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Welcome to Our World Picture Cards The Welcome to Our World Level | Picture Cards are a set of 64 cards. The cards represent all target vocabulary and content concept terms taught in Level | of Welcome to Our World, These Picture Cards can bbe used to preview, teach. and review target vocabulary and content concepts. Each card is designed to be used by both teachers and students. High-quality, engaging photographs and illustrations support visual learning, while exposing students to target terms in new contexts. The complete set of 232 cards, containing all cards for Levels I-3, is ovailable online through myNGconnect. You can download and print additional cards as needed. Suggested Ac’ ies Picture Card games and activities are grouped into four categories: * general activities and games that can be used in large or small classes + more challenging activities and games * activities and games that work best with small closses + activities and gomes that help students review The Sounds of English These types of activities and games will help students use and recycle vocabulary, os well os learn new vocabulary. They can be used to provide multiple exposures to target language, something that research has shown to be a highly effective tool in teaching and learning English. General Activities Picture Cards in a Bag 4. Peek-a-Boo! After pre-teaching a set of Picture Cards, shuffle Pre-teach five to ten Picture Cards. Have children the cards and then put them in a large bag. Have close their eyes as you choose @ card and put it children take turns pulling out o Picture Card and behind a piece of construction paper. Slowly move saying what's on it. the card up to reveal part of it. Once children call out what is on the card, show them the entire card. Crete Detling ‘ond then say the word or phrase together. Hove children stand in a circle, Name each Picture Card as you walk around the circle, handing one 5. Take Turns Drilling card to each child. Each child then holds up o card Put a group of Picture Cards in @ stack at the end cond names it, and then other children repeat in of a table, Have one child stand by the stack while Unison. Once all children have had a turn, have others line up on the other side of the table. The them to do it once again, this time more quickty! first child holds up @ card. The chiléren in line say the word in unison. Then that child puts the card at the bottom of the stack and goes to the back of the line. Repeat until all children hove had o turn to hold up a card Guessing Game Pre-teach two to four Picture Cords. (Pre-teach the cards by showing them to the children one by one 05 you say the word and ask them to repeat) Ask children to close their eyes as you choose a card dnd put it behind your back. Children then take turns guessing which card you chose. The child who quesses correctly takes the teocher’s role, ond chooses @ new card, Repeat until ell children have had o turn Picture-Cards-in-a-Bag Guessing Game After pre-teaching six to ten Picture Cards, secretly put half of them in a bag, Children call out the words to guess what cords are in the bag. The game ends when children have correctly guessed what cords are in the bog. Charades This game can be used for Picture Cards with a verb or verb phrase on them. As you pre-teach the Picture Cards, act out the verb. For example, if the card illustrates “jump.” mime jumping, Lay the cards face up on the table or line them up against the board. Children toke turns coming to the front of the class and acting out one of the verbs on the card. The child that guesses the correct action comes to the front and acts out a new verb. Shuffle the cords each time and encourage children to act out different verbs. Continue until all children have had a chance to act out a verb. Guess the Drawing Pre-teach four or five picture cards and hang them up or display them so children can see them clearly. Start slowly drawing a picture on the board or on ‘seperate piece of paper of one of things on the picture cards. The children will raise their hands once they know which picture you are drawing. Ask the children to tell you. Then erase the drawing, add a new card to the chalk tray, ond draw @ new picture. Challenge Activities 1B. ‘Two Picture Cards: Make a Sentence Choose some Picture Cards showing nouns and some Picture Cards showing colors or other adjectives. Make two piles. Have children choose one of each, then hold them together in the correct order and help them say a sentence, Examples: |.noun + color: A frog is green. 2. noun + adjective: An airplane is fost. Two Clues Spread out eight to ten Picture Cards on a table. Soy two things about one of the cards. For example, for cards about animals, say It’s gray. It has a long trunk. Have children guess which card you're describing. (It’s on elephant!) Numbering and Counting Put ten Picture Cards in a stack. Write out the numbers I-10 on the board. A child calls out the number. Draw an X over the number, and then count out that number of cards in unison. When you count Up to that card, the child says what is on the card. Put the cords back in the stack in the same order cand play again. Continue until all the numbers have been called out at least once. Note: You can amend this activity based on how many numbers kids know. Question stack Precteach eight to ten Picture Cards. Choose one cord and have the children soy what itis. Stick the cord into the pile. Then put the pile on the table. Pick the top card off the stack and ask the children, Is this your word? Is this the word? The first few cards will not be the chosen card, so the children will, answer, No! Once the children say. Yest, choose o new card end repeat the game. Human Spinner Have the children sit or stand in a large circle. Give each of them a picture card. Choose one child to stand in the center of the circle, Hove the child hold out her arm straight in front of her. Then have her close her eyes, and spin around (three to five times), then stop. When she stops. she has to say what is on the card she is pointing to, After those children trade places, play another round of the game. Where? Over There! Pre-teach Picture Cards as you place them around the room, propped up so children can see them from their desks. Ask Where's the ? Have a child point to the card. The teacher can ask different children about cords, or children can ask one another. 