Land Use Policy

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Land Use Policy

A framework for participatory scenario planning to guide transitions towards

sustainability in mountain social-ecological systems: a case study from the Colombian
--Manuscript Draft--

Manuscript Number: LUP-D-21-00740R2

Article Type: Full Length Article

Keywords: Scenario planning; food provision; aboveground biomass; agroforestry,

transdisciplinary; sustainability.

Corresponding Author: Corina Buendia, Ph. D.


First Author: Tatiana Rodriguez, M Sc.

Order of Authors: Tatiana Rodriguez, M Sc.

Björn Reu, PhD

Sergio Andrés Bolivar-Santamaría, M.Sc.

Alexandra Cortés-Aguilar, PhD

Corina Buendia, Ph. D.

Abstract: Pronounced environmental gradients of tropical mountains result in interconnected

social-ecological systems of great cultural and biological diversity and high provision of
essential ecosystem services. This intrinsic diversity of mountain social-ecological
systems (MtSES) entails great complexity which, coupled with remoteness,
vulnerability, and lack of fine-scale data, hampers the adequate planning of transitions
towards sustainability and affects the livelihoods of their inhabitants. Based on our
experience in a tropical MtSES, here we propose a framework for participatory
scenario planning (PSP) that supports local stakeholders to create plausible
development pathways while harmonizing top-down planning instruments and securing
the provision of ecosystem services (ES). Our framework comprises: (1) screening the
study area to understand historical land cover changes and development pathways
based on current planning instruments and local knowledge, (2) gathering future
visions from MtSES inhabitants based on their wishes, perceived drivers of change,
and key ecosystems services, (3) creating a land-cover map using satellite imagery,
(4) establishing a baseline with on-field data collection, (5) writing narratives that
harmonize those visions with planning instruments, and translating them into spatially
explicit future scenarios, (6) estimating ecosystems services in each scenario, and (7)
refining future scenario narratives by facilitating a dialog where farmers, researchers,
and stakeholders discuss contrasting scenario results and their perceived potential
impacts. Our PSP framework creates awareness among local stakeholders about land
cover changes and their impacts while at the same time, it generates fine-scale data
that is usually lacking for MtSES. Both aspects are important for updating planning
instruments and policies in a participatory way taking into account the complexity of
each particular MtSES as well as people's perceptions about the future. Our study
adds to the existing literature on PSP as it provides a case study in an Andean tropical
MtSES. Since each MtSES is unique, we hope this practical example can inspire
planning policy schemes to include bottom-up approaches.

Suggested Reviewers: Maria Schmitz

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
She works in ecosystem services valuations using a broad perspective.

Dirk Vrebos
Universiteit Antwerpen
Hi works in a related field. His works relates ecosystems services with land-use maps.
This is also part of the proposed approach.

Powered by Editorial Manager® and ProduXion Manager® from Aries Systems Corporation
Sandra Vilardy
Universidad de Los Andes
She has experience in territorial planning in Colombia based on scenario planning.

Alexander Rincón-Ruíz
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Researcher with long trajectory on evaluation of ecosystems services

Devon Dublin
Hokkaido University of Education
Researcher designing and implementing intervention projects in biodiversity-hotspots.

Stefan Liehr
Institute for Social-Ecological Research
Researcher with experience in Social-Ecological planning and action in wide-range of

Response to Reviewers: Dear Sónia,

we are very grateful for the comments that we received for our manuscript entitled “A
framework for participatory scenario planning to guide transitions towards sustainability
for tropical mountain social-ecological systems in South America”, submission ID LUP-
D-21-00740R1. We would like to thank reviewer #1 for revising our manuscript again
and are happy to receive his positive feedback. We are also grateful for the comments
of reviewer #3 which helped to clarify several aspects and details of the manuscript.
We followed his/her advice and changed the title to ”A framework for participatory
scenario planning to guide transitions towards sustainability in mountain social-
ecological systems: a case study from the Colombian Andes.”

We really hope that soon we will see our paper publish in Land Use Policy.

Corina Buendia

Response of the authors is highlighted in bold, whereas text changes of the main text
in the manuscript are underlined

Reviewer #1: The authors have properly taken into consideration the recommendation
from the first review, and highly increased the quality and readability of the manuscript.
The manuscript adds an important addition for a geographical context that is
overlooked in the Participatory Scenario Planning literature particularly for mountain
socio-ecological systems.
I recommend to accept the manuscript with minor revisions of the text (see attached

Author response: We sincerely thank reviewer 1 for his contributions for improving our
manuscript and will take into account all minor revisions in the final version of our
manuscript, changes are underlined

Reviewer #3: This is an interesting manuscript. It fits well with the scope of the Land
Use Policy journal and addresses an important subject. The submission has all the
important parts. However, some weak points should be strengthened. Below please
find specific comments/ suggestions, which wait for clarification:

Author response: We would like to thank reviewer #3 for his positive feedback on our
work and we will address all clarifications below.

- the title is misleading. The location in the case study title cannot be referred to as
South America. The case study is in a specific municipality in Colombia. It is this
municipality/country that should appear in the title.

Powered by Editorial Manager® and ProduXion Manager® from Aries Systems Corporation
Author response: We considered the recommendation of the reviewer and included the
geographic context for the case study into the title: “A framework for participatory
scenario planning to guide transitions towards sustainability in mountain social-
ecological systems: a case study from the Colombian Andes.”

