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Publications by Albert Einstein

Preprint · October 2019

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30085.70887


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Mississippi Valenzuela
Autonomous University of Zacatecas


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Mississippi Valenzuela*
October 2019

Centro de Estudios Cientı́ficos y Tecnológicos 18, Instituto Politécnico Nacional,

Circuito del Gato 202, Ciudad Administrativa, Zacatecas, Zac., 98160, México


The first four entries come from his Annus Mirabilis papers or miracle year

In 1905, Einstein proposed the existence of the photon, an elementary par-

ticle associated with electromagnetic radiation, which was the foundation of
Quantum Theory.

Likewise in 1905, Einstein developed a theory of Brownian Motion in term of

fluctuations in the number of molecular collisions with an object, providing
further evidence that matter was composed of atoms.

Additionally in 1905, Einstein developed the Theory of Special Relativity,

which reconciled the relativity of motion with the observed constancy of the
speed of light.

Also in 1905, Einstein developed his concept of Mass-Energy equivalence.

In 1907 and again in 1911, Einstein developed the first Quantum Theory of
Specific Heats by generalized Planck’s law.

Between 1907 and 1916, Einstein developed the Theory of General Rela-
tivity, including a Classical Field Theory of Gravitation that provides the
cornerstone for modern Astrophysics and Cosmology.


In 1916, Einstein published a seminal paper in which showed that Planck’s
quantum hypothesis E = hν could be derived from a kinetic rate equation.
This paper introduced the idea of stimulated emission (which led to the laser
and maser), and Einstein’s A and B coefficients provided a guide for the
development of quantum electrodynamics, the most accurately tested theory
of physics at present.

Likewise in 1916, Einstein published the first prediction of gravitational wa-

ves. Such gravitational radiation has been observed indirectly, for which the
1993 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded, and observed directly, on Earth,
in 2016.

In 1917, Einstein published a seminal paper marks the beginning of phy-

sical cosmology. Under certain simplifying assumptions, general relativity
describes the birth, the expansion and the ultimate fate of the Universe.

In 1918, Einstein published a second paper on Gravitational waves.

In 1919, Einstein suggests a modification of his field equations to allow for

stable elementary particles.

In 1924 and 1925, Einstein creates the theory of identical particles in quan-
tum mechanics. Likewise in 1924, S. N. Bose derived Planck’s law of black-
body radiation from a modification of coarse-grained counting of phase spa-
ce. Einstein shows that this modification is equivalent to assuming that pho-
tons are rigorously identical, leading to the concept of coherent states. Eins-
tein also extends Bose’s formalism to material particles (bosons), predicting
that they condense at sufficiently low temperatures, as verified experimen-

In 1935, together B. Podolsky and N. Rosen, Einstein put forward what is

now known as the EPR paradox, and argued that the quantum-mechanical
wave function must be an incomplete description of the physical world.

In 1938, together L. Infeld and B. Hoffmann derived the differential equa-

tions of motion describing the approximate dynamics of a system of point-
like masses due to their mutual gravitational interactions, including general
relativistic effects.

Between 1923 and 1955, Einstein explored whether various Classical Uni-
fied Field Theories could account for both electromagnetic and gravitation
and, posibly, Quantum Mechanics. However, his efforts were unsuccessful,
since those theories did not match experimental observations.

1. Conclusions Drawn from the Phenomena of Capilarity, Annalen der Physik,
4, 513-523, 1901. ((Intermolecular forces))

2. On the Thermodynamic Theory of the Difference in Potentials between Me-

tals and Fully Dissocianted Solutions of their Salts and on an Electrical
Method for Investigating Molecular Forces, Annalen der Physik, 8, 798-814,
1902. ((Intermolecular forces))

3. Kinetic Theory of Thermal Equilimbrium and of the Second Law of Ther-

modynamics, Annalen der Physik, 9, 417-433, 1902. ((Statistical mechanics))

4. A Theory of the Foundations of Thermodynamics, Annalen der Physik, 11,

170-187, 1903. ((Statistical mechanics))

5. On the General Molecular Theory of Heat, Annalen der Physik, 14, 354- 362,
1904. ((Statistical mechanics))

6. On a Heuristic Point of View Concerning the Production and Transformation

of Light, Annalen der Physik, 17, 132-148, 1905. ((Quantum mechanics))

7. On the Movement of Small Particles Suspended in Stationary Liquids Re-

quired by the Molecular-Kinetic Theory of Heat, Annalen der Physik, 17,
549- 560, 1905. ((Statistical mechanics))

8. On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies, Annalen der Physik, 17, 891- 921,
1905. ((Special relativity))

9. Does the Inertia of a Body Depend upon its Energy Content?, Annalen der
Physik, 18, 639-641, 1905. ((Special relativity))

10. A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions, Ph. D. Dissertation. Zurich

University, 1905. ((Statistical mechanics))

11. A New Datermination of Molecular Dimensions, Annalen der Physik, 19,

289-306, 1906. ((Statistical mechanics))

12. On the Theory of Brownian Motion, Annalen der Physik, 19, 371-381, 1906.
((Statistical mechanics))

13. On the Theory of Light Production and Light Absorption, Annalen der Phy-
sik, 20, 199-206, 1906. ((Quantum mechanics))

14. The Principle Conservation of Motion of the Center of Gravity and the Iner-
tia of Energy, Annalen der Physik, 20, 627-633, 1906. ((Special relativity))

15. On a Method for the Determination of the Ratio of the Transverse and the
Longitudinal Mass of the Electron, Annalen der Physik, 21, 583-586, 1906.
((Special relativity))

16. Planck’s Theory of Radiation and the Theory of Specific Heat, Annalen der
Physik, 22, 180-190, 1907. ((Specific heats))

17. On the Limit of Validity of the Law of Thermodynamic Equilibrium and on

the Possibility of a New Determination of the Elementary Quanta, Annalen
der Physik, 22, 569-572, 1907. ((Statistical mechanics))

18. On the Possibility of a New Test of the Relativity Principle, Annalen der
Physik, 23, 197-198, 1907. ((Special relativity))

19. Comments on the Note of Paul Ehrenfest: Translatory Motion of Deformable

Electrons and Area Law, Annalen der Physik, 23, 206-208, 1907. ((Special

20. On the Inertia of Energy Required by the Relativity Principle, Annalen der
Physik, 23, 371-384, 1907. ((Special relativity))

