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ROLL NO: 2022/842

Happiness is a universal aspiration and a central theme in human life. It has been
studied and pondered upon by philosophers, psychologists, and scholars
throughout history. In the Western tradition, however, there exists a gap in how
happiness is conceptualized and pursued. This essay aims to explore the gap in
the Western tradition of happiness and propose an alternative perspective that can
fulfill it. By examining the predominant views on happiness in the West and
introducing the alternative perspective of holistic well-being, we can begin to
address the limitations and strive for a more comprehensive understanding of
In the Western tradition, happiness has often been equated with pleasure and the
pursuit of individual desires. This hedonistic perspective, rooted in ancient Greek
philosophy and later reinforced by Enlightenment thinkers, places great emphasis
on personal gratification, material possessions, and external achievements as the
primary sources of happiness. This reductionist approach fails to acknowledge
the complexity and multidimensionality of human well-being.
Furthermore, the Western tradition tends to emphasize the pursuit of happiness as
an individualistic endeavor, detached from broader social and environmental
contexts. This atomistic view neglects the importance of relationships,
community, and the impact of societal structures on individual well-being. The
narrow focus on personal happiness at the expense of collective welfare has led
to a fragmented understanding of human flourishing in Western societies.
The gap in the Western tradition of happiness lies in its limited scope, primarily
centered around individual pleasure and material success. This approach neglects
important aspects of well-being such as meaning, purpose, social connectedness,
and the pursuit of values beyond self-interest. By fixating on external indicators
of happiness, such as wealth or status, the Western tradition fails to recognize the
subjective and internal aspects that contribute to lasting fulfillment.
To fulfill the gap in the Western tradition, an alternative perspective rooted in
holistic well-being is needed. This perspective recognizes the multidimensional
nature of human flourishing and emphasizes the integration of physical,
emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of life. Holistic well-being considers the
interdependence between individuals, their communities, and the natural
environment, aiming for a more sustainable and inclusive vision of happiness.
Holistic well-being places importance on cultivating positive relationships and
social connections. Research consistently shows that social support, community
engagement, and meaningful connections with others are crucial for well-being.
This perspective acknowledges the significance of social bonds and encourages
the cultivation of empathy, compassion, and cooperation to foster a sense of
belonging and mutual support.
Additionally, the alternative perspective acknowledges the importance of purpose
and meaning in life. Engaging in activities that align with personal values,
contributing to a greater cause, and seeking personal growth and self-
actualization are central to holistic well-being. This approach recognizes that
happiness is not merely the absence of suffering or the pursuit of momentary
pleasures but an ongoing process of self-discovery and fulfillment. Holistic well-
being acknowledges the connection between individual happiness and the well-
being of the broader ecosystem. It recognizes that humans are not separate from
nature but deeply interconnected with it. Therefore, sustainable and responsible
practices that respect the environment and promote ecological balance are
essential for long-term well-being.
The gap in the Western tradition of happiness lies in its narrow focus on individual
pleasure and material success, overlooking aspects such as meaning, social
connectedness, and the pursuit of values beyond self-interest. The alternative
perspective of holistic well-being offers a comprehensive approach that addresses
these limitations. By emphasizing the integration of physical, emotional, social,
and spiritual dimensions, holistic well-being provides a more inclusive and
sustainable vision of happiness. It recognizes the significance of social
connections, purposeful living, and ecological responsibility in fostering
individual and collective well-being. Embracing this alternative perspective can
lead to a more fulfilling and balanced approach to happiness in Western societies
and beyond.

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