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MANT101: Managing for Performance

Paper Description and Aims .............................................................................................................. 3
Learning Outcomes .......................................................................................................................... 3
Teaching Staff................................................................................................................................... 4
Course Delivery ................................................................................................................................. 4
Expectations and Workload .............................................................................................................. 5
Course Learning Resources ............................................................................................................... 5
Prescribed Textbook ........................................................................................................................ 5
Blackboard ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Course Calendar ................................................................................................................................ 6
Assessment....................................................................................................................................... 7
Group Assessments I & II ................................................................................................................... 7
Individual Assessment ....................................................................................................................... 7
Final Exam…………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………..…….…8
IMPORTANT: Course Requirements.................................................................................................. 8
Assessing Learning Outcomes .......................................................................................................... 8
Quality Assurance ............................................................................................................................. 9
Grading System ................................................................................................................................ 9
Student Feedback ............................................................................................................................. 9
Class Representatives........................................................................................................................ 9
Concerns about the Course ............................................................................................................. 10
Disclaimer ....................................................................................................................................... 10

Paper Description and Aims
MANT101: Managing for Performance facilitates student learning about human interaction in the
workplace. It focuses upon individual and group behaviour, communications, and the management
of operations and human resources within organisations. This paper is a must for those who will be
working and interacting with people in their future careers.

Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this paper, you should be able to
1. Demonstrate an understanding of key concepts associated with managing for performance
within a range of contexts;
2. Synthesise key concepts regarding organisations, the role of managers and the act of leading
and managing individuals in teams and groups within an organisation;
3. Describe a managerial context and evaluate how the organisation or management should act or
respond (by defending your opinions and making judgements about information, validity of
ideas or quality of work based on a set of criteria);
4. Demonstrate competency in verbal communication;
5. Demonstrate competency in scholarly and business written communication.

Additionally students will develop the following transferable skills:

• Self-Awareness;
• Interacting with Others;
• Working in Teams;
• Dealing with Conflict;
• Solving Problems Collectively;
• Providing Feedback; and
• Leading Others.

Teaching Staff
Paper Coordinator and Course Lecturer
Name: Dr. Denis Griffin
Office: OBS 621
Office Hours: Email for an appointment

Course Lecturer
Name: Dr. Richard Greatbanks
Office: OBS 709
Office Hours: Email for an appointment

Course Lecturer
Name: Dr. Fiona Edgar
Office: OBS 614
Office Hours: Email for an appointment

Course Delivery
Lecture Day/Time: Monday 11:00-11:50
Workshops Day/Time: Two hours per week – see eVision

Every week students must attend one 50 minute lecture and one two-hour workshop.

Lectures present the key conceptual material and are supported by readings. These activities should
be prepared for by reviewing information detailed on the Course Calendar (page 6) and Blackboard,
and completing any assigned readings. Students unable to attend a lecture are expected to catch up
on missed material. Unless stated otherwise, all aspects of the course are examinable.

Workshops are interactive, collaborative sessions in which students cement concepts presented at
lectures in a supportive environment. Workshops begin in the second week of semester, and
run throughout the remainder of the semester. You will be allocated to a workshop and this will be
available in eVision. To avoid the administrative nightmares associated with large student
numbers, you must stay in your assigned workshop. Thanks for your cooperation.

Workshops offer you the opportunity to work in groups on a series of tasks designed to apply the
concepts that you have been exposed to in lectures and from your reading, and to stimulate your
interest in the course as it applies to everyday issues. The key feature of workshops, as opposed to
lectures and individual study, is the participation of all members of the workshop group. Please
prepare for workshops before going to them.

Remember, to pass MANT101 you must attend a minimum of five workshops. This is a terms

Course Calendar: the course calendar (below on page 6) details scheduling information. Note that
this calendar may change as the course proceeds. Any changes will be announced at lectures and
detailed on Blackboard.

Expectations and Workload

Students spend one hour per week in lectures, one hour per week preparing for workshops and two
hours per week in workshops. The remaining 128 hours should be devoted to readings,
assignments, online participation and preparation for exams.

