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Language: its role, importance and interaction in society.

This article is devoted to the analysis of the phenomenon of language, its

role in the formation of a personality, culture, ethnic identity.
Over the centuries of human development methods of communication
have also developed both within different ethnic groups and between them.
Anthropologists debate the exact timing of when language emerged as a means
of communication, but it certainly was one of the most important milestones in
the development of the human brain and consciousness, as well as interpersonal
relationships. Basically, language distinguishes humans from other animal
species as well as national language distinguishes one nation from another. With
an estimated 7000 languages in the world, language is unique for each country
and present all over the world wherever there are humans.
Keywords: language, uniqueness, role, self-identification, interaction

Today, in a world of ever-increasing globalization and the strengthening
of the role of the media in the communication process, one of the most
important factors in this socio-political context is language. Language occupies
an important place in the sphere of ethnic differentiation, covering not only the
moral sphere of the life of society, but also protecting its values and defining
relationships with others. Obviously, the specifics of the phenomenon of ethnic
self-identification and ethnic stereotypes must inevitably be considered in the
context of the language and a strong connection with it.

The purpose of this article is to study the importance of the role of
language in the formation of society, its cultural characteristics and self-
By definition, language is, "a body of words, symbols, signs, sounds,
gestures, and the systems for their use common to people who are of the same
community, nation or same cultural tradition", but today language is more than
a means of communication. So, the task is to reveal the most important aspects
of the language that we encounter on a daily basis.

Considering language as a complex phenomenon, it is important to note

its main aspects. This article will delve into how language is used in society to
fulfill different purposes.

The methodology of this research is executed within problem-oriented
search and represents a language as a unique system of human communication,
being characterized by its close coexistence with the country and society.

Main material presenting

First, the most important function of language is communication,
language arose out of a need for humans to communicate and socialize. As
humans are social beings, communication is an essential part of our life. Society
and language are mutually indispensable. Language can have developed only in
a social setting. It helps us to communicate with people who can speak the same
language, through conventionalized vocal sounds and structures that allow us to
understand each other. We can use language to share complex thoughts,
opinions, and ideas, which enables human-to-human connections to form.
According to scientists, two-thirds of human communication consists of verbal
communication. This is a fairly complete and most perfect form of
Second, language is a mean that helps us to obtain new knowledge and
experience. We live in a post-industrial society where information is the main
asset and value. We cannot completely perceive information without the use of
language. While that can be possible for some visual imagination, it will be hard
to think of complex processes without putting it into words. That is why
language is essential to help us learn and gain knowledge. With language we are
able to study, understand what we hear on the news and social media. Without
language it would be impossible to transmit these pieces of information and
knowledge from one person to another.
Also, in terms of ethnic identity, language – it is the DNA of each nation.
Despite the fact that we live in a globalized world, ethnic and national
characteristics still remain important elements in the self-identification of
society. Each person is born into a unique society that instills its own values.
Values are what makes us feel more cohesive and closer in the society we live
in. Native language is our comfort zone. The use of a particular language shows
respect for the country and society in which you live. Each society is
experiencing its peaks of cultural evolution, which are accompanied by
emphasis on patriotism, the uniqueness of culture and ethnic characteristics, and
raising the national spirit.
Thus, the national language is one of the strongest means of self-
identification. This can be observed in a current conflict between Russia and
Ukraine. After Russia invaded Ukraine, the level of linguistic self-identification
of Ukrainians is steadily growing. Now the majority of Ukrainians (83%) see
Ukrainian as the only national language. In 2012, the number of Russian-
speaking Ukrainians was 40%, at the end of 2021 - 26%, and now - 18%.
Languages develop dependently on the community they are spoken in,
and over time, they start to reflect the culture of the people. In this context, A.L.
Kroeber (1923) said: "Culture thus began when speech appeared, and from that
moment the enrichment of one means the further development of the other."
For example, the most romantic languages are French, Spanish and
Italian. If we try to reflect the meaning of romance or love to the French, we
may come to the conclusion that this language was chosen because of words
such as «French kiss», «bouquet», «romance» or its capital - Paris, which is
always in the heads nearly of every article about the most romantic place on
Earth. This language has a euphonic and melodic sound that gives a sing-song
tone. Also, cultural uniqueness can be found in languages that do not have its
similarities in countries of the other part of the world. Japan is known for its
samurais, sakura, dumplings, Ukraine - for cossack, pysanka, horilka, varenyky.
The language is an integral part of the culture of the nation. Cuisine,
literature, poetry - the cultural code and the history of the ethnic group are
encrypted in them with the help of language. Language indicates the culture and
establishes relation between Past, Present and Future.

Based on the characteristics discussed above, it can be argued that
language plays an incredibly important role in shaping society, its values,
culture, and identity. It is of great importance in communication between
people, mastering new information, perception of the world, and is also a
necessary element both in the self-identification of the individual and the ethnic
group as a whole.


1. Clark McKowen (1998) «Teaching Human Beings: The Role of

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2. Ellen J. Brooks (1986) «Learning to Read and Write. The Role of
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3. Hoffer B.L. (2005) Language's Borrowings: The Role of the Borrowed
and Intercultural Communication Studies.
4. Kroeber A.L (1923) «Anthropology» New York: Harcourt, Brace and
5. Shkolnikov, V. M., Leon, D., Adamets, S., Andreev, E., & Deev, A.
(2003) Educational level and adult mortality in Russia: An analysis of
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6. Wang Ai-Ling (2021) «Redefining the Role of Language in a Globalized

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