Probador de Fuga

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Equipment name: 4-unit leak detector

Operating voltage: 220V

Working frequency: 50/60HZ
Power supply mode: 2-phase 3-wire
Operation Precautions
1.Do not put your hand into the running
2.Do not place surplus materials or tools on
the machine to avoid drawing into it.
3.Operators should not climb on the platform
to avoid danger of slipping.
4.The grounding wire is reliably grounded and
its diameter meets the national standard.
5.The emergency switch is mounted on the
panel of the electric control box and in
sound condition confirmed before starting.
6.Pull out the air source when maintaining the
machine in case of injury caused by air
7.Shut down the machine during internal
maintenance, cleaning and inspection.
8.Shut off power box, motor and other
electrical equipment when repairing.
9.Check and measure the grounding wire in a
regular interval to ensure that the grounding
is in good condition.
10. It is strictly forbidden to operate the
equipment when the safety cover is damaged
or dismantled.
Operational Instructions
I. Structure

The machine is composed of frame, conveyor, electric box (man-machine

interface, PLC, analog module, frequency converter, amplifier board,

switching power supply, power switch, emergency stop switch, and

precise pressure regulating valve), four leak detection units, four gas

cylinders, one knockout nozzle, one rear-gear cylinder, one back-gear

cylinder, etc. as shown below:

II: Operating Conditions
1: Connect to 220V AC power supply 50/60HZ.
2: Connect to 6-7 Bar gas source.

Three: Working Principle

Automatic start-up  Assembly line operation, front-gear cylinder goes

forwardBottle flows in4 bottles are positioned
Stop the assembly line in case of delay  Stop the assembly line, and the leak
detection cylinder drops  Count time for dropping, and back-gear cylinder goes
 Time’s up  Inflate, the front-gear cylinder draws back  Do not reached the
inflating pressure when the inflating time is up
Stop inflating leakbig leakage
The inflatable pressure is reached  Stop inflating, hold the pressure and count the
timeTime’s up
Comparison: the pressure difference is greater than or equal to the set value of the
pressure differenceleaking bottle
the pressure difference is less than the set value of the pressure
differencesound bottle Leakage detecting cylinder risesAssembly runs
When the bottle reaches No. 3 electric eye, start to count the number of bottles, and
eliminate the corresponding leaking bottles according to the leak detection results
When the bottles amount to 2  the back-gear cylinder returns, allowing the rear
bottle to flow in when the outgoing bottles amount to 4, the front-gear cylinder goes
forward to block bottles  four bottles reach (No. 1 and No. 2 electric eyes flash to
indicate reaching the confirmation time of bottling)  Delay stops  Assembly

IV: Parameter Setting

Touch screen setting method:
Touch the number on the screen, a box will jump out; input parameters, press Enter,
and the setting is successful, and the input box disappears; in case of input errors,
press CLR to clear and re-input.
Note: If you do not input numbers after you press the number and the number box
jumps out, and you press other number, the input box will not disappear, and other
parameters can not be modified. If you accidentally press the parameters you don't
want to modify, please press the Enter on the input box, so that the input box
disappears, and then press the number the parameters you want to modify.

The following picture shows the boot screen:

Click on Chinese System(中文系统) to display as follows

Action monitoring area - display the action being performed.

Numerical monitoring area-monitor the leakage data.

Switch – manual/automatic switch.

Automatic start - switch to automatic, press the automatic start to

start leak detection.

Automatic stop - stop automatically during the automatic process,

after executing the current automatic action.

Qualified number - accumulated number of qualified bottles after

leakage detection.

Unqualified number - accumulated number of un-passed bottles.

Manual screen - switch to manual operating screen.

Parametric screen - enter parameter settings.

Return the finished products to zero - eliminate the number of

qualified and defective products.

Judgment result - display the judgment.

Click on the manual screen to display as follows:

The switch can be used for manual operation and relevant

monitoring in the manual mode.

Inflation No. 1 – Press once to inflate once and then press once to stop

inflating. The information monitoring area displays No. 1 inflation


Inflation No. 2 – Press once to inflate once and then press once to stop

inflating. The information monitoring area displays No. 2 inflation


Inflation No. 3 – Press once to inflate once and then press once to stop

inflating. The information monitoring area displays No. 3 inflation


Inflation No. 4 – Press once to inflate once and then press once to stop

inflating. The information monitoring area displays No. 4 inflation


Front gear – Press once to make the front-gear cylinder move

forward, then press again to make the front-gear cylinder return.

Pushing – Press once to drop the leak detector and then press again

to raise the leak detector.

Rear gear - Press once to make the back-gear cylinder move forward,

then press again to make the back-gear cylinder return.

Start assembly line - Press once to run the assembly line, and press

again to stop the assembly line.

Delete - Press once to make the cylinder move forward, then press

again to make the cylinder return.

Click on the parameter screen to display as follows:

Pushing time - After the conveyor belt stops, the leak detector drops,

and start to inflate when the drop time is up.

Delayed stop of conveyor belt - Delayed stop of conveyor belt when

the bottle is in place.

Inflation time - that is, the time limit for big leakage. When the air

pressure is not reached as the time is up, it is judged to be a big

leakage. The longer the bottle is, the longer it takes. Reference value:

2 seconds for less than 500 ml, 3 seconds for 500 ml-2L, 4 seconds for


Pressure holding time - the time to stop inflating and keep pressure.

To ensure that the holes with the same apertures can be removed

accurately, the larger the bottle, the longer the holding time.

Reference value: 2 seconds for less than 1L, 3 seconds for 2-4L, 4
seconds for 5L.

Inflation pressure - Pressure that needs to be filled into the bottle.

The larger the bottle, the lower the pressure. Reference value: 3000

for less than 500 ml

2000 for 500 ML-2L, 1500 for 2L-5L.

Permissible differential pressure – the bottle is judged leaky when the

maximum minus retention value is greater than this value. Setting

method: First, test a good bottle and then test a leaky bottle. For

example, the pressure difference of a good bottle is 50, and the

pressure difference of a leaky bottle is 100, then the allowable

pressure difference is set as approx. 75.

Fifth: shunting steps

1 Turn on the power supply and press the emergency stop switch.

2. Turn the pneumatic three-piece unit to zero counterclockwise.

3. Place 4 bottles and adjust the cylinder to the best position.

4. Adjust the height of leak detector frame according to the height of


5. Adjust the pushing cylinder to concentric with the bottle to ensure

that the bottle mouth is well sealed. Put the inner hexagonal wrench

No. 8 on the bottle mouth and press down the cylinder manually,

observe whether the bottle mouth, the inner hexagonal and the leak

detection unit are parallel or not, in horizontal and vertical directions;

if in-parallel, adjust the adjusting gear on the leak detection unit to

make it parallel.

6. Clockwise adjust the pneumatic three-piece unit pressure to 4KG.

7. Set time, air pressure and conveyor belt speed

8. Adjust the pressure of the relief valve to zero counterclockwise.

9. Set the inflating time to 99

10. Release the emergency stop switch, the leak detector starts

automatically, the front-gear cylinder works, and the assembly line


11. Put 4 good bottles. When the pushing is finished, start slowly

adjusting the pressure relief valve clockwise so that the inflatable

pressure can reach the set pressure.

12. Change the charging time to normal time.

13. Make a leaky bottle (pinhole) and detect it with three good bottles,
and it should be able to be accurately detected.

15 Test one by one.

Circuit diagram

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