- the map of the study area should be improved. There should be a map that fits the
study area in the context of Colombia, and for example, in the context of South

Author response: The geographic context of the study area in Colombia and South
America has been included in the map presented in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Map showing Las Cruces micro-watershed (left) in San Vicente de Chucurí and
its location within Colombia (right-top) and South America (right-bottom). Red contour
lines represent the elevations used to analyze agricultural production by dividing the
area into three production areas along the elevation gradients (grey scale).

- Line 107: "we brought together 15 farmers" how were these farmers selected?

Author response: For clarification, we added the following text in lines 108-109: “A
total of 95 personal invitations were provided to farmers living in the study area and 15
of them managed to participate in the first workshop.”

- Line 130 "2.2.4 Step 4. On-field data collection:" some essential information is
missing from these surveys such as Real population and sample size are absent (i.e.,
n/N ratio total) which makes readers not understand the validity of the analysis
performed. More in detail, a table eliciting the total N and n for the total population and
each subgroup is needed. What is representativeness? Is it sufficient? is it adequate to
capture the variability of the phenomenon? How can authors say that their interviews
are not entirely noisy? what is the margin of error? confidence level?
Author response: For clarification, we added the following text in lines 134-141: “With
the help and information provided by the presidents of the Community Action Boards
(JAC, Juntas de Accion Comunal) we estimated a population of 145 households, a set
of 46 households was randomly selected using a stratified sampling technique. This
technique was chosen to ensure representativeness and avoid under-coverage bias
due to the diversity of agricultural production systems in the study region resulting from
the wide altitudinal range, proximity to the urban area, and particular local governance.
The population was divided into 5 strata corresponding to 5 geographic zones with
more homogeneous characteristics. The sample size of each stratum was randomly
selected with a confidence level of 90% and an estimation error of 10%”.
Line 194 "We conducted a second workshop in November 2018 with 50 participants"
Same here how were these participants selected?

Author response: Invited participants were members of the surveyed families and other
institutional stakeholders. For clarification, we added the following text in lines 201-205:

“We conducted a second workshop in November 2018 to socialize the results from the
socioeconomic survey, narratives, and land cover maps of the scenarios with their
impact on ES. Farmers who participated in the previous steps of this study and local
stakeholders involved in land-use planning were personally invited via phone calls and
mobile phone messages. A total of 50 participants were able to attend the workshop.”

- line 255: "From the land cover classification we obtained a map with an accuracy of
86.3%". However, how accurate was each of the land use classes?

Powered by Editorial Manager® and ProduXion Manager® from Aries Systems Corporation
Author response: Since the overall accuracy is very good, it is also for each land cover.
We included this information in a general way in the main text (because we do not
consider that including a confusion table is necessary). In lines 124-125 and 266-267
we included the following information:

“we defined a training vector for 6 land-cover categories based on 216 ground control
points collected while conducting the socio-economic survey between May and June

“Our land cover classification resulted in a highly accurate map with an overall
accuracy greater than 90% ranging from 98% for forests to 90 % for cattle pastures
and bare ground.”

- In Figure 3, the authors should mention the year to which the land use classification

Author response: The map shows the land use classification for 2018. This information
is now included in the figure caption Fig. 3 in line 271.

- The discussion section needs substantial revision to include an in-depth discussion

on those important results including comparing your results with previous studies and
explaining better why your results are similar or different from previous findings.

Author response: We rewrote the discussion and included results from other studies as
well as additional information from this study in order to deepen the understanding of
the presented results.

We contextualize our case study based of a review by klein at al 2019 in lines 480-483
“Las Cruces is a MtSES in transition, exposed to global, national, and local drivers of
change and imposed with top-down planning schemes facing similar challenges to
those described by Klein et al., (2019). To our knowledge, this is the first well-
documented PSP study in tropical MtSES in Colombia, if not South America”
And contrasted to other results in lines 366-370
Similarly to Jiren et al. (2020), this synergetic scenario between agricultural production
and conservation is not only based on diversification and better agricultural practices
but also on the recognition of what is important for the local population in terms of food
security, vulnerability to climate variability, and social justice.

We added new references and comments on the methodological approach in Lines

“Plieninger et al. (2013) conducted a participatory workshop where participants rated
27 different ecosystem services based on their vulnerability to future landscape
A comment on clear and fluent communication with local actors is a key aspect that
has to be taken into account while implementing this type of approach in rural
communities in lines 402-407
“Due to the history of Las Cruces, local actors were suspicious of external
organizations that entered the territory to conduct any intervention. This mistrust was
also visible at the beginning of this study and was one explanation for the low
participation in the first workshop. Nevertheless, persistence and maintaining effective
and transparent communication with the community, and socializing results at different
stages of the process were key aspects that helped to gain trust, although associated
with a substantial effort.”

- In addition, in the discussion section the authors could highlight open questions and
future research directions/challenges.

Author response: In the last paragraph of the discussions section we explore the
question of how the participatory process affects the governance and community
processes to guide transitions towards sustainability.

We added information on current dynamics to illustrate the impact that the

implementation of this PSP scheme had in Las Cruces in Lines 462-473.

Powered by Editorial Manager® and ProduXion Manager® from Aries Systems Corporation
Although the proposed PSP framework did not explicitly include a step for monitoring
and evaluating the outcomes, it built a fertile ground for transdisciplinary action
research in Las Cruces through the co-production of knowledge and the trust building
between inhabitants and researchers. For example, it set the enabling conditions for
the joint development of the farms for knowledge exchange (FiNCO), a local strategy to
transition towards sustainability, which can be considered as a seed for a good
Anthropocene (Buendía et al., 2023a). It also motivated the description of the
remarkable transformation history of Las Cruces towards sustainability using the
concept of the adaptive cycle, which resulted in an animated video about the
remarkable history of the territory (Buendía, 2023b). It also contributed to the
improvement of land cover classification methodologies that distinguish forest from
agroforestry systems which otherwise are often considered as forests in automated
classifications invisibilizing their potential for agricultural production and biodiversity
conservation (Bolívar-Santamaría and Reu 2022).