21. On the Relativity Principle and the Conclusions Drawn from it, Jahrbuch
der Radioaktivität, 4, 411-462 1907. ((Special and General relativity))

22. Theoretical Remarks on Brownian Motion, Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie

und angewandte physikalische, 13, 41-42, 1907. ((Statistical mechanics))

23. On the Fundamental Electromagnetic Equations for Moving Bodies (with J.

Laub), Annalen der Physik, 26, 532-540, 1908. ((Special relativity))

24. On the Ponderomotive Forces Exerted on Bodies at Rest in the Electromag-

netic Field (with J. Laub), Annalen der Physik, 26, 541-550, 1908. ((Special

25. A New Electrostatic Method for the Measurement of Small Quantities of

Electricity, Physikalische Zeitschrift, 9, 216-217, 1908. ((Electromagnetism))

26. Elementary Theory of Brownian Motion, Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie, 14,

235- 239, 1908. ((Statistical mechanics))

27. Remarks on Our Paper: On the Fundamental Electromagnetic Equtions for

Moving Bodies, Annalen der Physik, 28, 445-447, 1909. ((Special relativity))

28. Comment on the Paper of D. Mirimanoff: On the Fundamental Equations,

Annalen der Physik, 28, 885-888, 1909. ((Special relativity))

29. On the Present Status of the Radiation Problem, Physikalische Zeitschrift,

10, 185-193, 1909. ((Quantum mechanics))

30. On the Development of Our Views Concerning the Nature and Constitution
of Radiation, Physikalische Zeitschrift, 10, 817-825, 1909. ((Quantum me-

31. On a Theorem of the Probability Calculus and its Application in the Theory
of Radiation, Annalen der Physik, 33, 1096-1104, 1910. ((Quantum mecha-

32. Statistical Investigation of a Resonator’s Motion in a Radiation Field, Anna-

len der Physik, 33, 1105-1115, 1910. ((Quantum mechanics))

33. The Theory of the Opalescence of Homogeneous Fluids and Liquid Mix-
tures near the Critical State, Annalen der Physik, 33, 1275-1298, 1910.
((Statistical mechanics))

34. The Principle of Relativity and its Consequences in Modern Physics, Archi-
ves des sciences physiques et naturelles,29, 5-28, 1910. ((Special relativity))

35. On the Theory of Light Quanta and the Question of the Localization of Elec-
tromagnetic Energy, Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles, 29, 525-
528, 1910. ((Quantum mechanics))

36. On the Ponderomotive Forces Acting on Ferromagnetic Conductors Carrying

a Current in a Magnetic Field, Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles,
30, 323-324, 1910. ((Electromagnetism))

37. Comment on Eötvös’s Law, Annalen der Physik, 34, 165-169, 1911. ((General

38. A Relationship between Elastic Behavior and Specific Heat in Solids with
a Monatomic Molecule, Annalen der Physik, 34, 170-174, 1911. ((Specific

39. Comments on P. Hertz’s Papers: On the Mechanical Foundations of Ther-

modynamics, Annalen der Physik, 34, 175-176, 1911. ((Statistical mecha-

40. Correction to my Paper: A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions,

Annalen der Physik, 34, 591-592, 1911. ((Statistical mechanics))

41. Elementary Observations on Thermal Molecular Motion in Solids, Annalen

der Physik, 35, 679-694, 1911. ((Specific heats))

42. On the Influence of Gravitation on the Propagation of Light, Annalen der

Physik, 35, 898-908, 1911. ((General relativity))

43. The Theory of Relativity, Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Zurich, Vierteljah-

resschrift, 56, 1-14, 1911. ((Special relativity))

44. On the Ehrenfest Paradox, Physikalische Zeitschrift, 12, 509-510, 1911. ((Special

45. Thermodynamic Proof of the Law of Photochemical Equivalence, Annalen

der Physik, 37, 832-838, 1912. ((Statistical mechanics))

46. The Speed of Light and the Statics of the Gravitational Field, Annalen der
Physik, 38, 355-369, 1912. ((General relativity))

47. On the Theory of the Static Gravitational Field, Annalen der Physik, 38,
443-458, 1912. ((General relativity))

48. Response to a Comment by J. Stark: On an Application of Planck’s Funda-

mental Law, Annalen der Physik, 38, 888, 1912. ((Quantum mechanics))

49. Relativity and Gravitation. Reply to a Comment by M. Abraham, Annalen

der Physik, 38, 1059-1064, 1912. ((General relativity))

50. Comment on Abraham’s Preceding Discussion ’Once Again, Relativity and

Gravitation, Annalen der Physik, 39, 704, 1912. ((General relativity))

51. Present State of the Problem of Specific Heats, Reports of the First Solvay
Conference of Physics, (Gauthier, Paris, 1912). ((Specific heats))

52. Is there a Gravitational Effect Which is Analogous to Electrodynamic In-

duction?, Vierteljahrchrift für gerichtliche Medizin (ser. 3), 44, 37-40, 1912.
((General relativity))

53. Outline of a Generalized Theory of Relativity and a Theory of Gravitation. 1.

Physical Part by A. Einstein II. Mathematical Part by M. Grossmann, Zeits-
chrift für Mathematik und Physik, 62, 245-254, 255-261, 1913. ((General re-

54. Some Arguments for the Assumption of Molecular Agitation at Absolute Ze-
ro, Annalen der Physik, 40, 551-560, 1913. ((Specific heats))

55. Thermodynamic Deduction of the Law of Photochemical Equivalence, Jour-

nal de Physique, 3, 277-282, 1913. ((Statistical mechanics))

56. Physical Foundations of a Theory of Gravitation, Naturforschende Gesells-

chaft, Zürich, Vierteljahrschrift, 58, 284-290, 1913. ((General relativity))

57. Max Planck as Scientist, Naturwissenschaften,1, 1077-1079, 1913. ((History

of physics))

58. On the Present State of the Problem of Gravitation, Physikalische Zeits-

chrift, 14, 1249-1266, 1913. ((General relativity))

