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Li LY \ a / mS y we Wid , BU ETUC ele Primary - Secencary pumping scheme V This Pumping scheme Consists of two hydraulically independent circuits Connected by a de Coupler or neutral bridge. V The tue civcits include a Constant Volume productoh Loop (Primary) & a variable volume distribution loop ( Secandary) V The Primary Loop Circulates chilled water through Chillers V The Secandary loop Circulates chilled water through the distri bution System. V The hydraulic independance of each loep prevents the fFec! oF +the variable Flow in Secondary Leap on the Constant Rlow im the primary ——_— \ AH *X& Vo Each loop, havé a Set © PS which deliver the same Flow rate andl different head) v/ Primary /pump: —> Constant ‘Volume Secendary Pp) —» Variable Volume Ly tis \allewde the chillers to receive a Constant \ Fluo vate cahile) the cystr bution System Flaw Yate Can change ‘to/match the load. W Natural bridge-consisheF (2 Typical T) @ First TW» Located at su Secendary pump. @ Second T- located at + Echostar leq al Suction header of and camected with a de Co =a a 2B ie; uplng pipe chien header of ebsite: https://ramygh| facebook page:-Mechanical is a life . facebook group: Mechanical is a life mail. lifelonenwamallaaet (ayeoteoe) -rswas i i website: &> facebook page:-Mechanical is a life — facebook group: Mechanical is a life mail lifelumencamallaaett a A oll @ The 2-way valve start te close causing an increase in the system cléFferential pressure. @ The Control system will veduce the pump Speed and Flow oF Secondary pumpte match load. m The decrease inthe Flow From Secondary leep means the Chilled water will Flow From Supply Side te Yeturn side te mamtam the Constant Volume through chiller. @ The Secondary pump are driven by (WFD) alp (VED) Variable, Frequency Drive ~ Varies the Frequency oF the electrical power delivered te the pump moter - VED is Controlled Pram a differential Pressure Sensor located at hydraulically most remote location in the system. website:! facebook page:-Mechanical is a life facebook group: Mechanical is a life mail lifelonenmamallaaet life Advantages ® Constant Flow through Evaporator . - It mamtams a Constant Flow threugh evaperater . ~ This eliminates the Concern of chiller performance amd inadvertent shut downs. ® Simplified Controls. © Divided hydraulic head ~The required motor size for primary and Secondary will be smaller than a direct pnimary pump. - Reduce the risk that the system discharge pressure will exceed the clesign ef equipment, Piping , valves. Dis advantage s @ Capital Tnvest ~ The greater pum ity & Longer pipe runs Can se : Nh alees i" aw Aap ® Higher “operation and_ energy \cost. ® Need hove plant Spacey a \\en grey website: facebook page:-Mechanical is a life facebook group: Mechanical is a life miail-_ lifelonenmamallaae Wei, MI Direct Primary pumping scheme ee ee V Consists of a Single variable v. which Combines the Chilled System. lolume Chilled water lop. water plant and Uist ribution NO) Way valve used to Vary the Flow te match the Load. i , = ra \ Tia in at Actuator 2 Way valve 3 way valve ~ & way valve Check all details: for valves; in HVAC Part 02 V ‘The primary pump-have. double duty @ Girculatmng chilled” water through the chiller Distribute the chilled water through the Leep. V The pump. equipped with (VED) variable Frequency Orives. WD IF the Primary pump was Fixed speed must Use with a by pass. 7 Sway valve website: facebook page:-Mechanical is a life - facebook group: Mechanical is a life miail-_ lifelonenwamallaaet Building pump Building my include: presi eeppast de coupled Fr yee O=O=20= ebsite: “facebook page: Mechanical is a life facebook group: Mechanical is a life miail-_ lifelonenwamallaaet wi &> Advantages ® low AT @ Capital investment © Low operating and energy Costs @ Need less plont space. Dis advantages website: facebook 3 1 life facebook group: Mechanical ts a life miail-_ lifelonenwamallaaet Pump Connection in Series & Parallel ® Ramp in Series ——— _ Head added + Fixed Flow rate IN Pump 01, ‘Out Q Pump in series V Centrifugal pump in Series are used te over come Large system headless than one pump Can handle alene A» : V The head will be tisice the head of single pump at Same Flow rate (For tic’ pumpsin series) aye With a constant Flou rate 7 head will move Frem (1) te (2) + but in practic, head and Flow move to C3) E> Rant @, > Operation point with one pump running. CD Pomt Qe Operation point with two Pumps running, > Point @) => Operation point Por 2 pumps with equal performance curve. Website: https://ramygh982 aS : ye oo pite : facebook page:-Mechanical is a life facebook group: Mechanical is a life miail-_ lifelonenwamallaaet ® Pump in parallel Flow rate added + Fixed head out ef IN Q Pamp in parallel Flow rate add - Fixed Head. V CentriPugal pump if \paraliel used to over Come large Nelume Plass than one pur me handle alene, V With Contant Mendy Bar vate uaill move Prom (1) te (2) abi: practic, ie Flew rate 2 head move be (3). a> Poot Ut Operant point with one pump E> Point (2) Lp Operatven point with twe pumps CD Point C3) =» Operation point with twe pumps with equal Performance Curve. Website: facebook page:-Mechanical is a life facebook group: Mechanical is a life miail-_ lifelonenwamallaaet P-» Pressure drep (Pa) L- Length Gm) Vi Velocity (m/s) Cc + Roughness Factor 2140 Fer steel pipe DB © Internal diameter Pa Densty « L000 L+ Length Sd V—» Velocity Gn/s) | G—» Roughness Factor D - Internal diameter. uiatisita: https://oant ae eer facebook page:-Mechanical is a life facebook group: Mechanical Isa lite miail-_ lifelonenwamallaaet

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