- Minor grammar and punctuation errors can be found throughout the text and need to
be corrected.
Author response: We corrected grammatical errors and punctuation

Editor comment: Please explain in detail what are the LAND USE POLICY implications
deriving from your work.

Author response: In response to that question we added the following explanation in

the discussion section Lines 480-491

“Las Cruces is a MtSES in transition, exposed to global, national and local drivers of
change and planned by top-down schemes, which is facing similar challenges to those
described by Klein et al., (2019). To our knowledge, this is the first well-documented
PSP study in tropical MtSES in Colombia, if not South America. It describes a
methodological framework to achieve fine-scale information as well as strategies to
integrate the local community in understanding the past and the present to participate
in shaping the future. We consider the insights from this study could support the co-
creation of future pathways for enabling just transitions towards sustainable agriculture
and food systems that recognize the inherent complexity of tropical socio-ecological
systems, especially mountains, hence facilitating better-tailored planning schemes and
improved decision-making by policymakers, practitioners, and other stakeholders. In
addition, this study started to unveil concrete actions within this MtSES where local
communities are building capacities to creatively cope with external shocks while being
protagonists in shaping their future (e.g. FiNCO, Buendía et al. 2023a).”

“Our approach offers an opportunity for local farmers and stakeholders to raise
awareness about the costs and benefits of the different scenarios and reflect on the
actions that generate a transformation where ES trade-offs are reduced and ES
synergies are fostered, which is a challenge for research and policy (Brussaard et.,

Powered by Editorial Manager® and ProduXion Manager® from Aries Systems Corporation
Cover Letter

Dr. Corina Buendia Grigoriu

Phone: (7) 319 4760045
Bucaramanga, Colombia

Date: April 12th, 2021

Editorial Office
Land Use Policy

Dear Editor,

CortésAAguilar,&and&Corina&Buendía&for&possible&publication&as&a&Regular paper&in&the&journal&
Land Use Policy.

Colombia is a megadiverse country that is losing its biological and cultural diversity very rapidly.
Within the Northern Andes of Colombia, we find critical hotspots of biodiversity with strong
presence of diversified family agriculture that are undergoing rapid changes. Traditional landscape
planning schemes and development policy fail to approach the multifunctionality and inherent
complexity of those territories.

To promote transitions towards sustainability in multifunctional territories that are key to cultural
and biological diversity, we present a novel participative planning framework proven and
adjusted in San Vicente de Chucuri (Colombia), a municipality essential for agricultural
production and biodiversity. Our approach considers people's needs, and existing planning
instruments to construct narratives and spatially explicit future scenarios where the impacts are
represented in terms of ecosystem services. The framework promotes debate between participants
(landowners) and serves to inform municipal development plans. Our manuscript provides a step-
by-step sustainable development planning guide that can inspire processes in other
multifunctional territories where conservation as well as people's well-being, have to be


Corina Buendia on behalf of all co-authors

Response to Reviewers (without Author Details)

Dear Sónia,

we are very grateful for the comments that we received for our manuscript entitled “A
framework for participatory scenario planning to guide transitions towards sustainability for
tropical mountain social-ecological systems in South America”, submission ID
LUP-D-21-00740R1. We would like to thank reviewer #1 for revising our manuscript again
and are happy to receive his positive feedback. We are also grateful for the comments of
reviewer #3 which helped to clarify several aspects and details of the manuscript. We
followed his/her advice and changed the title to ”A framework for participatory scenario
planning to guide transitions towards sustainability in mountain social-ecological
systems: a case study from the Colombian Andes.”

We really hope that soon we will see our paper publish in Land Use Policy.

Corina Buendia

Response of the authors is highlighted in bold, whereas text changes of the main text in the
manuscript are underlined

Reviewer #1: The authors have properly taken into consideration the recommendation from
the first review, and highly increased the quality and readability of the manuscript. The
manuscript adds an important addition for a geographical context that is overlooked in the
Participatory Scenario Planning literature particularly for mountain socio-ecological systems.
I recommend to accept the manuscript with minor revisions of the text (see attached pdf).

Author response: We sincerely thank reviewer 1 for his contributions for improving our
manuscript and will take into account all minor revisions in the final version of our
manuscript, changes are underlined

Reviewer #3: This is an interesting manuscript. It fits well with the scope of the Land Use
Policy journal and addresses an important subject. The submission has all the important
parts. However, some weak points should be strengthened. Below please find specific
comments/ suggestions, which wait for clarification:

Author response: We would like to thank reviewer #3 for his positive feedback on our work
and we will address all clarifications below.

- the title is misleading. The location in the case study title cannot be referred to as South
America. The case study is in a specific municipality in Colombia. It is this
municipality/country that should appear in the title.

Author response: We considered the recommendation of the reviewer and included the
geographic context for the case study into the title: “A framework for participatory scenario
planning to guide transitions towards sustainability in mountain social-ecological systems: a
case study from the Colombian Andes.”
- the map of the study area should be improved. There should be a map that fits the study
area in the context of Colombia, and for example, in the context of South America.

