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Multiple Choice Questions

TB_04_01_The Brain and Nervous System_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

_________ of neurons and glial cells are present at birth.
A) Hundreds
B) Thousands
C) Millions
D) Billions
Answer: C
Page Ref: 83
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: The Brain and Nervous System
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_02_The Brain and Nervous System_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

Which of the following is true of synaptogenesis?
A) It refers to the separation of connections between neurons.
B) Once it begins shortly after birth, it continues at a steady and constant pace.
C) It results in decreases in brain size of four times by age four.
D) Each period of synaptogenesis is followed by a period of pruning.
Answer: D
Page Ref: 83
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: The Brain and Nervous System
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_03_The Brain and Nervous System_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

What is the name of the process of creating new synapses that happens very quickly in the first couple of years after
A) Synaptic pruning
B) Synaptomiosis
C) Myelinization
D) Synaptogenesis
Answer: D
Level: 1-Easy
Page Ref: 83
Topic: The Brain and Nervous System
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
TB_04_04_The Brain and Nervous System_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1
Which of the following is a primary function of brain development in the first year of life?
A) Development of neurons and glial cells
B) Ossification
C) Formation of synapses
D) Proximodistal development
Answer: C
Level: 1-Easy
Page Ref: 83
Topic: The Brain and Nervous System
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_05_The Brain and Nervous System_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

At birth, we lack the ability to perceive, think, or use language because which area of our brain is not well
A) Medulla
B) Midbrain
C) Cortex
D) Glial cells
Answer: C
Page Ref: 83
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: The Brain and Nervous System
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_06_The Brain and Nervous System_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

Each burst of synaptogenesis is followed by which of the following processes?
A) Degeneration
B) Formation of dendrites
C) Loss of axons
D) Pruning
Answer: D
Page Ref: 83
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: The Brain and Nervous System
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_07_The Brain and Nervous System_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

Animal studies have shown which of the following to be true?
A) Impoverished environments can actually help shield a young brain from damage caused by teratogens.
B) Enriched environments, unfortunately, have no influence on brains damaged by a mother’s drug use during
C) Enriched environments help the young overcome brain damage by increasing myelinization.
D) Enriched environments can help the young brain overcome damage caused by some teratogens.
Answer: D
Page Ref: 84
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: The Brain and Nervous System
Skill: Understand the Concepts

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_08_The Brain and Nervous System_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

Your brain has the ability to change in response to experience. This ability is known as
A) flexibility.
B) plasticity.
C) responsiveness.
D) reactivity.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 84
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: The Brain and Nervous System
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_09_The Brain and Nervous System_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

Brain development in the first year of life emphasizes
A) development of neurons and glial cells.
B) formation of synapses.
C) synapto-atrophy.
D) a proximodistal pattern.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 84
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: The Brain and Nervous System
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_10_The Brain and Nervous System_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

Johann lives in a family with five siblings. There is always a lot of activity and interaction between the children and
parents. There are many brightly colored toys and things to play with. Suzanne’s family can’t afford many toys at
all, and she has only old hand-me-downs to play with, most of which are broken. Which of the following best
describes a likely difference in brain development between Johann and Suzanne?
A) The “use it or lose it” idea would indicate that, since Johann is in a more stimulating environment than Suzanne,
his brain will have a denser network of neurons and synapses.
B) Johann’s neurons will myelinate more quickly and completely than Suzanne’s.
C) Since Johann and Suzanne are both under two years of age, the differences in environment will have little impact.
D) The principle of synaptic pruning says that since Johann is in a more stimulating environment than Suzanne, his
brain will have a smaller number of synapses.
Answer: A
Page Ref: 84
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: The Brain and Nervous System
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
TB_04_11_The Brain and Nervous System_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1
According to many neurophysiologists, which of the following will result in the pruning of redundant neural
pathways and the selective retention of the most efficient pathways in an infant’s brain?
A) Diet and nutrition
B) Experiences
C) Phenotype
D) Inborn predispositions
Answer: B
Page Ref: 84
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: The Brain and Nervous System
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_12_TV for Tots: How Much Is Too Much?_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

What effect does watching television have on the developing brain?
A) Any television watching prior to age two is likely to inhibit healthy brain development.
B) Toddlers might improve their vocabulary and social skills by watching high-quality television programs.
C) Television programs such as Sesame Street can interfere with synaptogenesis.
D) The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children between 18 months and two years of age watch
2–3 hours per day of educational programming.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 84
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: TV for Tots: How Much Is Too Much?
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_13_The Brain and Nervous System_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

Which of the following processes is an emphasis of brain development in the second year of life?
A) Development of neurons and glial cells
B) Formation of synapses
C) Myelinization
D) Proximodistal development
Answer: C
Page Ref: 85
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: The Brain and Nervous System
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_14_The Brain and Nervous System_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

What is the name of the sheath around the axons that serves as insulation and speeds neural transmissions?
A) Fontanel
B) Glial fiber
C) Myelin
D) Dendrite
Answer: C
Page Ref: 85
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: The Brain and Nervous System
Skill: Remember the Facts

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_15_The Brain and Nervous System_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

The myelinization in the reticular formation makes which of the following possible?
A) Dexterity in the manipulation of small objects, such as a needle and thread
B) Judgment in decision making, such as evaluating various options
C) Speed and agility in motor skills, such as running to catch a ball
D) Concentration in thinking, such as focusing attention on a task
Answer: D
Page Ref: 85
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: The Brain and Nervous System
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_16_The Brain and Nervous System_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

Attention is regulated by which of the following structures?
A) Reticular formation
B) Spinal cord
C) Temporal lobe
D) Hypothalamus
Answer: A
Page Ref: 85
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: The Brain and Nervous System
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_17_ Reflexes and Behavioral States_LO 4.2_APA LO 1.1