59. Nordstöm’s Theory of Gravitation from the Point of View of the Abssolute
Differential Calculus (with A. D. Fokker), Annalen der Physik, 44, 321-328,
1914. ((General relativity))
60. Physical Foundations of a Theory of Gravitation, Archives des sciences phy-
siques et naturelles, 37, 5-12, 1914. ((General relativity))
61. Observation on P. Harzer’s Article: Dragging of Light in Glass and Aberra-
tion, Astronomische Nachrichten, 199, 8-10, 1914. ((Electromagnetism and
special relativity))
62. Answer to P. Harzer’s, Astronomische Nachrichten, 199, 47-48, 1914. ((Electromagnetism
and special relativity))
63. On the Present Status of the Problem of Specific Heats, Deutsche Bunssen-
gesellschaft Abhandlungen, 7, 330-364, 1914. ((Specific heats))
64. Contributions to Quantum Theory, Deutsche physikalische Gesellschaft, Be-
richte, 820-828, 1914. ((Quantum mechanics))
65. On the Theory of Gravitation, Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Zürich, Vier-
teljahrsschrift, 59, 4-6, 1914. ((General relativity))
66. Review of H. A. Lorentz: The Principle of Relativity, Naturwissenchaften, 2,
1018, 1914. ((Special relativity))
67. Supplementary Response to a Question by Mr. Reibner, Physikalische Zeits-
chrift, 15, 108-110, 1914. ((General relativity))
68. On the Foundations of the Generalized Theory of Relativity and the Theory
of Gravitation, Physikalische Zeitschrift, 15, 176-180, 1914. ((General relati-
69. Inaugural Address, Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wis-
senscahften, 739-742, 1914. ((General relativity))
70. Formal Foundations of the General Theory of Relativity, Preussische Akade-
mie der Wissenschaften, Sitzungsberichte, 1030-1085, 1914. ((General rela-
71. On the Relativity Problem, Scientia (Bologna), 15, 337-348, 1914. ((Special
and General relativity))
72. Physical Foundations and Suggestive Thoughts for a Gravitational Theory,
Verhandlungen der Schweizerischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 96, 146,
1914. ((General relativity))
73. Gravitational Theory, Verhandlungen der Schweizerischen naturforschen-
den Gesellschaft, 96 (part 2), 136-137, 1914. ((General relativity))

74. On the Principle of Relativity, Vossische Zeitung, 33-34, 1914. ((Special and
General relativity))

75. Covariance Properties of the Field Equations of the Theory of Gravitation

based on the Generalized Theory of Relativity (with Marcel Grossmann),
Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, 63, 215-225, 1914. ((General relati-

76. Theoretical Atomic Science, Die Physik, pp. 251-263, Teubner (Leipzig), 1915.
((Atomic physics))

77. Relativity Theory, Die Physik, Teubner (Leipzig), 1915. ((Special and General

78. Experimental Proof of the Existence of Ampere’s Molecular Currents (with

W. J. de Haas), Akademie van Wetenschappen. Amsterdam, Verslag., 23,
1449-1464, 1915. ((Einstein-de Haas effect))

79. Response to a Paper by M. von Laue: A Theorem in Probability Calculus and

Its Application to Radiation Theory, Annalen der Physik, 47, 879-885, 1915.
((Quantum mechanics))

80. Experimental Proof of Ampere’s Molecular Currents (with W. J. de Haas),

Verhandlungen deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 17, 152-170, 203,
1915. ((Einstein-de Haas effect))

81. Experimental Proof of Ampere’s Molecular Currents (with W. J. de Haas),

Naturwissenschaften, 3, 237-238, 1915. ((Einstein-de Haas effect))

82. Fundamental Ideas of the General Theory of Relativity and the Applica-
tion of this Theory in Astronomy, Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaf-
ten, Sitzungsberichte, 315, 1915. ((General relativity))

83. On the General Theory of Relativity, Preussische Akademie der Wissens-

chaften, Sitzungsberichte, 778-786, 799-801, 1915. ((General relativity))

84. Explanation of the Perihelion Motion of Mercury from the General Theory
of Relativity, Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sitzungsberichte,
831-839, 1915. ((General relativity))

85. The Field Equations of Gravitation, Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaf-

ten, Sitzungsberichte, 844-847, 1915.((General relativity))

86. Foundations of the General Theory of Relativity, (Barth, Leipzig, 1916). ((General

87. Foreword, Foundations of Einstein’s Gravitational Theory, (Springer, Berlin,

1916). ((General relativity))

88. Experimental proof of the existence of Ampere’s molecular currents (with W.
J. de Haas), Proceedings of the Akademie van Wettenschappen, Amsterdam,
18, 696-711, 1916. ((Einstein-de Haas effect))

89. The Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity, Annalen der Physik, 49,
769-822, 1916. ((General relativity))

90. On Friedrich Kottler’s Paper: On Einstein’s Equivalence Hipothesis and Gra-

vitation, Annalen der Physik, 51, 639-642, 1916. ((General relativity))

91. A simple Experiment to Demonstrate Ampere’s Molecular Currents (with

W. J. de Haas), Verhandlungen deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 18,
173-177, 1916. ((Einstein-de Haas effect))

92. Emission and Absorption of Radiation in Quantum Theory, Verhandlungen

deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 18, 173-177, 1916. ((Quantum me-

93. On the Quantum Theory of Radiation, Mitteilungen der Physikalischen Ge-

sellschaft, Zürich, 16, 47-62, 1916. ((Quantum mechanics))

94. Review of H. A. Lorentz: Statistical Theories in Thermodynamics: Five Lec-

tures, Naturwissenchaften, 4, 480-481, 1916. ((Statistical mechanics))

95. Elementary Theory of Water Waves and of Flight, Naturwissenchaften, 4,

509- 510, 1916. ((Fluid mechanics))

96. Ernst Mach, Physikalische Zeitschrift, 17, 101-104, 1916. ((History of phy-

97. A New Formal Interpretation of Maxwell’s Equations of Electrodynamics,

Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sitzungsberichte, 1916, 184-187,
1916. ((Electromagnetism))

98. Some Intuitive. Considerations from the Field of Relativity Theory, Preus-
sische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sitzungsberichte, 423, 1916. ((General

99. Approximative Integration of the Field Equations of Gravitation, Preussis-

che Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sitzungsberichte, 688-696, 1916. ((General

100. Memorial Lecture on Karl Schwarzschild, Preussische Akademie der Wis-

senschaften, Sitzungsberichte, 768-770, 1916. ((History of physics))

101. Hamilton’s Principle and the General Theory of Relativity, Preussische Aka-
demie der Wissenschaften, Sitzungsberichte, 1111-1116, 1916. ((General re-

102. On the Special and General Theory of Relativity (A Popular Account), First
Edition (Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1917). ((Special and general relativity))

