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,s M Shamim A hmed
A Gateway to English Literatu re W
Preface ..
. d Sustainer of the whole world. for giving me
I am deeply indebted to Al1ighty Allah, theeaor n00 d may peace be upon the Last and Final
the abilities and opport u n1t1cs to complet e t . .d ' nto help the applicants of BCS
Preli minary
Prophet. A Gateway to nglih Literature i s gn5 marks. This book has been written
strictly Examinat ions in the English Ltterature pa c?ve 3xami nat ion prescribed by
BPSC.The market is 3
11 1 the new syl abus of the DCS rhe (' nd my ven ture may be regarded to be unwise.
already overflowed with books 011 Enghs 1tera ure a
Yet humbly . some ,. t' ionfi om
claim . apprccia r my fellow-teachers
b · 't light [t has compelled me to write
t 0
I have been worki ng on this book for about 4-years to ring t . · .
this book on English Literature through a long academic and practical expenene. .
A Gateway to English Literatu re is a painstaking attempt to preent En.glish hte e fore
Bengali-speaking-Engli sh Learners with elaborate explanations and 1llustrat1ons. .1 thmk a t w11l
be helpful for both teachers and students and hel p prepare the candidate to daffe ent
prblems encounter in compet itive exams. f urthermore, a lot of examples are given with
Enghsh equivalent
and Bangla meanings as well. . .
Explanations arc lucid and elaborate with good examples. The book .contains a sufficient nber
BCS standard model tests solved for the candidates. The book provides necessary charts,
diagrams and pictures for quick memorization. As usual, the questions and answers spanning
last 35-years of the BCS Preliminary have been placed with lucid explanations.
This book will guide a student as a home-tutor as every aspect of English literature is discussed
in detail. To speak the truth, I left no stone unturned to make the book attractive and
instructive. In writing this book, I freely consulted all classic books available on the subject for
which I like to express my gratitude to the authors of those books. I also took assistance from
some well-known sources including Wikipedia, Literary Terms, Encyclopedia Britannica, Dr.
M. Mofizar Rahman, Kabir Chowdhury, Emile Legouis and so on.
I like to record my deep gratitude and obeisance to my most respected teacher and profound
scholar Prof.M. Maniruzzaman of the Department of English, Jahangimagar University. Profound
must go to another very distinguished teacher of mine Prof. Ahmed Reza & Laizu Nasrin ,
DepartmerJ of English, ru.
I owe much to Shaahrin Chowdhury for suggesting improvements of several entries of the book.
I do apologize to name other helpful hands who extended sincere co-operation in many respects
and all the bosom friends of English Department.
To er is h uman. So, spite my utmost care and skills deployed, there may be inadvertent
mistak6 crept mto for hasty wntmg or enury of my knowledge. I take full responsibility and beg
pardon in avance or all those sh.ortcommgs . Any construct i ve suggestions for the
improvement of the booL
w11l cord1ally be appreciated .
I shall feel my efforts amply rewarded if the book is found useful to those it is intended for.
S M Sha111i111 Ahmed
Dha ka, 3rd June, 2021.
For 111orejo i11: A Gateway to E11glislt Litert1t11re or BCS Career
Pill s

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