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Submitted by
debopriyo daS
ClaSS: xii SeC: SCienCe 3 roll no: 11
board roll no : ________________
This is to certify that Debopriyo Das of Class 12
Science 3 has prepared Report on the topic
“Sterilization Of water with bleaching powder.”
This report is the result of his efforts and
The report is found worthy of Acceptance as
final project reports Of subject Chemistry in the session
2023 -24. He has prepared the report Under my

I have taken efforts in this project . However it would not
have been possible without the kind support and help of
many individuals
I am highly interested to my Chemistry teachers :
Abhishek Sir and Kaberi mam for their valuable guidance
which has sustained my efforts in all my efforts in all
stages of this project.
I would like to thanks my parents and classmates for their
continuous support .

1 introduction
2 Aim and requirement
3 Theory
4 Procedure
5 Observation
6 Calculation
7 Result
8 Bibliography

Need of water

Water is the major constituent of all living beings for their survival. Water used for
drinking purposes should fulfill the following conditions:

i. It should be colourless.

ii. It should not posses any smell.

iii. It should not contain any harmful dissolved salts such as nitrates, nitrites,
merry salts, lead salts.

iv. It should not contain any living organisms such as algae, fungi, bacteria, etc.

In order to obtain water for drinking purpose, water is first treated with alum
whereby clay and other colloidal particles get precipitated. The suspended
impurities are then removed by filtration and the clear water obtained is subjected
to some suitable treatment to destroy harmful germs and bacteria. These bacteria
cause many dangerous diseases such as cholera, typhoid, dysentery, etc. The
process of killing the harmful bacteria by some suitable treatment of water is called
"Sterilization or Disinfection of water". The common sterilizing agents are chlorine,
ozone, bleaching powder, potassium permanganate, chloramine, etc. Sterilization of
water can also be done by simply boiling the water for about 15 minutes. However,
this method can be applied only on small scale. In the present context, we shall
focus on disinfection of water using bleaching powder. The chemical action of
bleaching powder on germs and bacteria is due to the chlorine which becomes
available, when it is added to water.

CaOCl2+H20 Ca(OH)2+Cl₂
Determination of dosage of bleaching powder required for sterilization of different
samples of water.

Apparatus : 1.Volumetric glass
2. burette
3. Titration Flask
4. Measuring cylinder
5. Weight Box
6. Glass wool
7. Beaker
8. Funnel
1. Bleaching powder
2. Sodium thiosulphate
3. Potassium iodide sol
4. Diff. samples of
5. Starch sol.

1. A known mass of the given sample of bleaching powder is

dissolved in water to prepare a solution of known concentration. This
solution contains dissolved chlorine, liberated by the action of
bleaching powder with water. CaOCl2 + H2O=Ca (OH)2+ Cl2

2. The amount of Chlorine present in the above solution is determined

by treating a known volume of the above solution with excess of 10%
potassium iodide solution, when equivalent amount of lodine is
liberated. The lodine, thus liberated is then estimated by titrating it
against a standard of Sodium thiosulphate, using starch solution as

Cl₂+2Ki=2KCl+12 12+2Na2S2O3-Na2S:06+2Na!

3. A known Volume of one of the given samples of water is treated

with a known volume of bleaching powder solution. The amount of
residual chlorine is determined by adding excess potassium iodide
solution and then titrating against standard sodium thiosulphate

4. From the readings in 2 & 3, the amount of chlorine and hence

bleaching powder required for the disinfection of given volume of the
given sample of water can be calculated.
1. Preparation of 50cc 0.1N Na2S2O3: Approximately 12.4 g of Na2S2O3
crystal are dissolved in 50 cc boiled distilled water in amber coloured

2. Preparation of bleaching powder solution: 5g of bleaching powder

was weighed accurately and transferred to 250 ml conical flak. 150 ml of
distilled water was added to it. The flask was closed with a stopper and
shaken vigorously. The suspension was filtered through glass wool. The
filtrate was diluted with in a 250 cc measuring flask to make the volume
250ml. the solution obtained was 1% bleaching powder solution.

