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Chaptarii Regular expression, Regular Grammar and Regular Language Regular expression are used for representing certain sets of string in an algebraic fashion 1. Any terminal symbol belongs to the Y including A (empty) and 4 (null) are regular expression Example abe Ag 2-The union of two regular expression is also a regular expression Example: R1 and R2 two expressions then union represented as R=RI+R2 3. The concatenation of two regular expression is also a regular expression Example: RI and R2 two expressions then concatenation represented as R=RLR2 +The iteration (or closure) of regular expression is also a regular expressions Example: R>R* a*=A,a, aa, aga XK enc 00K a 5 The regular expression over 5 are precisely those obtained recursively by the application of ey the above rules once or several times, . . Regular expression examples Describe the following sets as Regular Expression 1)(0,1,2) Answers ItisO orl Or2 R=0+142 2) (A ab} 5){abb,a,b,bba) Answer: Itis abb ova orb or bba Reabbtatbebba 4) (A, 0, 00,000, Answor; Closure afd R=0* itis closure of the symbol with A S) (M111 } RI" tis a closure of the symbol without A IDENTITIES OF REGULAR EXPRESSION IDENTITIES ! @#R=R g ORIRQ = @ 2 e*=eand Q*=e ha h R+R=R i R* ReRt RRR RR ARDENS'§ THEOREM IPP and Q are two regular Xpression o% cquations in R given by R=Q4RP hag Proof-1 R=QURP -. =Q+QP¥P Apply R=Qp* ver 3, and if P does not contain e, then the following @ unique solutions ic R-QP* =Q(e+P*P) (Take out Q) Apply e+R* R=R¢* R=QP* hence proved Proof-2 R=QeRP =Q+[QERP]P =Q+QP+RP? =Q4+-QP+(Q+RP)P* =QQP+QP*+RP? 2. (ab)e 3, a(be)* 4. (a/b)* (abb/a*b) 4.15 CONVERSION FROM F) TE AUTOMATA TO REGU XPRESSION OM FINI’ ‘A TO REGULAR EXPRESSI I= et q2b tq arnnnnnnnnne- aaa q2=qla- aeeonteneee2, 3b raed) q4=q2atq3b+qdatadb-———-4 ‘Take ql since it is final state and apply the value of q2 and q3 qi=etglabiqlba i, Take out qi since it is common : lhe Reqular Expression for the Following NPA a A b ee o> @ ) Be ‘ Z b %2 =A,> —— ree an ag a 2 4 2 £4424 %b — © a= At = Git + 40> +%4h) ~ g: Ge = Het taba tubs — &. 2 “ ( al Ans Aa 2 Aye t4rb tab fon ost ves) . + 28k =e 4H P42 BxReP es er = a an, Cb +4) aid S Mi ieee. Ly" ag, 2 AO ** b nS aeci ; te b aye) bah) Bee ivi ah by Gerace 2 2 PAS 5 R 5 2RIR ~ & Ce Chem) ) te 4 pa Cbtaby bY Vind the regular expression for the following DFA A) BE () Oro = Any 4%) —@ fey 78 OE ee Rint dale & pres tO 5 Raa the ay a 2 of" 3D erak : 1+00*1)(0- REGULAR GRAMMAR ‘Noam Chomsky gave a mathematical model of Srammar Which is effective for writing computer language, Gronmar A grammar G ean be formally written as a 4-tuple (N, 1, S, P) where - + Nor Vyis a set of variables or non-terminal symbols, + Tor), is asset of Terminal symbols, + Sisa special variable called the Start symbol, S € N + Pis Production rules for Terminals and Non-terminals, A production rule has the form a — f, where a and f are strings on Vy U ¥: and least one symbol of a belongs to Vy. Example Grammar G1 -({S, A, B}, {a, b}, 8, {S > AB, A a, B— b)) Here, + §,A, and B are Non-terminal symbols; + aand b are Terminal symbols « Sis the Start symbol, S EN + Productions, P: $—> AB, Aa, Bb ‘Example Grammar G2-(({S, A}, {8,6}, S,(S— Abad aah, Ae }) ‘hepa gular grammar can be divided into two types 1.Right linear grammar A grammar is said to be right linear if all production are of the form ADxB AM ‘Where A,B e V and xe. 2.Left Linear grammar. A grammar is said to be left linear if all production are of the form ADBx ADx Where A,B e Vand xe T Example S>abS/b—---- Right linear S>Sbb/b —------Left Linear, REGULAR LANGUAGE : ‘A language is said to be a regular language if and only if some finite state machine recognizes it. ‘So what languages are not regular? ‘The languages ei © Which are not recognized by the Finite State Machine © Which requirememory Memory of Finite State Machine is very limited Tt-cannot store or count strings Pumming lemma Bumming lemma is used to prove that a language is not regular Tt cannot be used to prove that a language is regular If Ais a regular language,then A has a pumming length ‘P* a such that any string ‘S’ where ISPP may be divided into 3parts s=zyz such that the followi ing conditions must be true 1, xy'z belongs to A for every 1>0 2. lyPo 3. kxyisP To prove that a language is not regular using pumming lemma, follow the below steps (We prove using contradiction) Assume that A is regular Ithas to have a pumming length (Say p) All strings longer that P can be pumbed |S|2P Now find a string ‘S’ in A that |S[>P Divide $ into xyz Show that xy'z not belongs A for some i Then consider all ways that S can be divided into xyz, Show that none of these can satisfy all the 3 pumming condition at the same time S cannot be pumped=CONTRADICTION eer per am Example Using pumming lemma prove that the language A= {a'b*|n20) is not regular Proof L Assume A is regular 2.pumming length =p si py ‘S-asaaaaabbbbbbb Case 1 ‘The Y is in the a part angaaaabbbbbbb. ISN ec see The ¥ Is ti the b part aaaanaab ebb Ry) = Caup 3 ‘The Y is in the a and b part ‘aaanonabbbbbbb K eres eo First condition Caso1 xyeeny'e ‘auanacanaaabbbbbbb Here number a (11) is not equal to number b (7) Case 2 aaaadaabbbbbbbbbbb ~ Here number a (7) is not equal to number b (11), Case3 aaaaagabbaabbbbbbb It does not follow the pattern of a"b" Second Condition Alll three cases satisfied the second conditions ‘Third Condition:

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