Ambo University Awaro Campus Online Student Union Voting System1244

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TITLE: Online Student union voting system for Ambo University


Approval sheet ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Acknowledgement ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
List of figure ............................................................................................................................. iv
List of table ............................................................................................................................... v
Abbreviation and Acronym ..................................................................................................... vi
Abstract ................................................................................................................................... vii
1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background of the organization ...................................................................................... 1
1.2.1 Background of the project ............................................................................................ 2
1.3 Statement of the problem ................................................................................................ 3
1.4 Objectives of the project ................................................................................................. 4
1.4.1 General objective ...................................................................................................... 4
1.4.2 Specific objective ................................................................................................ 4
1.5 Scope of the project ................................................................................................... 4
1.6 Significance of the project ......................................................................................... 5
1.6.1 Target beneficiaries of the system ............................................................................ 6
1.7.2 Software process model ................................................................................................ 6 System analysis and design approach ................................................................... 7
1.7.3 Tools and techniques .................................................................................................... 9
1.7 Methodology of the project ........................................................................................... 10
1.7.1 Data collection methods .......................................................................................... 10
1.8 Limitation of the project ............................................................................................... 10
1.9 Risks and contingencies ............................................................................................... 11
1.10 Assumptions and constraints ...................................................................................... 11
1.11 Scheduling.................................................................................................................... 12
Chapter Two ........................................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Existing System ............................................................................................................. 13

2.1.1 Players in the Existing System................................................................................ 13
2.1.2 Functions/activities in the existing system.............................................................. 14
2.1.3 Business rule ........................................................................................................... 14
2.1.4 Report generated in the existing system ................................................................. 15
2.1.5 Bottlenecks of the existing system .......................................................................... 16 Performance (response time) ............................................................................... 16 Input (inaccurate/redundant/flexible) and output .............................................. 16 Access control and security plan ......................................................................... 16 Efficiency .............................................................................................................. 16
2.2 Proposed system ............................................................................................................ 16
2.3 Feasibility analysis......................................................................................................... 17
2.3.1 Operational feasibility ............................................................................................ 17
2.3.2 Technical feasibility ................................................................................................ 18
2.3.3 Economic feasibility ................................................................................................ 18
2.3.4 Political feasibility................................................................................................... 18
2.3.5 Schedule feasibility ..................................................................................................... 18
2.3.6 Legal feasibility ........................................................................................................... 18
2.4 Requirements of the proposed system .......................................................................... 19
2.4.1 Functional requirement .......................................................................................... 19
2.4.2 Non-functional requirement ................................................................................... 19
2.5.1 Hardware interface ................................................................................................. 20
2.5.2 Software interface ................................................................................................... 20
2.5.3 Security and access permission plan ...................................................................... 20
Chapter Three ......................................................................................................................... 22
System analysis and modeling ............................................................................................ 22
3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 22
3.2 System requirement specification ................................................................................. 22
3.3 Product function ............................................................................................................ 22
3.4 User characteristics ....................................................................................................... 22
3.5 General constraints ....................................................................................................... 23
3.5.1 Communication interface ....................................................................................... 23

3.6 Use cases ........................................................................................................................ 23
3.6.1 Actors ...................................................................................................................... 24
3.6.2 Use cases diagram ....................................................................................................... 25
3.6.3 Description of use case diagram ............................................................................. 26
3.7 Object diagram .............................................................................................................. 34
3.7.1 Class diagram ......................................................................................................... 35 Class diagram description ................................................................................... 35
3.8. Sequence diagram ..................................................................................................... 37
3.9 Activity diagram ........................................................................................................ 41
3.10 State Chart Diagram ................................................................................................... 46
3.11 Analysis model ................................................................................................................. 48
3.11.1 Sequence diagram ..................................................................................................... 49
3.11.2 Activity diagram ....................................................................................................... 50
References ................................................................................................................................ 51

List of figure
Figure 1 .Water fall model .................................................................................................. 7
Figure 2 use case diagram ................................................................................................. 25
Figure 3 Class diagram ..................................................................................................... 35
Figure 4 administrator login sequence diagram. ............................................................... 37
Figure 5 Voters login sequence diagram .......................................................................... 38
Figure 6 Candidates login sequence diagram ................................................................... 38
Figure 7 Voters vote online sequence diagram ................................................................. 39
Figure 8 Registration sequence diagram ........................................................................... 39
Figure 9 Approve sequence diagram ................................................................................ 40
Figure 10 Announcement sequence diagram .................................................................... 40
Figure 11 Login activity diagram .................................................................................... 41
Figure 12 Registration activity diagram. ......................................................................... 42
Figure 13 Approve activity diagram ................................................................................. 42
Figure 14 Announcement activity diagram....................................................................... 43
Figure 15 Vote online activity diagram ........................................................................... 44
Figure 16 View result activity diagram ............................................................................ 45
Figure 17 Logout activity diagram .................................................................................. 45
Figure 18 State chart diagram for login ............................................................................ 46
Figure 19 State chart diagram for select candidate ........................................................... 47
Figure 20 State chart student registration for vote ............................................................ 47
Figure 21 State chart for view of result ........................................................................... 48
Figure 22 Voter Sequence diagram for existing system ................................................... 49
Figure 23 Sequence diagram Candidate for existing system ............................................ 49
Figure 24 Voter activity diagram for existing system. .................................................... 50
Figure 25 Candidate activity diagram for existing system. .............................................. 50

List of table
Table 1 Time Schedule ..................................................................................................... 12
Table 2 Hardware cost in the project ................................................................................ 21
Table 3 Software cost in the project ................................................................................. 21
Table 4 User login............................................................................................................ 26
Table 5 Voter registration ................................................................................................. 27
Table 6 Candidate announcement ..................................................................................... 28
Table 7 User logout ........................................................................................................... 28
Table 8 Vote online........................................................................................................... 29
Table 9 View result ........................................................................................................... 30
Table 10 Approve ............................................................................................................. 31
Table 11 search, update and delete ................................................................................... 32
Table 12 Feedback ............................................................................................................ 33
Table 13 provide information ........................................................................................... 34
Table 14 class description of candidate ........................................................................... 36
Table 15 Method description of candidate....................................................................... 36
Table 16 class description of voter ................................................................................... 36
Table 17 Method description of voter............................................................................... 37