Course Learning Resources

Prescribed Textbook
Samson, D., Catley, B., Cathro, V. & Daft, R. (2016). Management in New Zealand (2nd Ed.). Cengage
Learning Australia Pty Limited: Auckland.
This text book is only able to be purchased in e-copy:
• E-Copy:
catley-cathro-daft/9780170356398/ (10% off code: LEARN10OFFNZ)
Access to this text book is also available in the close reserve section in the University of Otago’s
Central Library. NOTE: For each topic, the relevant sections of the textbook will be posted on
Blackboard and will be provided in the Lecture slides. These readings have also been provided in the
Course Calendar. You should aim to at least have a look at and familiarise yourself with the topics and
relevant readings.

Blackboard provides you with access to course materials, class
notices and resources. Blackboard is used to email the whole class so it is important that you check
your student email and Blackboard regularly.

Course Calendar

Week Lecture Supporting Book Workshop Assessment Marking Instructor

Material Chapter
28 (12/7) Introduction none none No workshop Week1 Richard
29 (19/7) Evolution of To be announced 2 Team Formation & Not applicable (NA) NA Denis
Management (TBA) Bonding
30 (26/7) Operations TBA 8 and TBA Case Study Analysis I NA NA Richard
31 (2/8) The Process TBA 20 pp. Case Study Analysis II NA NA Richard
Perspective 804-808
and TBA
32 (9/8) Operational TBA 19 Operational Improvement Group Assessment I 15% Richard
improvement Plans Written Case Study
Due 13 August by 5pm
33 (16/8) Socio-Technical TBA TBA Activity Systems Analysis NA NA Richard
34 (23/8) HRM for TBA 12 HRM for Performance Group Assessment II 15% Fiona
Performance Activity Systems
Presentation (by video)
Due 27 August by 5pm
35 Mid-Semester Break 30 Aug. – 3 Sept.
36 (6/9) Mental Health and TBA NA Mental Health and NA NA Guest
Performance Performance. Carina Perner
37 (13/9) Leading TBA 15 Business Simulation 1 Week 12 NA Richard
38 (20/9) Motivating TBA 16 Business Simulation 2 Week 12 NA Denis
39 (27/9) Communication TBA 17 Business Simulation 3 Week 12 NA Denis
40 (4/10) Teamwork TBA 18 Project Report Individual Assessment 20% Denis
41 (11/10) Course Wrap-Up NA No Tutorial Week 13 Richard

NB: Your total tutorial mark will be a combination of Group Assessment I (15%), Group Assessment II (15%), and the Individual Assessment (20%).

For a list of calendar dates see the 2021 Academic Calendar here:

All material presented is examinable through tutorials and the final examination. Important
assessment information such as due dates and times, content and guidelines will be discussed at
lectures and/or detailed on Blackboard. Students are responsible for ensuring that they are aware of
this information, keeping track of their own progress, and catching up on any missed lectures.

Assessment % of final grade

Workshop Assessment: 50%
This is a combination of group and individual assignments.
Final Examination:
A two hour final exam in which you will have to answer 40 multiple- 50%
choice questions and an essay question.

A Very Brief Summary of the Workshop Assessments…

Weeks 3, 4 and 6: Group Case Study Analysis and Presentation
Practice Case Study: In your workshop in Week 3 you will be provided with a case study and an
associated list of questions to answer. Your tutor will support you to answer these questions and your
group will present their ideas back to the class informally.

Assessed Case Study (15%): In your workshop in Week 4 you will receive a second case study with
questions that will form the basis of your assessment for this part of the paper. You will be given
time in class to analyse and discuss the case study. The formal responses to your second case study
are due (latest) 13 August by 5pm. More information about turning in your assignment will be
provided closer to the date.

Group Presentation (15%): In your Week 6 workshop each group will conduct an “activity systems
analysis.” Following this workshop, all groups will record a ten-minute presentation of an activity
systems analysis and submit this recording. All members of the group must contribute to the
presentation and it is due 27 August by 5pm. More information about turning in your assignment
will be provided closer to the date.

Marks: Your group assessment marks account for 30% of your overall grade. 15% of the mark will
be allocated to the case study ideas and 15% to the quality of the presentation.

