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Lesson Plan

Topic: Landforms Language Skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading & Writing: Grade: 2nd Language Level: B1-B2
Learning Objectives: Learning Outcomes: Content:
- To identify the main concepts of world - To recognize landforms, bodies of water, • What is a landform?
geography in order to understand how the climates and vegetation of the different • Types of landforms
land is organized. parts of the world in order to classify each
- To understand that the landscape we see is one.
the result of human actions taking place in - To give examples of landforms changes as
a geographic space, and for this reason, the a result of human activity.
landscape changes. (DBA)
Communication: Culture: Cognition:
The students will use the language of comparing to identify Learners will find out how the climate - Identifying landforms
and analyze similarities and differences between: changes interfere in landforms - Understanding and comparing landforms
- Different landforms transformations and how they can - Stating reasons for environment changes.
- Different bodies of water affect the environment in their
The students will use strategies for reading and community or in the city, i.e. Global
understanding a text and they also will describe a sequence warming; The students will make a
of events (first, then, next, finally) poster in which they foster the care of
The students will also use the language of cause and effect the environment.
to talk about the flooding and landslides.
Lesson Steps
Activating prior knowledge: (10 minutes)
Brainstorm what learners already know about Landforms by drawing a mind map on the board and asking them to give facts that they know.


The teacher will also ask questions to help the students get into the topic.
• Have you traveled?
• Do you know the beach?
• Do you know the eje cafetero?
• Do you know any island?
1. Students will identify some key concepts. (30 Minutes)
A landform is something natural on the Earth's surface. It's like a special shape that makes up the land. When we look at all these shapes
together, we call it "topography." Some examples of landforms are hills, mountains, plateaus, canyons, and valleys. We also have things near
the water, like bays, peninsulas, and seas. Even underwater, there are cool things like mountains and volcanoes in the big ocean basins.
Physical Characteristics
Landforms are different kinds of features on the Earth's surface, and we can put them into groups based on their special characteristics. These
characteristics include how high or low they are, how steep they are, which way they face, the layers they have, the rocks they show, and the
type of soil they have.
Some examples of these landforms are berms, mounds, hills, ridges, cliffs, valleys, rivers, peninsulas, and many other things. We also have
different kinds of water bodies, like ponds and lakes, and some landforms are big like mountains, while others are smaller, like hills. Even
under the ground and in the ocean, there are special features that we can call landforms too.
They will watch the following video and take some notes:
2. Students will identify the vocabulary related to landforms: (20 Minutes)
The related vocabulary can be found in the following link to a Google Slide presentation, they will write it on their notebooks after teacher’s
explanation and socialization.
✓ The students will practice through a digital worksheet in the following link:
minerals-landforms/landforms.htm (15 Minutes)
✓ Students will draw a landscape with their favorite landforms. (10 Minutes)
✓ They will make a Venn Diagram to compare 2 landforms, this is an example of a Venn diagram: (15 minutes)
Resources: Assessment:
Web pages and websites: 1. A pop quiz (10 minutes)
- • What is a landform?
- • What is the difference between a volcano and a mountain?
- • What is the difference between a peninsula and an island?
- Power Point Presentation, screen and LCD 2. The students will make a poster in which they foster the care of the environment.
projector OR Smartboard. (40 Minutes)
- Quiz, copies for all the students.

Landform. (2023, June 25). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved July 29, 2023,


Martínez-Romera, D. D. (2018). Sternberg-Wagner Thinking Styles: A Research Tool

in Social Science Didactics. Journal of Technology and Science Education, 8(4),

398–407. Retrieved from


Pinto, M., Fernández-Pascual, R. & Marco, F. J. G. (2019). Self-learning of Information

Literacy Competencies in Higher Education: The Perspective of Social Sciences

Students. College & Research Libraries, 80(2), 215–237. https://doi-

University of Cambridge. (n.d.). Teaching Geography through English - A CLIL



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