Abbreviation and Acronym
Admin: Administrator.
AU: Ambo University.
IOT: Institute of technology
GDASO: Gumi Dagagina Afanif Sena Oromo.
UML: Unified Modeling Language.
ID: Identification.
USB: Universal Serial Bus.
MySQL: MY Structural query language.
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.
HTML: Hypertext Markup Language.
CSS: Cascading style sheets.
MVS: Mobile Voting System.
JS: JavaScript.
GB: Gigabyte.
RAM: Random Access Memory.
CGPA: Cumulative Grade Point Average
BR: Business Rule.
WAMPP: Windows Apache MySQL PHP Perl.
XAMPP: Cross platform Apache MySQL PHP Perl.
CD: Compact Disc.
DVD: Digital Video Disc.
CD-RW: Compact Disc Rewritable

The voting system is the system by which any one can vote his or her leader in any
organization or at federal and state or regional level. Effective and efficient voting system
has crucial role in the development of any organization or in the development of any
country. The project online voting system aims to making the voting process easy in the
AU Awaro campus and assist the campus students with different information associated
with the student union. The system is online and improves the voting process of existing
system. The system is highly focused on changing the manual activities to computerized
system. The system is capable of improving the user effort and time and additionally the
system reduce the resource expenditure of the campus by changing the activities done in
manual such as registration, announcement and counting voice to computerized system.
Data collection methods such as interview, observation are essential point in the project.
System analysis approach and system design approaches are main important part of the
study by which the requirement to design graphical model of the system was identified.
Additionally the system includes the specification such as hardware specification and
software specification, testing and evaluation and project cost and implementation of the

1.1 Introduction
Technology is spreading its wing in almost every walks of human life activities. Now a
day it is better if every activity is done using new technology in order to fulfill the need
of human being, Organization, Enterprise etc. As today’s world there are many
organizations and each organizations needs to be preferable, computable and work on
fastest way in order to satisfy users interest etc. i.e. they should have facilitate their
activities in computerized way.
Many developing countries are in a good position to exploit the opportunity of
technology revolution and advance human development. The information and
communication technology provide new resource materials for expanding
Hence, developing the system using technology has a tremendous effect for organizations
and offices; which is in our case the Ambo university Awaro campus online student
union voting system. Currently, the system is manual based; due to this the students and
staffs faces some problems Because of this, we are initiating to develop our project on
voting system in order to minimize the problem by using computerized system.
1.2 Background of the organization

Ambo University is located in Ambo, the capital of West Shewa Zone of Oromia
Regional State. It was established in 1939 E.C (1947), and is one of the oldest higher
learning institutions in Ethiopia. It was originally a school. In 1951 E.C (1958) the school
was renamed as Ambo Agriculture and Forestry Secondary School with the addition
of forestry Department .in 1960 E.C (1967)the school was promoted to the level of
‘institute’ and named as Ambo Institute of Agriculture and started to offer a two-year
post-secondary Diploma course in General Agriculture .In 1969E.C (1974) the institute
was granted a Junior College status and named as Ambo Junior College of Agriculture
with an added objective of research and extension apart from teaching.Consequently, the
College launched a continuing education program in 1973 E.C(1980)and continuously
start. In 1980 E.C (1987) some pedagogical courses were added to the existing

curriculum and a Teacher Education option was added to train agricultural teachers. In
1984E.C (1992) the “junior” status was shed off and the instruction renamed Ambo
College of Agriculture. In 1995E.C (2003) the institution started to offer undergraduate

Degree programs in the fields of Crop Production. Animal Production, Applied

Chemistry and Applied Biology. In the Meantime, the College was affiliated to Jimma
University by the name Jimma University –Ambo College.

On Megabit 3, 2000 E.C(12 March,2008),the Government of the Federal Democratic

Republic of Ethiopia promoted the College to status of an autonomous University
College- Ambo University College .In 2009, it was named as Ambo University.
Presently the University runs nine graduate and thirty-seven undergraduate programs
which are divided into eight colleges /institutions and thirty academic departments in
main campus at Ambo, and branches at Awaro campus, Gudar Campus, and Walliso

1.2.1 Background of the project

Nowadays there are many systems in the globe. Those systems are categorized into
different section like web-based, desktop application, android and soon. Therefore, they
can be built through different programming languages and a paradigm, which offers
variety of functionalities to their respective users the idea was becomes a curriculum in
higher education of our country. Currently Ambo University is one of the listed
institutions, which gives this education under the field of Computing and Informatics.
Therefore, our project entitled “Online student union voting system.” is a web-based
system to be built with object oriented PHP (hypertext preprocessor) programming
language in combination with necessary frameworks for interactive appearance of the
system. The student union for the first time established by the agreement of the top
manager, students and another body of the university worker. At the first time it was
established the union contain fifteen members. And also the main office of the union was
in Main campus. The system of voting of the president or student council was
parliamentary and all students are not directly vote for the union. Ambo University
Awaro campus is one of the campus of the Ambo University and also has its own student
union and also rule and regulation and criteria to select the students to compete to be

student council. No voting process is performed at all campus. First two students are
selected from each section of each campus to form the union of the whole campus and
from that selected only fifteen students are approved to be selected in the AU student
union of each campus. After the process is completed only nine students are selected as a
candidate for each campus from the left students and the president, vice-president and
writer are elected from those nine students for each campus. The campus also has its own
criteria to select those nine students and the criteria’s are the student must be free from
any political thinking, free from any religious aspects and free from any addiction, the
students grade (CGPA) must greater than 3.3 and free from any crime record and must
treat all students equally to be the member of the student union. The system is expensive
and time consuming because of it is manual. There are different activities performed in
the system such as:
 Giving orientation for all section in the campus how to select the students from each
 Selecting the students from each section of the campus
 Registering the selected students
 Calling these students for different orientation
Currently AU Awaro campus student’s union has many branches of club. Such us: -