What does your text suggest about the persistence of the Moro reflex or the Babinski reflex beyond six months of
A) It is normal and is used as a sign of neurological maturation.
B) They aid in the infant’s developing social skills and emotional relationships.
C) It may signal the existence of some type of neurological problem.
D) It is due to positive or negative reinforcement.
Answer: C
Page Ref: 85
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Reflexes and Behavioral States
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.2: How do infants’ reflexes and behavioral states change?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_18_ Reflexes and Behavioral States_LO 4.2_APA LO 1.1

What is another name for the startle reflex?
A) Babinski
B) Moro
C) Nisod
D) Brazelton
Answer: B
Page Ref: 85
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Reflexes and Behavioral States

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.2: How do infants’ reflexes and behavioral states change?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_19_ Reflexes and Behavioral States_LO 4.2_APA LO 1.1

A baby will splay out its toes, then curl them under, in response to stroking the bottom of the foot. Which reflex is
A) Moro
B) Nisod
C) Bronfenbrenner
D) Babinski
Answer: D
Page Ref: 85
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Reflexes and Behavioral States
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.2: How do infants’ reflexes and behavioral states change?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_20_ Reflexes and Behavioral States_LO 4.2_APA LO 1.1

An infant’s sleep/wake cycle lasts approximately how long?
A) 30–45 minutes
B) 4–6 hours
C) 2 hours
D) 8 hours
Answer: C
Page Ref: 85
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Reflexes and Behavioral States
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.2: How do infants’ reflexes and behavioral states change?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_21_ Reflexes and Behavioral States_LO 4.2_APA LO 1.1

By 8 weeks of age, infants show signs of day/night sleep rhythms. What are these rhythms called?
A) Biorhythms
C) Sleep cycling
D) Circadian rhythms
Answer: D
Page Ref: 86
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Reflexes and Behavioral States
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.2: How do infants’ reflexes and behavioral states change?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_22_ Reflexes and Behavioral States_LO 4.2_APA LO 1.1

Macie and Darius have a new baby girl. Although they complain that the baby wakes them a lot at night, the truth is
the baby probably sleeps as much as ______ of the time.
A) 25 percent
B) 50 percent
C) 75 percent
D) 80 percent
Answer: D
Page Ref: 86

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Reflexes and Behavioral States
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.2: How do infants’ reflexes and behavioral states change?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_23_ Reflexes and Behavioral States_LO 4.2_APA LO 1.1

Typically, infants move into a predictable sleep pattern by what age?
A) Two weeks
B) One month
C) Six weeks
D) Six months
Answer: D
Page Ref: 86
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Reflexes and Behavioral States
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.2: How do infants’ reflexes and behavioral states change?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_24_ Reflexes and Behavioral States_LO 4.2_APA LO 1.1

Which of the following is typically true of parents in the United States?
A) They view an infant’s erratic sleep patterns as a normal and healthy part of development.
B) They are more likely than European parents to attend to their crying child.
C) They view an infant’s erratic sleep patterns as a problem that needs to be fixed.
D) They are more likely than European parents to ignore their crying child.
Answer: C
Page Ref: 86
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: Reflexes and Behavioral States
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.2: How do infants’ reflexes and behavioral states change?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_25_ Reflexes and Behavioral States_LO 4.2_APA LO 1.1

Which of the following describes the basic cry of an infant who is hungry?
A) A piercing, grating shriek or scream
B) A loud, intense cry that begins abruptly
C) A cry that begins with a scream and becomes loud and intense with no variation in rhythm or volume
D) A cry that begins with a whimper and becomes an alternating pattern of crying, silence, and breathing
Answer: D
Page Ref: 86
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Reflexes and Behavioral States
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.2: How do infants’ reflexes and behavioral states change?
APA LO: 1.1

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
TB_04_26_ Reflexes and Behavioral States_LO 4.2_APA LO 1.1
Your friend Olga is a new, first-time mother. Her six-week-old infant has shown a recent increase in crying. She
doesn’t know whether this is because she is picking the child up every time it cries. She is asking you for advice.
What would you say to her?
A) She should take her child to the doctor to see if she has colic.
B) It is normal for crying to increase over the first six weeks of life, and picking her child up will not reinforce the
C) Increased crying in the first six weeks of life is normal, but Olga should not pick up the infant every time it cries.
D) Olga should not worry; the crying usually decreases by the second week of life.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 86
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Reflexes and Behavioral States
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.2: How do infants’ reflexes and behavioral states change?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_27_ Reflexes and Behavioral States_LO 4.2_APA LO 1.1

An infant begins whimpering and moaning and then begins to cry very loudly and intensely. Which of the following
is the infant most likely expressing?
A) Anger
B) Hunger
C) Fear
D) Pain
Page Ref: 86
Answer: A
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Reflexes and Behavioral States
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.2: How do infants’ reflexes and behavioral states change?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_28_Reflexes and Behavioral States_LO 4.2_APA LO 1.1

Which of the following is true regarding colic?
A) Almost all infants develop colic.
B) Colic is a pattern of intense daily periods of crying for one to three hours per day.
C) The cause of colic is usually an allergy to infant formula.
D) Colic typically begins at about two weeks of age and then disappears spontaneously at three or four months of
Answer: D
Page Ref: 86
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Reflexes and Behavioral States
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.2: How do infants’ reflexes and behavioral states change?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_29_Reflexes and Behavioral States_LO 4.2_APA LO 1.1

If two-month-old Andrew has colic, which of the following characteristics will be most noticeable to his parents?
A) His diarrhea and vomiting
B) His intense crying
C) His lack of appetite
D) His high fever and listlessness
Answer: B
Page Ref: 86
Level: 2-Medium

