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 Timbering is the arrangement of timber planks or boards and struts to provide temporary
support to the side of the trench.
 It is also sometimes known as planking or strutting.


 Stay bracing
 Box sheeting
 Vertical sheeting
 Runners
 Sheet pilling


 Soil type
 Depth of cut
 Water content of soil
 Change in weather or climate
 Other operation in the area

Importance of timbering

 It promotes safety of excavation workers.

 Provide safety to the surrounding property
 Safety for passersby and vehicles
 For the safety of public service property such as telephone cables, water pipes, electric


 Polling board: This is a flat wooden plank which is in direct contact with the soil of the
trench and is arranged in a vertical position on a side of the trench.
 Sheeting: This is a process of holding a polling board or plank together by using a sheet
instead of plank
 Bracing: This is the diagonal straightening used between the walls to reinforce the
timbering framework.
 Runners: These are special type of shoe made of irons which are placed at the bottom
surface of the polling board to prevent collapse of trench walls in very soft and hard soils.
The planks are lowered to a greater depth with the help of the shoe.

1. Stay bracing method
 This type of timbering is used when soil is moderately firm and excavation depth is
not more than 2m.
 Polling boards are placed on the side of the trench and it is kept in position with one
or two struts rows.
 These polling boards are placed at a distance of 3 to 4m and are up to the full depth
of the excavation
 Width of the excavation polling board-250mm.
 Thickness of excavation polling board- 40mm to 50 mm
2. Box sheeting method
 This type of timbering, is used when loose soil and depth of excavation is not more
than 4m.
 It is a type of loose soil timbering.
 A box-like structure is made using sheeting, Wales, struts and bracing.
3. Vertical sheeting method
 This type of timbering is used when soil is loose and excavation depth is not more
than 10m
 This method is similar to box sheeting
 This type of timbering is also called double stage timbering.
 In each stage, vertical sheet, horizontal Wales, strut and bracing are placed.
 Usually the offset is given at a 3 to 4 m of depth and its width is 30cm to 60cm.
 A platform is also made on the strut.
 This method is more suitable for arranging gutter pipes or water pipes in the ground
at a greater depth.
4. Runners method
 This type of timbering is used when digging in very loose soil.
 Runners are long and thick wooden planks.
 Runners have an iron shoe attached to the bottom edge.
 Runners are hammered into the ground to a depth of 30cm from the bottom of trench
 Runners are supported by Wales and struts.
5. Sheet pilling method
 Sheet pilling is used in the following situations;
 When excavating over a large area
 When excavating soil and its surrounding soil is loose and soft.
 When water comes during excavation of soil.
 When excavation depth is more than 10m

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