Academic Reference

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Academic Reference:

In what capacity and for how long have you known the applicant? (up to 50 words)

I have known Jaya for five years now. I have been her professor in many courses such as ERP systems,
supply chain and she has done her major researches under my supervision, hence I can proudly say
that Jaya is an outstanding individual with an exceptional character and leadership potential.

2. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest, please rate the applicant’s

Openness to other points of view- 4

Intellectual curiosity- 5

Integrity- 5

Overall academic excellence- 4.5

Originality of thought- 5

Work ethic- 4

Ability to learn from mistakes and failures- 4

3. Please use the space below to provide your assessment of the applicant’s academic and/or
professional skills and achievements, of their aptitude for the master’s or professional degree
program to which they are applying, and of how they compare to other students or professionals
you have observed at this level. (up to 160 words)

Ms. Jaya has taken many courses from me during her academic period and she has done her major
researches under my supervision. I highly recommend that she should be given the opportunity for
master’s program at your university as she has the ability to produce impressive results in a wide
variety of areas. I have observed in her the intellectual curiosity where she looks at one problem with
multiple ways and tries to find the relation and answers of questions. Compared to the class average,
Ms. Jaya outperformed in the class and was evaluated on basis of assignments, class participation,
quizzes, projects and final exams which she performed exceptionally well. She has always taken
leadership role in every project and has led with empathy and courage. She has positive attitude and
truly embraces learning. I have seen astonishing results on complex projects where right leadership
direction, integrity, attention to detail along with the academic strength was required.

4. Of the ratings above, choose one with the highest rating you have given and give us at least one
concrete example of how they’ve demonstrated this quality. (up to 130 words)

I will choose intellectual curiosity to write on because of her deep interest in new ideas and the
evolvement of even better ideas with brain storming. I have seen her being open to different
perspective during projects, she sees the projects with multiple angles and is curious about the
possibilities of the world. She demonstrated this quality during the final research project where our
topic started with the idea of “shared economy for sustainability” and ended at the deeper solution
which is “circular economy”, the aim of the project was to help companies ease their procurement
operation and to be sustainable by adopting circular economy practices and focus on re-use. This was
only possible because of her quality of ‘Intellectual curiosity’ which helped her dig deeper to the root
5. Of the ratings above, choose the one(s) with your lowest rating, and tell us how you believe the
candidate can grow in this area. If you rated all the same, still choose and explain at least one area
for growth. (up to 130 words)

I would also give her 5 in this section but to choose one area, I am selecting work ethics. I have seen
her working with her team members very politely and empathetically. I believe this could be improve
by setting boundaries. I have seen her very tensed in some projects, because of the other members,
as they had taken advantage of her positive and empathetic attitude. With some of the team
members, you need to be a little bit strict but I think she has already improved in this area as her last
projects with her team members were smooth. Having said that, I am proud that she has the courage
to take leadership role as this role becomes tougher in the academic journey as students don’t take
their designation very seriously.

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