1.3 Statement of the problem Commented [WU1]: Manual system is well known problem and
clearly justify the problem in term of automated system.
 Expensive and wastage of time: The process of collecting data and entering the
collected data into the database consume or take too much time and expensive to
conduct. For example time and much money are spent to print the captured data.
 Too much paper work: since the voting system is manual the process involves much
paper work and paper to storage which is difficult as paper become bulky with the
student size.
 Loss of registration: The name of the voter is registered on the paper, since it is
manual and the paper can be lost and it takes to register again.
 Work over load: The administrator may be confused with different paper works.
Due to this he or makes a mistake while he or she working in the existing system

 Duplication of work: There are repetitions of works in the existing system. This
duplication of works leads to losing many resources.
 Does not allow all students to vote directly
 Difficult to keep the student’s interest: because the system is manual the candidate
information is not fairly verified to the student.

1.4 Objectives of the project

1.4.1 General objective
The general objective of the project is to design efficient and effective online student
union voting system for AU Awaro campus. Commented [WU2]: The general objective of the project is to
develop an online student union voting system for AU Awaro
1.4.2 Specific objective
Commented [WU3]: It is not clear enough
 To remove candidates from participation, if they are not legally registered. Remove the repeated and duplicate objectives.
Commented [WU4]: Who is responsible to register the
 To allow legally student can register to the system and participating in the voting candidates?
Why illegal candidates are registered?
 To develop more secured system to ensure voting fairness and a good interface to
make it easy to use Commented [WU5]: To develop secured user friendly student
union voting system for Ambo University
 To post the participants list, result and announcement.
 To reduce voter duplication. Commented [WU6]: It is not an objective rather than benefits
of the proposed system. Remove it.
 To model and design (build) the voting system architecture.
 To Implement the Voting system For AU Awaro Campus.
 To evaluate the general activities of voting result. Commented [WU7]: What is the general activities? Correct it to
“To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed system voting
 To generate accurate report and affect sticks knowledge of election results using an result.”

online computer processing system. Commented [WU8]: To generate accurate report of the voting

1.5 Scope of the project

The scope of the system is focus on designing online student union voting system for Commented [WU9]: Developing

Ambo University Awaro campus.

There are different activities to be performed in the system, such as
 Candidate registration.
 Voter registration.
 Giving help to the voter how to vote.

 Verifying the result to the user as soon as the election is completed or generating the
 Announcement.
 Verifying the selected candidate to the student.
There are different voting system in the world ,from those manual voting system which
may be parliamentary or presidential and electronic voting system which is web based
voting in which everyone who is legible to vote can vote from everywhere.
1.6 Significance of the project
The Significance of this project is for the Voters, candidates, Administrators and
For Voters
 Save the time of the Voters.
 It provides equal information through online for all voters (students) and Information
available at time.
 It gives private online election process.
 The system able to allow the voters to get fair voting.
 Enable the voter to see their result of voting as soon as the election is completed.
 Enable the voter to get every information about the candidate and also orientation on
the voting system online
For Candidates
 Improve time of the candidates.
 Distinguish the candidate by their specific information.
 Enable the candidate to provide their information online to the voter.
For Organization
 Enable the administrator to update, delete and edit information about the voter and
candidate simply.
 Working load reduced. This means the administrator is confused in existing so many
paper work, but in proposed all these many paper work is changed to computerized
work and administrator do not confused with many works
 Improve time and resource expenditure of the university that exposed to election.
 It provides security for the data.
 Many tasks are automated.
 Enable the removal of duplicated data.
1.6.1 Target beneficiaries of the system Commented [WU10]: Remove the selected repeated word!
Benefit of
The main beneficiaries of the system are:
Benefits of students
 The Student can get fast, accurate and secure service.
Benefits of President and other administrative officials:
 They can access student related information easily.
Benefits of University:
 The university gets better electoral candidates.
 The system helps to save their time and work load.
 Helps to reduce data loose.
 Able to perform activities easily and quickly.
Benefits of Developer team
 The project has initiated our team to get knowledge of how to develop the
required system.
 The team members will get a comprehensive knowledge and experience in
developing and Designing a new system
 The team got a lot of experience of solving problem while they are facing
with some Challenges.

1.7.2 Software process model

It is a simplified representation of a software process. Each model represents
a process from a specific perspective. These generic models are abstractions of
the process that can be used to explain different approaches to the software development.
A software process model represents the order in which the activities of software
development will be undertaken. It describes the sequence in which the phases of
the software lifecycle will be performed.

The waterfall mode

Figure 1 .Water fall model System analysis and design approach

System analysis is the process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problems
and the information to recommended improvements on the system. System analysis is a
problem solving activity that requires intensive communication between the system users
and system developers. System analysis or study is an important phase of any system
development process. The system is studied to the minutest detail and analyzed. The
system analysis includes different activities such as gathering data, identifying system
requirement, prioritize system requirement and recommendation and evaluation of the
system. [1] The system analyst plays the role of the interrogator and dwells deep into the
working of the present system. The system is viewed as a whole and the input to the
system are identified. The outputs from the organizations are traced to the various
A detailed study of the process must be by various techniques like interviews,
questionnaires, and observation to gather the information on the system, by stating what
is the process in the existing system and how the existing system is work. The data
collected by these different data collection method is stored. The conclusion is an
understanding of how the system functions. After collecting data on existing system and
storing that we must identify the system requirement. Now the existing system is

