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Student Handbook

Fall 2006

Division for Student Affairs

International Office
Welcome to Mälardalen University !
We hope that this little booklet of practical information is going to be useful for you during
your stay here. The first part is focused on information regarding the university and the
various services available to you. The second part is a collection of general practical
information that can be useful to you.

We wish you a pleasant stay at Mälardalen University

Revised 2006-08-23
Division for Student Affairs
This division is a part of the university administration and consists of several units, which have
different functions. Each unit and its services are presented here below:

Information Desk
You will find one in both Eskilstuna and Västerås. They are situated at the ground floor in the main
building on each campus. The staff at the information desks can assist you with the following:
• General information about the university and university studies.
• Registration for undergraduate degree programs for the first semester. Students in degree
programs but attending other semesters can register themselves on-line in the Student Portal.
• Printing of Official Transcript of Records and Registration Certificates.
• Change of address, this you can also do directly in the Student Portal.
• Different forms and certificates that you may need regarding your studies.

The opening hours during the semesters are generally between 08.00 and 16.00. Changes in the
opening hours will be posted at the Information Desks.
Västerås Eskilstuna
Tel: +46-(0)21-10 13 10 Tel: +46-(0)16-15 36 60
Fax: +46-(0)21-10 13 20 Fax: +46-(0)16-15 36 30

International Office
The international office works with both incoming and outgoing students. They can help you with
the following:
• Questions regarding practical issues concerning your stay at the university
• If you need help regarding contacts with your home university
• If you are studying an undergraduate program and would like to study abroad
Opening hours will be posted at the Information Desk on each campus.

Admissions Office
Any questions regarding admission, eligibility, temporary postponement of studies, interruption of
studies etc. are handled by this team. The International Office handles admission of exchange

Central Study Advisors

You will find the Central Study Advisors in the vicinity of the Information Desk at each campus.
They can help with general study advising covering all the university. They also have knowledge
about the Swedish system in general. You can always set an appointment with them if you want to
discuss your studies. Every department also has study advisors who are specialised in the areas
within their respective department.

Office of Degrees
If you have completed an undergraduate program or a graduate program you must apply for your
degree at the Office of Degrees. Exchange students and students that have taken individual courses
apply for an Official Transcript of records. Application forms can be found on the web or at the
Information Desks.

Student Health Care
At the Student Health Care you can find support and help. . Everyone has “tystnadsplikt” which
means that the content of your talks are confidential. There are no charges when visiting the team
and you can meet with the members for:
• dialogues and counselling in personal and social matters,
• advice and assistance when contact various authorities etc in Swedish society
• fitness test and life style assessment
• advice regarding your health and eating habits.
If you need to see a doctor contact a Health Care Centre (see under the heading Medical Services),
or if you need some medical advice contact one of the university nurses, (see below).

Västerås Eskilstuna
Student Counsellor Karina Svedberg Student Counsellor Andrejs Ozolins
E-mail: E-mail:

Health Advisor Anette Hombäck Health Advisor Henna Schmidt

E-mail: E-mail:

Nurse Anna-Lena Rosenberg 070-304 41 71 Nurse Karin Johnsson 016-10 42 31

Location: Källgatan 14, 2nd floor, Location: Kungsgatan 39
Drop in on Wednesdays 08.00-12.00 a.m. Drop in: Monday-Friday 8.00-9.00 a.m.

Venereologic consulting / STD Venereologic consulting / STD

(Sexual transmitted disease) (Sexual transmitted diseases)
The Central Hospital Tel: +46-(0)21-17 32 49 Mälar Hospital Tel: +46-(0)16-10 30 89

Men/boys up to 25 can also visit the SESAM at Mälar Hospital

Youth Centre Tel: +46-(0)21-12 65 90. Drop-in Tuesdays and Thursdays at
8.30-9.30 a.m., Fridays at 9.00-10.00 a.m.
Tel: +46-(0)16-10 30 89
University Chaplain
The University Chaplains participate both in work and pleasure in the university and serve both
students and staff. They offer individual dialogues, and personal support as well as lunch
meditations, retreats, thematic services and degree celebrations. Everybody, regardless of gender,
religion, nationality, sexual preferences are welcome to contact them to discuss questions regarding
life, philosophy, religion, beliefs, ethics etc.
Västerås Eskilstuna
Chaplain Cathrine Tegerstrand Chaplain Marie-Louise Svensson
E-mail: E-mail:

Support for disabled students

Disabled students have their own contact person at the university. You will get help arranging any
extra equipment necessary to make your stay as convenient as possible. The university has
specialised in the support of students with dyslexia and is equipped to accommodate students with
various other disabilities. There is special equipment for students with reduced sight and hearing.
The whole university is also accessible for students in wheelchairs.

Agneta Sima Fax +46 (0)21 101580,
Tel. +46 (0)21 101483 E-mail:

The University Card will give you access to both the libraries on campus in Eskilstuna and Västerås
and make it possible to borrow books. You will find all course literature here but sometimes only as
reference literature to be read in the library. You will also find some international periodicals and
different types of data bases are available if you want to search for literature or articles. There are a
number of computers for you to use and a lot of quiet study places. For more information:

External Relations Office

This office handles the contacts with the surrounding regions. They can help students to find ideas
for jobs, summer jobs, and degree projects. Students following programs that cover three semesters
or more are given priority to summer jobs.

Idea Lab
There is a centre for creativity in the university called Idea Lab. The main idea is to stimulate and
develop ideas among students, staff and researchers at the university. This can be made individually
or in cooperation with a company or other external support. Another task is to pickup ideas from the
surrounding society and investigate the possibility to develop them within the university.
Idea Lab wants to show the students that there are alternatives to employment after completion of
studies, that creative students have the option to work with their creativity, and that there is support
available to make that happen.

