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Proff. Dr. Ayla Oktay
Ass. Prof. Rengin Zembat,
Department of Early Childhood Education
Atatiirk Faculty of Education
Marmara University, Turkey.
Based on a セ。ー・イ presented at the 11 World Congress on Child Education and Training, University of
Malaga, Spam September 20-23 1994 (Ed).

language and social and emotional

INTRODUCTION. development.- To prepare the child for
As happens to be the case in a lot of primary education.
countries in the world, formal pre-school To supply the full-time working parents
education in Turkey started in the second with safe and secure child care.
To support children who are from socio-
half of the 19th century and at the
culturally disadvantaged environments.
beginning of the 20th century
Today, in Turkey the 0-6 year old child
At first, these attempts consisted mainly of
population is about 8,000,000. It is mainly
providing accommodation for orphans and
the family's responsibility to educate
establishing charity foundations, which
children during early childhood. Recently,
would provide them with food and
there has been a great increase in the
sometimes medical care. Later on, this
number of pre-school institutions although
system became much more organised when
it is a fact that the number of the existing
it was included under the umbrella of the
creches, kindergartens and nursery schools
public services of the Ministry of
is far from meeting the demand.
Education. When the regulations prepared
by this Ministry came into effect in 1914
Types of Pre-school Institutions
1915, pre-school education attained a
The existing pre-school institutions are run
considerably organised status.
under various names. They are established
either by the Ministry of National
Nevertheless, an unfortunate coincidence
Education or Social Welfare and Child
the sudden outbreak of the First World
Care General Directorate, or by the private
War, followed by the Turkish War of
sector with permission from these two
Independence, curbed the speed of
authorities. These can be classified:
development in all institutions of education
Ministry of Education -Nursery schools,
and pre-school education too got its share infant classes and preparatory classes;
of the unfavourable conditions. Some of Social Welfare and Childcare - creches,
them even closed down. nurseries, children's clubs, preschool centres
opened by various businesses and by
Definition and Objectives of Pre-school universities for developing facilities for their
Education in Turkey. education departments jar practice and
The objectives are stated in the Basic Law curriculum development.
of National Education.
- To give support to the entire development Even this simple classification can
of the child i.e. psychomotor, intellectual, illustrate the difference among the

institutions. Although research on this issue and educational activities are prepared and
is neither definitive nor comprehensive, applied mostly by teachers (Oktay et a1.
according to the results of limited ones, it 1994).
is possible to distinguish certain categories,
such as those where the child is taken care Developments in the number of Pre-
of physically, those which prepare the school Institutions.
child for primary school whereas there According to statistical evidence, it can be
exist some where the child's characteristics said that during the last 50-60 years, there
are taken into consideration, where he is has been an increase in the number of pre-
given support to become self confident and school institutions. The increase may be
creative. There are even some institutions due to factors like
where in education the principles of - women's great participation in the business
famous educationalists such as Dewey, world;
Montessori Froebel, Piaget etc. are urbanisation;
followed. In a study carried out in Istanbul the increased level of women's education
on the education techniques applied, it has
the demand for starting education at an
been observed that children's ages and
early age.
levels of intellectual development are taken
into consideration and activities are
arranged compatible with the existing
equipment. Moreover, programme planning

Table 1: Types and Number of Pre-school Institutions in Turkey*

Type of Institution Number Number Number

of of of
Schools Teachers Students

Self Governing Nursery 35 263 3115

Infant classes (attached to a Primary School) 4104 7058 116246
Practice classes (Vocational High School) 339 1112 9348
Infant classes (Attached Special School) 5 11 85
Private Nursery Schools 160 248 3801
Private Nursery classes 106 \63 2870
Foundation of Social Welfare & Childcare
Creches & Daycare Centres 28 0 2687
Nurseries 66 0 \804
**Creches & Daycare Centres (Attached
to Factories & Busineses) 262 0 17321

Total 5105 8855 157277

* 14 Milli Egitim Surast II azirlik Dokumant, Milli Egitim Bakanligt Ankara, 1993
** Foundation of Social Welfare & Childcare 1989 Data

