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2d Ed - Jospeh Wang.pdf Digital Simulation in Electrochemistry 3rd ed - Dieter Britz.pdf ELECTROCHEMICAL METHODS Fundamentals and Applications - Allen J. Bard.pdf ELECTROCHEMISTRY AND CORROSION SCIENCE - Nestor Perez.pdf Electrochemistry in Nonaqueous Solutions - Kosuke Izutsu.pdf ELECTROCHEMISTRY OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS - DE. WALTPIER LOB.pdf Electrochemistry of Organic Compounds - Lorenz.pdf ELECTROCHEMISTRY OF SEMICONDUCTORS AND ELECTRONICS Processes and Devices - John McHardy.pdf Electrochemistry of Silicon Instrumentation, Science, Materials and Applications - Volker Lehmann.pdf ELECTROCHEMISTRY Principles, Methods, and Applications - CHRISTOPHER M. A. BRETT.pdf FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY 2d Ed - V. S. BAGOTSKY.pdf MODERN ASPECTS OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY No. 16- B. E. CONWAY.pdf MODERN ASPECTS OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY No. 18 - RALPH E. WHITE.pdf MODERN ASPECTS OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY No. 31 - J. OM. BOCKRIS.pdf MODERN ASPECTS OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY No. 32 - B. E. CONWAY.pdf MODERN ASPECTS OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY No. 33 - B. E. CONWAY.djvu MODERN ASPECTS OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY No. 34 - B. E. CONWAY.pdf Organic ELECTROCHEMISTRY 4th Ed - Henning Lund.djvu Principles of Electrochemistry 2d Ed - Ladislav Kavan.pdf Techniques and Mechanisms in Electrochemistry - P.A. Christensenand A. Hamnett.pdf The CRC Handbook of Solid State Electrochemistry - P.J. Gellings.pdf VOLUME 1 MODERN ELECTROCHEMISTRY 2d ed Ionics - John OM. Bockris.pdf VOLUME 2A MODERN ELECTROCHEMISTRY SECOND EDITION Fundamentals of Electrodics - Amulya K. N. Reddy.djvu d:\CHEMISTRY BOOKS\Chemistry books categorized\Analytical chemistry\General\ (12) Dean's Analytical Chemistry Handbook 2d ed - Pradyot Patnaik.pdf Encyclopedia Of Physical Science And Technology 3E Analytical Chemistry - Ulrich J. Krull.pdf Handbook Of Instrumental Techniques For Analytical CHemistry - Fran A.Settle.pdf Handbook of Residue Analytical Methods for Agrochemicals VOLUME 1,2 - Philip W Lee.pdf how to use excel in analytical chemistry and in general scientific data analysis - Robert de Levie.pdf Introduction to multivariate calibration in analytical chemistry.PDF Modern Analyitical Chreymistry - David Harvey.pdf Principles and Practice of Analytical Chemistry 5th ed - F.W. Fifield.pdf Sample Preparation Techniques in Analytical Chemistry - SOMENATH MITRA.pdf Treatise On Applied Analytical Chemistry - Vittorio Villavecchia.pdf Valid Analytical Methods and Procedures - Christopher Burgess.pdf VALIDATION OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY.pdf d:\CHEMISTRY BOOKS\Chemistry books categorized\Analytical chemistry\Mass Analysis\ (0) d:\CHEMISTRY BOOKS\Chemistry books categorized\Analytical chemistry\Mass Analysis\Mass spectrometry\ (9) Advances in Forensic Applications of Mass Spectrometry - Jehuda Yinon.pdf Encyclopedia Of Chemical Technology Vol 15 4th ed Lasers To Mass Spectrometry - Watcher.djvu Inorganic Mass Spectrometry Fundamentals and Applications - David H.Smith.pdf

1,782,668 ,188 231,554,8 34 4,756,821 2,498,236 24,340,62 0 23,757,37 0 3,403,351 5,067,995 15,827,24 5 16,405,83 4 4,520,353 7,473,456 6,115,433 8,341,749 6,596,547 6,485,373 3,452,708 15,303,07 6 1,563,008 14,130,55 3 9,858,469 5,119,588 7,949,834 27,931,92 7 10,655,28 8 126,543,4 46 9,067,984 40,442,65 1 13,413,22 7 10,378,22 5 14,693,79 5 739,328 10,719,28 1 7,024,745 4,458,088 11,736,66 8 1,620,717 2,248,737 126,998,7 80 126,998,7 80 7,902,117 5,789,034 75,265,83