The Student Union

The Student Union at Mälardalen University has a variety of tasks. The Union is represented in
every board and takes part in every development project within the university. They are the voice of
the students and protect their rights. Along with this they also run a restaurant and a pub. They
organise all kinds of social activities and sport events. Membership in the Student union is
obligatory and gives a number of discounts and privileges to you as a student. There is an
International Committee that organises events for guest students. Other committees focus on sports,
music, computers etc. Most of the work within the Student Union is done on a voluntary basis and
you are welcome to join. For more information:

International Committee
The International Committee (IC) of the Student Union organises, fadders, student friends for the
exchange students and free mover students. The MIMA students get their, fadders, through their
departments and through the MIMA Student Union. You will meet the people from the IC and the
MIMA Student Union during the introduction days, and get further information on the activities
they organize. If you want to get in contact with the IC in Västerås then send an e-mail to:
For more information regarding IC have a look at
If you want to contact the MIMA Student Union:
For more information:

Student Union Sports Association

VSIF and ESIF, the local Student Union Sports Associations in Västerås and Eskilstuna
respectively, organize various kinds of sports activities at fixed times every week. By paying a
small fee you become a member and throughout the semester you can participate in all the available
activities you want e.g. basketball, soccer, volleyball, climbing, weightlifting and floorball. VSIF
and ESIF also arrange for members to participate in annual sports tournaments with other students
from all over the country.

The university from A-Z

Academic Calendar
The academic year consists of two main semesters, the fall and the spring semester. The dates for
the semesters during this academic year are:
Fall semester: August 21, 2006 - January 14, 2007
Spring semester: January 22, 2007 - June 10, 2007
There is also a summer semester: June 11, 2007 – August 19, 2007, during which a few
courses are offered.
There are no official breaks during either semester, but normally some 10 - 14 days around
Christmas are lecture free. However, it is possible that you will need to participate in some group
work and/or prepare for a paper during that period.
Each semester is divided into two study periods/four study modules. Study period 1 and 2 are in the
fall semester and study period 3 and 4 are in the spring semester. Each of the study periods can then
be divided into two modules depending on at which department you are studying. For this academic
year the semesters and study periods are divided as follows:

Fall semester Spring semester

Module 1a: 21.08.06 - 24.09.06 Module 3a: 22.01.07 - 25.02.07
Module 1b: 25.09.06 - 29.10.06 Module 3b: 26.02.07 - 01.04.07
Module 2a: 30 10.06 - 03.12.06 Module 4a: 02.04.07 - 07.05.07
Module 2b: 04.12.06 - 14.01.07 Module 4b: 08.05.07 - 10.06.07
Keep in mind that the normal workload per semester is 30 ECTS credits (20 Swedish points).

Admission Rules
The government regulates admission to university studies and outline the main structure to follow.
Then every university adapts its own admission rules to these instructions. The admission rules
cover applications, eligibility and selection to courses and programs as well as how decisions are
made and how to make appeals. If you have questions regarding these issues, please contact the
team working with admissions and degrees. Exchange students please contact the International

The following decision made by the university can be appealed:
• Decision about credit transfer
• Decision about eligibility
• Decision concerning refusal to issue a degree certificate
When you receive a decision concerning the above-mentioned areas you will also receive
information about how to proceed with an appeal.

Application for Courses when studying a Degree Program

When you are studying a degree program you need to apply for the courses you are going to take
the next semester. This is to confirm that you are taking the courses as planned. Last day to apply
for courses in spring semester is October 15th and last day to apply for courses in the autumn
semester is April 15th. When in doubt or if you have any questions please contact the study advisor
at your department.

Book Stores
Akademibokhandeln carries the literature for the courses given at the university. Here you can also
by the special study materials prepared by teachers. At the notice boards close to the Information
Desk you can also find information about second hand literature for sale.

Akademibokhandeln in Eskilstuna
Kungsgatan 24, Cityhuset. Open Monday-Friday 10.00-18.00, Saturday 10.00-16.00.
Tel: 016-51 09 40

Akademibokhandeln in Västerås
Gallerian: Open Monday-Friday 10.00-19.00, Saturday 10.00-16.00.
Tel: 021-18 09 00
Mälardalen University: Open Monday-Thursday 9.00-17.00, Friday 9.00-16.00.
Tel: 021-10 16 66

Campus transport
The university has negotiated a transport service with the railway company for students and staff to
go by train between the two campuses. The service is free of charge and works all days of the week
during the academic year i.e. from 2006-08-21 until 2007-06-10. Your University Card works as a
ticket when it is provided with a semester label that can be obtained at the Information Desks.
Campus buildings are located close to the respective railway stations, in Eskilstuna only 200 meters
away and in Västerås the distance is roughly 1 kilometre (a 15 minute walk). The train journey
between Västerås and Eskilstuna takes about 30 minutes.

Change of Address
If you change your address you need to inform us about it. Please do so at the Information Desk, at
the Library and at the reception desk of the Student Union. You need to inform all three functions.
You can also change your temporary address in the Student Portal. You still need to inform the
Library and the Student Union separately. Please note that if the university does not have your
correct address you may not receive important letters, such as letters of admission. You cannot use
a c/o address to another student in a student dorm.

In Sweden there are severe regulations against cheating. Any written assignment or exam is
checked with the help of databases in order to discover improper use of material written by others
than the student/students responsible for the text handed in. If irregularities are discovered the
student/students will be reported to the Disciplinary Board. If found guilty the student/students will
not be able to get a grade in the course in question and may be expelled from the university for a
certain time. Note that if one student cheats in a group work the consequences will affect the whole

Computer Facilities
Each department at the university has its own computer facilities with Internet access for its
students. The computer rooms are generally accessible seven days a week. Be prepared to show
your University Card or passport to the security guards if you stay in the computer rooms in the
evening or at weekends. Upon arrival you will be given a user name and password so that you can
access the computers at your department and at the Library. You will be asked to read the rules and
regulations concerning the Internet use and sign for it. Please respect the opening hours of the
computer rooms.