103. On the Quantum Theorem of Sommerfeld and Epstein, Deutschen Physika-

lische Gesellschaft, Verhandlungen, 18, 173-177, 1917. ((Quantum mecha-

104. Review of Hermann von Helmholtz: Two Lectures on Goethe, Naturwissen-

chaften, 5, 675, 1917. ((History of physics))

105. Marian von Smolochowski, Naturwissenchaften, 5, 737-738, 1917. ((History

of physics))

106. On the Quantum Theory of Radiation, Physikalische Zeitschrift, 18, 121-

128, 1917. ((Quantum mechanics))

107. Cosmological Considerations in the General Theory of Relativity, Preussis-

che Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sitzungsberichte, 142-152, 1917. ((Cosmology))

108. A Derivation of Jacobi’s Theorem, Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaf-

ten, Sitzungsberichte, 606-608, 1917. ((Mathematical physics))

109. Friedrich Adler as a Physicist, Die Vossische Zeitung, Morgen Ausgabe, No.
259, 2, 1917. ((History of physics))

110. On the Special and General Theory of Relativity (A Popular Account), Third
Edition (Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1918). ((Special and general relativity))

111. Motives for Research, Talks in Honor of Max Planck’s 60 th Birthday, pp.
29-32, (Müller, Karlsruhe, 1918). ((Philosophy of physics))

112. On the Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity, Annalen der Physik,
55, 241-244, 1918. ((General relativity))

113. Is it Possible to Determine Experimentally the X-Ray Refractive Indices of

Solids?, Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 20, 86-
87, 1918. ((Electromagnetism))

114. Comment on E. Gehrcke’s Note: On the Aether, Verhandlungen der Deu-

tschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 20, 86-87, 1918. ((Special and general

115. Review of Hermann Weyl. Space-Time-Matter: Lectures on General Relati-

vity, Naturwissenchaften, 6, 373, 1918. ((Special and general relativity))

116. Dialogue about Objections to the Theory of Relativity, Naturwissenchaften,

6, 697-702, 1918. ((Special and general relativity))

117. Note on Schrödinger Paper: The energy Components of the Gravitational
Field, Physikalische Zeitschrift, 19, 115-116, 1918. ((General relativity))

118. Comment on Schrödinger Note: On a System of Solutions for the Generally

Covariant Gravitational Field Equations, Physikalische Zeitschrift, 19, 165-
166, 1918. ((General relativity))

119. On Gravitational Waves, Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sitzungs-

berichte, 154-167, 1918. ((General relativity))

120. Critical Comment on a Solution of the Gravitational Field Equations Given

by Mr. de Sitter, Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sitzungsberich-
te, 270-272, 1918. ((General relativity))

121. The Law of Energy Conservation in the General Theory of Relativity, Preus-
sische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sitzungsberichte, 448-459, 1918. ((General

122. A Test of the General Theory of Relativity, Naturwissenchaften, 7, 776, 1919.

((General relativity))

123. Do Gravitational Fields Play an Essential Role in the Structure of the Ele-
mentary Particles of Matter?, Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie
der Wissenschaften, 349-356, 1919. ((General relativity))

124. Comment about Periodical Fluctuations of Lunar Longitude. Which So Far

Appeared to Be Inexplicable in Newtonian Mechanics, Sitzungsberichte der
Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 433-436, 1919. ((General rela-

125. My Theory, Times, London, 13, 1919. ((General relativity))

126. Leo Arons as Physicist, Socialistiche Monafshefte, 52 (Jahrgang 25, part 2),
1055-1056, 1919. ((History of physics))

127. The Principle of Relativity: Original Papers, University of Calcutta, 1920.

Translator: MN Saha and SN Bose. ((Special and general relativity))

128. On the Special and General Theory of Relativity (A Popular Account), Tenth
Edition (Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1920). ((Special and general relativity))

129. Relativity, the Special and the General Theory: A Popular Exposition, (Met-
huen, London, Methuen 1920). Translator: Robert W Lawson. ((Special and
general relativity))

130. Aether and Relativity Theory: A Talk Given on May 5, 1920 at the University
of Leiden, (Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1920). ((Special and general relativity))

131. Comment on the Paper by H. R. Hess: Contribution to the Viscosity of He-
terogeneous Systems, Kolloidzeitschrift, 27, 137, 1920. ((Intermolecular for-
132. To What Extent Can Modern Gravitational Theory Be Established without
Relativity, Naturwissenchaften, 8, 1010-1011, 1920. ((General relativity))
133. Moment of Inertia of the Hydrogen Molecule, Sitzungsberichte der Preussis-
chen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 65, 1920. ((Intermolecular forces))
134. Propagation of Sound in Partly Dissociated Gases, Sitzungsberichte der Preus-
sischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 380-385, 1920. ((Intermolecular for-
135. My Response on the Anti-Relativity Company, Berliner Tageblatt und Han-
delszeitung, No. 402, 1-2, 1920. ((Special and general relativity))
136. Relativity, the Special and the General Theory: A Popular Exposition, (Holt,
New York, 1921). Translator: RW Lawson. ((Special and general relativity))
137. Teorı́a de la relatividad especial y general, (Peláez, Toledo, 1921). Transla-
tor: F. Lorente de Nó. ((Special and general relativity))
138. Sulla teoria speciale e generale della relatività: Volgarizzazione, (Zanichelli,
Bologna, 1921). Translator: G. L. Calisse. ((Special and general relativity))
139. Teoriia Otnositel’nosti: Obshchedostypnoe Izlozhenie, (Slowo, Berlin,1921).
Translator: G. B. Itel’son. ((Special and general relativity))
140. La théorie de la relativité restreinte et géneralisée, (Gauthier, Paris, 1921).
Translator: Mlle. J. Rouviere. ((Special and general relativity))
141. The Meaning of Relativity: Four Lectures Delivered at Princeton University,
(Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1921). ((Special and general relati-
142. Geometry and Experience: Expanded Edition of the Celebratory Lecture Gi-
ven at the Prussian Academy, (Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1921). ((General re-
143. La géometrie et l’expérience, (Gauthier, Paris, 1921). Translator: Maurice
Solovine. ((General relativity))
144. L’éther et la théorie de la relativité, (Gauthier, Paris, 1921). Translator:
Maurice Solovine. ((Special and general relativity))
145. Simple Application of Newton’s Law of Gravitation to Spherical Collections
of Stars, Celebrity Work for the 10 th Anniversary of the Kaiser Wilhelm,
(Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1921). ((Gravitation))