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
Topic: Reflexes and Behavioral States
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.2: How do infants’ reflexes and behavioral states change?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_30_Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems_LO 4.3_APA LO 1.1

Kaye has just mastered sitting up without support. About how old would you expect Kaye to be?
A) 7 months old
B) 3 months old
C) 4 months old
D) 5 months old
Answer: A
Page Ref: 87
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.3: How do infants’ bodies change, and what is the typical pattern of motor skill development in the first 2
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_31_Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems_LO 4.3_APA LO 1.1

Lilly has just learned to walk backward. How old would you expect Lilly to be?
A) Between 10 and 12 months
B) Between 13 and 18 months
C) Between 19 and 24 months
D) At least two years old
Answer: B
Page Ref: 87
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.3: How do infants’ bodies change, and what is the typical pattern of motor skill development in the first 2
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_32_Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems_LO 4.3_APA LO 1.1

Which of the following statements is correct regarding motor skill development?
A) Boys and girls are virtually identical in the rate at which they develop motor skills.
B) Children with mental retardation will go through a different sequence of motor skill development than normal
C) Even though boys and girls may differ in the rate at which they develop motor skills, they still develop these
skills in the same sequence.
D) The development of motor skills is most likely controlled by environmental circumstances.
Answer: C
Page Ref: 87
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.3: How do infants’ bodies change, and what is the typical pattern of motor skill development in the first 2
APA LO: 1.1

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
TB_04_33_Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems_LO 4.3_APA LO 1.1
A child’s ability to place round pegs in round holes requires which type of motor skills?
A) Combination of gross and fine
B) Locomotive
C) Nonlocomotive
D) Specific
Answer: A
Page Ref: 87
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.3: How do infants’ bodies change, and what is the typical pattern of motor skill development in the first 2
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_34_Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems_LO 4.3_APA LO 1.1

Which of the following is an application of Thelen’s Dynamic Systems Theory?
A) Infants lose the stepping reflex if they lose an abnormal amount of weight.
B) The stepping reflex disappears as a result of environmental factors.
C) True walking is likely to happen regardless of environmental influences.
D) True walking is as much dependent on environmental influences as genetic ones.
Answer: D
Page Ref: 87
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.3: How do infants’ bodies change, and what is the typical pattern of motor skill development in the first 2
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_35_Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems_LO 4.3_APA LO 1.1

Fine motor skills of the hand develop, in part, because of which of the following?
A) The progressive development of cartilage in the wrist bones.
B) The progressive development and separation of the wrist bones.
C) The development of bones in the fingers.
D) The growth of new neurons in the hands.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 88
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.3: How do infants’ bodies change, and what is the typical pattern of motor skill development in the first 2
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_36_Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems_LO 4.3_APA LO 1.1

Which of the following defines the ability of children to engage in long periods of activity without rest?
A) Ossification
B) Fine motor skills
C) Stamina
D) Development of bone density
Answer: C
Page Ref: 88
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems
Skill: Remember the Facts

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
LO 4.3: How do infants’ bodies change, and what is the typical pattern of motor skill development in the first 2
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_37_Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems_LO 4.3_APA LO 1.1

Which of the following is true of the process of ossification?
A) Once it begins, it progresses sporadically.
B) It is the process of bone softening.
C) It follows a proximodistal pattern.
D) It begins during the 10th and 11th weeks of gestation.
Answer: C
Page Ref: 88
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.3: How do infants’ bodies change, and what is the typical pattern of motor skill development in the first 2
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_38_Nutrition_LO 4.4_APA LO 1.3

With regard to breastfeeding, which statement is correct?
A) Breastfeeding facilitates the development of superior social interactions between mother and child.
B) Breast milk stimulates better immune-system function.
C) Breast milk does not appear to promote the growth of nerves or development of the intestinal tract.
D) Breastfeeding meets the nutritional needs of relatively few infants.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 89
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Nutrition
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.4: What are the nutritional needs of infants?
APA LO: 1.3

TB_04_39_Nutrition_LO 4.4_APA LO 1.3

Under which circumstances might a doctor recommend that a breastfed infant be given nutritional supplements?
A) If the mother wishes to promote faster-than-average growth of her infant
B) If the baby is more active or energetic than most babies
C) In order for the nursing mother to reduce her own nutritional intake and lose weight more quickly
D) If the infant is preterm
Answer: D
Page Ref: 89
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Nutrition
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.4: What are the nutritional needs of infants?
APA LO: 1.3

TB_04_40_Nutrition_LO 4.4_APA LO 1.3

Most experts recommend that an infant’s first solid food be
A) thoroughly cooked or pre-packaged multi-grain cereals.
B) a source of protein, such as ground chicken.
C) an iron-fortified single-grain cereal, such as rice.
D) one or two fruits that the baby seems to prefer.
Answer: C
Page Ref: 90
Level: 2-Medium

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
Topic: Nutrition
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.4: What are the nutritional needs of infants?
APA LO: 1.3

TB_04_41_Malnutrition_LO 4.5_APA LO 1.3

Your text mentions a coexisting condition that causes chronic diarrhea in many infants who suffer from marasmus.
What is this coexisting condition?
A) Low birth weight
B) Premature delivery
C) Parasitic infections
D) Colic
Answer: C
Page Ref: 90
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Malnutrition
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.5: How does malnutrition affect infants’ development?
APA LO: 1.3

TB_04_42_Malnutrition_LO 4.5_APA LO 1.3

The disease kwashiorkor is caused by which of the following?
A) Restricted caloric intake
B) Excess dietary vitamin B12
C) Insufficient dietary protein
D) Impaired immune system functioning
Answer: C
Page Ref: 90
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Malnutrition
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.5: How does malnutrition affect infants’ development?
APA LO: 1.3