15. Challenge Circle Drilling Have children stand in circle. Pre-teach Picture Cards as you hand them out. Have children sit down and hold one cord each. Pick a child and have her name all of the Picture Cords in the circle. Ifthe child ‘makes @ mistake, or doesn’t remember the word. tell ‘them the word and have the next student try. Once a student names ail of the Picture Cords in the circle, she stands up, still holding the card. Continue until oll students ore standing. Humorous Questions Choose two Picture Cards and ask a silly question. For example, hold up © cow Picture Card and @ purple Picture Card and ask Is @ cow purple? Or hold up @ banana Picture Card and a jump Picture Card ‘and ask Con a bonang jump? Note: Before moving on to the next silly question, be sure to give the children the correct answer. 17. Preposition Commands Pre-teach the in, on, under Picture Cards and place them propped up so children can see them from their desks, Then place several noun Picture Cards fn « table. Have children put the noun cards in different places around the classroom. Ask them, Where's the: ? They answer, In/On/Under the Games for Smaller Classes 18, inoculars Pre-teach Picture Cards as you place them in various locations around the classroom. Have children stand ina line behind you. Have them hold their hands to their eyes as if they were holding binoculars. Tell them to follow you es you walk around the classroom. When you say Stop! What do you see?, have children look through their pretend binoculars at a Picture Card and say, see - Repeat until you have circled the classroom a few times Vary the activity by having children take turns saying Stop! What do you see? 19, One-Minute Memory Pre-teach four Picture Cards as you line them up ‘against the boord. Have students close their eyes. Mix the Picture Cards up, and cover one Picture Card with o piece of dark colored paper. Have students open their eyes and name the card that has been turned over. 20. Listen and Touch Place six to ten Picture Cards ono table. Have children stand around the table, Have them put their hands on their heads. Say the name of one of the Picture Cards, The first child to touch the correct card, gets © point. The child with the most points wins, Vary this activity by asking the child who touched the correct card to take the role of the teacher and say the name of one of the cards. 21. Individual Listen and Touch Place six to ten Picture Cards on the table (there should be more cards than children), Have one child nome one of the Picture Cards. The child to her right hes to touch it. Then that child names a card and tells the student next to him to touch it. Continue round the table until all students have had a chance to say and touch 22. Six Places - Go! Place six Picture Cards around the room, one in each comer, and the remaining two on opposite sides of ‘the room. Name one of the Picture Cards and then say Go! Children should quickly go ond stand by that card. Very this game by asking children to name a card and then say Go! 23. Walk Around the Table Pre-teach Picture Cards as you place them on a table. Hove children line up around the table. Say Walk, watk, watk! and have everyone walk around the table. Soy Stop! and have everyone stop and ‘touch the Picture Card closest to them. Children take turns naming the Picture Card they touched. Choose a child to say Stop! and play another round of the game. 24. Walk Around the Table (Song Version) Pre-teach Picture Cards as you place them on a toble. Have children line up around the table. Play the unit song ond have everyone walk around the table, Pause the song, say Stop! and have everyone stop and touch the Picture Card closest to them. Children take turns naming the Picture Card they touched. Start playing the song again and play ‘nother round of the game. The Sounds of English Activities 26. Acting Out the Sounds Choose one of The Sounds of English activities from the Activity Book. Give some of the children the Picture Cords for the sounds featured in the activity Hove the children stand in a line. Play the audio track for The Sounds of English activity. 1 the sound cond word for their card is said, they hold up the card, butifit isnt, they have to sit down. Play the audio track again to check. 25, Large Board Game Pre-teach Picture Cards as you place them in a horizontal line on o table. Have children hold erasers ‘or some other small objects. Put numbers I-4 in a bag. Have o child pull o number from the bag, say the number and move the game piece that number of cards. The child names the card he landed on and leaves his eraser or small object on the card. The first child to get to the end of the line of cards is the winner. 27. Match the Sounds Choose a few Picture Cards that have the same sound (according to The Sounds of English activities in the Lesson Planner or Activity Book) ond five that do not. Shuffle the cards. Say the sound and the word as you show a card to the children. Ifthe sound ‘and word do not match. shoke your head, put that card at the bottom of the stack, and show the next card. When you show a card that matches the sound ond the word, the children will say, Stop! Say the sound and word together and remove that card from the stack and set it aside. Continue the game, saying thot same sound and another word (according to The Sounds of English activities). Once all the cards that have the same sound have been removed from the stack, review them with the children,

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