Author response: The geographic context of the study area in Colombia and South
America has been included in the map presented in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Map showing Las Cruces

micro-watershed (left) in San Vicente de
Chucurí and its location within Colombia
(right-top) and South America (right-bottom).
Red contour lines represent the elevations
used to analyze agricultural production by
dividing the area into three production areas
along the elevation gradients (grey scale).

- Line 107: "we brought together 15 farmers" how were these farmers selected?

Author response: For clarification, we added the following text in lines 108-109: “A total of
95 personal invitations were provided to farmers living in the study area and 15 of them
managed to participate in the first workshop.”

- Line 130 "2.2.4 Step 4. On-field data collection:" some essential information is missing from
these surveys such as Real population and sample size are absent (i.e., n/N ratio total)
which makes readers not understand the validity of the analysis performed. More in detail, a
table eliciting the total N and n for the total population and each subgroup is needed. What is
representativeness? Is it sufficient? is it adequate to capture the variability of the
phenomenon? How can authors say that their interviews are not entirely noisy? what is the
margin of error? confidence level?

Author response: For clarification, we added the following text in lines 134-141: “With the
help and information provided by the presidents of the Community Action Boards (JAC,
Juntas de Accion Comunal) we estimated a population of 145 households, a set of 46
households was randomly selected using a stratified sampling technique. This technique
was chosen to ensure representativeness and avoid under-coverage bias due to the
diversity of agricultural production systems in the study region resulting from the wide
altitudinal range, proximity to the urban area, and particular local governance. The
population was divided into 5 strata corresponding to 5 geographic zones with more
homogeneous characteristics. The sample size of each stratum was randomly selected with
a confidence level of 90% and an estimation error of 10%”.

Line 194 "We conducted a second workshop in November 2018 with 50 participants" Same
here how were these participants selected?

Author response: Invited participants were members of the surveyed families and other
institutional stakeholders. For clarification, we added the following text in lines 201-205:

“We conducted a second workshop in November 2018 to socialize the results from the
socioeconomic survey, narratives, and land cover maps of the scenarios with their impact on
ES. Farmers who participated in the previous steps of this study and local stakeholders
involved in land-use planning were personally invited via phone calls and mobile phone
messages. A total of 50 participants were able to attend the workshop.”

- line 255: "From the land cover classification we obtained a map with an accuracy of
86.3%". However, how accurate was each of the land use classes?

Author response: Since the overall accuracy is very good, it is also for each land cover. We
included this information in a general way in the main text (because we do not consider that
including a confusion table is necessary). In lines 124-125 and 266-267 we included the
following information:

“we defined a training vector for 6 land-cover categories based on 216 ground control points
collected while conducting the socio-economic survey between May and June 2018.”

“Our land cover classification resulted in a highly accurate map with an overall accuracy
greater than 90% ranging from 98% for forests to 90 % for cattle pastures and bare ground.”

- In Figure 3, the authors should mention the year to which the land use classification refers.

Author response: The map shows the land use classification for 2018. This information is
now included in the figure caption Fig. 3 in line 271.

- The discussion section needs substantial revision to include an in-depth discussion on

those important results including comparing your results with previous studies and explaining
better why your results are similar or different from previous findings.

Author response: We rewrote the discussion and included results from other studies as
well as additional information from this study in order to deepen the understanding of the
presented results.

We contextualize our case study based of a review by klein at al 2019 in lines 480-483
“Las Cruces is a MtSES in transition, exposed to global, national, and local drivers of change
and imposed with top-down planning schemes facing similar challenges to those described
by Klein et al., (2019). To our knowledge, this is the first well-documented PSP study in
tropical MtSES in Colombia, if not South America”
And contrasted to other results in lines 366-370
Similarly to Jiren et al. (2020), this synergetic scenario between agricultural production and
conservation is not only based on diversification and better agricultural practices but also on
the recognition of what is important for the local population in terms of food security,
vulnerability to climate variability, and social justice.

We added new references and comments on the methodological approach in Lines 431-433
“Plieninger et al. (2013) conducted a participatory workshop where participants rated 27
different ecosystem services based on their vulnerability to future landscape development”
A comment on clear and fluent communication with local actors is a key aspect that has to
be taken into account while implementing this type of approach in rural communities in lines
“Due to the history of Las Cruces, local actors were suspicious of external organizations that
entered the territory to conduct any intervention. This mistrust was also visible at the
beginning of this study and was one explanation for the low participation in the first
workshop. Nevertheless, persistence and maintaining effective and transparent
communication with the community, and socializing results at different stages of the process
were key aspects that helped to gain trust, although associated with a substantial effort.”

- In addition, in the discussion section the authors could highlight open questions and future
research directions/challenges.

Author response: In the last paragraph of the discussions section we explore the question
of how the participatory process affects the governance and community processes to guide
transitions towards sustainability.

We added information on current dynamics to illustrate the impact that the implementation of
this PSP scheme had in Las Cruces in Lines 462-473.

Although the proposed PSP framework did not explicitly include a step for monitoring and
evaluating the outcomes, it built a fertile ground for transdisciplinary action research in Las
Cruces through the co-production of knowledge and the trust building between inhabitants
and researchers. For example, it set the enabling conditions for the joint development of the
farms for knowledge exchange (FiNCO), a local strategy to transition towards sustainability,
which can be considered as a seed for a good Anthropocene (Buendía et al., 2023a). It also
motivated the description of the remarkable transformation history of Las Cruces towards
sustainability using the concept of the adaptive cycle, which resulted in an animated video
about the remarkable history of the territory (Buendía, 2023b). It also contributed to the
improvement of land cover classification methodologies that distinguish forest from
agroforestry systems which otherwise are often considered as forests in automated
classifications invisibilizing their potential for agricultural production and biodiversity
conservation (Bolívar-Santamaría and Reu 2022).
Editor comment: Please explain in detail what are the LAND USE POLICY implications
deriving from your work.