TB_04_43_Malnutrition_LO 4.5_APA LO 1.3

Which of the following is the most common nutritional problem in industrialized countries such as the United
A) Kwashikor
B) Micronutrient malnutrition
C) Macronutrient malnutrition
D) Marasmus
Answer: B
Page Ref: 90
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Malnutrition
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.5: How does malnutrition affect infants’ development?
APA LO: 1.3

TB_04_44_Malnutrition_LO 4.5_APA LO 1.3

What is micronutrient malnutrition?
A) Protein insufficiency
B) Lack of sufficient vitamins and minerals
C) Insufficient intake of carbohydrates
D) Insufficiency of total calories
Answer: B

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
Page Ref: 90
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Malnutrition
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.5: How does malnutrition affect infants’ development?
APA LO: 1.3

TB_04_45_Health Care and Immunizations_LO 4.6_APA LO 1.3

Moesha and Nick have a newborn. If their baby is an average infant, by his first birthday he will have had which of
the following?
A) Measles
B) Several instances of sleep apnea
C) No illnesses whatsoever
D) Seven respiratory illnesses
Answer: D
Page Ref: 91
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Health Care and Immunizations
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.6: What are infants’ health-care and immunization needs?
APA LO: 1.3

TB_04_46_Health Care and Immunizations_LO 4.6_APA LO 1.3

Immunizations are most effective if begun at what time in a child’s life?
A) The first month
B) Six months
C) One year
D) Adolescence
Answer: A
Page Ref: 90
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Health Care and Immunizations
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.6: What are infants’ health-care and immunization needs?
APA LO: 1.3

TB_04_47_Health Care and Immunizations_LO 4.6_APA LO 1.3

Between 1992 and 1999, what happened to the rate of infant vaccinations in the United States?
A) They increased dramatically.
B) The number of required vaccines dropped.
C) The rate increased by 15%.
D) They declined sharply.
Answer: A
Page Ref: 91
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Health Care and Immunizations
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.6: What are infants’ health-care and immunization needs?
APA LO: 1.3

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
TB_04_48_Health Care and Immunizations_LO 4.6_APA LO 1.3
What is the special, often unexpected urgency in treating infants’ respiratory illnesses promptly?
A) Respiratory illnesses are easily spread to other members of the family and more difficult to treat in older
B) Respiratory illnesses may affect the ears, and ear infections may impair hearing and interfere with the
development of brain areas that are essential for language development.
C) Early respiratory illnesses are likely to result in asthma.
D) Infant immunizations cannot be given while a child is ill.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 91
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: Health Care and Immunizations
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.6: What are infants’ health-care and immunization needs?
APA LO: 1.3

TB_04_49_Sudden Infant Death Syndrome_LO 4.7_APA LO 1.3

What is the leading cause of death in the United States among infants between the ages of one month and one year?
A) Accidents
B) Respiratory infections
C) Micronutrient deficiency
D) Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Answer: D
Page Ref: 92
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.7: What have researchers learned about sudden infant death syndrome?
APA LO: 1.3

TB_04_50_Sudden Infant Death Syndrome_LO 4.7_APA LO 1.3

Which the following is associated with SIDS?
A) A history of apnea
B) Bacterial infections that cause earaches
C) Drinking by the mother after pregnancy
D) Greater than average birth weight
Answer: A
Page Ref: 92
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.7: What have researchers learned about sudden infant death syndrome?
APA LO: 1.3

TB_04_51_Sudden Infant Death Syndrome_LO 4.7_APA LO 1.3

Which of the following is the simplest precaution that a parent can take to reduce the risk of SIDS?
A) Position the infant on his/her back to sleep
B) Feed the infant a high-fat diet
C) Ensure that the infant does not become ill with a respiratory infection
D) Position the child to sleep on his stomach
Answer: A
Page Ref: 92
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Skill: Understand the Concepts

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
LO 4.7: What have researchers learned about sudden infant death syndrome?
APA LO: 1.3

TB_04_52_Group Differences in Infant Mortality_LO 4.8_APA LO 1.3

In the United States, which group has the lowest infant mortality rate?
A) Caucasians
B) Asian Americans
C) African Americans
D) Native Americans
Answer: B
Page Ref: 93
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Group Differences in Infant Mortality
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.8: How do infant mortality rates vary across groups?
APA LO: 1.3

TB_04_53_Group Differences in Infant Mortality_LO 4.8_APA LO 1.3

In the United States, which group has the highest infant mortality rate?
A) Puerto Rican Americans
B) Mexican Americans
C) African Americans
D) Asian Americans
Answer: C
Page Ref: 93
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Group Differences in Infant Mortality
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.8: How do infant mortality rates vary across groups?
APA LO: 1.3

TB_04_54_Vision_LO 4.9_APA LO 1.1

Amy is three years old and has 20/40 vision. What does this mean?
A) Amy’s visual acuity is average for a three-year-old.
B) In order for Amy to see an object, she has to be 20 feet away from it, whereas most people can see the object
from 40 feet away.
C) Amy is considered legally blind.
D) In order for Amy to see an object, she has to be 40 feet away from it, whereas most people can see the object
from 20 feet away.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 95
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: Vision
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.9: How do infants’ visual abilities change across the first months of life?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_55_Vision_LO 4.9_APA LO 1.1

Which of the following terms represents the smooth movement that allows the eyes to follow a moving object?
A) Tracking
B) Acuity
C) Tracing
D) Visualization
Answer: A
Page Ref: 95
Level: 1-Easy

