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Cloudy With a chance of Joy

Ideas and Content

I. What’s the lecture about?


II. What does he say people should do more? Explain with your words.


III. He says appreciating clouds can make you save money of psychanalyst because…


IV. Why does the Cloud Appreciation Society exist?


V. Appreciating clouds is a way for you to…


VI. What do the clouds remind us?


VII. Are you going to change the world by spotting clouds, according to the lecture?


VIII. What does cloud spotting legitimise?


IX. What good does cloud spotting bring?


X. According to the beginning of the Lecture, what’s the meaning of:

a. Under a cloud: ____________________________________________________________________________________
b. There is a cloud on the horizon: ________________________________________________________________
c. There is a cloud over somebody/something: __________________________________________________

XI. What kind of feeling does the lecturer say people have concerning clouds?

XII. Clouds are the most ___________________ of nature displays

XIII. What aspect of humanity do clouds show?

a. Empathy
b. Selfishness
c. Hunger
d. Connection
e. Happiness

XIV. What are the words the lecturer uses to define the activity of spotting clouds? More
than one answer is possible.
a. Pointless
b. Busy
c. Intimate
d. Aimless
e. Exotic

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