5 INTEGRATED STRATEGIES FOR DRUG DISCOVERY USING MASS SPECTROMETRY - MIKE S. LEE.pdf 8,098,152 Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry An Introduction - Robert E. Ardrey.pdf 2,274,418 Mass Spectrometry and Genomic Analysis - J. NICHOLAS HOUSBY.pdf 7,330,597 MASS SPECTROMETRY BASICS - Christopher G. Herbert.djvu 5,844,916 Mass Spectrometry of Inorganic, Coordination and Organometallic Compounds Tools and Techniques and 3,947,564 Tips - William Henderson.pdf 10,546,14 MASS SPECTROMETRY OF POLYMERS - Giorgio Montaudo.pdf 7 d:\CHEMISTRY BOOKS\Chemistry books categorized\Analytical chemistry\Qualitative inorganic analysis\ 4,697,470 (1) Vogel's Textbook Of Macro And SemiMicro Qualitative Inorganic Analysis 5th ed - G.Svehla.pdf 4,697,470 22,893,22 d:\CHEMISTRY BOOKS\Chemistry books categorized\Analytical chemistry\Qualitative organic analysis\ (1) 6 A TEXT-BOOK OF PRACTICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY INCLUDING QUALITATIVE ORGANIC ANALYSIS 22,893,22 ARTHUR I. VOGEL.pdf 6 37,818,52 d:\CHEMISTRY BOOKS\Chemistry books categorized\Analytical chemistry\Quantitative analysis\ (2) 5 Chemometric Techniques for Quantitative Analysis - Richard Kramer.pdf 2,525,446 35,293,07 Vogel's TEXTBOOK OF QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS 5th ed - G H Jeffery.pdf 9 665,403,6 d:\CHEMISTRY BOOKS\Chemistry books categorized\Analytical chemistry\Separation Science\ (0) 21 d:\CHEMISTRY BOOKS\Chemistry books categorized\Analytical chemistry\Separation Science\Adsorption\ 30,611,03 (6) 4 ADSORPTION ANALYSIS EQUILIBRIA AND KINETICS - Duong D. Do.djvu 7,788,050 Adsorption and Diffusion In Zeolites - A Computational Study.pdf 1,072,302 Adsorption by Powders and Porous Solids Principles, Methodology and Applications - Frangoise 10,669,48 Rouquerol.pdf 0 Adsorption Engineering - MOTOYUKI SUZUKl.pdf 5,776,723 Adsorption onto Heterogeneous Porous Materials Equilibria and Kinetics.pdf 2,062,117 Adsorption, Surface Area and Porosity 2d ED - S.J.Gregg.djvu 3,242,362 d:\CHEMISTRY BOOKS\Chemistry books categorized\Analytical chemistry\Separation 466,261,3 Science\chromatography\ (32) 57 17,086,30 Analytical Gas Chromatography 2d ed - Walter Jennings.pdf 0 Basic Gas Chromatography - Harold M.McNair.pdf 8,738,903 11,490,87 Capillary Gas Chromatography in Food Control And Research - R wittkowski.pdf 0 Chiral Chromatography - Thomas E. Beesley.pdf 4,211,167 Chiral Pollutants Distribution, Toxicity and Analysis by Chromatography and Capillary Electrophoresis 1,619,311 Imran Ali.pdf Chiral Separation Techniques 2d ed - G. Subramanian.pdf 7,509,145 15,469,25 Chromatographic Analysis of Environmental and Food Toxicants - Takayuki Shibamoto.pdf 4 Chromatographic Detectors Design, Function, and Operation - Raymond P.pdf 8,098,927 24,356,97 Chromatographic Methods 5th Edition - A. Braithwaite.pdf 9 36,883,33 Chromatography Handbook Of Hplc - Elena Katz.djvu 2 Chromatography Theory - Jach Cases.djvu 9,816,508 Column Handbook For Size Esclusion Chromatography - Chi-san Wu.djvu 5,355,467 Data Analysis and Signal Processing in Chromatography - Attila Felinger.djvu 4,352,564 71,319,90 Encyclopedia of Chromatography - Jack Cazes.pdf 6 61,230,08 Food Analysis By Hlpc 2d ed - Leo Nollet.pdf 2 18,945,04 Gas Chromatography Analytical Chemistry by Open Learning 2nd Ed - Ian A. Fowlis.pdf 2 Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry A Practical Guide - Fulton G Kitson.pdf 9,999,657 Handbook of Size Exclusion Chromatography - Chi-san Wu.pdf 3,158,051 Illustrated Pocket Dictionary of Chromatography - Paul C. Sadek.pdf 9,902,300

Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography 2nd Edition - L. R. Snyder.pdf LCMS APPLICATIONS IN DRUG DEVELOPMENT - Mike S. Lee.pdf Liquid Chromatography Column Theory -Raymond P. W. Scott.djvu Modern Advances in Chromatography - Freitag R..pdf Modern Practice Of Gas Chromatography 4th ed - Robert L.Grob.pdf Multidimensional Chromatography - Luigi Mondello.pdf On-Line LC-NMR and Related Techniques - Klaus Albert.pdf Practical HPLC Method Development 2nd Edition - Liyod Snyder.pdf Sample Preparation in Chromatography.pdf Static Headspace-Gas Chromatography Theory and Practice - Bruno Kolb.pdf Structure elucidation by NMR in organic chemistry - Eberhard Breitmaier.djvu The HPLC Solvent Guide 2nd Edition - Paul C. Sadek.pdf Troubleshooting Lc Systems A Comprehensive Approach To Troubleshooting Lc Equipment and Separations - John W. Dolan.pdf d:\CHEMISTRY BOOKS\Chemistry books categorized\Analytical chemistry\Separation Science\Crystallization\ (2) Crystallization 4th Ed - J. W. Mullin.pdf Crystallization Process Systems - A.G. Jones.pdf d:\CHEMISTRY BOOKS\Chemistry books categorized\Analytical chemistry\Separation Science\Distillation\ (3)

6,292,881 2,177,128 1,589,114 2,478,149 13,654,80 8 4,946,480 4,061,979 23,205,56 1 33,889,00 0 12,811,17 3 2,441,449 7,201,375 21,968,49 5 9,510,103

6,799,831 2,710,272 55,430,54 4 42,551,34 Fundamentals of multicomponent distillation - C.D.Holland.pdf 4 Industrial Fermentations - Paul W. Allen.pdf 7,368,975 Reactive distillation - kai Sundmacher.pdf 5,510,225 103,590,5 d:\CHEMISTRY BOOKS\Chemistry books categorized\Analytical chemistry\Separation Science\General\ (3) 83 91,110,49 Encyclopedia of Separation Science - Michael Cooke.pdf 5 Modern Derivatization Methods for Separation Sciences - Toshimasa Toyo'oka.pdf 6,601,649 Tandem Techniques - R. P. W. Scott.pdf 5,878,439 192,346,5 d:\CHEMISTRY BOOKS\Chemistry books categorized\Analytical chemistry\Spectroscopic Analysis\ (17) 27 A Complete Introduction To Modern Nmr Spectroscopy - Roger S.Macomber.pdf 8,987,313 An Introduction to Analytical Atomic Spectrometry - L. Ebdon.pdf 2,464,710 Analytical Atomic Spectrometry with Flames and Plasmas - Jose A. C. Broekaert.pdf 2,219,141 Dispersion, Complex Analysis and Optical Spectroscopy Classical Theory - T. Asakura.djvu 1,974,239 Glow Discharge Plasmas in Analytical Spectroscopy - R. Kenneth Marcus.pdf 4,111,742 HANDBOOK OF INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY OF ULTRATHIN FILMS - Valeri P. Tolstoy.pdf 7,890,520 High Performance Computations in NMR - Wyndham Bolling Blanton.pdf 5,676,468 Infrared Spectroscopy Fundamentals and Applications - Barbar Stuart.pdf 2,663,448 Infrared spectroscopy in clinical chemistry,using chemometric calibration techniques - Proefschrift 6,339,643 Groningen.pdf 22,914,81 Laser Spectroscopy Basic Concepts and Instrumentation 3rd Ed - Wolfgang Demtroder.djv 8 MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY - IRA N. LEVINE.djvu 7,198,170 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy An introduction To Principles Applications and experimental 18,898,00 Methods - Joseph B. Lambert.pdf 5 16,884,04 Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy 2d Ed - Joseph R. Lakowicz.djvu 5 Principles of nonlinear optical spectroscopy - Mukamel.S.djvu 3,909,035 22,613,95 Raman Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis - RICHARD L. McCREERY.pdf 2 30,742,35 Spectroscopy Chemistry NMR FTIR MS - Silverstein.pdf 8 26,858,92 Spectroscopy of Rocks and Minerals, and Principles of Spectroscopy - Roger N. Clark.pdf 0 374,411,7 d:\CHEMISTRY BOOKS\Chemistry books categorized\Analytical chemistry\Thermal Analysis\ (0) 59