Author response: In response to that question we added the following explanation in the
discussion section Lines 480-491

“Las Cruces is a MtSES in transition, exposed to global, national and local drivers of change
and planned by top-down schemes, which is facing similar challenges to those described by
Klein et al., (2019). To our knowledge, this is the first well-documented PSP study in tropical
MtSES in Colombia, if not South America. It describes a methodological framework to
achieve fine-scale information as well as strategies to integrate the local community in
understanding the past and the present to participate in shaping the future. We consider the
insights from this study could support the co-creation of future pathways for enabling just
transitions towards sustainable agriculture and food systems that recognize the inherent
complexity of tropical socio-ecological systems, especially mountains, hence facilitating
better-tailored planning schemes and improved decision-making by policymakers,
practitioners, and other stakeholders. In addition, this study started to unveil concrete actions
within this MtSES where local communities are building capacities to creatively cope with
external shocks while being protagonists in shaping their future (e.g. FiNCO, Buendía et al.

“Our approach offers an opportunity for local farmers and stakeholders to raise awareness
about the costs and benefits of the different scenarios and reflect on the actions that
generate a transformation where ES trade-offs are reduced and ES synergies are fostered,
which is a challenge for research and policy (Brussaard et., 2010).”


● The intrinsic complexity of mountain social-ecological systems in the tropics challenges governmental

planning schemes.

● Participatory scenario planning paves the way toward transdisciplinary and transitions towards


● Agroforestry allows reconciling food production and conservation of biodiversity in the Colombian Andes.

● Integrating scientific and local knowledge helps to embrace the complexity of tropical mountain social-

ecological systems and bottom-up governance at the local scale

Title page

A framework for participatory scenario planning to guide transitions towards sustainability in

mountain social-ecological systems: a case study from the Colombian Andes.

Tatiana Rodrígueza,c,1, Björn Reub, Sergio Bolívar-Santamaríab, Alexandra Cortés-Aguilara, and Corina


a Escuela de Economía y Administración, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Cra.27 Calle 9, 680002

Bucaramanga, Colombia
b Escuela de Biología, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Cra.27 Calle 9, 680002 Bucaramanga, Colombia
c Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria - AGROSAVIA, km 32 vía al mar, vereda Galápagos,
Rionegro (Santander), Colombia


● The intrinsic complexity of mountain social-ecological systems in the tropics challenges

governmental planning schemes.

● Participatory scenario planning paves the way toward transdisciplinary and transitions towards

sustainability .

● Agroforestry allows reconciling food production and conservation of biodiversity in the

Colombian Andes.

● Integrating scientific and local knowledge helps to embrace the complexity of tropical mountain

social-ecological systems and bottom-up governance at the local scale


Pronounced environmental gradients of tropical mountains result in interconnected social-ecological

systems of great cultural and biological diversity and high provision of essential ecosystem services.

This intrinsic diversity of mountain social-ecological systems (MtSES) entails great complexity which,

coupled with remoteness, vulnerability, and lack of fine-scale data, hampers the adequate planning of

Present address: Department of Environmental Politics, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH –
UFZ, 04318 Leipzig, Germany,
2 Present address: Independent Researcher. Carrera 38 No. 52-65, Apto. 404, 680003 Bucaramanga, Colombia.

Corresponding author: Corina Buendia,

E-mail addresses: (T. Rodríguez), (B. Reu),
(S. Bolívar-Santamaría), (A. Cortés-Aguilar), (C. Buendía)
transitions towards sustainability and affects the livelihoods of their inhabitants. Based on our

experience in a tropical MtSES, here we propose a framework for participatory scenario planning

(PSP) that supports local stakeholders to create plausible development pathways while harmonizing

top-down planning instruments and securing the provision of ecosystem services (ES). Our framework

comprises: (1) screening the study area to understand historical land cover changes and development

pathways based on current planning instruments and local knowledge, (2) gathering future visions from

MtSES inhabitants based on their wishes, perceived drivers of change and key ecosystems services, (3)

creating a land-cover map using satellite imagery, (4) establishing a baseline with on-field data

collection, (5) writing narratives that harmonize those visions with planning instruments and

translating them into spatially explicit future scenarios, (6) estimating ecosystems services in each

scenario, and (7) refining future scenario narratives by facilitating a dialog where farmers, researchers,

and stakeholders discuss contrasting scenario results and their perceived potential impacts. Our PSP

framework creates awareness among local stakeholders about land cover changes and their impacts

while at the same time, it generates fine-scale data that is usually lacking for MtSES. Both aspects are

important for updating planning instruments and policies in a participatory way taking into account the

complexity of each particular MtSES as well as people's perceptions about the future. Our study adds

to the existing literature on PSP as it provides a case study in a Andean tropical MtSES. Since each

MtSES is unique, we hope this practical example can inspire planning policy schemes to include

bottom-up approaches.


Scenario planning, food provision, aboveground biomass, agroforestry, transdisciplinary, sustainability.


