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Irene and Nadia are two totally different women, but they share a horrible condition, they are doomed to be
awake in a monotonous and lonely world until they lose what little sanity they have left.

Irene has not been able to sleep for days, at 48 years old she is trapped in a monotonous life. For her, there is
no difference between looking at the neon light that shines through her window at night and the light of the
photocopier in the library where she works during the day. When she meets Nadia, a young prostitute from
her neighborhood, she realizes that is not the only one without being able to sleep. Both seem to be connec-
ted and condemned to a kind of modern curse, to stay awake and lose what remains of their sanity in sterile

Animation technique: 2 D
Age range target: Young Adults and Adults
Film genre: Drama / psychological terror
Duration: 13 Min

DIRECTOR David Flores Mendieta

ART La Endina Remolona
Natalia Pájaro/Mijail Gala
Cel.: 5510084606

She is a 48-year-old woman who at first glance seems 10 years older, on her face we
see how any trace of happiness has escaped and she moves almost on automatic pilot.
She has lived for a long time with insomnia that increasingly seems to dominate her

Confirmed voice actress

Verónica Merchant
She is a young woman who has a broken soul, she walks the streets trying to find her
reason for being, insomnia has taken its toll and now she only moves through the
world like a ghost of what she once was.

Confirmed voice actress

Florencia Ríos

The people who live in the city are not aware of what is happening with the people
in the apartment upstairs, perhaps they suffer the same as us and we do not realize it
because they are encapsulated, just as it happens with Irene and Nadia, separated by a
simple piece of concrete but they are closer than they think, despite the fact that they
dedicate themselves to different things, they both lost the ability to sleep and spend
day after day in the same routine that kills their body and spirit little by little.

SETS The place where Irene lives is a small apartment with a wooden floor that creaks with
every step she takes, it is increasingly annoying for her, in the apartment there is not
much furniture and the ones she has seem to have come from an older house, they are
worn and faded. It is not very lit, it has few spotlights and during the day Irene leaves

IRENE’S APARTMENT the curtains open to take advantage of the light from outside, except from her room.
In her room the atmosphere is more minimalist, she has very few pieces of furniture
and the curtain is closed to prevent the red neon light from the hotel next door en-
ters her room and changes the blue hue of the walls.


Just as Irene’s apartment is a reflection of her personality and obsessions, so is Na-
dia’s, particularly this apartment is an apparently uninhabited place, full of boxes,

NADIA’S APARTMENT few things are unpacked, it is a place where Nadia does not want to “throw roots” is
simply a refuge from the outside, that is why we don’t see any kind of effort to deco-
rate or accommodate their few belongings. There is also not much light in the place,
the main light comes from a light pole in the street which makes this light that enters


The story will take place in a micro cosmos in which many people can identify, an
apartment building with a housing unit in which in theory we should generate a

OUTDOOR LOCATIONS community with many people, but in reality we live isolated from each other in small
symmetrical spaces. In concrete mounds where we rarely speak to the people who live
next door or upstairs, we are encapsulated in our own world, our apartment.


As for the sound of the short film, since there are not many dialogues, this gives rise
to the sound environments taking on even more importance, either to accentuate
sounds that help us expose the surreal elements in the film and that help Irene lose

her sanity (for example the hands of the clock, the creak of the wooden floor, the
noise of the photocopier, the brushing of her teeth), as well as to help us establish the
character in an urbanized and conflictive environment, a kind of concrete machinery
AND NOTES ON SOUND and vehicles; also in some of the sequences the silence and the wind help to give us
the feeling of loneliness, especially those in which we see Irene go through the routi-
LIBRARY ne in “her world” or her refuge: the apartment.


Sleeping pills part of the concern generated by the rhythm of the cities in which we
live, we are part of a giant machine in which we forget all the people around us and
especially our own ambitions and needs. We are automatons working to pay the bills
and sometimes the hope of finding a way to free ourselves from those chains is the
only thing that keeps the soul in a person.

I want to avoid showing masses of people to settle the idea of ​​the loneliness in which
each of the characters in the story is and also in the interaction between them, that is,
when Irene talks or lives with other people I want there to be no class of human con-
nection, that everything is a behavior based on a kind of social supply and demand,
that is why the relationship that she establishes with Nadia is so unusual in this lonely
and monotonous world, to some degree Nadia wants to meet Irene and she to Nadia
removing the barriers that everyone seems to have. The relationship between both
characters is important because it means in some way the solution to the loneliness
that all individuals in this society live in, turning to see someone and seeing that they
are going through the same thing as you can help both of them to get out of this,
which does not happen due to Irene’s fearful and antisocial nature.

Irene hasn’t been able to sleep for days and due to lack of sleep it’s normal for her to
begin to lose her sanity little by little and to imagine things, during the film I want
to gradually increase these hallucinations, which affect her directly in her body (such
as example when your teeth fall out) and others that affect your environment (for
example the exaggeratedly large towers of books in her workplace).

Irene gets excited after hearing a pot fall, right now she doesn’t know if it’s an illu- things she finds the same dress that Nadia used at night, she puts it on. In the place
sion or real, it’s dawn, another sleepless night. Irene takes her sleeping pills again in a there are sleeping pills everywhere. At night Irene goes out with Nadia’s black dress
futile attempt to fall asleep, the next day as she begins her daily routine she finds an to the same place where she stopped, a car stops and she gets on.
old earring with a miniature pearl on a red diamond and decides to put it in her bag,
when she is taking a bath, accidentally cuts himself with the bathroom door, which At dawn she returns to her building in a taxi, with visible bruises and her dress so-
makes him a quite showy wound. Leaving for work, Irene sees Nadia arrive, who gets mewhat torn, she enters Nadia’s apartment. In her room she finds an earring just like
out of a luxurious car, wearing last night’s clothes. hers, Nadia appears naked and guides her to the window, she with little strength
clumsily climbs onto the window frame, the wind is soft and steady, Irene feels peace
Irene is a zombie who makes copies at her work in the library, waiting for the mo- at last. She throws herself out the window.
ment when the clock strikes the time to leave, at lunchtime it seems that her teeth
have fallen out, but it is not just an illusion .

On the way home she runs into Nadia again, she trips and her things fall including
her sleeping pills, Nadia also uses them without success. Another victim of insomnia.
You can also see a scar on her leg very similar to the one Irene got in the morning.

At dawn, Irene looks out the window where a pulsating red neon light enters, she
looks at Nadia on the street, offering her passionate services to the first person who
passes by. She gets into a mysterious car, but not before feeling and looking back at
Irene. Irene’s wound is getting creepier and doesn’t seem to be closing, she goes to
bathe, while the water runs through her body a shadow quickly passes through the
window, moments later she leaves her building and sees a crowd outside her building,
Nadia’s limp body lies on the floor.

When Irene returns from work, she notices that things are being taken out of the
building from the apartment upstairs, it is the apartment where Nadia lived, the pla-
ce seems as if no one had lived there for years, she explores the place, looks out the
window and sees the exact place where Nadia fell, she enters her room and inside the

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