Copy Centre, Repro
In Västerås it operates just to the right of the Information Desk. In Eskilstuna only smaller copy
assignments can be made. Please talk to the Information Desk if you need help. At the Västerås
branch they can make copies for you of your project work and copy various papers. They do colour
prints, bind your dissertations and lots of other printing services. They produce all kinds of study
material prepared by teachers for their courses.

Copy Machines
In both Eskilstuna and Västerås you can make your own photocopies in the library or at the Student
Union House. Copy cards for the machines are sold in the library, and at the information desk in the
Student Union House.
N.B. The machines operate with different copy cards.

Course Syllabuses
Every course has a syllabus that describes the aim of the course and the content, the number of
credits worth, teaching methods, eligibility requirements, forms of examination, grading scale and
literature. You can find the course syllabuses on the following web site:

Credit Points
Each course is measured in credit points, poäng. One week of full time studies is the equivalent of 1
credit point. A 5-credit point course is according to this, 5 weeks of fulltime studies or 10 weeks of
studies at half speed. Every course is also indicated by the ECTS credit system. One Swedish credit
point is the equivalent of 1.5 ECTS credits. A 5-credit point course is 7.5 ECTS credits. Fulltime
studies for one semester corresponds to 20 credit points, i.e. 30 ECTS credits.

Credit Transfer
Results of academic courses from other universities in Sweden and/or abroad may be transferred to
your studies at Mälardalen University and taken into account if or when you apply for a degree.
Courses and parts of courses in subjects that are taught at the university are assessed by the
department in charge of that particular subject. The Division for Student Affairs, Office of Degrees,
will assess other subject areas. If you want credits transferred you need to apply for it on a specific
form available at the Information Desk or at your department. Please note that this does not apply to
exchange students and Free Mover students studying individual courses. If in doubt please contact
the Division for Student Affairs. We do not transfer degrees.

Degree Certificate
If you are a student following a specific undergraduate or graduate program and have been admitted
by the Admissions Office you will want a degree certificate when you have finished your program.
In order to get a degree certificate you need to apply for it. You can pick up the application form
you need at the Information Desk. You need to check yourself if all your study results have been
registered. This you can do on your profile in the Student Portal or by asking for a Transcript of
Records either at the Information Desk or at the reception at your department. If something is
missing please contact the relevant department. A complete transcript of records must be included
with the application. If you wish to include courses taken at other universities you need to submit
transcripts from these institutions as well as course syllabuses. You can send in the application form
with all the enclosures to the Division of Student Affairs or hand it in at the Information Desk.

Each department is responsible for study programs and courses within specific subject areas. They
make sure that quality is maintained and that the content of the programs and courses is updated
and relevant. The person in charge of a department is called Head of department.

Disciplinary Board
The disciplinary board decides on disciplinary actions against students that have not followed the
rules of the university. Most of the actions regard cases of fraud and cheating. There are two student
representatives on the board.

Diploma Supplement
The Diploma supplement is an annex to a degree certificate. The purpose of the supplement is to
provide sufficient independent data to improve international "transparency" and fair academic and
professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc). Diploma Supplement
is designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies
that were purposed and successfully completed by the individual named on the original
qualification to which this supplement is appended.

Director of Studies
Each department has one or more directors of studies studierektor. The director of studies is in
charge of the planning and implementation of the different subject areas within the department.
They also plan the time schedules for the lecturers.

As a student you will receive an e-mail address when you collect your user name. The e-mail
address will only function after you have registered for the first program or course.
The university, its teachers and staff will use this e-mail address if they need to reach you. Please
make sure that you check it regularly. Your e-mail address is active two semesters after your last
registration. To redirect your e-mail to another address please contact:

Environmental Certification
Mälardalen University is first university to become environmentally certified according to ISO
14001. The university has a policy with the visions and principles for the work with long-term
sustainable development. The philosophy of sustainable development is present throughout the
university. In course and program syllabuses, in the recycling system, in the way we use material
and resources, etc. The university constantly has to file progress reports on how the work is
progressing and how we measure up to our goals. It is important that you participate in this work
and follow the rules regarding recycling etc.

Equal Opportunities
The university has an equal opportunity policy. The aim is to meet every individual with respect
and consideration regardless of age, gender, social background, skin colour, ethnic or cultural
background, religion, disability or sexual preference. If you feel in any way harassed, insulted,
discriminated or mistreated there are different persons you could contact; the head of your
department, the head of the personnel division, the student health care, the student chaplain or the
equal opportunities administrator.

Examination sittings
Certain weeks in the semester are examination weeks. You will find information about that on your
course schedule. In order to participate in a written exam you need to sign up for it. Lists will be
posted at the notice boards at the department in charge of the course. You must sign up at the latest
6 working days before the examination day. Information about the location of the examinations will
be posted on the specific notice boards for examinations two days before the examination day.
These notice boards are close the Information Desks. Written examinations will start on the
following times:

Monday – Friday Saturday - Sunday

Morning session: 08.30 Morning session: 09.00
Afternoon session 14.30 Afternoon session 14.30

Coordinators for the examination sittings are:

Eskilstuna: Viktoria Andersson
Västerås: Linda Bossel
Rules for examinations:
Please make sure that you carefully read the booklet “What every student needs to know about
written examinations”. It contains very important information about examination procedures, what
you can bring to the examination and what happens afterwards. If you fail an exam you have the
right to do it again.
Results of written exams are generally posted on the notice boards. The results should appear no
later than 15 working days i.e. three weeks after the exam.
E-mail about your result
When the result of a test, examination etc. has been registered in the study documentation system,
LADOK, an e-mail will automatically be sent to you.