The authors thank farmers of Las Cruces micro-watershed and stakeholders for their support to carry

out the fieldwork and their willingness to participate in the surveys and participatory workshops. The

authors also thank Erika Garcés, Lucas Muñoz, and Tatiana Duque for supporting on-field data



This research was funded by the sub-grant project “Reconciling biodiversity conservation and

agricultural production in agroforestry cultivation systems in the Colombian Andes: a model for

Colombia’s post-conflict era”, by Conservation International (CI) Japan as part of the GEF-Satoyama

project ( TR acknowledge funding by the Corporación Colombiana de

Investigación Agropecuaria - AGROSAVIA and Universidad Industrial de Santander under the

Agreement TV 16-12 TV 17-08. AGROSAVIA is publicly funded with resources from the Colombian

Ministry for Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR). BR acknowledges funding of the

Colombian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation through contract CT170-2021. This

research was supported by the Vicerrectoria de investigación y extensión – VIE of the Industrial

University of Santander (UIS).

Availability of data and material

The data that support the findings of this study are available on request from the corresponding author,

Corina Buendía. The data are not publicly available due to their containing information that could

compromise the privacy of research participants.

Authors' contributions

Tatiana Rodríguez: Conceptualization; Data curation; Formal analysis; Investigation; Methodology;

Validation; Visualization; Writing - original draft. Björn Reu: Formal analysis; Methodology; Project

administration; Writing - review & editing. Sergio Bolívar-Santamaría: Data curation; Formal analysis;

Software. Alexandra Cortés-Aguilar: Conceptualization; Supervision; Writing - review & editing.

Corina Buendía: Conceptualization; Formal analysis; Funding acquisition; Investigation; Methodology;

Project administration; Supervision; Validation; Visualization; Writing - review & editing.

Ethics approval

The implementation of this research was approved and supervised by the Ethics Committee of

Universidad Industrial de Santander (CEINCI). Its approval was done after reviewing objectives and

methodological design as well as the informed consent forms that were used at the time of data


Manuscript (without Author Details) Click here to view linked References

1 A framework for participatory scenario planning to guide transitions towards sustainability in

2 mountain social-ecological systems: a case study from the Colombian Andes.

4 Abstract

5 Pronounced environmental gradients of tropical mountains result in interconnected social-ecological

6 systems of great cultural and biological diversity and high provision of essential ecosystem services.

7 This intrinsic diversity of mountain social-ecological systems (MtSES) entails great complexity which,

8 coupled with remoteness, vulnerability, and lack of fine-scale data, hampers the adequate planning of

9 transitions towards sustainability and affects the livelihoods of their inhabitants. Based on our

10 experience in a tropical MtSES, here we propose a framework for participatory scenario planning

11 (PSP) that supports local stakeholders to create plausible development pathways while harmonizing

12 top-down planning instruments and securing the provision of ecosystem services (ES). Our framework

13 comprises: (1) screening the study area to understand historical land cover changes and development

14 pathways based on current planning instruments and local knowledge, (2) gathering future visions from

15 MtSES inhabitants based on their wishes, perceived drivers of change, and key ecosystems services, (3)

16 creating a land-cover map using satellite imagery, (4) establishing a baseline with on-field data

17 collection, (5) writing narratives that harmonize those visions with planning instruments, and

18 translating them into spatially explicit future scenarios, (6) estimating ecosystems services in each

19 scenario, and (7) refining future scenario narratives by facilitating a dialog where farmers, researchers,

20 and stakeholders discuss contrasting scenario results and their perceived potential impacts. Our PSP

21 framework creates awareness among local stakeholders about land cover changes and their impacts

22 while at the same time, it generates fine-scale data that is usually lacking for MtSES. Both aspects are

23 important for updating planning instruments and policies in a participatory way taking into account the

24 complexity of each particular MtSES as well as people's perceptions about the future. Our study adds to

25 the existing literature on PSP as it provides a case study in an Andean tropical MtSES. Since each

26 MtSES is unique, we hope this practical example can inspire planning policy schemes to include

27 bottom-up approaches.

28 Keywords: food provision, Serranía de Los Yariguíes, agroforestry, ecosystems services, South

29 America
30 1. Introduction

31 Mountain socio-ecological systems (MtSES) are home to 28.3 % of all people on Earth and supply

32 fresh water to approximately half of them (Liniger and Weingartner, 1998). MtSES are also the habitat

33 of 85% of bird, mammal, and amphibian species (Rahbek et al., 2019). While MtSES provide essential

34 ecosystem services (ES), they face huge challenges: (1) MtSES are resource-rich but income poor; (2)

35 the planning of MtSES occurs elsewhere without embracing their local complexity; (3) MtSES are

36 remote and vulnerable; (4) MtSES experience in and out-migration; (5) MtSES attract interest from

37 stakeholders with different levels of power creating inequities; (6) their management requires fine-scale

38 data to represent their high spatial-temporal complexity, but data are often lacking (Klein et al., 2019;

39 Thorn et al., 2020).

40 Embracing the complexity of MtSES requires understanding, documenting, and harmonizing local

41 conditions and future expectations with planning policies at broader spatial scales. Participatory

42 scenario planning (PSP) has been widely used to facilitate dialog and participation of local stakeholders

43 in rural, forest, and tourism (Baral et al., 2014; Grêt-Regamey et al., 2013; Griewald et al., 2017;

44 Kirchner et al., 2015; Nainggolan et al., 2013; Van Berkel et al., 2011). PSP has also been implemented

45 in MtSES to support decision-making, cooperation, and social learning (Allington et al., 2018; Capitani

46 et al., 2019, 2016; Kohler et al., 2017; Sarkki et al., 2017; Thorn et al., 2020). Although South

47 American MtSES cover 12.3% of all mountain areas globally inhabited by 7.7% of the world

48 population, the literature does not report PSP frameworks for this region (Thorn et al., 2020).