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
Topic: Vision
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.9: How do infants’ visual abilities change across the first months of life?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_56_Vision_LO 4.9_APA LO 1.1

Seth is six weeks old. You are holding three balloons in your hand: one red, one blue and one green. Which of the
following statements is most likely true?
A) Seth has already developed the required cones in his eyes to differentiate between the three different colored
B) Since Seth is only six weeks old, he can only distinguish between red and green.
C) Seth probably only has the rods for blue vision in his eyes, so he won’t be able to distinguish between red and
D) At this age, Seth’s cones are still too underdeveloped for him to distinguish any colors at all.
Answer: A
Page Ref: 95
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: Vision
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.9: How do infants’ visual abilities change across the first months of life?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_57_ Hearing and Other Senses LO 4.10_APA LO 1.1

Infants’ auditory skills are equal to those of an adult, except that
A) they can hear low-pitched sounds better than adults do.
B) they cannot hear low-pitched sounds at all.
C) they cannot hear high-pitched sounds as well as adults do.
D) they can hear high-pitched sounds better than adults do.
Answer: C
Page Ref: 96
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Hearing and Other Senses
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.10: How do infants’ senses of hearing, smell, taste, touch, and motion compare to those of older children and
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_58_Hearing and Other Senses_LO 4.10_APA LO 1.1

Your daughter is 20 months old. Which of the following statements is most likely true regarding her auditory acuity
and skills?
A) While her auditory acuity is as good as an adult’s, she does not yet have the ability to locate sounds.
B) She has the ability to locate sounds but is not yet able to distinguish between pitch and loudness.
C) Both her auditory acuity and ability to locate sound are not likely to fully develop for another four months.
D) Her auditory acuity and ability to distinguish location of sound is nearly as good as that of an adult.
Answer: D
Page Ref: 96
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: Hearing and Other Senses
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.10: How do infants’ senses of hearing, smell, taste, touch, and motion compare to those of older children and
APA LO: 1.1

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
TB_04_59_Hearing and Other Senses_LO 4.10_APA LO 1.1
Which of the following is true of the research conducted by Steiner regarding the taste abilities of infants?
A) Most cannot distinguish between the five basic flavors: sweet, sour, bitter, salty, umami.
B) He conducted his research by feeding infants various unfamiliar flavors of water.
C) He drew pictures of the facial expressions of infants as they reacted to different tastes or flavors.
D) Infants respond differently to sweet, sour, and bitter flavors.
Answer: D
Page Ref: 96
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Hearing and Other Senses
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.10: How do infants’ senses of hearing, smell, taste, touch, and motion compare to those of older children and
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_60_Hearing and Other Senses_LO 4.10_APA LO 1.1

The five basic flavors that humans register are
A) bitter, sweet, salty, spicy, umami.
B) sweet, sour, bitter, umami, salty.
C) salty, sweet, spicy, piquant, bittersweet.
D) bittersweet, sour, sweet, umami, spicy.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 96
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Hearing and Other Senses
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.10: How do infants’ senses of hearing, smell, taste, touch, and motion compare to those of older children and
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_61_Hearing and Other Senses_LO 4.10_APA LO 1.1

Which of the five senses is most fully developed at birth?
A) Taste
B) Touch
C) Smell
D) Hearing
Answer: B
Page Ref: 97
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Hearing and Other Senses
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.10: How do infants’ senses of hearing, smell, taste, touch, and motion compare to those of older children and
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_62_Studying Perceptual Development_LO 4.11_APA LO 1.1

A developmental psychologist is showing a four-month-old infant a series of drawings. Each drawing shows a series
of heavy black dots arranged in the shape of a square. After seeing a series of such pictures, the infant looks for
shorter and shorter periods of time until she is barely glancing at each new version of the black dots in a square.
Suddenly the researcher presents a new drawing of heavy black dots in the shape of a circle, and the baby shows
renewed interest by gazing for a longer period of time. What is illustrated by this research project?
A) The baby’s response was an example of discriminatory social referencing.
B) The baby became habituated to the pattern of the dots in the shape of a square.
C) The baby demonstrated dislike of the square pattern of black dots.
D) The baby was illustrating intersensory integration.
Answer: B

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
Page Ref: 97
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: Studying Perceptual Development
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.11: How do researchers study perceptual development in infants?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_63_Studying Perceptual Development_LO 4.11_APA LO 1.1

An infant has lost interest in a familiar stimulus. After the stimulus has been removed for a time, and then re-
appears, the infant shows renewed interest. This defines which of the following?
A) Dishabituation
B) Perception
C) Habituation
D) Disperception
Answer: A
Page Ref: 97
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Studying Perceptual Development
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.11: How do researchers study perceptual development in infants?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_64_Studying Perceptual Development_LO 4.11_APA LO 1.1

Habituation is best defined by which of the following?
A) Shaping behavior patterns through operant conditioning
B) The decline in attention that occurs because a stimulus becomes too familiar
C) The development of repetitive behaviors that are characteristic of the secondary circular reactions substage
D) Strengthening or increase in behaviors that results from reinforcement
Answer: B
Page Ref: 97
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Studying Perceptual Development
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.11: How do researchers study perceptual development in infants?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_65_Studying Perceptual Development_LO 4.11_APA LO 1.1

Dishabituation is best described by which of the following?
A) Responding to a familiar stimulus as if it were new
B) Focusing on a stimulus that has not been successfully reinforced
C) Focusing on a stimulus that has not been completely conditioned
D) The transition to preoperational thought
Answer: A
Page Ref: 97
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Studying Perceptual Development
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.11: How do researchers study perceptual development in infants?
APA LO: 1.1