146. A brief outline of the development of the theory of relativity, Nature, 106,
782- 784, 1921. ((History of physics))

147. Geometry and Experience, Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der

Wissenschaften, 123-130, 1921. ((General relativity))

148. On a Natural Addition to the Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity,

Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 261-264,
1921. ((Classical unified field theories))

149. On an Experiment Concerning the Elementary Process of Light Emission,

Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 882- 883,
1921. ((Quantum mechanics))

150. Report of a lecture at King’s College on the development and present position
of relativity, with quotations, Nation and Athenaeum, 29, 431-432, 1921.
((Special and general relativity))

151. Sidelights on Relativity: I. Ether and Relativity. II. Geometry and Experien-
ce, (Methuen, London, 1922). Translator: GB Jeffrey and W Perrett. ((Special
and general relativity))

152. Prospettive Relativistiche dell’Etere e della Geometria, (Andare, Milano,

1922). Translator: R. Cantù and T. Bembo. ((Special and general relativity))

153. A Különleges és az Általános Relativitás, Elmélete, (Patheon irodalmi, Bu-

dapest, 1922). ((Special and general relativity))

154. O Fizicheskoi Prirodie Prostranstva, (Slowo, Berlin, 1922). Translator: GB

Itel’son. ((Special and general relativity))

155. Four Lectures on Relativity Theory, Given in May 1921 at University Prin-
centon, (Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1922). ((Special and general relativity))

156. Investigations of Brownian Motion, (Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Leip-

zig, 1922). ((Statistical mechanics))

157. Theoretical Observations on the Superconductivity of Metals, A Boon Hono-

ring H. Kamerlingh Onnes, pp. 429-435, (Ljdo, Leiden, 1922). ((Superconductivity))

158. Observation of the Paper of Selety: Contributions to the Cosmological Pro-

blem, Annalen der Physik, 69, 436-438, 1922. ((General relativity))

159. Review of W. Pauli: Relativity Theory, Naturwissenchaften, 10, 184-185,

1922. ((Special and general relativity))

160. Emil Wanburg as Researcher, Naturwissenchaften, 10, 823-828, 1922. ((History

of physics))

161. Theory of the Propagation of Light in Dispersive Media, Sitzungsberichte
der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phys.-Math. Klasse, 18-22,
1922. ((Electromagnetism))
162. Observation on the Work of E. Trefftz: Static Gravitational Field of Two
Point Masses, Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissens-
chaften, Phys.-Math. Klasse, 448-449, 1922. ((General relativity))
163. Quantum Mechanical Observations on the Experiment of Stern and Ger-
lach (with P. Ehrenfest), Zeitschrift für Physik, 11, 31-34, 1922. ((Quantum
164. Observation on the Paper of A. Friedmann: On the Curvature of Space, Zeits-
chrift für Physik, 11, 326, 1922. ((Cosmology))
165. Cztery odczyty o teorji Wzglednosci wygloszonew 1921 na Uniwersyteciew
Princeton, (Renaissance-Verlag, Vienna, 1923). Translator: A Gottfryda. ((Special
and general relativity))
166. Matematicheskija Osnovy Teorii Otnositel’nosti, (Slowo, Berlin, 1923). Trans-
lator: GB Itel’son. ((Special and general relativity))
167. Fundamental Ideas and Problems of Relativity Theory, (Imprimerie royale,
Stockholm, 1923). ((Special and general relativity))
168. A Popular Exposition of the Special and General Theories of Relativity, (Gitli-
na, Warsaw, 1923). ((Special and general relativity))
169. Observation on the Note of W. Anderson: New Explanation Spectrum of the
Corona, Astronomische Nachrichten, 219, 19, 1923. ((Solar physics))
170. Experimental Determination of the Pore Diameter in Filters, Deutsche me-
dizinische Wochenschrift (with H. Mühsam), 49, 1012-1013, 1923. ((Fluid
171. Proof of the Non-Existence of an Everywhere-Regular Centrally Symmetric
Field According to the Field Theory of Kalusa (with J. Grommer), Jerusalem
University Scripta, 1 (No. 7), 1-5, 1923. ((Classical unified field theories))
172. Theory of the Affine Field, Nature, 112, 448-449, 1923. ((Classical unified
field theories))
173. On the General Theory of Relativity, Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Aka-
demie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische Klasse, 32-38, 76-
77, 1923. ((General relativity))
174. On Affine Field Theory, Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der
Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische Klasse, 32-38, 137-140, 1923.
((Classical unified field theories))

175. Does Field Theory Offer Posibilities for Solving the Quantum Problem?,
Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-
Mathematische Klasse, 359-364, 1923. ((Classical unified field theories))

176. Theory of Relativity, Sovieté francaise de philosophie, Bulletin, 22, 97-98,

101, 107, 111-112, 1923. ((Special and general relativity))

177. Quantum Theory of the Equilibrium of Radiation (with P. Ehrenfest), Zeits-

chrift für Physik, 19, 301-306, 1923. ((Quantum mechanics))

178. Quatre conférences sur la théorie de la relativité, faı̂tes à l’université de

Princeton, (Gauthier, Paris, 1924). Translator: Maurice Solovine. ((Special
and general relativity))

179. Geleitwort Preface, Lucretius, De rerum natura, (Weidmann, Berlin, 1924).

((History of physics))

180. Response to an Observation of W. Anderson, Astronomische Nachrichten,

221, 329-330, 1924. ((Astronomy))

181. The Compton Experiment, Berliner Tageblatt, 1, Beiblatt, 1924. ((Quantum


182. On the 100 th Anniversary of Lord Kelvin’s Birth, Naturwissenchaften, 12,

601- 602, 1924. ((History of physics))

183. Quantum Theory of the Monoatomic Ideal Gas, Sitzungsberichte der Preus-
sischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische Klasse,
261-267, 1924. ((Quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics))

184. On the Aether, Verhandlungen der Schweizerischen naturforschenden Ge-

sellschaft, 27, 1-6, 1924. ((History of physics))

185. Theory of Radiometer Forces, Zeitschrift für Physik, 27, 1-6, 1924. ((Statistical

186. Thermal Equilibrium in the Radiation Field in the Presence of Matter, Zeits-
chrift für Physik, 27, 382-392, 1924. ((Quantum mechanics))

187. Sur l’électrodynamique des corps en mouvement, (Gauthier, Paris, 1925).

Translator: Maurice Solovine. ((Special relativity))

