HO - KKK and The Kartilya NG Katipunan - Readings in The Philippine History - MWF 01-00-02 - 00PM

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The Lewis College

TOPIC: The KKK and the Kartilya ng Katipunan

Bea Joy D. Andulan
PROGRAM: BSBA Marketing Management I
SUBJECT: Readings in the Philippine History
INSTRUCTOR: Iris Cristine F. Gonzales
TERM: 1st Semester – Prelims AY. 2022-2023
DATE: September 12, 2022

The KKK and the Kartilya ng Katipunan

What do you know about KKK and Kartilya ng Katipunan?

“KKK and the Kartilya ng Katipunan”
 The Kataastaasan, kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan
(KKK) or Katipunan is arguably the most important organization formed in the
Philippine history.
 While the anti-colonial movements, efforts and organizations had already been
stablished centuries prior to the foundation of the Katipunan.
 It is the only organization that invisioned;
 A united Filipino nation that would revolt against the Spaniards.
 The total independence of the country from Spain.
 The propaganda movements led by the ilustrados like Marcelo H. del Pilar,
Graciano López Jaena, and Jose P. Rizal did not envision a total separation of
the Philippines from Spain, but only demanded equal rights, representations,
and protection from the abuses of the friars.
 Katipunan created a complex structure and a defined value system that would
guide the organization as a collective aspiring for a single goal.

What is the most important katipunan document?

“Kartilya ng katipunan”
The Lewis College

Kartilya ng Katipunan

 It is the most important Katipunan document.

 The original title of this document was “Manga [sic] Aral Nang [sic] Katipunan
ng mga A.N.B.” or “Lessons of the Organization of the Sons of Country.”
 Kartilya can be treated as the Katipunan’s code of conduct.

“Background of the Author”

(Emilio Jacinto y Dizon)
 He wrote Kartilya ng katipunan on 1896.
 He is known as the “Brain of the Katipunan.”
 Referred as the “Hero of the Philippine Revolution.”
 Used the alias “Pingkain” in the Katipunan. Also his other names are
“Dimasilaw” and “Ka ilyong.”
 Born on December 15, 1875 in Tondo, Manila.
 Only son of Mariano Jacinto and Josefa Dizon.
 When his father passed away, his mother send him to live with his uncle, Don
Jose Dizon, one of the founders of Katipunan.
 Studied at the Colegio de San Juan de Letran in Intramuros and also
transferred to the University of Santo Tomas and take law.
 He is 18yrs. old when he joined the movement.
 He died at a young age of 24 in the town of Magdalena, Laguna

“Contribution of Andrés Bonifacio to Kartilya ng Katipunan”
 He is considered as “Father of the Philippine Revolution”
 Bonifacio recognized the value and intellect of Jacinto that upon seeing that
Jacinto’s Kartilya was much better than the Decalogue he wrote, he willingly
favored that the Kartilya be distributed to their fellow Katipuneros.
 On April 15, 1897 Bonifacio appointed Jacinto as commander of the Katipunan
in Northern Luzon and Jacinto was 22 years old that time.
The Lewis College

Difference between Decalogue and Kartilya ng Katipunan

Decalogue Kartilya ng Katipunan

(Andrés Bonfacio) ( Emilio Jacinto)

 Seeks only to enumerate the  A statement of aspirations and

duties of Katipunan members ethical values
 Consists of ten “Obligations”  Consists of twelve “Guiding
principles” and fourteen

“Fourteen rules that instruct the way a Katipunero should behave, and which specific
values should be uphold”
(Translated version of the rules n Kartilya)

I. The life that is not consecrated to a lofty and reasonable purpose is a tree
without a shade, if not a poisonous weed.
II. To do good for personal gain and not for its own sake is not virtue.
III. It is rational to be charitable and love one’s fellow creature, and to adjust one’s
conduct, acts and words to what is in itself reasonable.
IV. Whether our skin be black or white, we are all born equal: superiority in
knowledge, wealth and beauty are to be understood, but not superiority by
V. The honorable man prefers honor to personal gain; the scoundrel, gain to
VI. To the honourable man, his word is sacred.
VII. Do not waste thy time: wealth can be recovered but not time lost.
VIII. Defend the oppressed and fight the oppressor before the law or in the field.
IX. The prudent man is sparing in words and faithful in keeping secrets.
X. On the thorny path of life, man is the guide of woman and the children, and if
the guide leads to the precipice, those whom he guides will also go there.
XI. Thou must not look upon woman as a mere plaything, but as a faithful
companion who will share with thee the penalties of life; her (physical)
weakness will increase thy interest in her and she will remind thee of the mother
who bore thee and reared thee.
The Lewis College
XII. What thou dost not desire done unto thy wife, children, brothers and sisters,
that do not unto the wife, children, brothers and sisters, of thy neighbour.
XIII. Man is not worth more because he is a king, because his nose is aquiline, and
his color white, not because he is a priest, a servant of God, nor because of the
high prerogative that he enjoys upon earth, but he is worth most who is a man
of proven and real value, who does good, keeps his words, is worthy and
honest; he who does not oppress nor consent to being oppressed, he who loves
and cherishes his fatherland, though he be born in the wilderness and know no
tongue but his own.
XIV. When these rules of conduct shall be known to all, the longed-for sun of Liberty
shall rise brilliant over this most unhappy portion of the globe and its rays shall
diffuse everlasting joy among the confederated brethren of the same rays, the
lives of those who have gone before, the fatigues and the well-paid sufferings
will remain. If he who desires to enter has informed himself of all this and
believes he will be able to perform what will be his duties, he may fill out the
application for admission.

Analysis of the “Kartilya ng Katipunan”

“Kartilya” comes from the word Kartilya that is used during the Spanish period;
this is a small reading booklet for those who want to start school children of the
Spanish era. The Kartilya of Katipunan is a small Pamphlet given to the Katipunan
member and to new members or incoming member so that they know the standard of
a Katipunero. Kartilya of Katipunan teaches the good behaviour and thinking of a
member and how a Katipunero should behave.
Emilio Jacinto and Andres Bonifacio were the ones who thought and made the
wheelbarrow of the Katipunan but the one who had the most thought was Emilio
Jacinto. He joined the Katipunan in 1894 and he was only 18 years old that time. The
Kartilya of Katipunan was written by Emilio Jacinto in the hope that the Katipuneros
would be taught proper manners and actions so that they would not imitate the Spanish
they disliked, it is very important in shaping the consciousness of the Filipinos and
improving as a Citizen of our Country.
The content of the Kartilya ng Katipunan is very important to be studied and
shared with our neighbours because it was not only applicable during the Spanish
Period, it is also applicable for us Filipinos today. Because it teaches us proper
manners and patriotism.
Is Kartilya ng Katipunan applicable or can be used in today’s situation? Why?

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