporting to MEAs and delivery to
identified targets. Particular emphasis is placed on the policy and decision-making

5. Enhanced mechanisms required for regional cooperation on issues of common

concern such as the management of shared ecosystems, in conformity with
existing agreements between the countries concerned. Specific areas of regional
concern include the following: migratory species; trade in endangered species;
shared coastal and inland water bodies; transboundary river basins and chemical
pollution including anthropogenic mercury and synthetic pesticides release.

6. Enhanced exchange of information and expertise for a better understanding of the

status of and trends in environmental degradation. Areas of particular concern
include: vulnerability to climate change, impacts of land degradation and
desertification and implications of loss of biodiversity, agricultural management
and the consequences of inappropriate crop protection practices, in addition to a
variety of other environmental challenges.

7. Enhanced negotiating and technical skills of African representatives at meetings of

major global environmental conventions and international environmental

8. Public awareness of global conventions and related sustainable development


Capacity Building related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) >

Methodology & Sustainability

10/29/21, 10:36 AM Capacity Building related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) …

A key component is the dissemination of knowledge and

special skills pertaining to MEAs. The activities in each
country shall focus on the development of appropriate tools
for capacity building within the framework of their individual
needs and priorities. Institutional capacities will be enhanced
through the preparation of manuals, guidebooks and
curricula as well as other publications and materials on MEA
implementation. These will enhance the capacities of various
institutions to carry out their activities on a sustainable basis
beyond the project cycle.

Will work with UNEP to analyse and synthesise existing capacity enhancement
needs assessments. Needs workshops will be held to prioritise and endorse the
identified needs with the input of participating countries and partners.
Beneficiary countries will need to be fully involved in undertaking the activities. Active
participation of national experts is a means of capacity building and will ensure
sustainability and national ownership of results.

Will be linked with other ongoing processes and initiatives related to the implementation
of MEAs and the attainment of MDGs
activities undertaken under the UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF)
process. MEA secretariats will be involved especially when priority capacity
enhancement activities are identified and activities are implemented. The African Hub
will elaborate a Sustainability Action Plan based on the review and evaluation of
identified activities. The Action Plan will include resource mobilisation and sustainable
financing strategies.

Hub will need to be supported by a well-coordinated and integrated work plan, an
effective communication infrastructure and adequate and
timely funding. A high level of ownership by governments and national stakeholders, the
ability to lead and participate in the planned interventions, the commitment to inter-
agency collaboration and coordination arrangements and the commitment to planning
and implementing sustainability strategies are equally essential. Activities related to
mainstreaming MEAs will support financial sustainability. These will include: a gradual
increase in government funding for MEA-related activities; mainstreaming MEAs into
national development policies and poverty reduction strategies; implementation of MEAs
being given full consideration in the allocation of resources; an increased level of active

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participation by NGOs, the private sector and scientific and educational institutions in
MEA-related activities and decision-making processes; an increased number of
stakeholder representatives trained in resource mobilization strategies resulting in
increased numbers of fundable project proposals and increased levels of donor support.
Institutional sustainability will be achieved through the identification and clarification of
roles and responsibilities of national institutions and individuals linked to each MEA. This
will be further supported by strengthening the capacities of these institutions and
individuals to carry out their defined roles. National networks and collaboration will be
promoted and established in order to ensure continuity of MEA implementation even
when a particular official leaves an institution.

The main targets of the action are government officials and national
authorities with a role in MEA implementation. The wider group of stakeholder
beneficiaries includes non-governmental organization, academic institutions, the private
sector, local communities, and relevant sub-regional, regional and international

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To ensure the successful implementation of the project, the Hub works with its
partners and stakeholders at the national, regional and international level. National
Focal points play a key role in determining and prioritising the capacity needs
of their country in the context of the project’s focal areas. This engagement with
national partners serves to ensure that the project is responsive to stakeholder needs
and to foster national ownership of the activities and results.

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The main means of implementation are the provision of information, technical advice, a
range of training activities in-country as well as regionally, and specific in-country
support activities such as facilitation of national meeting, workshops and engagement of
technical expertise.

Specific capacity-building actions have included (the below list is not exhaustive):

● Regional training on MEAs negotiation and the preparation of associated guidance


● Regional and national capacity-building on MEAs mainstreaming and publication of a

mainstreaming training module (/capacity4dev/acp-meas/document/acheiving-national-and-
sectoral-development-priorities-use-integrated-environmental-assessm) ;

● Publications of a MEAs handbook (/capacity4dev/acp-meas/document/caribbean-community-

and learning kit for Customs
Officers, and training for Customs Officers at the national and regional levels;

● Awareness-raising and capacity-building on Access and Benefit-Sharing;

● Review of national legislation and training for lawyers on drafting legislation

for implementation of targets MEAs in the biodiversity and chemicals and
waste clusters;

● Coordinating regional preparations and positions for key MEAs negotiations;

● Preparation and dissemination of informational brochures on MEAs and their

implementation in the Caribbean context.