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
TB_04_66_Studying Perceptual Development_LO 4.11_APA LO 1.1
Researchers determine an infant’s interest in an object by measuring which of the following?
A) Whether or not they look directly at the object
B) How long they look at the object
C) Whether or not they show signs of boredom such as yawning
D) Whether or not they smile at the object
Answer: B
Page Ref: 97
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: Studying Perceptual Development
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.11: How do researchers study perceptual development in infants?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_67_Looking_LO 4.12_APA LO 1.1

Depth perception is possible because of which of the following types of cues?
A) Transient
B) Nocturnal
C) Binocular
D) Habitual
Answer: C
Page Ref: 98
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Looking
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.12: How do depth perception and patterns of looking change over the first 2 years?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_68_Looking_LO 4.12_APA LO 1.1

Which of the following involve processing information based on body motion or the motion of an object in relation
to the body?
A) Kinetic cues
B) Monocular cues
C) Binocular cues
D) Linear cues
Answer: A
Page Ref: 98
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Looking
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.12: How do depth perception and patterns of looking change over the first 2 years?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_69_Looking_LO 4.12_APA LO 1.1

The “visual cliff” is used to measure which of the following?
A) Visual acuity
B) Color vision
C) Depth sensitivity
D) Depth perception
Answer: D
Page Ref: 98
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Looking
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.12: How do depth perception and patterns of looking change over the first 2 years?
APA LO: 1.1

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
TB_04_70_Looking_LO 4.12_APA LO 1.1
Which of the following statements is true regarding the well-known research carried out by Gibson and Walk on
depth perception?
A) It provided little information regarding depth perception in children under the age of six months.
B) Children who had developed depth perception would continue to crawl beyond the boundaries of the cliff.
C) Children use aesthetic cues to determine the depth of a cliff.
D) Flinching is observed in children as young as 3 months of age.
Answer: A
Page Ref: 98
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: Looking
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.12: How do depth perception and patterns of looking change over the first 2 years?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_71_Looking_LO 4.12_APA LO 1.1

Of the following statements, which is an accurate description of an infant’s perceptual abilities?
A) When newborns gaze, they can see the edges of objects.
B) Infants as young as one week of age seem to prefer attractive faces to less attractive faces.
C) Infants will display habituation to an unfamiliar pattern of objects or features of objects.
D) Infants develop depth perception only after a prolonged experience of walking toward and away from objects.
Answer: A
Page Ref: 99
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: Looking
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.12: How do depth perception and patterns of looking change over the first 2 years?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_72_Listening_LO 4.13_APA LO 1.1

Elisa is growing up in a home where both Russian and English are spoken. Which of the following statements is
most likely true of seven-month-old Elisa?
A) She will be confused by the mixture of languages and will be delayed in her ability to distinguish contrasting
B) She can accurately discriminate all sound contrasts that appear in both languages.
C) She will respond to all sounds in the same way.
D) She will be able to respond to distinctions in sounds when her mother speaks, but not when her father or male
siblings speak.
Answer: B
Page Ref: 100
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: Listening
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.13: How do infants perceive human speech, recognize voices, and recognize sound patterns other than speech?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_73_Listening_LO 4.13_APA LO 1.1

Which of the following is most likely responsible for infants’ preference for their mothers’ voices?
A) Biological predisposition
B) In vitro hearing
C) The survival instinct
D) In utero learning
Answer: D
Page Ref: 100
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Listening

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.13: How do infants perceive human speech, recognize voices, and recognize sound patterns other than speech?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_74_Combining Information from Several Senses_LO 4.14_APA LO 1.1

Which of the following is the best example of intermodal perception?
A) A baby who has been sucking a nubby pacifier will look longer at a picture of a nubby pacifier.
B) An infant will drink more sweetened water than unsweetened water.
C) An infant who had habituated to a singing, rotating toy will look longer when the toy produces a new song as it
D) An infant who saw his father shave imitates the action by moving a crayon over his own face.
Answer: C
Page Ref: 100
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: Combining Information from Several Senses
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.14: What is intermodal perception?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_75_Combining Information from Several Senses_LO 4.14_APA LO 1.1

When a child combines information from several senses into one perception, this is called
A) inhabituation.
B) synesthesia.
C) intermodal perception.
D) sensory integration.
Answer: C
Page Ref: 100
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Combining Information from Several Senses
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.14: What is intermodal perception?
APA LO: 1.1

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Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

TB_04_76_The Brain and Nervous System_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

The growth of axons and dendrites is known as ________.
Answer: synaptogenesis
Page Ref: 83
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: The Brain and Nervous System
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_77_No Easy Answers_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

The AAP’s policy on television watching in children under age 2 assumes that watching television may ________
affect brain development.
Answer: adversely
Page Ref: 84
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: No Easy Answers
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_78_The Brain and Nervous System_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

The sequence of myelinization follows both a ________ and ________ pattern.
Answer: cephalocaudal; proximodistal
Page Ref: 85
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: The Brain and Nervous System
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_79_Reflexes and Behavioral States_LO 4.2_APA LO 1.1

________ rhythms affect sleep cycles as well as other bodily processes.
Answer: Circadian
Page Ref: 86
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: Reflexes and Behavioral States
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.2: How do infants’ reflexes and behavioral states change?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_80_Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems_LO 4.3_APA LO 1.1

Children will begin to show some signs of hand preference by age ________.
Answer: 10–12 months
Page Ref: 87
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.3: How do infants’ bodies change, and what is the typical pattern of motor skill development in the first 2
APA LO: 1.1

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
TB_04_81_Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems_LO 4.3_APA LO 1.1
According to Esther Thelen, true walking develops because of a genetic plan and a change in the ratio of ________
to ________ in infants’ bodies.
Answer: muscle strength; weight
Page Ref: 87
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.3: How do infants’ bodies change, and what is the typical pattern of motor skill development in the first 2
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_82_Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems_LO 4.3_APA LO 1.1