188. Appendix: Eddington’s Theory and Hamilton’s Principle, Relativity Theory,

Treated Mathematically, (Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1925). ((Classical unified
field theories))

189. Theoretical Atomic Science, Physics, Second Edition, pp. 281-294, (Teubner,
Leipzig, 1925). ((Atomic physics))

190. Relativity Theory, Physics, Second Edition, pp. 783-797, (Teubner, Leipzig,
1925). ((Special and general relativity))

191. The Electron and The General Theory of Relativity, Physica, 5, 330-334,
1925. ((General relativity))

192. Quantum Theory of the Monoatomic Ideal Gas, Part II, Sitzungsberichte der
Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische
Klasse, 3-14, 1925. ((Quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics))

193. Quantum Theory of Ideal Gases, Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akade-

mie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische Klasse, 18-25, 1925.
((Quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics))

194. Unified Field Theory of Gravity and Electricity, Sitzungsberichte der Preus-
sischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische Klasse,
414-419, 1925. ((Classical unified field theories))

195. Observation on P. Jordans Work: Theory of Quantum Radiation, Zeitschrift

für Physik, 31, 784-785, 1925. ((Quantum mechanics))

196. Investigations on the Theory of the Brownian Movement (R. Fürth, ed.),
(Methuen, London, 1926). Translator: AD Cowper. ((Statistical mechanics))

197. W. H. Julius, 1860-1925, Astrophysical Journal, 63, 196-198, 1926. ((History

of physics))

198. Origin of River-Meanders and the So-Called Law of Baer, Naturwissenchaf-

ten, 14, 223-224, 1926. ((Earth science))

199. Suggestion for an Experiment Concerning the Nature of the Elementary

Process of Emiting Light, Naturwissenchaften, 14, 300-301, 1926. ((Quantum

200. Interference Properties of Light Emitted by Canal Rays, Sitzungsberichte

der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische
Klasse, 334-340, 1926. ((Quantum mechanics))

201. Non-Euclidean Geometry and Physics, Revista matemática Hispano-Americana,

1, 72-76, 1926. ((General relativity))

202. Introduction, The Special Theory of Relativity, (privately printed, Berlin,

1927). ((Special relativity))

203. Influence of the Earth’s Motion on the Speed of Light Relative to Earth,
Forschungen und Fortschritte, 3, 36-37, 1927. ((Special relativity))

204. Formal Relationship of the Riemannian Curvature Tensor to the Field Equa-
tions of Gravity, Mathematische Annalen, 97, 99-103, 1927. ((General relati-

205. Isaac Newton, Manchester Guardian Weekly, 16, 234-235, 1927. ((History of

206. Newton’s Mechanics and its Influence on the Formation of Theoretical Phy-
sics, Naturwissenchaften, 15, 273-276, 1927. ((History of physics))

207. On the 200th Anniversary of Newton’s Death, Nord und Sud, Jahrg.50, 273-
276, 1927. ((History of physics))

208. Letter to the Royal Society on the Occasion of the Newton bicentenary, Na-
ture, 119, 467; Science, 65, 347-348, 1927. ((History of physics))

209. Establishment of an international bureau of metereology, Science, 65, 347-

348, 1927. ((Meteorology))

210. Kaluza’s Theory of the Connection between Gravity and Electricity, Sitzungs-
berichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische
Klasse, 23-30, 1927. ((Classical unified field theories))

211. General Theory of Relativity and the Law of Motion (with J. Grommer),
Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-
Mathematische Klasse, 2-13, 235-245, 1927. ((General relativity))

212. Theoretical and Experimental Aspects to the Question of the Generation of

Light, Zeitschrift für angewandte Chemie, 40, 546, 1927. ((Quantum mecha-

213. Al Torath Ha-Yahasiuth Ha-Peratith Weha-Kelalith (Harzaah Popularith),

(Dvir, Tel Aviv, 1928). Translator: Jacob Greenberg. ((Special and general

214. H. A. Lorentz, Mathematisch-natuwissenschaftliche Blätter, 22, 24-25, 1928.

((History of physics))

215. Riemannian Geometry with Preservation of the Concept of Distant Para-

llelism, Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften,
Physikalisch- Mathematische Klasse, 217-221, 1928. ((Classical unified field

216. New Possibility for a Unified Field Theory of Gravity and Electricity, Sitzungs-
berichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische
Klasse, 224-227, 1928. ((Classical unified field theories))

217. Concerning “The Relativistic Deduction” by M. E. Meyerson, Revue philo-
sophique de la France, 105, 161-166, 1928. ((Special and general relativity))

218. Space-Time, Encyclopedia Britannica, 14th Edition, Vol. 21, pp. 105-108,
(Encyclopedia Britannica Inc., Chicago, 1929). ((Special and general relati-

219. On the Present Status of Field Theory, Celebratory Work for Dr. A. Studola,
(Füssli, Zürich, 1929). ((General relativity))

220. Address to Prof. Planck, Forchungen und Fortschritte, 5, 248-249, 1929.

((History of physics))

221. Quotation from an interview with (London) Daily Chronicle on the Unitary
Field Theory, Nature, 123, 175, 1929. ((Classical unified field theories))

222. Note Appended to a reprinting of Arago’s Memorial address on Thomas

Young before the French Academy, Naturwissenchaften, 17, 363, 1929. ((History
of physics))

223. The New Field Theory, Times (London), 1929; Reprinted in the Observatory,
52, 82-87, 114-118, 1930. ((Classical unified field theories))

224. Unified Field Theory, Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wis-
senschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische Klasse, 2-7, 1929. ((Classical uni-
fied field theories))

225. Unified Field Theory and Hamilton’s Principle, Sitzungsberichte der Preus-
sischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische Klasse,
156-159, 1929. ((Classical unified field theories))

226. On the Unified Theory of Fields (with Théophile de Donder), Revue générale
de l’électricité, 25, 35-39, 1929. ((Classical unified field theories))

227. Appreciation of Simon Newcomb, Science, 69, 249, 1929. ((History of physics))

228. Special Session of the Scientist Society of Argentina, Sociedad cientı́fica Ar-
gentina, Anales, 107, 337-347, 1929. ((Special and general relativity))

229. Foreword, Boundary Surface Processes in Biological and Inorganic Nature,

(Barth, Leipzig, 1929). ((History of physics))