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1,962,850 1,632,110 330,740 372,448,9 09 6,838,904 30,403,16 6 305,877,9 78 3,434,384 13,578,29 6 12,316,18 1 441,244,0 65 9,082,865 14,131,80 2 6,627,312 4,018,840 12,042,63 0 29,944,42 8 71,568,87 9 7,977,849 62,868,63 8 22,205,43 6 3,566,302 15,748,50 6 5,585,436 13,951,45 2 12,445,69 9 11,948,85 6 7,686,811 2,546,910 36,389,67 4 54,713,58 4 5,583,036 4,130,028 20,117,17 0 6,361,922 325,149,9 66 78,987,55 4 30,035,18

Chemical applications of group theory 3rd ed - Cotton F Albert.djvu Chemistry of the Elements, 2nd Ed - A. Earnshaw.djvu Diazo chemistry II - H. Zollinger.djvu Encyclopedia Of Physical Science And Technology 3rd ed - Inorganic Chemistry.pdf Handbook of Preparative Inorganic Chemistry Vol 1 2d ed - George Brauer.pdf Handbook of Preparative Inorganic Chemistry Vol 2 2d ed - George Brauer.pdf Infrared and Raman Spectra of Inorganic and Coordination Compounds Applications in Coordination, Organometallic, and Bioinorganic Chemistry - Kazuo Nakamoto.pdf Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers - Ronald D. Archer.pdf Inorganic Chemistry 3rd ed - Gary L. Miessler.djvu inorganic laboratory preparations.djvu Modern inorganic chemistry AN INTERMEDIATE TEXT - C. CHAMBERS.djvu Practical Inorganic Chemistry - Vorobyova, Dunaeva & Ippolito.djvu Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 51 - Kenneth D. Karlin.pdf Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry A Course of Laboratory And Classroom Study For First Year College Students - Arthur A. Blanchard.pdf Transition Metal and Rare Earth Compounds III Excited States, Transitions, Interactions - Hartmut Yersin.pdf d:\CHEMISTRY BOOKS\Chemistry books categorized\Mineralogy\ (3) Chemistry of Precious Metals - S.A. COTTON.pdf Elements of Mineralogy Adapted To The Use Of Seminaries and Private Students - J Comstock.pdf Outline of Mineralogy, Geology and Mineralogical Analysis - T. Thomson.pdf d:\CHEMISTRY BOOKS\Chemistry books categorized\Nuclear chemistry\ (1) Nuclear Fission and Cluster Radioactivity An Energy-Density Functional Approach - M. A. Hooshyar.pdf d:\CHEMISTRY BOOKS\Chemistry books categorized\Organic chemistry\ (47) A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry - Peter Sykes.pdf A Text-Book Of Practical Organic Chemistry Including Qualitative Organic Analysis 3rd ed -Vogel Arthur.djvu Advanced Organic Chemistry - Warren.pdf Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A 4th ed - Francis A.Carey.djvu Advanced Organic Chemistry Part B 4th ed - Francis A.Carey.djvu Advanced Organic Synthesis METHODS AND TECHNIQUES - RICHARD S. MONSON.pdf AN ADVANCED LABORATORY MANUAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY -MICHAEL HEIDELBERGER.djvu Chemistry Of Organic Fluorine Compounds II - Attila E. Pavlath.djvu Comprehensive Organic Transformations - Richard Larock.djvu CRC HANDBOOK of tables for ORGANIC COMPOUND IDENTIFICATION 3rd Ed - ZVI RAPPOPORT.pdf Diazo chemistry I - H. Zollinger.djvu Exercises in Synthetic Organic Chemistry - CHIARA GHIRON.pdf GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY.pdf HANDBOOK OF ORGANOPALLADIUM CHEMISTRY FOR ORGANIC SYNTHESIS Volume 2 - Ei-ichi Negishi.pdf March's Advanced Organic Chemistry Reactions, Mechanisms and Structure 5th Edition - Michael B. Smith.djvu Mechanism And Theory In Organic Chemistry - Ihomas H. Lowry.pdf