49 Some PSP approaches have used ecosystem services (ES) to quantify impacts and visualize trade-offs

50 under alternative futures (Mckenzie et al., 2012). ES are the benefits resulting from interactions

51 between the social and the ecological systems (Biggs et al., 2015). In this sense, exploring impacts on

52 ES can be a way to help communities identify conflicts and develop consensus around future visions

53 (Mckenzie et al., 2012). Simultaneously, careful planning involving local communities is necessary to

54 maintain ES (Negret et al., 2017) and to generate consciousness around the actions that could maximize

55 their provision (Vilardy et al., 2011). A spatially explicit approach for assessing ES through future

56 scenarios adds relevant inputs to the PSP process since the provision of ES depends critically on the

57 spatial configuration of ecosystems and the people who inhabit and manage them (Rincón-Ruíz et al.,

58 2014). For example, the InVEST model (Integrated Assessment of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs,

59 Tallis and Polasky, 2011) offers a set of spatially explicit models that assess multiple ES across

60 different scenarios at different spatial scales. Although these models are flexible to different spatial

61 scales, the lack of high-resolution spatial information, typical of MtSES, hinders their use.

62 Therefore, this paper presents a PSP framework suitable for complex and multifunctional tropical

63 MtSES based on ES making explicit the impacts of plausible scenarios. We illustrate the proposed PSP

64 framework by presenting the case of Las Cruces micro-watershed (hereafter referred to as Las Cruces),

65 which is a representative MtSES within the Serranía de Los Yariguíes in the municipality of San

66 Vicente de Chucurí in Santander, Colombia. Las Cruces faces the challenges mentioned above: (1) it is

67 rich in natural resources and provides essential ES such as water and biodiversity, but the income from

68 inhabitants is low; (2) its planning occurs at broader spatial scales and is divided by sectors

69 (agriculture, energy, and environment) and does not invoke the participation of the local stakeholders;

70 (3) it has experienced avalanches and landslides that left people more vulnerable and disconnected; (4)

71 the creation of a national protected area has led to emigration to urban areas, especially of young

72 people; (5) because of the beautiful landscape, the potential for agricultural production and the

73 occurrence of mining resources, Las Cruces attracts attention from tourism and investors threatening

74 family agriculture; and (6) the spatial heterogeneity due to the steep topography limits the availability

75 of detailed land-use, socioeconomic, and climate information required for planning.

76 2. Material and methods

77 2.1. Study area

78 Las Cruces is located in the eastern cordillera of the Northern Andes, in the northeast of the

79 municipality of San Vicente de Chucurí (Department of Santander, Colombia) and covers an altitudinal

80 gradient from 570 to 2650 m.a.s.l. (Fig. 1). It covers part of the Serranía de Los Yariguíes National

81 Natural Park (SYNNP) at higher altitudes, a diversified agricultural matrix at intermediate altitudes,

82 and an urban area at lower altitudes (Fig. 1). Las Cruces covers around 5780 hectares.

84 Fig. 1 Map showing Las Cruces micro-watershed (left) in San Vicente de Chucurí and its location

85 within Colombia (right-top) and South America (right-bottom). Red contour lines represent the

86 elevations used to analyze agricultural production by dividing the area into three production areas along

87 the elevation gradients (grey-scale).

88 The main economic activity of the farmers of Las Cruces is associated with the commercialization of

89 cocoa, coffee, and citrus fruits that are mostly cultivated under the canopy of emerging shade trees

90 (Bolivar-Santamaria & Reu 2023) in diversified agroforestry systems (Tscharntke et al., 2011). The

91 micro-watershed not only provides food but also other ES, such as freshwater for the urban area of San

92 Vicente de Chucurí whereas the SYNNP forests protect the soils from erosion and provide habitat for

93 wildlife.

94 2.2. Methodological framework

95 The proposed methodological framework consists of seven steps described in Figure 2.

97 Fig. 2 Summary of the methodological framework for MtSES participatory scenario planning

98 2.2.1 Step 1. Study area screening

99 Understanding the socio-ecological context, historical land cover changes, and existing governmental

100 planning instruments influencing land use is key for conducting PSP (Swetnam et al., 2011). Hence, we

101 screened information about the study area by collecting, analyzing, categorizing and synthesizing

102 secondary data obtained from institutional documents and academic studies from local universities.

103 2.2.2 Step 2. Drivers of change and future envisioning

104 Identifying the drivers of change, whether natural or human-induced, is an important step in developing

105 and analyzing scenarios (Griewald et al., 2017; Kohler et al., 2017). To deepen our understanding of

106 them, we held a participatory workshop in March 2018, where we brought together farmers from Las

107 Cruces to discuss three main topics: key ecosystem services provided by this MtSES, the drivers of

108 historical land-use changes, and local visions about the future. A total of 95 personal invitations were

109 provided to farmers living in the study area and 15 of them managed to participate in the workshop.

110 First, we asked the participants to identify the ES provided by Las Cruces and rate their importance

111 based on a Likert scale. We then encouraged discussion on the drivers that have brought the MtSES to

112 its current conditions and the changes in its land ownership structure by showing participants photo of

113 the landscape from 1940 obtained locally, a 1984 aerial photograph obtained from the Geographical

114 Institute Agustin Codazzi (IGAC), the satellite view available from Google Earth, and cadastral maps

115 obtained from the open data geoportal hosted by IGAC. Finally, we collected future visions using as a

116 guiding question: what territory would you like your children to live in? The contributions of the

117 participants were transcribed and their content was subsequently analyzed.