subjected to close study and problem areas are identified. After identifying what the
requirement of the system and problem of the system the proposed system must generate
and evaluate the alternative. Here what important things the system to do is must be
considered. Additionally to solve the problem in the existing system and to identify the
system requirement the best way to create the system is must be considered. Then we
now functions as a problem solver and tries to sort out difficulties that exist in the current
system. After identifying the problem and the requirement of the system the new system
or the proposed system is going to solve the identified problem. The proposal is then
weighed with the existing system analytically and the best one is selected. In system
analysis there are two requirement, Functional requirement and Nonfunctional
requirement. There are different system analysis approaches, but we prefer to use object
oriented approach.
System design approach
System design’s main aim is to identify the modules that should be in the system, the
specifications of these modules and how they interact with each other to produce the
desired results. At the end of system design all the major data structures, file formats and
the major modules in the system and their specifications are decided. The most creative
and challenging phase of the system development process is design phase, it is a solution,
a “how to” approach to the creation of the proposed system design, the first step in the
development of an engineered product is initiated only after a clear exposition of
expected product functions becomes available. Based on the user requirements and the
detailed analysis of a new system, the new system must be designed. This is the phase of
system designing. Normally the design proceeds in two stages: preliminary or general
design, structure or detailed design.
Preliminary or general design: In the preliminary or general design, the features of the
new system are specified. The costs of implementing these features and benefits to be
derived are estimated. If the project is still considered to be feasible, we move to detailed
design stage [1].
Structure or detailed design: In the detailed design stage, computer oriented work begins.
At this stage, the design of the system becomes more structured. Structured design is a
blue print of a computer system solution to a given problem having the same components

and inters- relationship among the same components as the original problem. Input,
output and processing specifications are drawn up in detail .In the design stage, the
programming language and the platform in which the new system will run are also
decided. Generally the system design aims to solve the problem of the existing system
and to fulfill the requirement identified in the system analysis by designing the overall
structure of flow of information or interaction between the object. In our project we
prefer to use the object oriented design which is Unified Modeling language (UML).
1.7.3 Tools and techniques
Hardware and Software specification
 Hardware specification
 Personal computer
 Hard disk
 USB: USB act as file transfer.
 Flash disk
 Copy machine
 Print machine
 Software specification
 XAMPP: act as server
 Database software:-MySQL database which holds the information of the voters and
 Microsoft word: used for documentation to write and edit
 Microsoft power point: used to present our proposal.
 Edraw max: Unified Modeling language which used in the designing part of our
 Notepad++:- used to written java script or edit PHP code on it or write HTML code
and CSS
 Dreamweaver: used to write the code and run the program
Program Languages: - PHP used to develop implementation of our online webpage
system. The reason why we are selecting this software tool from others because, Firstly
PHP is new server-side scripting language that has become extremely popular with the
1.7 Methodology of the project
1.7.1 Data collection methods
There is different data collection methodology. We used different method of data
collection methodology to collect information on our study. It includes requirement that
we collected by interviewing the president of student council and Executive members of
the union and some eligible student in our campus.
The method used for achieve the development of this project based on the exact need of
the campus and to meet their purpose; we had applied or used different types of data
Gathering methodologies.
Our groups have selected an open interview for interviewing the student council and
recognizing the existing working procedure of these tasks.
We also collected data on our study by using observation method see how the system
currently doing. We have seen the process of the manual system by physically going to
the office.
Document analysis
Document analysis is concerned with looking at or assessing the document written on the
process and activities performed in the voting system of the organization. Here while we
doing the system we did not get enough documents because of there are no more
documents written on the voting process of student union of Ambo University as the
1.8 Limitation of the project
 Lack of full information from an organization about the existing system because of
there is no written document on the organization.
 Lack of full resource such as personal computer, money.
 Lack of time for doing more and more. Commented [WU11]: They are not limitation of the project
rather than they are risk. So move it to the next section 1.9.
 Our project is not included Sumer, night and weekend, because they are not found in
regular time.

1.9 Risks and contingencies
During the development of the project there may be different problems that we may face.
These are
Unfortunate failure of the system - to handle this problem the teams have some method
to resist not completely but partially by using backup mechanism using flash disks,
CD/DVD and by storing the data on our email account.
Power problem - the developers tried to use backup generator to cover the gap happened
to the team’s project during power failure.
Virus attack ;it is difficult to control data from virus but try to scan the data, installing
and updating antivirus software and we use CDRW instead of flash.
Time management problem –the developers solve this problem by working
cooperatively, divide time by schedule for each phase of the project and the developers
try to use this schedule affectivity.
The president of student union may not be voluntary to give detail information about their
operations. To solve this problem, we will try to ask any thing politely and tell the reason
why we are asking him.
1.10 Assumptions and constraints
When we talk about constraints we raise two basic constraints which impose or limit our
 Business Constraints: our project is limited on resources, time and costs; actually the
cost is our effort we during performing the project. The main resource that we have
use during doing our project is information and references. At the time of gathering
information, there is some obstacle do not lets us go forward. For example the
student’ union president and secretary are not always present in their office. The time
schedule also one of the business constraints which limits our project functioning of
working. We must submit at the time schedule that the given time of deadline.
 Technical Constraints: When we talk about technical constraints we focused on
security and safety. When we raise the idea of the security issues that impose our
project; we consider in two ways:
 Outsider (voter/student and attackers/student)

 Insider (system developer/administrator )
For the proper working of the system we can state our assumption and dependencies.
 It will work with the internet connection.
 Some resources used to vote for students would be available. For example students
get a permission to use computers found in E-library and laboratory class.
 As necessary students’ union gives training for those students who have no
experience on electronic device how to elect.
 The project gives a textual and diagrammatic help and a video tutor for the users how
to elect, view and use the system.
 Login and password is used for identification of Voter.
1.11 Scheduling