8 9,990,656 22,358,53 7 6,114,801 32,097,17 7 10,927,86 0 18,836,19 4 69,983,70 6 3,176,934 13,411,93 6 5,109,408 4,841,356 3,062,010 10,139,22 1 2,152,870 3,924,558 68,285,25 2 14,813,94 9 22,222,80 0 31,248,50 3 2,920,335 2,920,335 887,630,3 78 6,621,984 13,599,07 2 92,497,39 6 12,787,29 0 8,773,921 9,487,007 1,248,348 14,577,61 1 19,699,91 7 23,727,50 3 5,239,191 4,598,689 1,830,582 22,099,00 4 18,061,10 8 39,087,99 2

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7,560,713 32,506,36 4 26,085,31 5 26,915,06 5 8,882,821 235,579,8 34 21,356,79 8 37,834,63 0 7,515,194 9,713,035 24,701,42 6 6,747,191 3,130,304 9,634,975 4,131,609 27,656,67 3 5,757,237 3,657,393

29,261,66 0 The Chemistry of Organic Derivatives of Gold and Silver - Saul Patai.pdf 7,303,848 The logic of chemical synthesis - Elias James Corey.pdf 6,247,582 The Molecular Modeling Workbook for ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - Warren J. Hehre.djvu 5,301,195 The Nitro Group in Organic Synthesis - Noboru Ono.pdf 4,696,498 The Organic Chemistry Laboratory Survival Manual 2d Ed - James Zubrick.pdf 4,126,857 The Organic Chemistry of Drug Synthesis VOLUME 1 - DANIEL LEDNICER.pdf 4,033,708 The Organic Chemistry of Drug Synthesis VOLUME 2 - DANIEL LEDNICER.pdf 3,863,900 The Organic Chemistry of Drug Synthesis VOLUME 3 - DANIEL LEDNICER.pdf 2,253,498 The Organic Chemistry of Drug Synthesis VOLUME 4 - DANIEL LEDNICER.pdf 2,223,554 The Practical Methods Of Organic Chemistry - LUDWIG GATTERMANN.pdf 4,295,650 Titanium And Zirconium In Organic Chemistry - Ilan Marek.pdf 5,723,383 14,995,85 Vogel's TEXTBOOK OF PRACTICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 5th ED Revised - Brian S. Furniss.pdf 3 157,488,8 d:\CHEMISTRY BOOKS\Chemistry books categorized\Organometallic Chemistry\ (2) 42 19,322,90 Synthesis of Organometallic Compounds - Sanshiro Komiya.pdf 1 138,165,9 The Organometallic Chemistry Of The Transition Metals 4th ed - Robert Crabtree.pdf 41 186,570,2 d:\CHEMISTRY BOOKS\Chemistry books categorized\Others\ (11) 40 65,966,59 Chemistry Demystified - Linda D. Williams.pdf 9 College Chemistry - Jerome L. Rosenberg.pdf 2,133,269 11,073,87 Lectures Notes For Chemical Students Embracing Mineral And Organic Chemistry - Frankland Edward.PDF 1 Periodic Table of the Elements.pdf 595,936 SCHAUMS OUTLINE OF THEORY AND PROBLEMS OF COLLEGE CHEMISTRY 8th Ed - JEROME L. 22,915,21 ROSENBERG.pdf 6 15,009,65 SCIENCE Of EVERYDAY THINGS volume 1 REAL-LIFE CHEMISTRY - NEIL SCHLAGER.pdf 8 16,265,79 Solving General Chemistry Problems 5th ED - R. Nelson Smith.pdf 7

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16,444,85 0 29,258,78 4 4,894,836 2,011,424 119,860,8 86 2,345,157 19,422,84 0 28,468,03 2 23,739,31 2 25,882,88 0 3,313,994 3,890,816 3,112,750 9,685,105 6,223,631 ,223 17,319,40 1 3,499,978 4,179,203 5,909,773 8,842,390 8,202,365 3,002,609 5,757,160 12,912,95 1 125,884 17,100,97 3 5,969,925 1,277,134 1,099,486 951,954 4,657,203 363,351 6,825,073 103,035,9 04 8,294,801 1,149,394 26,229,99 1 4,928,197 80,735,75 1 2,525,446 19,118,79 9 8,098,927 2,552,796 18,453,99 7 12,437,98

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