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Past simple – Form and use

Exercise 3

Fill in the gaps with the correct past simple forms of the verbs in brackets.

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Correct answers: 19/20.

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Two summers ago we 1 had (have) a holiday in Scotland. We  2

drove (drive) there from London, but our car  3 broke (break)
down on the motorway and we  4 spent (spend) the first night in
Birmingham. When we 5 got (get) to Edinburgh we  6 couldn't
(not can) find a good hotel - there 7 weren't (not be) any available
rooms. We 8 didn´t know (not know) what to do but in the end we 
9 found (find) a bed and breakfast and we 10 stayed (stay)
there for the week. We 11 saw (see) the castle, 12 went (go) to
the Arts Festival, and we 13 bought (buy) a lot of souvenirs. We  14
wanted (want) to go to Loch Ness but we  15 didn't have (not
have) much time and it  16 was (be) quite far away. The weather  17
was (be) good, but it  18 started (start) raining the day we 19
left (leave). We 20 had (have) a great time.


1 Correct answer: had

➪ Have is an irregular verb. The past form is had.

2 Correct answer: drove

➪ Drive is an irregular verb. The past form is drove.

3 Correct answer: broke

➪ Break is an irregular verb. The past form is broke.

4 Correct answer: spent

➪ Spend is an irregular verb. The past form is spent.

5 Correct answer: got

➪ Get is an irregular verb. The past form is got.

6 Correct answer: couldn't/could not

➪ Can is an irregular verb. The past form is could.

➪ Can/could is also an auxiliary verb, and this means that it has a
negative and interrogative form (without did).

7 Correct answer: weren't/were not

➪ Be is an irregular verb. The past form

is I/he/she/it was and you/we/they were.
➪ Be is also an auxiliary verb, and this means that it has a negative and
interrogative form (without did).

8 Correct answer: didn't know/did not know

➪ We use didn’t + infinitive to make negatives in past simple.

9 Correct answer: found

➪ Find is an irregular verb. The past form is found.

10 Correct answer: stayed

➪ Stay is a regular verb, and we add -ed to regular verbs to make the
past form.

11 Correct answer: saw

➪ See is an irregular verb. The past form is saw.

12 Correct answer: went

➪ Go is an irregular verb. The past form is went.

13 Correct answer: bought

➪ Buy is an irregular verb. The past form is bought.

14 Correct answer: wanted

➪ Want is a regular verb, and we add -ed to regular verbs to make the
past form.

15 Correct answer: didn't have/did not have

➪ We use didn’t + infinitive to make negatives in past simple.

16 Correct answer: was

➪ Be is an irregular verb. The past form

is I/he/she/it was and you/we/they were.

17 Correct answer: was

➪ Be is an irregular verb. The past form

is I/he/she/it was and you/we/they were.

18 Correct answer: started

➪ Start is a regular verb, and we add -ed to regular verbs to make the
past form.

19 Correct answer: left

➪ Leave is an irregular verb. The past form is left.

20 Correct answer: had

➪ Have is an irregular verb. The past form is had.

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