Faculty Boards
The university has three faculty boards, The Faculty Board of Natural Sciences and Technology,
The Faculty Board of Humanities, Social and Caring Sciences and The Faculty Board of Education.
The faculty boards are responsible for the planning, structure, content and quality assurance in
education and research.

Forms of Examination
Several different types of examination are used within the University. You can have long written
examinations, oral examinations, home examinations, PM, lab reports, presentations, projects,
seminars etc. many courses include more than one type of examination.

The grades used for individual courses are, U- underkänd = Fail, G - godkänd = Pass and
VG - väl godkänd = Pass with Distinction. In engineering departments the grades can also
be U- underkänd = Fail, 3,4 and 5 with 5 being the highest. In some courses you can only
get U - underkänd = Fail or G- godkänd = Pass. The overall grade for a course is only given when
all the different parts of the course have been graded.
A given grade cannot be appealed but as a student you can discuss the grading with the examiner if
you have another opinion regarding his or her correction. A correction can only be made if it raises
your result.

The university has a policy and an action plan that deals with various kinds of harassment. If you
feel in any way harassed there are different persons you could contact. Each case is treated with the
outmost discretion and respect.
Equal Opportunities Administrator, 021-10 14 35
University Lawyer 021-10 70 79
Counsellor at the Student Health Care, 016-15 34 77, 021-10 14 30
Student Chaplain, 016-15 34 24, 021-10 31 20
Police, 016-16 20 00, 021- 15 20 00

Head of Department
The head of department, prefekt, has the overall responsibility for the department; education, budget
and economy and personnel administration.

Head of Laboratory
The head of laboratory is in charge of the overall planning at one of the laboratories in the

Host Department
Every degree program and every course has a host department. That department is in charge of the
running, planning, development and quality assessment of the program/course. In the
program/course syllabus you find information about which is the host department of your

Interruption of Studies
If you decide to interrupt your studies it is regarded as quitting your studies with no intention of
returning. You need to inform the Admissions office about your intentions. There is a specific form
that you can use in this regard that you will find at the Information Desk or at your department. This
regards primarily students following undergraduate or graduate programs.

They are responsible for the computers at the department, software and hardware.

IT Support for Students

Mälardalen University uses a system called “the Student in the Centre” SIC. This allows you to get
access to computers in an easy way. You get one user name and password that gives you access to
the computers you need during your studies at your department and in the Library.

Courses in a subject area follow each other. Basic courses are called A-level, Intermediate courses
called B-level, Advanced courses called C-level and Specialised courses called D-level. Courses on
A-, B- and C-level are offered in a Bachelor’s degree, courses on D-level are Master degree
courses. You may on occasions find A-, B- and C-level courses taught on the D-level.

The bookstore “Akademibokhandeln” carries the books used in the courses offered at the university.
The Student Union has a web site for used literature. At the moment the site is only in Swedish but
with some help from a Swedish-speaking student you can find books
there at a good price. There are also notice boards that carry information about second hand course

Notice Boards
You will find different kinds of notice boards throughout the university. They cover everything
from protocols from different board meetings to second hand literature and housing. On the notice
boards at each department you will find lists to sign up for exams, results from exams and other
important information.

Official Transcript of Records

If you are an exchange student or a student that have studied only individual courses you may want
an Official Transcript of Records. In order to get a transcript you need to apply for one. You can
ask for the application form at the Information Desk or download it from the web. To make sure
that all the courses in which you have obtained a grade will be on your transcript you need to ask
for a Transcript of Records or check you results in the Student Portal to see if all your results have
been registered. Then fill in the form ”Application for Official Transcript of records”, and hand it in
at the Information Desk or send it directly to the Admissions Office. The certificate will be sent by
regular mail to the address you indicate on the form.

The university has parking areas around campus in Västerås. In order to pay the lower rate you need
to be a registered student at the university. When you have registered you can ask for a parking
permit at the Information Desk. The permit should be visible the front window of the car at all
times. The permit means that you only pay 10 SEK per day or you can buy a monthly parking
permit at the machine 120 SEK per month. In order to get the lower rate you need to press the
yellow button on the parking meter before putting in the money.
For parking in Eskilstuna please ask at the Information Desk.

Program Syllabus
Every degree program has a program syllabus that describes the content and the aim of the program
as well as which study guaranties are linked to the program. The program syllabus has a general
part and a study plan part. The general part is valid for the whole study program the study plan part
is renewed every year. To find the syllabuses:

Responsible for Study Program at a Department

At every department you will find a specific person programansvarig in charge of each study
program, both on undergraduate and graduate level. That person can provide you with information
regarding your program, the courses and choice of courses offered.

Reception at Department
Each department has a reception were you can general information regarding the department, the
courses they offer, transcripts of record, information about exams, how to reach study advisors,
registration for courses and international contacts.

You need to register each semester for the courses you are taking. If you do not register you cannot
participate in the education and you cannot participate in exams. During the introduction days you
will get instructions about how to proceed to register for the courses/program you have been
admitted to. If you arrive late, please contact the reception at your department. Students in study
programs that are in the second semester or more can register on-line through the student portal by

Registration Certificate
If you need a registration certificate for your home university or for other reasons you can ask for it
at the Information Desk or at the reception at your department. The certificate will show the courses
you have been registered on for the current semester.

Secretary of Department
There is at least one secretary at each department. They are usually placed at the reception. The
secretary handles the exam administration and hands out exams that have been graded. They can
issue transcripts of record and register you for the courses you have been admitted to. They are very
helpful with any information you may need concerning the department.