Activities June 19-


June 20
Nov 14-

May 15
Nov 16
Dec 30

Feb 17

Apr 5

Apr 8-

Existing &proposed
System analysis and
Implementation & Coding

project Defense

Table 1 Time Schedule

Chapter Two
2.1 Existing System
2.1.1 Players in the Existing System
Players refer to a person, organization, or external system that plays a role in one or more
interactions with the existing system. The major players that are involved in the existing
system are the following.
 Voters
 Observant
 Executive committee
 Chief Executives
 Tallying
 Candidates
Definition of players in the system:
Executive committee:
An executive committee has executive power within the union. The executive committee
meets and determines what the agenda of the board will be. Revise the activities and deal
problems reported to it and recommend the president to take action, also gives
recognition or reject as to formation of club or association of discipline in the union.
University president, student president, the roles that are play below:
 Controls incase if one candidate leave before election.
 Observe how the election is flow or going on identifying availability.
Chief Executives: in the student union like president, Vice president and General
The President: is he the person with highest executive power. He Nominate the
members to be the electoral board. In addition, present it to the executive committee for
approval. As well appoints the executive committee within the union.
Vice President: Up on a vacancy in the office of the president, he shall assume position
of the president and fulfill all the presidential role or duties.
General Secretary: is the person with high executive power the psychological relevance
of the affected person in and outside of the university.
Others are student union clubs: the unions have various clubs, which enable the
student to promote and assist welfare, social, educational, cultural activities advertising
in the mini media.
Tallying; the tallying authorities count the votes and announce the election results.
Voter or students: the voter is the students for Ambo University who interact with
candidates. A voter has the right for voting, and he votes in the election.
Candidates are one of the participants in the existing system that are students nominated
for election.
Election committee:
The election committee post announcements, rules, and regulations of the election to the
all University students before and after the election.
2.1.2 Functions/activities in the existing system
The major functions of the existing system are the following:
 Electors register at election stations
 Electors must be regular student in Ambo university Awaro campus.
 When the election date is arrive electors go to the election station to give their voice
 Electors take a lesson about how to perform and fill the election form
 At the end of the day counting of each voice is made at every station
 Finally the aggregate winner of all stations is announced as the final winner

2.1.3 Business rule

A business rule is effectively an operating principle or polices that must be fulfilled and
obligated in order the system will function properly and effectively.

Name: voter

Identifier: - BR1

Description: to vote

 Should be regular a student.

 Can vote one candidate.
 Age must be above 18 year.

 They have to have their own identification card

Name: candidate

Identifier: - BR2

Description: to compete

 Should not be graduate student class

 Should be a regular student of ambo university Awaro campus
 Candidate age must be above 21 years.
 Must have a CGPA above 3.3 for male and 3.0 for female.
 Should be free from any addiction and discipline case.

Name: Administrator

Identifier: - BR3

Description: to act as admin

 Should be Promise keeping person.

 Must be select or register vote committee.
 Must be good leadership.
 Must be Fair Caring

2.1.4 Report generated in the existing system

AU election board performs election process including all four campuses (Awaro
campus, Gudar campus, Main campus and woliso campus) to elect the student council.
Awaro campus also perform the process of election by registering the competent who
want to compete for this work from each department of the campus. The process is done
by selecting two students from each section and from these students finally only nine
students are approved for the election. No information about the selected candidates is
promoted to the whole students.

2.1.5 Bottlenecks of the existing system Performance (response time)
Performance: The existing system does not provide fast response time because it is
difficult to access data from the paper. The existing system take more time to provide
response for the user. This indicates that the system not fast and difficult to access. Input (inaccurate/redundant/flexible) and output

During filing of the form the user may fill inaccurate or incorrect information and may
miss necessary information, this show the system is inaccurate and the system is not
flexible because if user wants to erase the form he /she must only change another form. Access control and security plan

 The existing system has less security and there is no data backup if the users data lost
or damaged.
 Data can be changed or stolen easily.
 Take a lot of time due to paper work Efficiency

Due to the manual operation most of the activities are prone to wastage of resources like
manpower, time etc. to produce the corresponding outputs. This makes the existing
system inefficient while utilizing resources.

2.2 Proposed system

The proposed system is the system that was designed to change the manual system to
automated or computerized system to solve the problem in the existing system or current
system. The proposed system is computerized and every work on the election process is
done online. All students have equal chance to see what posted online by the admin.
Registration is online and the candidates also post their information online.
Online Voting System is a system which enables all students who are eligible to vote to
cast their vote online. [2] The existing system is not efficient, effective and reliable for all
students to use and to give their voice. Still the AU Awaro campus use the manual system
which is difficult to perform many works in short period of time and to save the money of
the university to buy different material used in the process of election.
Online is the condition of being connected to a network of computers or other devices.
Additionally online is defined as Computer or device connected to a network (such as
Internet) and ready to use (or be used by) other computers or devices. Online is the
service that available through computer system for different purpose such as online
voting, online shopping, online hotel reservation system, online examination, etc.
The proposed system’s goals are the following:
 Saving labor before and during the election or reduce voter duplication.
 The system becomes more secure.
 The counting process is easy.
 The system displays the result of the vote.
 It has effective report generation.
 It is better and wise to perform election.
 It is flexible to change or modify the data whenever needed
2.3 Feasibility analysis
The feasibility study is the study of how much the system is use full in different manner
such as, does the system provides user with proper information, easy to operate. The
crucial part is deciding upon the requirement, to provide the possible solution .The
system should meet the user needs, the system should be economical, and the system
should be easily maintained and enhanced.
Feasibility study is conducted to test the operational, economical, technical and legal
feasibility of the system.
2.3.1 Operational feasibility
The system provides a user-friendly interface and is therefore easy to use. Since the
system is user friendly the user can operate it and the user can access the system easily to
get what he want. Operating the system requires no programming knowledge anybody
with basic computing knowledge can use the system. The students (voters), candidates,
and administrator can operate the system easily. Therefore the system is operationally

2.3.2 Technical feasibility
The project is important for practicality of the specific technical solution for the problem
in the system and the availability of technical resources and expertise. The system is
technically feasible and it is used to enhance the speed and accuracy of technical works
and to reduce technical errors.
2.3.3 Economic feasibility
There are different problem in the existing system including the economical problem.
The new system plays the crucial role in solving the economical problem of the existing
system in an organization. Since the system is online and computer supported the system
reduce the cost spent for different purpose in the current system of an organization. The
system offers significant cost benefits over paper elections in a vote to vote comparison
Generally the system saves the resource as well as the economy of an organization.