But even today the schooling rate in Pre- Training of Teachers for the Pre-school
school education is still 5.4% Educational Institutions.
In the educational institutions the most

effective element is the teacher whose Universities.
most important task is to assist families to
educate their children. What is expected Although the curricula of the pre-school
from the teacher is both extensive and teacher training departments of universities
complex when compared with the show some differences across the country,
requirements of other professions. the general knowledge subjects are as
The teacher in a pre-school educational Turkish, Principles ofAtaturk and History
institution is the first adult the child meets of Reforms, A modern language as fine arts
apart from family members. She/he helps subject students セQオ、ケ[ Physical Education,
the child trust the people outside the home. Music and Art, Child Psychology, Child
In other words, the teacher is one of the Development, Nutrition, Creativity, Curr-
iculum, Mental Health etc are studied as
most important people who has a great
professional subjects.
influence on children's early life.
In addition to these subjects there is a
Since 1982, the Higher Education Council
requirement of field study throughout the
has undertaken the control of an teacher
2nd 3rd and 4th years of the university
training institutions. In 1987 for the first
education in all teacher training courses,
time a pre-school teacher training main
practised in government and private sector
branch attached to Ataturk Faculty of
pre-school institutions. The practical work
Education within Marmara University was
is a must since through it the theoretical
established to train teachers for pre-school
knowledge and skills are transformed into
institutions. This programme offered a two
behavioural patterns. Such training enables
year undergraduate diploma course. The
teachers to be successful both in academic
period of education at this school was
work and as practising teachers. At present,
extended to 4 years in 1991-1992 academic
graduates of "Child Development and
year. Since then, there has been a separate
Education Departments" of the Vocational
department in Marmara University for the
Schools for Girls, work together at pre-
first time. Therefore pre-school teachers
school educational institutions. They are
primary education teachers and secondar;
under the supervision of the graduates of
school teachers have begun to be trained
the related departments of the universities.
in the same faculty, i.e. Ataturk Faculty of
Education, University of Marmara while
The extension of the education period of
other pre-school teacher training courses
pre-school teacher training schools from 2
are mostly attached to vocational training
to 4 years is an important development for
facilities or, as in Hacettepe University for
Turkey. It means that children who are
example, they are attached to the school of
highly vulnerable to external dangers or
Home Economics giving bachelor degrees.
wrong approaches are educated by teachers
This approach was adapted by other
who are knowledgable in child
universities, thus speeding up the
development and child psychology and
establishment of pre-school teacher training
have adequately developed behavioural
patterns to deal with problem cases.
The opportunities of graduate study for
At present, to be able to teach at any level
academic personnel and teachers of pre-
of education, it is a prerequisite to graduate
school education were offered by pre-
at least from a 2 year teacher training
school graduate programmes within
Bogazici, Hacettepe and Marmara

According to the law governing the private sector in order to spread pre-school
educational system, 2 year undergraduate institutions all over the country. Also
courses have been held for kindergarten standards of education and inspection should
teachers during summer months. A lot of be under the supervision of the Ministry of
teachers have been trained in these courses Education:
There should be more opportunities for
and received the diploma of undergraduate
graduate studies either at home or abroad:
study, but this scheme still does not reach When these ideas are applied and put into
everybody working in the field. practice the candidates will receive more
qualified education. In this way the teaching
In order to achieve the prospective goals in profession will become the carrier of open
education, it is of great importance to train minded, knowledgable, skilful candidates, who
highly qualified teachers and this can be will have the responsibility of raising new
done by training present practising teachers generations and who are able to help national
in continuous in-service training development as well as contribute to the
programmes together with recruiting the protection of the world.
new teachers who are ambitious, (MEB 1993, pp32-33)
enthusiastic and skilful.
These points were discussed in detail in OF PRE-SCHOOL OR INSTITUTIONS
the 14th National Education Assembly in & ITS FUNCTIONING.
Sept. 1993. The assembly adopted the In the functioning of Pre-school institutions
following principles in the training of principles of management and its
teachers: application are of great importance. The
Vocational guidance services should be basic hierarchical structure of these
reinforced in secondary schools, thus the institutions can be outlined as
qualified and enthusiastic students can be administrators, pupils and parents.
guided towards pre-school teaching:
Ministry of National Education should In Turkey today, academic courses at
cooperate with other institutions in order to graduate and/or undergraduate level, are
familiarise society with the teaching not available to give training to prospective
profession: administrators, to deal with pre-school
The selection of the candidates is very administration. Nevertheless, during their
important so necessary alterations should be graduate studies, students have courses
made to the University Entrance
on "General Educational Administration"
Examinations so that those who are really
talented should be accepted to these courses.
and in the newly started courses, on
In order to apply similar programmes at "Administration in Pre-school institutions".
equal standards there should be studies on Since pre-school institutions are small
curriculum development, with the business organisations, professional
collaboration of the Universities and the administrators are not very common in
Ministry of Education: them.
Every pre-school department should have
a pre-school unit for practice: In such institutions there is a simple
There should be cooperation between the hierarchical structure- Starting with the
Ministry of Education and Institutions, to General Director of Pre-school Education
make job analysis for the persons who will be or the General Director of Social Welfare
employed in pre-school institutions: and Childcare, it passes to either the
All the staff should be given in-service
Headmaster or School Owner, in the case
of private schools, and devolves to the
There should be state support to the