Student Card
When you are a student in Sweden you must become a member of the Student Union. When you
pay the Student Union fee you receive a slip confirming your payment. This paper you should keep
in a safe place. After approx three weeks you will receive a plastic card, Studentkortet that replaces
the slip. The membership of the Student Union gives you access to a lot of the activities organised
by the Student Union, it also gives you discounts in several shops and facilities in the cities. You
can fins information about the activities and the reductions on the following web site:

Student Insurance
As a student at the university you are insured during education hours and during direct travel
between your home and the university. The insurance covers accidents and diseases caused by
contamination in cases related to the education. For more information about the insurance coverage
please check: and choose the English version.
Exchange students have an extended version of the insurance. If necessary please contact the
International Office.
Please note that the insurance only covers emergency illness not illnesses that have developed over
time or if it is a chronic decease.
For the claim form please visit:

Student Portal
The student portal is your own unique web site. To get access you need to be registered, have a user
name and a password. In the student portal you can find your course registrations, your time
schedules, your study results, read news and lots more. To access the portal use the following web
You will have access to the portal for at least one semester after you have finished your studies. If
you have problems with your login and password please contact the help desk. You should also be
aware of that a computer used in another country might not have the software necessary to connect
to the portal.

Student Union Fee

The payment slip for the Student Union fee will be given to you during the introduction days or if
you arrive late you can pick it up at the reception in the Student Union house. You can pay the fee
in any bank.

Study Abroad
As a student in an undergraduate or a graduate program longer than one year you are eligible for
studies abroad. The university has approx. 160 agreements with other universities around the world.
The credits earned during studies abroad will be transferred. More information on the web site: or from the International Office.

Study Advisor at a Department
Each department has its own study advisors. They know all about what their department has to offer
when it comes to courses and programs. They can also help with study planning and studies abroad.

Study Documentation
All information related to study results is documented in a computer system called LADOK. From
this system you can retrieve various kinds of study documentation such as transcripts of record,
registration certificates and course/degree certificates.

Study Results
When you have registered at Mälardalen University you get an e-mail address. To this address you
will automatically receive information every time your exam and other study results have been
reported and registered in the LADOK system.

Teachers and Examiners

They inform about the course content, the structure of the course and the examination. They answer
questions about the courses and exams and are responsible for the implementation of the course.
They are also in charge of the course evaluation.

Temporary postponement of studies

Some times during your period of studies situations may arise that require you to take a break from
your studies. Reason for this kind of break may be social, medical, military service etc. You can
apply for a temporary postponement on a specific form. The temporary postponement will be
granted with a permit to resume your studies within a certain time limit. You can find the
application form at the Information Desk. This only applies to students following a study program
and in some cases a postponement from a master’s program is impossible.

Transcript of Records
Transcript of Records provides a history of the student’s academic achievements. Mälardalen
University provides every student who has successfully completed her/his studies with an official
transcript with ECTS grading. You can obtain a Transcript of Record as often as you wish. The
Information Desk or the secretary at your department can print it out for you. The transcript of
records is not to be confused with a degree certificate.

University Card
Every person working or studying at Mälardalen University needs a University Card. The card
gives you access to the premises and then to the study rooms, labs and computer rooms you need to
use during your study period. The card is also your ticket for free train rides during the semesters
between both campuses, Eskilstuna and Västerås (see Campus Transport). To get a card you first
need to register for your course or program. Then you wait until 13.00 the day after to go and have
your photograph taken and immediately after that you will receive the card. It may then take a
couple of hours before the card is activated. You must wait between registration and photography
due to overnight coordination between our computer systems. You can find information about the
hours for photography at the Information Desk.
If the card does not work please contact either the Information Desk, the library or the secretary of
your department. Any malfunction takes at least 24 hours to correct. If you loose your card you will
be charged 100 SEK for the next one.

User name
To get access to the computers connected to the university computer system you need a user name
and a password. You need to register before you can get your user name and password. When you
have registered for a degree program, either on undergraduate or graduate level you can collect the
user name at the Information Desk. If you are taking individual courses not leading to a degree you
can pick up your user name at the reception at your department. When you collect the user name
you must identify yourself, sign a paper where you promise to follow the rules regarding the use of
the university computer net. After you have received your user name it may take up to two days
before you can have full access to all the systems.
If you have problems with the user name and /or password please contact the secretary at your

Workshop for academic writing

The university runs with the department of Humanities a support service, skrivarstuga, in order to
help and support students with their larger written assignments such as PM’s, undergraduate and/or
graduate thesis, degree projects etc. At the moment this mainly concerns writing in Swedish but
some assistance is also available in English.

Practical Information from A-Z

Banks are traditionally open Monday to Friday 9.30 – 15.00. On Thursdays they usually stay open
until 17.30. They are closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

Having access to a bike makes local travelling much easier in both cities. A network of bicycle
paths runs through them, usually away from cars and heavy traffic, often enabling you to reach your
destination very quickly. Ask your fadder to help check the local newspapers, VLT in Västerås and
Eskilstuna-Kuriren and Folket in Eskilstuna, for adverts on bikes for sale.

Car rentals
Renting a car can be a good way of getting to know the country, especially if you can share the cost
with some friends. Check out Car rentals, Biluthyring on the Yellow Pages, Gula Sidorna, in the
phone book for contact information to car rentals and ask for the best deal.

Change of Currency
Most of the major bank offices as well as at Forex you can buy and sell foreign currencies.

Certification of copies
Students admitted to courses/programs sometimes need certified copies of their documents.
The university staff cannot certify copies as “Certified true copy” since they are not familiar with
the documents and cannot easily see if a document is genuine. On the other hand you can ask a
friend to certify your papers since the certification only covers the document presented and if your
friend is not employed by a governmental body such as the university.
In order to certify copies please contact Notarius Publicus, who can be found in the Yellow Pages
of the telephone directory.

Dental Care
In both Västerås and Eskilstuna, if you have a dental problem, call your nearest District Dental
Clinic, which you will find under Folktandvård on the Blue Pages in the telephone book. If you
want to turn to a private dentist, see the Yellow Pages under Tandläkare - Privatpraktiserande.