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The involvement of national stakeholders in planning, resource mobilization and
implementation of actions to address MEA requirements is being encouraged as a
sustainability measure. Involvement of national and regional experts and stakeholders
in the execution of project activities strengthens the capacities of institutions and
individuals to carry out their defined roles, creates national ownership of the project
activities, establishes a shared knowledge base, and facilitates the establishment of
formal and informal networks. All of these support the sustained application of the
knowledge and skills gained by the beneficiaries of the project.

The production of outputs such as manuals, guidebooks, training modules, learning kits
and curricula will also contribute to the sustainability of Project impacts. Organizations
in the Caribbean have shown substantial interest in these project outputs, and they are
expected and encouraged (for example, via training-of-trainers) to continue to use
them even beyond the life cycle of the ACP-MEAs action in the region.

Partnerships with other institutions and organizations are also a key component of
sustainability, as these partners will be able to build on and continue capacity
development efforts in key areas relevant to their mandates.

The Caribbean Hub will also be developing targeted cooperation agreements, strategic
plans, and road-maps to sustain and amplify key results and outcomes of the Project
after its conclusion.

Capacity Building related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) in African,

Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Countries > Caribbean Hub > Synergies/Mainstreaming

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The Hub is also contributing to institutional approaches to mainstreaming by

encouraging and facilitating opportunities for cross-sectoral collaboration,
communication, awareness-raising and exploration of synergies, through activities that
involve environmental officers, customs officers, Ministries of Legal Affairs, economists,
departments of agriculture, fisheries, and forestry, NGOs, academia and the private

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Actions can be summarized in 6 main areas:

● Negotiation skills training: capacity for negotiation skills and MEA COP support is
built through a programme of national and regional training workshops, and direct
support at the MEA COP meetings;

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● MEA mainstreaming support: integrated environmental assessment process,

development of national integrated environmental policies, and knowledge
management. Capacity is built by a programme of national support and training to
improve processes and planning frameworks, as well as mentoring of key staff
through the process;

● Technical assistance for Environmental Impact Assessments, by national level


● Regional coordination: between regional coordination mechanisms, other EC

projects, and CROP agencies;

● Awareness raising and access to information on the MEAs, materials and information
available on-line via the MEA Clearing House Mechanism housed on the SPREP

Effective compliance falls under two main categories:

1. Participation in negotiations (preparations of positions that reflect the country’s

interests and preparations of negotiation strategies for eliciting desired outcomes
during negotiations); and

2. Implementation of MEAs.

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There are two main issues at play with Pacific MEA implementation:

1. The process of developing plans and strategies and monitoring and reporting; and

2. Support to overcome technical obstacles to implementation such as the lack of

project management skills, inadequate technical and legal capacity, and lack of
financial resources.

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The mainstreaming of MEAs into national strategies, plans and
processes while encouraging the participation and improving the capacity of national
stakeholders will ensure the sustainability of activities. Result 1 - Institutional
capacity development in appropriate regional centres: Activities under Result 1
include establishing institutional arrangements
and the administrative agreements with the implementing partners, developing and
updating regional work plans (on a yearly basis) with the relevant regional
organisations and country representative; and developing guidance, more
specifically joint FAO-CBD Technical Guidance Documents on integrating agriculture
into biodiversity.
● Result 2 - Capacity development of national authorities and focal points:
Activities under Result 2 focus on strengthening the legal framework for pesticide
legislation and registration, developing tools (Pesticide Registration Toolkit), and
providing trainings (e.g. Post graduate Diploma) to enhance the capacity of
national authorities to better manage pesticides and implement the Rotterdam
● Result 3 - Synergistic implementation of the target MEA clusters; Activities
under Result 3 focus on mechanisms to share information and training to enhance
the implementation of the chemical Conventions; and to identify linkages, enabling
policies and instruments to promote synergies between agriculture/biodiversity-
related instruments.
● Result 4 - Field-based projects to implement MEAs pesticide related issues:
Activities under Result 4 focus on extending support to countries to remediate
contaminated sites and dispose their stock of obsolete pesticides in line with the
Basel and Stockholm Conventions. These activities are funded through additional
FAO-led projects and constitute part of the FAO contribution to the MEAs 2 project.
● Result 5 - Field-based projects to implement MEAs on CBD: Activities under
Result 5 support the integration of biodiversity management in the agricultural
sector through field-based experiences.
● Result 6 - Field-based projects to implement MEAs on Minamata Convention:
Activities under Result 6 are carried out by the European Environmental Bureau
(EEB) to prepare four ACP countries in Africa for the ratification and implementation
of the Minamata Convention on Mercury.

● Harmonisation of pesticide legislation

● Highly Hazardous Pesticides and Rotterdam Convention

● Biodiversity and Agriculture: minimising agrochemical use

● Harmonisation of pesticide legislation

● Chemical Waste Management

● Harmonisation of pesticide legislation

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● Biodiversity and Agriculture: minimising agrochemical use


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