3. 20 ml of bleaching powder solution was taken in a stopper conical

flask and 20 ml of 10% KI solution was added to it. The solution was
titrated against 0.1N Na2S2O3 solution taken in a burette. When the
solution in a conical flask becomes light yellow in colour, 2ml of starch
solution was added to it The solution now becomes blue in colour in
colour. The titrating was continued till the blue colour just disappears.
The titration was repeated three times to get a set of concordant

4. 100ml of water sample was taken in a 250 ml stoppered conical flask.

20 ml of bleaching powder solution was added to it. 20 ml of KI solution
was added and the flask was stoppered. It was vigorously shaken and
was titrated against 0.1N Na2S2O3 solution using starch solution as.

5. Step 3 was repeated with other samples of water and the

observations were recorded.
Weight of bleaching powder dissolved to
prepare 250 ml of solution=2.5gm

Titration 1:

Bleaching powder solution was titrated

against 0.1N Na2S2O3 solution. Volume of
bleaching powder solution taken for each
titration=20.0ml. Volume of KI solution

SERIAL Burette Volume of

NO. Reading Na2S2O3
Initial Final used
1 0 2.5 2.5mol
2 0 2.5 2.5mol
3 0 2.5 2.5mol

Titration 2 :
Volume of water sample II taken for
titration=100ml Volume of bleaching
powder solution added=20.0ml. Volume of
KI solution added=20.0ml
Sl no. Burette Volume of
Reading Na2S2O3
Initial Final used
1 0 1.5 1.5ml
2 0 1.5 1.5ml
3 0 1.5 1.5ml Titration 3:
Volume of water sample II taken for
titration=100ml Volume of bleaching
powder solution added=20.0ml.
Volume of KI solution added=20.0ml
Sl no. Burette Volume of
Reading Na2S2O3
Initial Final used
1 0 2 2 ml
2 0 2 2 ml
3 0 2 2 ml

Amount of bleaching powder used to disinfect

100 ml of water

in sample 1

= (V_{1} - V_{2}) ml) of 0.1N

N*a_{2}*S_{2}*O_{3} solution

=1 ml
Now 1ml of bleaching powder contains
bleaching powder= 2.5/250 = 0.1gm
10 ml of bleaching powder contains =
V_{1} ml of 0.1N*a_{2}*S_{2}*O_{3}
= 2.5ml
Iml of Na2S2O3
= 10 / V_{1} ml of bleaching powder.
=10/2.5 ml
Volume of bleaching powder solution required
to disinfect 100 ml of water sample 1 = (V_{1} -
V_{2}) * 10 / V_{1} * ml
=4mg(V_{1} - V_{2}) * 10 / V_{1} ml of bleaching
powder solution = (V_{1} - V_{2}) * 10 / V 1 ^ *
0.1gm of bleaching powder = 0.4gm

Amount of sample used to disinfect 1 litre of

water sample 1 = (V_{1} - V_{2}) / V_{1} * gm =
Amount of bleaching powder used to disinfect
100 ml of water in sample 2 = (V_{1} - V_{2}) *
ml ) of 0.1N
N*a_{2}*S_{2}*O_{3} solution=0.5 ml

Now 1ml of bleaching powder contains

bleaching powder=

2.5/250 = 0.1gm
10 ml of bleaching powder contains-V₁ ml of 0.1
N*a_{2}*S_{2}*O_{3} = 2.5ml
1ml of N*a_{2}*S_{2}*O_{3}
= 10 / V_{1} ml of bleaching powder.
= 10/2.5 ml
Volume of bleaching powder solution required
to disinfect 100 ml of water sample 2 = (V_{1} -
V_{2}) * 10 / V * 1ml
(V_{1} - V_{2}) * 10 / V_{1} ml of bleaching
powder solution = (V_{1} - V_{2}) * 10 / V 1 ^ *
0.1 of bleaching powder = 0.2gm
Amount of sample used to disinfect 1 litre of
water sample 2 = (V_{1} - V_{2}) / V_{1g}
= 2gm

Amount of sample of bleaching powder
required to disinfectant 1 litre of water

Sample 1=4gm of bleaching powder in 1

litre of water is


Sample 2=2gm of bleaching powder in 1

litre of water is


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