The District Dental Clinics nearest to the university:

Eskilstuna Västerås
Folktandvården Folktandvården
Vårdcentralen City Herrgärdets Vårdcentral
Kungsgatan 41 Karlsgatan 17A
Eskilstuna Västerås
Tel. +46-(0)16-10 40 70, weekdays Tel. +46-(0)21-17 41 20, weekdays

Tel. 112 on Sat, Sun and holidays Tel. 112 on Sat, Sun and holidays
10.00 – 12.00 10.30 – 11.30

There are sometimes discounts for students on e.g. trains, buses, cafés, gyms, record shops etc,
provided that you can show your Studentkortet (not to be confused with the University Card).
Contact the Student Union for information on available discounts.

Anyone in possession of any type of illegal drugs runs the risk of being arrested and prosecuted.
Please note that hashish, marijuana and steroids are classified as illegal drugs. This is regardless of
whether you intend to use it yourself or sell it.

Dry Cleaning
Dry cleaning, kem-tvätt, is considered fairly expensive so check prices before you hand anything in
for cleaning.

Emergency calls:
In the whole of Sweden, dial 112 and ask for:
Brandkåren – the Fire Brigade
Polisen – the Police
Ambulans – an Ambulance

Fax service
Faxes directly related to your studies may be sent and received by assistance of the International
Office or the Information desk, fax no +46 21 10 15 80. For all other kinds of faxes you need to rely
on other telecom services in the cities.

Medical services
If you need a doctor you have two options. If it is a real emergency you should of course go
directly to the Emergency Ward. If it is a semi emergency or not an emergency but still needs
medical attention you should go to a Health Care Centre. The Health Care Centre may decide to
send you to the Emergency Ward but in that case you will move quicker through the system since a
doctor have referred you. A visit to the Emergency Ward without talking to a doctor before can take
a long time.

Emergency medical services

Turn to the Emergency Ward, Akuten, at the hospital when you are seriously ill after office hours. If
you can give them a call before you go to the Emergency ward, it will facilitate their services.
The Emergency ward in Eskilstuna: The Emergency ward in Västerås:
Akutmottagningen Akutmottagningen
Mälarsjukhuset Centrallasarettet, ingång/entrance 36 or 1
Eskilstuna Västerås
Tel. +46-(0)16-10 39 00 Tel. +46-(0)21-17 36 24

If you are a EU-citizen, always bring your E111 / E128 / European Health Insurance Card to prove
your eligibility for Swedish health care. If you come from a country outside of the European Union
you must be prepared to pay full medical fee, at least 2500 SEK, and then claim the expenses from
your own insurance company.

Semi emergency situations

If you feel that you must see a doctor but your condition is not very serious you should always start
by contacting a Health Care Centre. During daytime you should directly contact the Health Care
Centre you have been allocated to (see below). After 17.00 in the afternoon or during weekends you
must contact the following:

Eskilstuna Vårdcentral Oxbackens Vårdcentral

Kungsgatan 39-41, Repslagargatan 3
63188 Eskilstuna 724 60 Västerås
Tel: +46-(0)16-104001 Tel: +46-(0)21-174700

These Emergency Health Care Centres will then either:

• tell you to contact your Health Care Centre the next working day
• treat your ailment
• refer you to the Emergency ward at the hospital
all depending on how serious they estimate your condition to be.

If you are a EU-citizen, always bring your E111 / E128 / European Health Insurance Card to prove
your eligibility for Swedish health care. If you come from a country outside of the European Union
you must be prepared to pay full medical fees, at least 1400 SEK.

Health Care – Medical assistance – Visit a doctor

If you urgently need to see a doctor during ordinary office hours on workdays you need to contact a
Health Care Centre Vårdcentral and book an appointment.
If your need is less urgent you can start by visiting the Nurse at the Student Health Care and she
may then refer you to a doctor.

If you live in Eskilstuna you should contact the following Health Care Centre:
Eskilstuna Vårdcentral
Kungsgatan 39-41,
63188 Eskilstuna
Tel: +46-(0)16-104001

If you live in Västerås you have been allocated to a Health Care Centre depending on where you
live. This means that you can only go to the Health Care Centre indicated here below as the one
covering your address in Västerås. You cannot go to any of the others. The opening hours are 08.00
– 16.00

If you live at: Your Health Care Centre:
Norra Allégatan Läkargruppen
Sundinska Vreten Källgatan 10
Södra Allégatan 722 11 Västerås
Tel: +46-(0)-21-150230

Junior Prima
Timmermannen Källgatan 26
Vallby 722 11 Västerås
Tel: +46-(0)-21-150380

Bjurhovdatoppen Herrgärdet familjeläkarenhet

Hallstahammar Karlsgatan 17 A
Hülphergatan 722 14 Västerås
Tel: +46-(0)-21-174101

Park Servicehälsans familjeläkare AB

Legeringsgatan 2
721 30 Västerås
Tel: +46-(0)-021 – 196800
Please note that this may be subject to change, check the website before consulting a doctor

If you are a EU-citizen, always bring your E111 / E128 / European Health Insurance Card to prove
your eligibility for Swedish health care. If you come from a country outside of the European Union
you must be prepared to pay full medical fees, at least 1400 SEK.

Medicine is available only on prescription and merely at pharmacies, apotek, where you can even
buy simple medicines e.g. headache tablets without a prescription, receptfritt. To get a prescription,
recept, you need to see a doctor. Note that contraceptive pills are available on prescription only.

