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Sustainable Development
Jatniel Santos

I am a 24 yo, choral conducting student at UEES. In my career we like to think that choral
singing is one of the most sustainable of the musical arts because it requires nothing but
your voice to make art. But of course on a daily basis I also try to be more aware of the
impact my lifestyle has on the environment, from the morning I wake up and go to the
bathroom through the day and finish at bedtime.

Every morning I try to be more responsible with my routine, when I go and brush my teeth I
use a cup to save water. If I have to pee and have to take a shower I do both in the shower
so I don’t have to flush the toilet, it also helps with the water bill.

I certainly don’t make an effort on using renewable energy sources for transportation but I’m
very aware that if I were to buy a car I’d choose any hybrid option, even though I’d have to
invest a little more money because in my country these hybrid cars are a little more

For the record some of my hobbies are plants, so I try to make it sustainable too. I love the
kind of plants that require less water to thrive so I need those as ornamental and to add
some style to the house. I also love those garnish plants, but they certainly need more water
to thrive and I’m aware these are not very sustainable so I’m always trying internet hacks to
help me reduce the water usage.

In my country I think one of the most important things to change is the waste disposal, I
know we as a society have to start the change but it is also a responsibility of the people that
make laws and rules. We need to make changes in wastelands because the contaminate a
great part of our water reservoirs and thank God we have lots of sources of freshwater, so
we better take good care of it.

I think we as a country have a lot of responsibility with our environment because we have
diversity in flora, fauna and ecosystems, but in order to keep them for longer periods of time
we have to think of policies that help the people understand the importance of sustainability
as a whole.

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