2.3.4 Political feasibility

The system to be developed is not conflict with any government and any political parties
directives, because it gives services for the people effectively and efficiently, all the
stakeholders also agreed before the system developed. So the government is profitable
and the system will be politically feasible.

2.3.5 Schedule feasibility

Schedule feasibility is concerned with analyzing the expected completion date of the
project and the constraint that may bring change to this date.we have so many fixed
schedule to work together the project with all groups within each day and for the
simplicity and fast developing purpose.The schedule for this project is feasible due to rich
information exchange between the organization and the developing team.
2.3.6 Legal feasibility
The system is not conflict with any legal or rule and regulation. The system comply the
rule and regulation of the data processing system. Therefore since the system does not
conflict with any rule regulation the system is legally feasible

2.4 Requirements of the proposed system
2.4.1 Functional requirement
 Describe functionality or system services.
 Depend on the type of software, expected users and the type of system where the
software is used.
 Functional user requirements may be high-level statements of what the system should
 Functional system requirements should describe the system services in detail.
Functional requirement is one of the system requirements which the proposed system can
perform. There are different functional requirement the proposed or new system can
perform. These are:
 The system should enable voter registration.
 The system should enable candidate registration.
 The system should enable the candidate announce themselves online to the voter.
 The system should enable to provide the user or voter with different information
associated with the voting online.
 The system should enable Calculate total number of votes for each candidate

2.4.2 Non-functional requirement

These define system properties and constraints e.g. reliability, response time and storage
requirements. Constraints are I/O device capability, system representations, etc.
Non-functional requirements may be more critical than functional requirements. If these
are not met, the system may be useless.
Performance: Requirement represents the performance the system is required to exhibit
to meet the needs of the user. The system should provide response for the user in less
time than the previous system. This indicates that the system is fast and easy to access.
Availability: The system must be available at all hours during an election period.
Efficiency: efficiency requirement represent the system ability to produce out puts with
minimal wastage of resources and time. The proposed system can reduce the cost of the
organization by considering the number of students (voters) in the campus. The voters

can give his or her voice in a few minutes which is in the time not more than three
Portability: It can access different browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, internet explorer
and Google chrome versions.
Security:security requirement represents the type and degree of security that must be
provide the system give maximum chance for user to enter their authentication
information for logging in to the system. The system should make use of central’s data
base system to keep track of Property officers or users request. The system secure by
checking the standard identification card from the central recorded information or
2.5 Hardware and Software Requirement
2.5.1 Hardware interface
The application must run over the internet, all the hardware shall require to connect
internet will be hardware interface for the system. As for e.g. Modem, WAN – LAN,
Ethernet Cross-Cable.8 GB RAM, Hard disc 500 GB, Intel Processor highest processor
2.5.2 Software interface
 Mozilla Firefox latest version
 Operating system like window 7 64-bit and 32-bit
 WAMPP and XAMPP software for data storage and database management
 PHP server side programming language
 Edraw max to draw UML (unifying modeling language)

2.5.3 Security and access permission plan

Security requirement represents the type and degree of security that must be provide the
system give maximum chance for user to enter their authentication information for
logging in to the system. The system should make use of central’s data base system to
keep track of property officers or users request. The system secure by checking the
standard identification card from the central recorded information or database.

2.6 Cost budgeting

Hardware cost

No Material Amount Price per unit Total price

1 A4 size paper 2 Destin 100 Birr 200Birr
2 Pen 7 4 Birr 28Birr
3 Flash disk 2 240 Birr 480Birr
4. For Print 100 sheet 1 Birr 100Birr
5 CD 6 8 Birr 48 Birr
6 Personal computer 1 12,500 Birr 12,500 Birr
Total 13,356.00 birr

Table 2 Hardware cost in the project

Software cost

No Material Price per unit

1 Microsoft office 2007 Free
2 Microsoft power point Free
3 Edraw max Free
4 Apache Xamp server Free
5 Notepad, Notepad++ Free
Total 00.00 Birr

Table 3 Software cost in the project

Chapter Three
System analysis and modeling
3.1 Introduction

In this section the proposed system will be decomposed into component pieces for the
purpose of the studying how well those component parts work and interact to accomplish
their purpose. And the proposed system will be modeled by UML modeling which is a
language of visualizing, specifying, constructing and documenting the artefacts of
software system. So, because of many drawbacks and disadvantages of the current system
we have proposed alternative, problem solving and automated web based system
which will eradicate those difficulties and bugs of the existing system through the
application of different automation mechanisms and tools that convert the current system
into computerized ones [3].

3.2 System requirement specification

System requirements specification is a description of a software system to be developed.
It lays out functional and non-functional requirements, and may include a set of use cases
that describe user interactions that the software must provide.

3.3 Product function

 The system should enable voter registration.
 The system should enable candidate registration.
 The system should enable the candidate announce themselves online to the voter.
 The system should enable to provide the user or voter with different information
associated with the voting online.
 The system should enable Calculate total number of votes for each candidate
3.4 User characteristics
User to System: all users must pass through the registration stage to prove their
eligibility as a voter. Users just have to open the register link on the homepage and
provide the required information in the form that will eventually pop-up.
System to User: The system will first verify if the user fill up the form correctly as it
required and if not the system will have to notify the user to fill the required information

correctly and completely. The system will have to compare each information (especially
names, ID, phone number) provided by the user if it has an exact match with the student
information in the school database before it will be counted as a valid registration else
the registration will be invalid.

3.5 General constraints

A constraint is a restriction on the degree of freedom you have in providing a
solution. Constraints are effectively global requirements, such as
limited development resources or a decision by senior management that restricts the way
you develop a system.

