Clases Monitorias 1

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Pregunta interrogativa

We aren´t going to play

They arent going to read the book

He wants to play the guitar

He doesnt want to play the guitar

She doesnt want to dance ballet

p/aux (are) + forma personas (you) pa palabra de acción (comparing)+ obj (the Price)?

Are you dancing in the disco?

Yes, I am dancing in the disco

No, I am not dancing in the disco

What can you drink?

I can drink the coffee

I do not wish

Do you need to hear the radio?

Yes, i need to hear the radio

No, i dont need to hear the radio

What do you have to wash?

I have

She can not sweep the floor

Must you attend the class? Debes asistir a clases

Yes, i must attend the class

What Will you continue?


I am going to practice english

I am not going to practice english

Are you going to obey the doctor?

What are you going to mail?

Yes, i am going to mail

We are arranging the furniture.

Are you comparing

What are you

Las que usan to- want/need/wish/ have/

Do you want top lay baseball?

No to - can/mush/Will

Transformar en construcción afirmativa a

They do not wish to drive the truck

Eliminar el not

También do-solo para preguntar y negar

They wish to drive the truck/asi quedaría

Complete using palabra básica

They need to celebrate the brithday

Transforma en contruccion simple

He is closing the window

What is he closing?


Does she have top ay for the clothes?


What do you need?

No to- no do

What can you borrow(pedir prestado)

Cuando se tenga are se necesita ING

What are you going to borrow?

Corrige construcción

She not wants to see the doctor

She does want t osee the doctor

We do not have----the trunk (baul del carro) maletera

We do not have open the trunk

Truck es camion

they must not fill up the bag

must they fill up the bag (frase simple)



si no se tiene am, are, is se usa do y does

what does he going to repair? Esta mal

what is he going to repair? Esta correcta

Fp+señal+not+palabra básica+ palabra de acción+ objeto

I do not wish to pay the Bill.

She does not wish por que ya tiene la s en does

Does he need to hear the radio?

No he does not need to hear the radio.

Yes, he needs to hear the radio

What do you have to wash?

I have to wash the dress

Then, what do you wish top ay?

I wish top ay the Bill


Must you attend tha class?


I am going to practice english

I am not going to mail

What are you going to mail?

We are arranging the furniture

What are you playing?

Are we going to talk?

Frase de expansión es con el then.

Then what are we going to do? Si se niega la acción se termina la acción con do?

She is not building the house?

Tehen, what is she building?

Can we see the window?

No, we cant

Then, what can we see?

We can see

She can not enter the room

You wish to eat? Deseas comer?

What do you wish to eat? Que deseas comer

Musth we see the sindow?

We must not see the window.

Then, what is he going to carry?

Pregunta simple con la forma personal:

Are you going to carry magazine?

Frase simple afirmativa solo el verbo

Am , are , is solo para going

Must she rest?

Yes, must she rest

You arent renting the car?

Are you renting the car?

Then, what does she need?

Can lo que puedo hacer

Musth lo que debo haber como obligación

Will notes wont

Attend: asistir

I am going to practice English

O would lo to: me encantaría

For as long as: tanto como lo necesites

Frase negativa: she doesnt to need the keys

Is, are, am no se utiliza con need


We want to open the door

Want need, wish, have con she and he se convierte en wants neds, wishes, has

Does para he and she

Does he need to hear the radio? Necesita el escuchar el radio?

What do you have to wash? Que tiene que lavar?


He Will cause an accident.

Can lo que se puede

Will lo que podría: el podría causar un accidente: he Will cause an accident

Must: el debe causar un accident

El puede causar un accidente: he can cause an accident

She can not aweep the floor: ella no puede limpiar el piso.

Can you attend the class? Puede tu asistir a clases?

Interrogativa con what

What Will you cocntinue? Que puedes continuar?


I am going to practice English. Lo que voy hacer estoy practicando ingles.

Negación: i am not going to mail the letter

Are you going to obey the doctor

To obey: obedecer

What are you going to mail? Pregunta en general

Contruccion de ing

We are choosing the furniture

Pick up: recoger

Wish: desear

Afirmativa: he Will cause an accident

She can not sweep the floor.

Must you attend the class?

What Will you continue? Interrogativa

I am going to practice English. Solo con going to el am, is, are

I am not going to mail the letter

Are you going to obey the doctor?

We are arranging the furniture.

She is not telling the story.

Are you comparing the Price?

What are you playing?

HE, she we cambian con los Will, have, want, can

Pregunta simple cambiando la forma personal.

Con el mush no utilizamos TO

Construcción d: pregunta con what

What Will she drive?

She afirmativas con wish cambia a wishes

She wish to buy a car

Pregunta con want, wish se usa does por she, he o do para I, you
Will da una acción futura al verbo que esta a continuación

Want, need, wish, con he, she cambiar con S, se puede utilizar con do o does

Can podemos hacer

Mush: debemos hacer

Will: deberíamos hacer

What are you going to obey the doctor?

Se usa to con need, wish, have, want y go

No llevan el to can, must, will

Palabra auxiliar: am, is , are

Ing con is, are, am

What can you sweep? En can no va to en esta pregunta

PREGUNTA SIMPLE: must i sell the notebook? Debo yo vender la libreta?

Pregunta de expansión: then al inicio y empieza con palabra interrogativa what?

Is he driving

Happy es calificador significa feliz, siempre va antes de un objeto o persona

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