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* The Smite macro emulates the Divine Smite feature of Paladins in DnD 5e. A spell
slot level to use
* can be selected, which increases the number of damage dice, and smiting a fiend
or undead
* will also increase the number of damage dice.
* If a token is not selected, the macro will default back to the default character
for the Actor.
* This allows for the GM to cast the macro on behalf a character that possesses
* without requiring that a PC have their character selected.
* To execute the macro a target MUST be specified and, unless configured
otherwise, the character must have an available spell slot.
* Make your regular attack and then if you choose to use Divine Smite, run this

(() => {

//Configurable variables
let maxSpellSlot = 5; // Highest spell-slot level that may be used.
let affectedCreatureTypes = ["fiend", "undead", "undead (shapechanger)"]; //
Creature types that take extra damage.

// Use token selected, or default character for the Actor if none is.
let s_actor = canvas.tokens.controlled[0]?.actor || game.user.character;

// Flag for selected slot type

let pactSlot = false;

// Verifies if the actor can smite.

if (s_actor?.data.items.find(i => === "Divine Smite") === undefined){
return ui.notifications.error(`No valid actor selected that can use this

let confirmed = false;

if (hasAvailableSlot(s_actor)) {

// Get options for available slots

let optionsText = "";
let i = 1;
for (; i < maxSpellSlot; i++) {
const slots = getSpellSlots(s_actor, i, false);
if (slots.value > 0) {
const level = CONFIG.DND5E.spellLevels[i];
const label = game.i18n.format('DND5E.SpellLevelSlot', {level: level,
n: slots.value});
optionsText += `<option value="${i}">${label}</option>`;

// Check for Pact slot

const slots = getSpellSlots(s_actor, 0, true);
if(slots.value > 0) {
const level = CONFIG.DND5E.spellLevels[slots.level];
const label = 'Pact: ' + game.i18n.format('DND5E.SpellLevelSlot', {level:
level, n: slots.value});
optionsText += `<option value="${i}">${label}</option>`;

// Create a dialogue box to select spell slot level to use when smiting.
new Dialog({
title: "Divine Smite: Usage Configuration",
content: `
<form id="smite-use-form">
<p>` + game.i18n.format("DND5E.AbilityUseHint", {name: "Divine Smite",
type: "feature"}) + `</p>
<div class="form-group">
<label>Spell Slot Level</label>
<div class="form-fields">
<select name="slot-level">` + optionsText + `</select>

<div class="form-group">
<label class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="consumeCheckbox" checked/>` +
game.i18n.localize("DND5E.SpellCastConsume") + `</label>

<div class="form-group">
<label class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="criticalCheckbox"/>` +
game.i18n.localize("DND5E.CriticalHit") + "?" + `</label>
buttons: {
one: {
icon: '<i class="fas fa-check"></i>',
label: "SMITE!",
callback: () => confirmed = true
two: {
icon: '<i class="fas fa-times"></i>',
label: "Cancel",
callback: () => confirmed = false
default: "Cancel",
close: html => {
if (confirmed) {
let slotLevel = parseInt(html.find('[name=slot-level]')[0].value);
if(slotLevel > maxSpellSlot) {
slotLevel =;
pactSlot = true;
const criticalHit = html.find('[name=criticalCheckbox]')
const consumeSlot = html.find('[name=consumeCheckbox]')[0].checked;
smite(s_actor, slotLevel, criticalHit, consumeSlot, pactSlot);
} else {
return ui.notifications.error(`No spell slots available to use this feature.`);

* Gives the spell slot information for a particular actor and spell slot level.
* @param {Actor5e} actor - the actor to get slot information from.
* @param {integer} level - the spell slot level to get information about. level 0
is deprecated.
* @param {boolean} isPact - whether the spell slot is obtained through pact.
* @returns {object} contains value (number of slots remaining), max, and override.
function getSpellSlots(actor, level, isPact) {
if(isPact == false) {
else {

* Returns whether the actor has any spell slot left.
* @param {Actor5e} actor - the actor to get slot information from.
* @returns {boolean} True if any spell slots of any spell level are available to
be used.
function hasAvailableSlot(actor) {
for (let slot in {
if ([slot].value > 0) {
return true;
return false;

* Use the controlled token to smite the targeted token.
* @param {Actor5e} actor - the actor that is performing the action.
* @param {integer} slotLevel - the spell slot level to use when smiting.
* @param {boolean} criticalHit - whether the hit is a critical hit.
* @param {boolean} consume - whether to consume the spell slot.
* @param {boolean} isPact - whether the spell slot used is obtained through pact.
async function smite(actor, slotLevel, criticalHit, consume, isPact) {
let targets = game.user.targets;

let chosenSpellSlots = getSpellSlots(actor, slotLevel, isPact);

if (chosenSpellSlots.value < 1) {
ui.notifications.error("No spell slots of the required level available.");
if (targets.size !== 1) {
ui.notifications.error("You must target exactly one token to Smite.");
const [target] = targets;
let numDice = slotLevel + 1;
let type =;
if (affectedCreatureTypes.includes(type)) numDice += 1;
if (criticalHit) numDice *= 2;
const flavor = `Macro Divine Smite - ${game.i18n.localize("DND5E.DamageRoll")}
let damageRoll = new Roll(`${numDice}d8`);

let targetActor = game.user.targets.values().next();

if (targetActor.permission !== CONST.ENTITY_PERMISSIONS.OWNER) {

// We need help applying the damage, so make a roll message for right-click
await damageRoll.toMessage({
speaker: ChatMessage.getSpeaker(),
flavor: `${} smited ${}.<br>${flavor}
<p><em>Manually apply (or right-click) ${damageRoll.result} HP of
damage to ${}</em></p>` });
else {
// We can apply damage automatically, so just show a normal chat message.
await damageRoll.toMessage({
speaker: ChatMessage.getSpeaker(),
flavor: `${} smited ${}.<br>${flavor}
<p><em>${} has taken ${damageRoll.result} HP of
damage.</em></p>` });
targetActor.update({"data.attributes.hp.value" : - damageRoll.result});

if (consume){
let objUpdate = new Object();
if(isPact == false) {
objUpdate['data.spells.spell' + slotLevel + '.value'] =
chosenSpellSlots.value - 1;
else {
objUpdate['data.spells.pact.value'] = chosenSpellSlots.value - 1;



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