Ingles Speaking Prueba 2

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• Que animal serías

I would like to be a dog adopted by a family that loves me a lot. I think this is the best life a dog
could have hahaha and in this case, Matias as a dog would probably eat (it) and sleep all day and
play a lot with my owners.

• Qué valor es el más importante para ti

The most important value (valiu) for me is Honesty (HOOOnesti). My fathers always told me that
lying was a bad thing because if you lie, probably you will lose the other’s person trust (trast) and
it's too hard to get it back.

So if I find myself in some ethical dilemma about this where it is important to tell the truth, I would
tell the truth.

• Cual fue la ultima vez que hiciste una queja

The last time that I made a complaint was when I bought a closet in Paris website because the
quality of this product was pretty bad. The closet was made of plastic, and some parts were
broken. So, I went to the customer service and requested (rikuested) for my money back.

Then I hadn’t problems with my money and I was happy again.

• Elegir de las Fotos de Inventos y comentar cual había cambiado mas la vida o algo así

I think the most important invention is the Internet. We all use it in our daily lives to be able to
work, study, communicate, play, and many other things.

I can't imaaaagine a world without internet in the future. Probably We may stop using shops and
offices, as we can now do anything online at home

About the others inventions.

The car was a great invention as it allows us to move between places quickly.

The plane allows us to travel quickly between countries and very distant places that one does not
know. And its not so expensive.

Glasses were a great invention because they allow us to read and protect us from the sun. Because
of this, people were able to stay active into old age.

The telephone/mobilephone is the most important invetion because it allows us talk to people in
other places and we can communicate more quickly. They can now keep in touch wherever they

Foto de celular con aplicaciones y decir cuales uso y porque y viceversa

I usually use instagram and wtsp because they are easy to use and allow me to communicate with
my friends and family all the time. I can also send funny photos and videos. On the other hand,
twitter and the other applications are not of my taste, I think they are complicated to use and I
think they are a bit boring applications and they are not useful to me.

I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. I am the youngest in the family. Claudia is my closest sister. She is a
very smart and sociable person. She is a second mom to me because she raised me when I was a
little kid. On the other hand, I am not so close with Cristián. He is the eldest of the family and is a
serious person who does not like to talk too much. We don't have topics of conversation in

About me, I consider myself a social and cheerful person but a Little anxious with my problems. To
this day, I don't know why i am like this.

My sister doesn't joke with me. She took care of me and spoiled me haha

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