Provide a general description of any other items that will limit the developer's options.
These can include:

 Regulatory policies
 Hardware limitations (for example, signal timing requirements)
 Interface to other applications
 Parallel operation
 Audit functions
 Control functions
 Higher-order language requirements
 Signal handshake protocols
 Reliability requirements
 Criticality of the application
 Safety and security considerations

3.5.1 Communication interface

The online voting system shall use the HTTP protocol for communication over the
internet and for the intranet communication will be through TCP/IP protocol suite.
3.6 Use cases
Shows use cases, actors, and their interrelationships. In its simplest form, a use case can
be described as a specific way of using the system from a user’s (actor’s) perspective and
describes what the system does from the stand point of view. Use cases provide a means

to capture system requirements, communicate with the end users and domain experts, and
test the system. Use cases are best discovered by examining the actors and defining what
the actor will be able to do with the system. Generally use case model is mainly divided
into two:
 Use case: have been identified from the system specification
 Provide information:-Administrator can see general reports about the election and
 Approve candidate: - Administrator can approve the candidate from the registered
 View result:-after election is completed anyone who want to see the result able to
 Login: - used for protecting information to do validate task by their account username
and password validation.
 Logout:-after task is finished any user must logout the system.
 Announcement: - the candidates advertise their information to voters.
 Register: -student can register to participate in the election that held by the student
and candidate can register to participate in the election process.
 Vote online: -student can vote online anywhere at any time in the schedule.

3.6.1 Actors
 Actors: have been identified from the system specification.
 Administrator: select the candidate from the registered student to compete in the
 Voter: regular student in the Ambo university Awaro campus.
 Candidate: regular student in Ambo university Awaro campus compete to represent
the students.

3.6.2 Use cases diagram

Commented [WU12]: Since voters are student they must

register using their ID
Therefore, the system can not allowed to register other person.

What is the role of Administrator? Approve what? It is not clear or


What is the role of candidate? Correct to “Announcement voting

Who is the responsibility of managing the system? Either admin or

Which information will be delete since there is delete use case?

Generally, you should up to update clearly what you want to do in
the proposed system.

Figure 2 use case diagram

3.6.3 Description of use case diagram

Use case Name Login

Participating actor(s) Administrator, Voters, Candidates

Description Here the administrator, voters and candidates can login and perform the

Flow of events 1.Execute browser System response the home page 5. Display the user form to insert
username and
4.Clickon administrator or voters or password
6.Insert user name and
using the
password then click log in button login
Alternative action Invalid information entry.
Error message is displayed
Go to step 5
Post conditions Go to the page where they are allowed to see

Exit conditions Valid page

Table 4 User login

Use case Name Registration

Participating Voters and candidates


Description Voters and candidates can register and perform the activities

Flow of events 1.Execute browser Display response the home page 6. display the form to Registration insert username and
4.Click on voters or candidates
8.Verifies using the
5.Access registration
registration information
7.Fill the registration form
9. click on Register

Alternative action Invalid information entry.

Error message is displayed
Go to step 5

Post Condition The Voter Must be Registered

Exit conditions Successfully registered

Table 5 Voter registration

Use case Announcement
Participating actor(s) Candidates
Flow of events 1.execute browser Display response the home page 6.display the form to user insert user name and on candidate password
5.access candidates login 8.Verifies using the
form login information
7.fill the login form on login
10.access voter page on announcement
12.access announcement
13.fill the information
14. click on save

Alternative action Invalid information entry

Error message is displayed
Go to step 5
Post conditions The candidates must be approved candidates
Exit conditions Successfully saved

Table 6 Candidate announcement

Use case Name Logout

Participating actor(s) Voters, Administrator, Candidates
Flow of events 1. Execute browser
2. open the home page
3. Perform activities
4. Activities completed
5. Click on logout
Exit conditions Home page

Table 7 User logout

Use case Name Vote online
Participating actor(s) Voters
Description Voters can register and perform the activities
Flow of events 1.execute browser Display response the home page 6.display the form to
insert user name and user password on voters 8.verifies using the
login information
5.access voter login
7.fill login information on login
10.access voter page on vote online
12.access login form
13.insert voter id on login
15.access voting page the candidates
you want on submit
Alternative action Invalid information entry
Error message is displayed
Go to step 6
post conditions The voters must regular student in the campus
Exit conditions Your vote is successfully casted

Table 8 Vote online

Use case Name View result

Participating actor(s) Administrator, Candidates, Voters

Flow of events 1.execute browser Display response the home page 6.display the form user to insert username
and password on administrator or voters or
8. verifies using the
candidates login information
5.access login form
7.fill the login information on login
10.access administrator page or
voters page or candidate page on view result
12.access the result of election
Alternative action Invalid information entry
Error message is displayed
Go to step 6
Exit conditions Logout

Table 9 View result

Use case Name Approve

Participating actor(s) Administrator

Description Administrator approve the candidate for the final

Flow of events 1.execute browser Display response the home page 5.display the form to user insert username and
password on administrator
7.verifies using the login
4 access administrator login information
6.fill the login information
8.access the page administrator on approve
10.access list of registered
candidates on go
12.register approved candidates on register
Alternative action Invalid information entry

Error message is displayed

Go to step 5
Entry conditions The candidates must regular student in the campus

Exit conditions Successfully registered

Table 10 Approve

Use case Name Search, update and delete

Participating actor(s) Administrator

Description Administrator search, update, delete the candidates and voters


Flow of events 1.Execute browser Display response the home page 6.Display the form to

insert username and user password
4.Click on Administrator 8.Verifies using the
login information
5.access login form

7.Fill the login information

9.Access the administrator page

10.Press on search or update or

11.Click on voters or candidates

12.Access search page

13.Insert the search query

14.Click on search
Alternative action Invalid information entry

Error message is displayed

Go to step 6
Exit conditions Needed information is displayed

Table 11 search, update and delete

Use case Name Give feedback

Participating actor(s) Voters and Candidates

Description Voters and candidates can give the comment on the process

Flow of events 1.Execute browser Display response the home page 6.Display the form to

insert username and user password
4.Click on voters or 8.Verifies using the login
5.access login form