________ refers to the process of bone hardening.
Answer: Ossification
Page Ref: 91
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.3: How do infants’ bodies change, and what is the typical pattern of motor skill development in the first 2
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_83_Infant Mortality_LO 4.7_APA LO 1.3

Infant mortality is defined as death within the first ________ after birth.
Answer: year
Page Ref: 94
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Infant Mortality
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.7: What have researchers learned about sudden infant death syndrome?
APA LO: 1.7

TB_04_84_Sudden Infant Death Syndrome_LO 4.7_APA LO 1.3

Infants who show increasingly ________ sleep periods during the early months are at a lower risk of dying from
Answer: longer (or lengthier)
Page Ref: 93
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.7: What have researchers learned about sudden infant death syndrome?
APA LO: 1.3

TB_04_85_Group Differences in Infant Mortality_LO 4.8_APA LO 1.3

Women born outside of the United States tend to show ________ rates of alcohol and tobacco use than U.S. women.
Answer: lower
Page Ref: 94
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Group Differences in Infant Mortality
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.8: How do infant mortality rates vary across groups?
APA LO: 1.3

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
TB_04_86_Vision_LO 4.9_APA LO 1.1
Infants as young as 2 months show some ________ ability as an object is moved slowly toward them.
Answer: tracking
Page Ref: 96
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: Vision
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.9: How do infants’ visual abilities change across the first months of life?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_87_Hearing and Other Senses_LO 4.10_APA LO 1.1

The characteristic flavor of high protein foods and glutamates is known as ________.
Answer: umami
Page Ref: 96
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Hearing and Other Senses
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.10: How do infants’ senses of hearing, smell, taste, touch, and motion compare to those of older children and
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_88_Studying Perceptual Development_LO 4.11_APA LO 1.1

Preference technique is determined by measuring how ________ a baby looks at an object.
Answer: long
Page Ref: 97
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Studying Perceptual Development
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.11: How do researchers study perceptual development in infants?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_89_Research Report_LO 4.12_APA LO 1.1

Langlois studied infant preferences for ________ faces.
Answer: attractive
Page Ref: 99
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Research Report
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.12: How do depth perception and patterns of looking change over the first 2 years?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_90_Combining Information from Several Senses_LO 4.14_APA LO 1.1

________ refers to the idea that different sensory stimuli combine to form a single perception.
Answer: Intermodal perception
Page Ref: 100
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Combining Information from Several Senses
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.14: What is intermodal perception?
APA LO: 1.1

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
Short Answer Questions

TB_04_91_Physical Changes_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

What causes infants and toddlers to be “top-heavy”? What are the results of this phenomenon?
Answer: They’re top heavy because their brain size is disproportionately large in comparison to their bodies. This
means that they are able to learn very quickly, but it also impedes their physical coordination and movement.
Page Ref: 83
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: Physical Changes
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_92_The Brain and Nervous System_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

Briefly explain the functions of the midbrain and the medulla. Why do these structures need to be fully functional at
Answer: Both of these structures are necessary to sustain life as they regulate vital functions: heartbeat, respiration,
attention, sleeping, waking, and elimination.
Page Ref: 83
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: The Brain and Nervous System
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_93_The Brain and Nervous System_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

What is meant by brain plasticity?
Answer: the brain’s ability to change in response to experiences
Page Ref: 84
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: The Brain and Nervous System
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_94_The Brain and Nervous System_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

Why is the process of myelinization necessary?
Answer: Fine motor skills will not develop until myelinization improves the conductivity and isolation of neurons.
Page Ref: 85
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: The Brain and Nervous System
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_95_Reflexes and Behavioral States_LO 4.2_APA LO 1.1

Name two primitive reflexes. At what age do these reflexes disappear? What are the implications of the persistence
of these reflexes?
Answer: Babinski and Moro; disappear by 6 to 8 months; perseverance may indicate neurological deficits
Page Ref: 85
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Reflexes and Behavioral States
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.2: How do infants’ reflexes and behavioral states change?
APA LO: 1.1

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
TB_04_96_Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems_LO 4.3_APA LO 1.1
What are the differences between boys and girls when it comes to the development of gross motor skills?
Answer: Boys are more physically active and acquire these skills faster than girls do.
Page Ref: 87
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.3: How do infants’ bodies change, and what is the typical pattern of motor skill development in the first 2
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_97_Malnutrition_LO 4.5_APA LO 1.3

What is the difference between macronutrients and micronutrients?
Answer: Macronutrients refer to overall caloric intake; micronutrients refer to vitamins and minerals.
Page Ref: 90
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Malnutrition
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.5: How does malnutrition affect infants’ development?
APA LO: 1.3

TB_04_98_Malnutrition_LO 4.5_APA LO 1.3

What type of malnutrition is most likely to be seen in industrialized nations?
Answer: micronutrient malnutrition, especially iron deficiency
Page Ref: 90
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Malnutrition
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.5: How does malnutrition affect infants’ development?
APA LO: 1.3

TB_04_99_Health Care and Immunizations_LO 4.6_APA LO 1.3

What program was put into place in 1995 that greatly increased the percentage of children receiving vaccinations in
the United States?
Answer: An extensive media campaign launched by the federal government and the American Academy of
Page Ref: 91
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Health Care and Immunizations
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.6: What are infants’ health-care and immunization needs?
APA LO: 1.3

TB_04_100_Sudden Infant Death Syndrome_LO 4.7_APA LO 1.3

Define apnea and explain its relationship to SIDS.
Answer: Apnea is the cessation of breathing. There is a strong correlation between the occurrence of apnea and
Page Ref: 92
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.7: What have researchers learned about sudden infant death syndrome?
APA LO: 1.3