Week 12: Individual Project Report (20%)

During your workshop in Week 12, you will handwrite an individual 1-2 page “project report” essay
which summarizes your team’s performance across the three simulations (Weeks 9-11). You will
need to incorporate topics from the lectures in Weeks 9-12. This task will require critical thinking
and reflection. A template with subsections will be provided to help organise your responses and
your tutor will mark these assignments.

Marks: Your individual assessment mark accounts for 20% of your overall grade.

Final Exam (50%)
Part 1: Multiple-choice questions. This will be composed of 40 multiple-choice questions taken
from chapters 2, 8, 12 and 15 to 20 of the required text.

Part 2: Essay. You will get two questions to choose from and you will need to answer one in
approximately 750 words.

To prepare for the essay, remember that all things discussed in lectures, the readings and in
workshops are examinable. In Week 13, more information about the essay will be posted in
Blackboard to help you prepare.

IMPORTANT: Course Requirements

1. Student MUST attend at least five workshops during the semester;
2. Student MUST participate in the Group Report and Presentation (Weeks 4 to 7);
3. Student MUST complete the Individual Project Report (Week 12);
4. Your total workshop mark will be a combination of the Group Assessment and the Individual
Assessment (combined total worth 50%);
5. There is no provision for terms to be carried over into another semester.

Assessing Learning Outcomes


Learning Outcome

1. Demonstrate an understanding of key concepts associated with managing for

performance within a range of contexts
2. Synthesize key concepts regarding organisations, the role of managers and the
act of leading and managing individuals in teams and groups within an X X
3. Describe a managerial context and evaluate how an organisation or
management should act or respond (defend opinions by making judgements
about information, validity of ideas or quality of work based on a set of
4. Demonstrate competency in verbal communication X

5. Demonstrate competency in scholarly and business written communication X X

Quality Assurance
At the Otago Business School we monitor the quality of student learning and your learning experience.
Your assessed work may be used for assurance of learning processes, such as evaluating the level of
achievement of learning outcomes, with the aim of improving the quality of our programmes. All
material used for quality assurance purposes will be treated as confidential and the outcome will not
affect your grades.

Grading System
The grading scheme used at Otago is:

A+ 90-100 C+ 60-64
A 85-89 C 55-59
A- 80-84 C- 50-54
B+ 75-79 D 40-49
B 70-74 E <40
B- 65-69

Student Feedback
We encourage your feedback. This can be in the form of contacting staff, participating in course
evaluation surveys and communicating with class representatives. Continual improvements will be
made to this course based in part on student feedback.

Class Representatives
The class (or student) representative system is an avenue for encouraging communication and
consultation between staff and students. It provides you with a vehicle for communicating your views
on the teaching and delivery of the paper and provides staff with an opportunity to communicate
information and gain constructive feedback from students. It contributes to the development of a
sense of community within a department and it adds a further dimension to the range of support
services offered to students.

Volunteers for the role of class representatives will be called early in the semester. The OUSA invites
all class representatives to a training session, conducted by OUSA, about what it means to be a class
representative and some of the possible procedures for dealing with issues that arise. They also
provide information on the services that OUSA offers and the role OUSA can play in solving problems
that may occur. The OUSA provides support to class representatives during the semester.
Departmental staff will also meet with class representatives during the semester to discuss general
issues or matters they wish to have considered.

Your class representative’s name and contact details will be posted on Blackboard early in the

Concerns about the Course
We hope you will feel comfortable coming to talk to us if you have a concern about the course. The
Course Co-ordinator will be happy to discuss any concerns you may have. Alternatively, you can
report your concerns to the Class Representative, who will follow up with departmental staff. If,
after making approaches via these channels, you do not feel that your concerns have been
addressed, there are University channels that may aid resolution. For further advice or more
information on these, contact the departmental administrator or head of department.

While every effort is made to ensure that the information contained in this document is accurate, it
is subject to change. Changes will be notified in class and via Blackboard. Students are encouraged
to check Blackboard regularly. It is the student’s responsibility to be informed.


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