9.Fill the login information

10.Access the voters page or

candidate page
11.Click on comment

12.Access comment page

13.Fill the information

14.Click on submit
Alternative action Invalid information entry
Error message is displayed
Go to step 6
Exit conditions Successfully submitted

Table 12 Feedback

Use case Name Provide information

Participating actor(s) Administrator

Description Administrator provide information associated with the voting


Flow of events 1.Execute browser Display response the home page 6.Display the form to

insert username and user password
4.Click on Administrator 8.Verifies using the login
5.Access login form
7.Fill the login information

9.Access the administrator page

10.Click on information

11.Access the valid page

12.Fill the information

13.Click on submit
Alternative action Invalid information entry
Error message is displayed
Go to step 5
Exit conditions Successfully submitted

Table 13 provide information

3.7 Object diagram

Objects are the real-world entities whose behavior is defined by the classes. Objects are
used to represent the static view of an object-oriented system. We cannot define an object
without its class. Object and class diagrams are somewhat similar.
The difference between the class and object diagram is that the class diagram mainly
represents the bird's eye view of a system which is also referred to as an abstract view.

An object diagram describes the instance of a class. It visualizes the particular
functionality of a system. Standard hierarchy of diagrams shows class diagrams and
object diagrams as completely unrelated. Some other authoritative UML sources state
that diagrams and deployment diagrams containing only instance specifications are also
special kinds of object diagrams.
3.7.1 Class diagram Commented [WU13]:

Figure 3 Class diagram Class diagram description

This section discusses classes and their variations, including templates and instantiated
classes, and the relationships between classes association and the contents of classes
(attributes and operations).Class diagrams show the static structure of the model, in
particular, the things that exist (such as classes and types), their internal structure, and
their relationships to other things.

Generally shows a collection of static model elements such as classes and types, their
contents, and their relationships.
Attribute Description Data type
First name The first name of candidate Varchar(20)
Last name The second name of candidate Varchar(20)
ID.NO. Represent the unique identification of candidate Int(11)
Age Represent the Age of candidate Int(11)
Gender Represent the gender of candidate Varchar(10)
Department Represent the department of candidate. Varchar(20)
Phone Represent the Phone of candidate. Varchar(20)
Email Represent the Email of candidate. Varchar(20)
Year Represent the year of candidate. Varchar(20)

Table 14 class description of candidate

Operation Description
Send request Candidate can send account request to admin that participate in
Take Candidate can take exam to participate in election.
View exam result Candidate can view exam result and election result.
Login Describes how the users log into the system by using username
and password
Logout User can be logout in the system
Post promotion Candidate can post advert or promotion that can be elected

Table 15 Method description of candidate

Attribute Description Data type

First name The first name of voter Varchar(20)
Last name The last name of voter Varchar(20)
ID.NO. Represent the unique identification of voter Int(11)
Age Represent the Age of voter Int(11)
Gender Represent the gender of voter Varchar(20)
Department Represent the department Varchar(20)
Phone Represent the phone of voter
Table 16 class description of voter

Operation Description
Login Describes how the users log into the system by using
username and password.
Voter Used to vote candidate.
View result Used to view the result in election.
View promotion Voter can view candidate promotion.
View candidate Voter can view candidate to elect their representative
Logout Voter can be logout the system after voting.

Table 17 Method description of voter

3.8. Sequence diagram

A sequence diagramshows an interaction arranged in time sequence. In particular, it
shows the instances participating in the interaction by their “lifelines” and the stimuli that
they arranged in time sequence. It does not show the associations among the objects.
Models the sequential logic, in effect the time ordering of messages between classifiers

Figure 4 administrator login sequence diagram.

Figure 5 Voters login sequence diagram

Figure 6 Candidates login sequence diagram

Figure 7 Voters vote online sequence diagram

Figure 8 Registration sequence diagram

Figure 9 Approve sequence diagram

Figure 10 Announcement sequence diagram

3.9 Activity diagram
The activity diagram is concerned with showing the activity to be done in the system. It
state from where the activity starts and what happened if there is something error.
Generally it depicts high-level business processes, including data flow, or to model the
logic of complex logic within a system

Figure 11 Login activity diagram


Figure 12 Registration activity diagram.


Figure 13 Approve activity diagram


Figure 14 Announcement activity diagram

Vote online

Figure 15 Vote online activity diagram

View result

Figure 16 View result activity diagram


Figure 17 Logout activity diagram

3.10 State Chart Diagram
State chart diagrams describe the behavior of an individual object as a number of states
and transitions between these states. A state is a condition that an object satisfies. A
transition represents changes of state triggered by events, conditions, or time the state
chart diagram focuses on the transitions between States as a result of external events for
an individual object. Both activity and state chart diagrams are useful in modeling the
lifetime of an object. However, activity diagram shows flow of control from activity to
activity; whereas state chart diagram shows flow of control from state to state

State chart diagram for login

Figure 18 State chart diagram for login

State chart diagram for vote

Figure 19 State chart diagram for select candidate

State Chart Student Registration for Vote

Figure 20 State chart student registration for vote

State chart for view of result

Figure 21 State chart for view of result

3.11 Analysis model

An analysis model defines a coherent set of required properties of the system under

An analysis model may be implemented by many different designs with different

optimization characteristics. While an analysis model presents a set of possible solutions,
a design is a particular solution to the problem. Design should always be an optimization
of an analysis model.

3.11.1 Sequence diagram

Figure 22 Voter Sequence diagram for existing system

Figure 23 Sequence diagram Candidate for existing system

3.11.2 Activity diagram

Figure 24 Voter activity diagram for existing system.

Figure 25 Candidate activity diagram for existing system.


[1] R. B. D. John W.Sat m," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 02 January
2016]zinger, System analysis and design changing world, 6 ed., 2012.

[2] N. Wilson, "Project report on online voting system," 2012, may.

[3] S. C. T. Robert V, Object oriented system analysis and design with UML, pp. 50-350.

[4] NitinBhasin, "Report on online voting system," 2013.

[5] "


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