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
TB_04_101_Group Differences in Infant Mortality_LO 4.8_APA LO 1.3
How likely is infant mortality among African Americans, Native Americans, and Hawaiian natives?
Answer: These groups are 2–3 times more likely to suffer from congenital abnormalities and SIDS.
Page Ref: 93
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Group Differences in Infant Mortality
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.8: How do infant mortality rates vary across groups?
APA LO: 1.3

TB_04_102_Vision_LO 4.9_APA LO 1.1

Describe the difference in visual acuity between a newborn and a two-year-old.
Answer: A newborn will have 20/200 to 20/400 vision, which meets the legal definition of blindness. By the age of
two years, the normal child will have 20/20 vision.
Page Ref: 95
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Vision
Skill: Apply What You Know
LO 4.9: How do infants’ visual abilities change across the first months of life?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_103_Hearing and Other Senses_LO 4.10_APA LO 1.1

Explain the progression of sound location from infancy to 18 months of age.
Answer: At two months, it takes a 27-degree shift from midline for the child to notice the difference in location; 12
degrees at 6 months; 4 degrees by 18 months.
Page Ref: 96
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: Hearing and Other Senses
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.10: How do infants’ senses of hearing, smell, taste, touch, and motion compare to those of older children and
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_104_Studying Perceptual Development_LO 4.11_APA LO 1.1

What is the difference between habituation and dishabituation?
Answer: Habituation is a decline in attention to a familiar stimulus. Dishabituation is when a familiar stimulus gains
attention following a period of non-exposure.
Page Ref: 97
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Studying Perceptual Development
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.11: How do researchers study perceptual development in infants?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_105_Listening_LO 4.13_APA LO 1.1

Why do newborns recognize their mother’s voice before anyone else’s?
Answer: Because they heard it in utero.
Page Ref: 100
Level: 1-Easy
Topic: Listening
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.13: How do infants perceive human speech, recognize voices, and recognize sound patterns other than speech?
APA LO: 1.1

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Essay Questions

TB_04_106_The Brain and Nervous System_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

Explain how and why the size of an infant’s brain increases so rapidly after birth. How much does the brain grow
from infancy to four years of age?
Answer: The rapid growth is due to rapid learning. Rapid learning is made possible by the growth of axons and the
formation of new synapses, known as synaptogenesis. This leads to a quadrupling of the weight of the brain over the
first four years of life.
Page Ref: 83
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: The Brain and Nervous System
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_107_The Brain and Nervous System_LO 4.1_APA LO 1.1

Infants possess greater brain plasticity than older children. What problems come along with this greater amount of
Answer: More plasticity also leads to more vulnerability in terms of teratogens, trauma, and deficits in development.
Inadequate diet and nutrition are extremely important during this time, and nutritional deficits can actually lead to
more synaptic pruning than synaptogenesis.
Page Ref: 84
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: The Brain and Nervous System
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.1: What important changes in the brain take place during infancy?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_108_Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems_LO 4.3_APA LO 1.1

Many theorists believe that walking is simply a matter of biological programming. What would Esther Thelen say in
response to this idea?
Answer: She believed that “true walking” results from a genetic plan for motor skill development and a shift in the
ratio of muscle strength to body weight in infants. Since body weight and muscle strength are highly dependent on
nutrition, she would argue that environment plays an important role in a child’s ability to walk.
Page Ref: 87
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.3: How do infants’ bodies change, and what is the typical pattern of motor skill development in the first 2
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_109_Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems_LO 4.3_APA LO 1.1

What is stamina? What factors contribute to the development of stamina?
Answer: Stamina is the ability to maintain activity over a period of time. Contributing factors in children
approaching two years of age are increased strength of heart muscle, skeletal muscle, and improvements in lung
Page Ref: 88
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.3: How do infants’ bodies change, and what is the typical pattern of motor skill development in the first 2
APA LO: 1.1

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TB_04_109_Malnutrition_LO 4.5_APA LO 1.3
Describe the various forms of malnutrition that can pose risks for infant development. What are possible long-term
effects of malnutrition?
Answer: Malnutrition can result from deprivation of macro or micronutrients. Macronutrient nutrition refers to
overall caloric intake; micronutrient to vitamins and minerals. Resulting deficits can include marasmus (low body
weight), organic mental deficits, long-term learning disabilities, etc.
Page Ref: 90
Level: 2-Medium
Topic: Malnutrition
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.5: How does malnutrition affect infants’ development?
APA LO: 1.3

TB_04_110_Looking_LO 4.12_APA LO 1.1

Explain why the ability to perceive depth is more than a matter of visual acuity. List three factors that contribute to
the development of depth perception.
Answer: Perception is learned and involves processing information in the brain. Therefore, depth perception is not a
biologically hard-wired sensation. Factors that contribute include binocular cues, convergence of the eyes, linear
perspective, and kinetic cues.
Page Ref: 98
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: Looking
Skill: Understand the Concepts
LO 4.12: How do depth perception and patterns of looking change over the first 2 years?
APA LO: 1.1

TB_04_111_Looking_LO 4.12_APA LO 1.1

Summarize the findings of the Langlois studies of babies’ preferences for attractive faces.
Answer: Even two- and three-month-old babies looked longer at attractive faces. These findings have been
replicated and indicate that there might be some sort of inborn “template” for desirable facial shape and features.
Page Ref: 99
Level: 3-Difficult
Topic: Research Report
Skill: Remember the Facts
LO 4.12: How do depth perception and patterns of looking change over the first 2 years?
APA LO: 1.1

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

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