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1. Why do you need to give back acre for your bed ridden client ? (write purpose)

● To improve circulation to the back

● To refresh the mode and feeling
● To relieve from fatigue, pain and stress
● To induce sleep
● To Prevention of pressure ulcer

2. Explain scientifically why pressure ulcer develop for bed ridden patient?

● Position change in the bedridden patients is recommended after 2–3 h.In fact, the
prolonged pressure on an area for more than 2–3 h causes disturbances in the nerve
impulses and causes decreases in blood supply. It diminishes the nutrition to that
particular part which leads to necrosis and ulcerations.

● External pressure –compress blood vessels

● Friction and shearing forces-tear and injure blood vessel

3. What are the factors affected for developing bed sores?

● Aging
● Immobility-paralysed, unconscious, lengthy surgery, tranquilizers
● Nutrition-malnourished, vit-c deficiency
● Hydration-dehydration, oedema
● Moisture-sweating
● Warmth-fever
● Poor Hygiene
● Incontinence

4. How you prevent pressure ulcer formation in your bed ridden client?

● Identify at risk patients

● Assess their skin daily
● Keep skin clean & dry always keep pressure off skin
● Avoid massage over bony prominences
● Minimize injury from friction
● Nutritional interventions
● Improve mobility
● Document measures used
5. What are the method of back rub?

● Petrissage
● Friction
● Taportment (VIBRATION)

6. Explain the benefits of each back rub method

Petrissage -
● Kneading increases blood circulation to those areas
● A benefit of petrissage is decreased tension.
● Petrissage allows muscle fibers to move move freely and tension to be released.

● Traumatic hyperemia, which helps to evacuate pain triggering metabolites
● Movement of the affected structure which prevents or destroys adhesions and helps
optimize the quality of scar tissue and mechanoreceptor stimulation.

Taportment (VIBRATION)-
● Increases local blood circulation
● Helps to warm and soften the underlying tissue


● Stimulate lymphatic drainage and promote relaxation
● Friction causes the temperature to increase and vasodilation and capillarisation to occur

7. Write benefits in back care procedure

● It improves movement, strengthens muscles, and helps to maintain a healthy

posture. A strong, mobile body reduces the likelihood of back injury
● Improve the circulation in the back
● Refresh the model and feeling
● Relief from fatigue,pain and stress
● Induce sleep


Paul Dewseth

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