Apoteket Kronan Apoteket Vita Tigern Apoteket Hjorten
Kungsgatan 37 Mälarssjukhuset Stora gatan 34
Eskilstuna Eskilstuna Västerås
Tel. +46-(0)771-450 450 Tel. +46-(0) 771-450 450 Tel. +46-(0) 771-450 450
Mon – Fri: 9.30 – 18.00 Mon – Fri: 8.30 – 18.00 Mon – Fri: 9.30 – 19.00
Sat: 9.30 – 14.00 Sat, Sun and holidays: Sat: 20.00 – 16.00
11.00 – 18.00 Sun and holidays: 12.00 – 16.00

Postal Services
Mailboxes are blue for local and regional mail (see zip codes on the box) and gray/yellow for the
rest of the country as well as for international mail. To buy stamps go to your local food store or

Public Holidays
The public holidays are:
Nyårsdagen New Year’s Day, January 1st
Trettondedag jul Epiphany, January 6th
Långfredagen Good Friday
Påskdagen Easter Sunday
Annandag påsk Easter Monday
Första Maj May Day, May 1st
Kristi Himmelsfärdsdag Ascension Day,
Pingstdagen Whitsunday
Sveriges Nationaldag Sweden’s National Day, June 6th
Midsommardagen Midsummer’s Day, the Saturday that falls
between June 20th and 26th
Alla Helgons dag All Saint’s Day the Saturday which falls between
October 31st and November 6th
Juldagen Christmas Day, December 25th
Annandag Jul Boxing Day, December 26th

Beside these official public holidays there are other days of equal, or even greater importance like
Easter Eve (the day before Easter Sunday), Midsummer’s Eve (the day before Midsummer’s Day),
Christmas Eve (Dec 24th) and New Year’s Eve (Dec 31st) when most people do not work at all or
only part of the day.

Other festivities:
On Valborgsmässoafton, Walpurgis Eve on April 30th, the Swedes welcome spring with large
bonfires, speeches, songs and fireworks. You will find the tradition particularly celebrated in
Uppsala, a city close to Västerås.

Sweden’s National Day is celebrated on June 6th with parades, speeches and brass bands, however it
is a recent tradition and has been declared a public holiday as of 2005.

The tradition of St. Lucia is celebrated on December 13th. A girl, Lucia, dressed in a white gown
and with a crown of candles on her head, arrives accompanied by a choir of girls and boys all
dressed in white, with candles in their hands, and singing traditional Lucia carols. Lucia is
celebrated at Mälardalen University, early in the morning on December 13th.
If you are interested in knowing more about Swedish traditions and festivities, we strongly
recommend the booklet Maypoles, Crayfish and Lucia, Swedish Holidays and Traditions (also
available in French, German, Spanish, Italian and Swedish) published by the Swedish Institute. You
can often find it at Tourist Information bureaus or in the bookshops.

Public Libraries
At the public libraries you will find international press to read. You can also borrow books free of
charge provided you return them in time. Ask the clerk for a library ticket, lånekort, which will
allow you this service. Be prepared to show your passport to get the library ticket. At public
libraries you can also get Internet access for a very low price.

Eskilstuna Stad och Länsbibliotek Stadsbiblioteket

Kriebsensgatan 4 Biskopsgatan 2
Eskilstuna Västerås

Religious Services
Apart from the Swedish Lutheran Protestant Church, there are also in both cities, Catholic Churches
with Sunday services and social activities, Muslim Religious and Cultural Centres, as well as a
number of Free Churches.

Catholic Churches
Katolska Kyrkan Katolska Församlingen
Djurgårdsvägen 32 Lidmansvägen 8
633 50 Eskilstuna 724 61 Västerås
Tel.+46-(0)16-14 16 66 Tel. +46-(0)21-14 11 20

Muslim Religious/Cultural Centres

Islamiska föreningen Islamiska föreningen och kulturcentret
Östra Åsgatan 10 Stora gatan 88
631 04 Eskilstuna 724 60 Västerås
Tel. +46-(0)21-13 87 88

Swedish Lutheran Protestant Church, main centres of activity

Klosters kyrka Västerås Domkyrka
Eskilstuna Västerås
Tel. +46-(0)16-10 16 96 Tel. +46-(0)21-16 10 06

Restaurants and Cafés

In both cities you will find a large choice of restaurants ranging from fast food to smarter
restaurants with menus and licensed to serve alcohol. At lunchtime, many restaurants have a special
dish of the day, dagens rätt, which normally includes a main course, a salad, bread,
butter, a soft drink and/or coffee. Approximate prices for lunch at the university cafeterias is SEK
45, and at restaurants in the cities SEK 50 - 80.

Coffee is probably the Swedish national drink and the coffee break is an institution at all work
places including the university. Spending an hour or two in a café is also very popular and some
places stay open until quite late. Look around and find your favourite spot.

Right of Common Access

Allemansrätten, the Right of Common Access or “Everyman’s Right“, is a unique Swedish
tradition, which entitles anyone to roam freely throughout the countryside, as long as you do not
intrude, vandalize or litter.

You can for instance:

• Walk through forests or across fields that are not sown
• Walk or bike on any road, public or private.
• Pick wild berries and mushrooms.
• Camp for one night without permission.
• Open gates and climb fences etc. provided you close the gates after you and do not damage
gates or fences.
• Make a fire provided it is totally safe at the place in question and there are no fire
restrictions in force (e.g. during periods of dry weather).

But you are NOT allowed to:
• Enter someone’s private garden.
• Walk across sown fields, newly planted forest areas or similar where you can cause damage.
• Drive motor vehicles on private roads or through the terrain.
• Camp for more than one night without permission from the landowner.
• Make a fire if there is a risk of spreading, or on a place where it can cause damage e.g. on
rocks that may be cracked by the heat.
• Damage live trees or any part of them.
• Collect bird’s eggs or nests.
• Pick rare and endangered species of plants.
• Fish without a fishing permit in lakes where permits are compulsory.
• Leave any litter in the countryside.