230. On Kepler, Frankfurter Zeitung, p. 16, col. 3-4, 1930. ((History of physics))

231. The problems of Space, Fields and Aether in Physics, World power confe-
rence, 2 nd Berlin, 1930 Transantions, 19, 1-5, 1930. ((Special and general

232. Space, Aether and Field in Physics, Forum Philosophicum, 1, 173-180, 1930.
((Special and general relativity))
233. Unified Theory of the Physical Field, Annales de l’Institut H. Poincaré, 1,
1-24, 1930. ((Classical unified field theories))
234. A Unified Field Theory Based on the Riemannian Metric and Distant Para-
llelism, Matematische Annalen, 102, 685-697, 1930. ((Classical unified field
235. The Space-Time Problem, Die Koralle, 5, 486-488, 1930. ((Special and gene-
ral relativity))
236. Review of S. Weinberg: Theory of Knowledge, Naturwissenchaften, 18, 536,
1930. ((History of physics))
237. Consistency of the Field Equations in the Unified Field Theory, Sitzungsbe-
richte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische
Klasse, 18-23, 1930. ((Classical unified field theories))
238. Two Stricktly Static Solutions of the Field Equations of the Unified Field
Theory (with W. Mayer), Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der
Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische Klasse, 110-120, 1930. ((Classical
unified field theories))
239. Theory of Spaces with a Riemannian Metric and Distant Parallelism, Sitzungs-
berichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische
Klasse, 401-402, 1930. ((Classical unified field theories))
240. Address at University of Nottingham, Science, 71, 401-402, 1930. ((Special
and general relativity))
241. On the Present Status of the General Theory of Relativity, Yale University
Library, Gazette, 6, 3-6, 1930. ((General relativity))
242. Foreword, Newton, the man, (Knox, London, 1931). ((History of physics))
243. Maxwell’s Influence on the development of the conception of physical reality,
James Clerk Maxwell: A conmemoration Volume, pp. 66-73, (Cambrigde
University Press, Cambrigde, 1931). ((History of physics))
244. Foreword, Opticks, Fourth Edition (London 1730), pp. vii-viii, (McGraw, New
York, 1931). ((History of physics))
245. Theory of Relativity: Its Formal Content and its Present Problems, Nature,
127, 765, 790, 826-827, 1931. ((Special and general relativity))
246. Knowledge of past and future in quantum mechanics (with R. C. Tolman and
B. Podolsky), Physical Review, 37, 780-781, 1931. ((Quantum mechanics))

247. On the Cosmological Problem of the General Theory of Relativity, Sitzungs-
berichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische
Klasse, 235-237, 1931. ((Cosmology))

248. Systematic Investigation of Consistent Field Equations That Can Be Posi-

ted in a Riemannian Space with Distant Parallelism (W. Mayer), Sitzungsbe-
richte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische
Klasse, 257-265, 1931. ((Classical unified field theories))

249. Unified Field Theory of Gravity and Electricity (W. Mayer), Sitzungsberichte
der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische
Klasse, 541-557, 1931. ((Classical unified field theories))

250. Thomas Alva Edison, 1847-1931, Science, 74, 404-405, 1931. ((History of phy-

251. Gravitational and Electrical Fields, Science 74, 438-439, 1931. ((Classical
unified field theories))

252. Reply to congratulatory addresses at a dinner given by the California Insti-

tute of Technology on January 15, 1931, Science 73, 379, 1931. ((History of

253. In Remenbrance of Albert A. Michelson, Zeitschrift für angewandte Chemie,

44, 658, 1931. ((History of physics))

254. Prologue, Where Science going?, pp. 7-12, (Norton, New York, 1932). ((Philosophy
of physics))

255. Epilogue a socratic dialogue, interlocutors, Einstein and Murphy, Where is

science going?, pp. 201-213, (Norton, New york, 1932). ((Philosophy of phy-

256. On the relation between the expansion and the mean density of the Universe
(Willem de Sitter), Procedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 18, 213-
214, 1932. ((Cosmology))

257. On Dr. Berliner’s 70th Birthday, Naturwissenchaften, 20, 913, 1932. ((History
of physics))

258. Present Status of Relativity Theory, Die Quelle (now called: Paedogogischer,
Führer), 82, 440-442, 1932. ((General relativity))

259. Unified Field Theory of Gravity and Electricity, Part II (with W. Mayer),
Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-
Mathematische Klasse, 130-137, 1932. ((Classical unified field theories))

260. Semi-Vectors and Spinors (with W. Mayer), Sitzungsberichte der Preussis-
chen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische Klasse,
522-550, 1932. ((Classical unified field theories))

261. Uncertainty Relations, Zeitschrift für angewandte Chemie, 45, 23, 1932.
((Quantum mechanics))

262. On the Method of Theoretical Physics, (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1933). ((Philosophy
of physics))

263. Origins of the General Theory of Relativity, (Jackson, Glasgow, 1933). ((General

264. Foundations of the General Theory of Relativity, (Hermann, Paris, 1933).

((General relativity))

265. Dirac Equations for Semi-Vectors (with W. Mayer), Akademie van Wetens-
chappen (Amsterdam), Proccedings, 36 (Part 2), 497-501, 1933. ((Classical
unified field theories))

266. Division of the Most Natural Field-Equations for Semi-Vectors in Spinors

Equations of the Dirac Type (with W. Mayer), Akademie van Wetenschap-
pen (Amsterdam), Proccedings, 36 (Part 2), 615-619, 1933. ((Classical unified
field theories))

267. Introduction, The World in Modern Science, pp. 5-6, (V. Gollancz, London,
1934). ((Philosophy of physics))

268. Representation of Semi-Vectors as Ordinary Vectors with Inusual Differen-

tiation Properties (with W. Mayer), Annals of Mathematics, 35, 104-110,
1934. ((Classical unified field theories))

269. Review of R. Tolman: Relativity, Thermodynamics and Cosmology, Science,

80, 358, 1934. ((Special and general relativity))

270. Elementary derivation of the equivalence of mass and energy, Bulletin of the
American Mathematical Society, 41, 223-230, 1935. ((Special relativity))

271. Can quantum mechanical description of physical reality be considered com-

plete? (with B. Podolsky and N. Rosen), Physical Review, 47, 777-780, 1935.
((Quantum mechanics))

272. The particle problem in the General Theory of Relativity (with N. Rosen),
Physical Review, 48, 73-77, 1935. ((General relativity))

