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Worksheet 2

Past continuous
1 Complete the table with the correct past form of be.

I was using my mobile phone

You were listening to music
was at 8pm.
He eating a sandwich
was when you arrived.
She laughing
We were watching TV
They were swimming

Now make the sentences negative. Now make questions.

I wasn’t using my mobile phone at 8pm. Was I using my mobile phone at 8pm?
You weren’t listening to music at 8 pm / when you arrived. Were you listening to music at 8 pm / when you arrived?
He wasn’t eating a sandwich at 8 pm / when you arrived. Was he eating a sandwich at 8 pm / when you arrived?
She wasn’t laughing at 8 pm / when you arrived? Was she laughing at 8 pm when you / arrived?
We weren’t watching TV at 8 pm / when you arrived? Were we (you) watching TV at 8 pm / when you arrived?
They weren’t swimming at 8pm / when you arrived? Were they swimming at 8 pm when / you arrived?

2 Write questions.
4 Complete the sentences with the past
you / watch him – Were you watching him? continuous form.
1 you / talk
Were you talking? 1 I was running (run) when you saw me
2 they / laugh because I was late.
Were they laughing? 2 They were waiting (wait) for a bus when the
car crashed.
3 she / take photos 3 Gabi and Laura were dancing (dance) at
Was she taking photos? 8pm.
4 Tomek wasn’t eating (not / eat) a
4 you / shop
sandwich when Ben fell into the river.
Were you shopping?
5 What were Carol and Jack
5 he / run doing (do) when Pedro phoned?
Was he running? 6 Was Sally taking
(take) a photo when I phoned?
7 Pedro and Tomek weren’t laughing (not /
3 Read the questions you wrote in exercise 2.
laugh) when Ben fell in the river.
Then complete the answers.
1 No, I wasn´t
2 Yes, they were
3 Yes, she was
4 No, we weren´t
5 Yes, he was

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