Second Hand Shopping

There are several places in both cities where you can find second hand shopping e.g.:
Västerås Eskilstuna
Myrorna Myrorna
Djuphamnsvägen 4 Rademachergatan 6

Brödet och Fiskarna

Branthovdagatan 14

In your welcome envelope there is more information about where to go for cheap shopping.

Shopping Food
Many foreigners consider food in Sweden expensive. Shop around to find the supermarkets and
grocery stores that you like. Be aware that normally no shop will be the cheapest for everything.
Also those that look very cheap will sell some things at higher prices than others.

Shops - Opening hours

Normally shops stay open Monday to Friday between 9.30 and 18 or 19 and until 16 or 17 on
Saturdays and Sundays. You will find many supermarkets open later in the evenings and on
Sundays. Shops usually close earlier on the day before a public holiday.

Special offers
Special, limited time, offers are called e.g. extrapris and Just nu-pris and you will find them in most
food shops. You will also get weekly, special offers from major supermarket chains by direct mail.
Look out for rabatt (discount), specialpris (special price) and nedsatt pris (reduced price).

Sales – rea
Especially clothes stores have end-of-the-season sales after Christmas and in January as well as in
July. Other sales occur throughout the year so watch out for REA signs and adverts.

Purchase on approval – Öppet köp

When shopping, you can ask in a store to buy an article (clothes, shoes, electrical appliances, etc.)
with the option of returning it within a limited time, normally 3 – 7 days. This is called öppet köp
and you are entitled to get your money back should you return the unused article with its packaging
and the receipt.

Taxis in Sweden are considered fairly expensive. They all work with taximeters. Some taxi
companies in Eskilstuna and Västerås have special deals for students provided you could show the
Studentkortet or an international student ID card. Make sure to tell them that you are a student when
you order the taxi.

Public telephones are easy to find all over both Västerås and Eskilstuna. To call from most
payphones you will need a phone card or a credit card. Phone cards are sold at many places e.g.
Pressbyrån kiosks/stores, the shops of Telia (the main Swedish telecommunications company),
other phone stores and many supermarkets.
If you would like to have your own private telephone, contact Telia. Be prepared to deposit SEK
5 000 unless you are a Swedish citizen. You will find Telia stores centrally located in Eskilstuna
and Västerås downtown
You can easily purchase a mobile phone at the big stores that deal with electronics. You can often
get the phone to a low price if you sign up for a determined time with a net provider. You can also
buy net access at these stores to fit your own mobile phone. Comviq, Tele2 and Vodaphone are
examples of net providers other than Telia.
Toll free numbers start with the “area code“ 020.

The Swedish Way

You might as well already get used to some typical Swedish manners:
• Being on time for appointments, including the start of lectures, seminars etc.
• Calling people by their first names, usually also your professors.
• Keeping in the queue.
• No smoking indoors (it is usually prohibited).
• Taking your shoes off when entering somebody’s home.

Sweden is one hour ahead of GMT. Daylight saving time (2 hours ahead of GMT) is used from the
last Sunday of March until the last Sunday of October.

Tourist Information
At the local Tourist Information Office you can find information on museums to visit, and other
interesting things to do and places to see.

Tourist Information Offices:

Västerås Turistbyrå Eskilstuna Turistbyrå
Kopparbergsvägen 1 Rademachergatan 50
722 13 Västerås 631 86 Eskilstuna
Tel. +46-(0)21-39 01 00 Tel. +46-(0)16-10 70 00

Travel agencies
You can obtain information on travelling at any of the travel agencies in Eskilstuna or Västerås. At
Ticket Travel Agency, Ticket Resebyrå, in both cities you can buy STA tickets, the Student Travel
Association tickets. You can also get an international student ID- card at Ticket Resebyrå. Bring
passport, two photos (passport size) and, if you are older than 26 and proof of your present status as
full time student.

You may encounter three companies during your stay; Swedish state railways,
• Statens Järnvägar (SJ) is a company which run trains all over Sweden,
• Västmanland Region’s Bus Company, Västmanlands Lokaltrafik (VL) and
• Länstrafiken Sörmland that covers the region Sörmland.
You have discounts on trains provided that you can show your Swedish student card Studentkortet.
If you plan to travel a lot by train, look for discounts on numerous travels.
For further information:
SJ(national railways): VL(Buses Västmanland): Länstrafiken Sörmlamd http://lanstrafiken .se

Visiting the Nordic countries by train

While in Sweden you may also want to take the opportunity to visit some of the other Nordic
countries. With the Scan Rail card you can travel as much as you like for 21 days and make stops
wherever you want in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. The Scan Rail Flexi card
enables you to travel as much as you want for five days during a period of 15 days. The cards also
entitle you to discounts on ferries, buses and hotels.

TV and Cinema
Films, stage plays and other programs in foreign languages on TV are not dubbed, but have
subtitles in Swedish. There are three national TV channels and many homes also have cable TV
with possibilities to receive a number of channels from other countries.
Films at cinemas are also shown in their original versions with subtitles in Swedish.

Wine and liquor

Wine and liquor are heavily taxed in Sweden and sold only in special stores, Systembolaget, which
are open Monday – Saturday. You must be at least 20 years old to buy alcohol at Systembolaget.
Beer of low alcoholic content can be bought at any supermarket

Work in Sweden as a Student

If you are a student from a EU country you are allowed to enter gainful employment during your
period of study and you do not need a specific work permit.

If you are a student from any other country outside of the European Union you may work during the
period that you have a residence permit for studies. You do not need a special work permit. If you
have applied for an extension of your residence permit for studies, you may continue to work while
waiting for the answer if:
• you made your application while your earlier permit was valid and
• you have had a residence permit for studies for at least six months.

More practical information can be found at:

Study in Sweden

Swedish tourism

Swedish Institute

Swedish yellow pages

National Agency for Higher Education

Sweden’s News in English


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