273. Physics and Reality, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 221, 313-347, 1936.
((Quantum mechanics))

274. Two-body problem in General Relativity Theory (with N. Rosen), Physical
Review, 49, 404-405, 1936. ((General relativity))

275. Lens-like action of a star by deviation of light in the gravitational field,

Science, 84, 506-507, 1936. ((General relativity))

276. On gravitational waves (with N. Rosen), Journal of the Franklin Institute,

223, 43-54, 1937. ((General relativity))

277. The Evolution of Physics: The Growth of Ideas from Early Concepts to Rela-
tivity and Quanta, (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1938). ((History of phy-

278. Physics as an Adventure of the Mind, (Sijthoff, Leiden, 1938). ((History of


279. Gravitational equations and the problem of motion (with L. Infeld and B.
Hoffmann), Annals of Mathematics, 39, 65-100, 1938. ((General relativity))

280. Generalization of Kaluza’s Theory of Electricity (P. Bergmann), Annals of

Mathematics, 39, 683-701, 1938. ((Classical unified field theories))

281. Stationary system with spherical simmetry consisting of manny gravitatio-

nal masses, Annals of Mathematics, 40, 922-936, 1939. ((General relativity))

282. Gravitational equations and the problem of motion II (with L. Infeld), An-
nals of Mathematics, 41, 455-464, 1940. ((General relativity))

283. Considerations concerning the fundamentals of theoretical physics, Science,

91, 487-492, 1940. ((History of physics))

284. Five-dimensional representation of gravitation and electricity, Theodore Kar-

man Anniversary Volume, pp. 212-225, (California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, 1941). ((Classical unified field theories))

285. Science and Religion, First Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion,
Reported in the New York Times and also in Nature 146, 605-607, 1941.

286. Demonstration of the non-existence of gravitational fields with a non-vanishing

total mass free of singularities, Tucumán Universidad Nacional, Revista, 2,
11-16, 1941. ((General relativity))

287. Foreword, Introduction to the theory of relativity, (Prentice-Hall, New York,

1942). ((Special and general relativity))

288. The work and personality of Walter Nernst, Scientific Monthly, 54, 195-196,
1942. ((History of physics))

289. Non-existence of regular stationary solutions of relativistic field equations
(with W. Pauli), Annals of Mathematics, 44, 131-137, 1943. ((General relati-

290. Remarks on Bertrand Russell’s theory of Knowledge, The phylosophy of

Bertrand Russell, pp. 277-291, (Northwestern University, Evanston, 1944).

291. Bivectors fields I (with V. Bargmann), Annals of Mathematics, 45, 1-14,

1944. ((Classical unified field theories))

292. Bivectors fields II, Annals of Mathematics, 45, 15-23, 1944. ((Classical uni-
fied field theories))

293. Appendix: On the Cosmological Problem, The meaning of Relativity, Second

edition (Princenton University, Princenton, 1945). ((Cosmology))

294. On the cosmological problem, American Scholar, 14, 137-156, 269 (correc-
tion), 1945. ((Cosmology))

295. Generalization of the Relativistic Theory of Gravitation, Annals of Mathe-

matics, 46, 578-584, 1945. ((Classical unified field theories))

296. Influence of the expansion of space on the gravitation fields arrounding the
individual stars (with E. G. Strauss), Reviews of Modern Physics, 17, 120-
124, 1945. ((General relativity))

297. Generalization of the Relativistic Theory of Gravitation II (with E. G. Strauss),

Annals of Mathematics, 46, 578-584, 1946. ((Classical unified field theories))

298. Corrections to our paper: The Influence of the expansion of space on the gra-
vitation fields arrounding the individual stars (with E. G. Strauss), Reviews
of Modern Physics, 18, 148-154, 1946. ((General relativity))

299. Elementary derivation of the equivalence of mass and energy, Technion Jour-
nal, 5, 16-17, 1946. ((Special relativity))

300. The problem of space, ether and the field in physics, Man and the universe,
pp. 82-100, (Random Hause, New York, 1947). ((Special and general relati-

301. El Significado de la Relatividad, (Espasa-Calpe, Buenos Aires, 1948). ((Special

and general relativity))

302. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, Grolier Encyclopedia, vol. 9, p. 19, (Grolier

Society, New York, 1948). ((Special and general relativity))

303. Relativity: essence of the Theory of Relativity, American Peoples Encyclo-
pedia, vol. 16, col. 604-608, (Spencer Press, Chicago, 1948). ((Special and
general relativity))
304. A Generalized Theory of Gravitation, Reviews of Modern Physics, 20, 35-39,
1948. ((Classical unified field theories))
305. Quantum mechanics and reality, Dialectica, 2, 320-324, 1948. ((Quantum
306. Motion of Particles in General Relativity Theory (with L. Infeld), Canadian
Journal of Mathematics, 1, 209-241, 1949. ((General relativity))
307. In memory of Max Planck, Angewandte Chemie, 61, 114, 1949. ((History of
308. The Bianchi Identities in the Generalized Theory of Gravitation, Canadian
Journal of Mathematics, 2, 120-128, 1950. ((Classical unified field theories))
309. Appendix II: Generalized Theory of Gravitation, The meaning of Relativity,
Third edition (Princenton University, Princenton, 1950). ((Classical unified
field theories))
310. On the Generalized Theory of Gravitation, Scientific American, 182, 13-17,
1950. ((Classical unified field theories))
311. The Advent of Quantum Theory, Science, 113, 82-84, 1951. ((Quantum me-
312. Appendix II: Generalized Theory of Gravitation, The meaning of Relativity,
Fourth edition (Princenton University, Princenton, 1952). ((Classical unified
field theories))
313. A comment on a Criticism of Unified Field Theory, Physical Review, 89, 321,
1953. ((Classical unified field theories))
314. Algebraic Properties of the Field in the Relativistic Theory of the Asymme-
tric Field (with B. Kaufman), Annals of Mathematics, 59, 230-244, 1954.
((Classical unified field theories))
315. An Interview with Einstein (with I. B. Cohen), Scientific American, 193,
69–73, 1955. ((History of physics))
316. A New Form of the General Relativistic Equations (with B. Kaufman), An-
nals of Mathematics, 62, 128-138, 1955. ((Classical unified field theories))
317. Appendix II: Generalized Theory of Gravitation, The meaning of Relativity,
Fifth edition (Princenton University, Princenton, 1955). ((Classical unified
field theories))


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