teachers, pupils personnel and parents. small institutions. Clear-cut definitions in
the hierarchical spectrum of decisive
This simple structure demands that there is authority and responsibilities have vital
a detailed job description to clarify importance in the survival and profitability
responsibilities, adjust the operation of of the institution. Here, among staff
decision making and the inspection members there exists a different
mechanism. Yet, it is also not always relationship from other educational
possible to implement this system in such institutions. All kinds of contacts among
individuals should be direct and

Figure 2: Personal Relationships among Individuals

In Pre-school Education Institutions.
General Directorate

The establishment of the Pre-school Most of them are women;

General Directorate within the education M PセQ of them are graduates of university
system, has brought in new features. departments such as psychology, pedagogy,
Beginning with the Ministry of National child development or Pre-school education;
Education, there follows the General some are graduates of engineering,
Directorate of Pre-school, a National architecture or business administration.
Education Directorate of Local Authority,
with a fourth tier of Assistants to the Theoretically, the qualitative features of
Director in Guidance and Administration, pre-school administrators comprise such
Curriculum Development and Inspection personal attributes as;
effective verbal communication;
and Educational Promotion.
skill in persuading others;
A comprehensive study carried out in self confidence,'
Istanbul, researching to determine the maturity;
qualitative features of administrators has dependability & honesty;
produced the following data: adaptability in situations;

skill in planning & organisation & improvement and reform.
knowledge of administration, child Not only have state and private sectors
development & nutrition. been making serious efforts to raise the
The study mentioned above has given the standards and increase the number of such
following data concerning personal institutions, but also the universities have
attributes of administrators. made an outstanding contribution to pre-
They are good at verbal communication, school education. They take an active part
but not very effective in persuading others. in this area by giving service in teacher
It has been observed that their personal training, training of academics and in-
characteristics are strongly affected by the service training and also by giving
level and type of education and the place importance to extensive research in this
of work. field.
Although, in general, efforts are directed to
48% of the chosen sample answered and concentrated on the institutionalising
questions on the Developmental Skills of pre-school education, there is also a
Questionnaire positively. In the section on parallel development reinforcing the main
evaluating knowledge on nutrition, there line, namely the activities carried on by
were 72% positive answers. The results mass-media, radio, T.V. press and by
have shown that 78% of the administrators means of some special projects and adult
have had no training in administration and education courses for the family. Here,
those who have had attended a one objectives are to raise awareness of issues
semester course. in pre-school education and provide
enlightenment, in other words to educate
Conclusively, this study highlights the the family.
necessity of education on School
Administration and has clearly pointed out Ta ensure a better future for both the
that the administrators need support both country and the world, concerted efforts
for both self-promotion and raising their are being made to supply the best
standards of education in this field. The organised and conscious support to
easiest solution to this lies in offering them children at this early, vulnerable period in
opportunities to have in-service training. their lives, using methods which depend on
scientific principles and the most recent
CONCLUSION. developments.
We have tried to present how, since the
beginning of the 20th century, pre-school REFERENCES.
education in Turkey has begun to be A full and comprehensive list of references
considered as an important issue within the in Turkish is available on application.
network of the educational organisation,
which has been in a state of continuous


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