118 2.2.3 Step 3. Land-cover classification

119 We built a land cover map following a five-step procedure. Firstly, we obtained Sentinel-2 satellite

120 imagery for June 2018 from the Copernicus Open Access Hub. Secondly, we pre-processed the satellite

121 imagery by selecting bands with 10 and 20 m spatial resolution, resampling it to 10 m resolution using

122 the Sentinel Applications Platform (SNAP), reprojecting it to UTC (Universal Transverse Mercator)

123 coordinate system, and trimming it with the polygon of Las Cruces. Thirdly, we defined a training

124 vector for 6 land-cover categories based on 216 ground control points collected while conducting the

125 socio-economic survey between May and June 2018. Subsequently, we built a classification model by

126 dividing the training vector randomly into training (70%) and validation (30%) sets and performing the

127 classification on the training set using the classification algorithm of the R package ‘randomForest’ (R

128 Core Team, 2020). Finally, we evaluated the accuracy of the land-use classification using bootstrapping

129 and selected the model with the highest accuracy.

130 2.2.4 Step 4. On-field data collection

131 We conducted a socio-economic survey (See Appendix Tables 1 and 2) during May and June 2018.

132 The survey inquired about the annual agricultural production of the farm for the different existing

133 crops. In addition, we asked about the household visions of the future to complement the views

134 obtained from the participatory workshop. With the help and information provided by the presidents of

135 the Community Action Boards (JAC, Juntas de Acción Comunal), we estimated a population of 145

136 households, from which a set of 46 households was randomly selected using a stratified sampling

137 design. This design was chosen to ensure representativeness and avoid under-coverage bias due to the

138 diversity of agricultural production systems in the study region resulting from the wide altitudinal

139 range, proximity to the urban area, and particular local governance. The population was divided into 5

140 strata corresponding to 5 geographic zones with more homogeneous characteristics. The sample size of

141 each stratum was randomly selected with a confidence level of 90% and an estimation error of 10%.

142 2.2.5 Step 5. Scenario narratives and maps

143 Scenarios are coherent and consistent descriptions or representations of the future, which are based on

144 assumptions about different drivers of change (Henrichs et al., 2010; Mckenzie et al., 2012; MEA,

145 2005). They can be described with narratives by means of different techniques based on scenario

146 typology (Bishop et al., 2007). Since this framework aims to explore possible futures, we selected the

147 explorative scenario type. We took a qualitative approach to the writing of the narratives. We created

148 the narratives of the three scenarios by tracing the identified drivers of change through the system and

149 harmonizing planning instruments and local future visions captured through both the workshop and the

150 socio-economic survey. According to Griewald et al. (2017), the narratives consider a future year as the

151 endpoint of the visions so that it allows enough time for land-use changes and for local people to have

152 the ability to influence those changes. Thus, the year 2030 was chosen as the endpoint of the narratives.

153 Narratives need to be translated into spatially explicit scenarios to more effectively guide decision-

154 making associated with natural resource management (Nelson et al., 2009). Therefore, this framework

155 transforms the narratives into land cover maps that represent possible endpoints if the trends described

156 by narratives were realized. This is a basis for quantifying the impacts of alternative scenarios on ES.

157 In this sense, quantitative rules are defined to translate narratives into future land cover maps based on

158 the current land cover map. Therefore, we carried out a panel with experts in social, productive,

159 forestry, and environmental topics who were conducting research in the study area. After reading the

160 narratives, the experts defined simple rules derived from biophysical and socioeconomic characteristics

161 (i.e. slope, distances to roads, and SYNNP delimitation).

162 2.2.6 Step 6. Impact on ecosystem services and trade-offs

163 ES assessment could be a way to understand and evaluate the possible impacts of different scenarios

164 since they allow assessing the trade-offs under alternative futures (Mckenzie et al., 2012). As it is

165 stated by Landsberg et al. (2011), it is not possible to assess all ES that are affected by a decision due to

166 resource and information limitations. Therefore, we assessed two ES based on the participatory

167 prioritization carried out during the workshop of the second step: food provision and aboveground

168 biomass (AGB) as an indicator for multiple regulation services, such as carbon storage and erosion

169 control (Berghöfer and Schneider, 2015). To calculate the total provision of each ES in the micro-

170 watershed, we considered that it depends on both the provision of ES per hectare by each land cover

171 and their total areas, as suggested by Felipe-Lucia et al. (2014).

172 Based on the results of the survey, we estimated the average productivity of the different crops per total

173 harvested area for three altitudinal ranges (see left Fig. 1 red lines indicate two divisions): lower part

174 (less than or equal to 1000 m.a.s.l), intermediate part (greater than 1000 m.a.s.l and less than or equal to

175 1400 m.a.s.l), and high part (greater than 1400 m.a.s.l). We then multiplied these average productivity

176 values by cropland areas in the corresponding ranges. Finally, we summed up these products to

177 calculate the total food provision derived from crops in the current and future scenarios. The

178 stratification using altitudinal ranges allows for considering the heterogeneity within the territory in

179 terms of soil, climate, and distance to the urban area.

180 For AGB, we used field measurements for permanent crops and agroforestry systems (Bolívar-

181 Santamaría and Reu, 2021) and data from the literature for cattle pastures (Rippstein et al., 2001). We

182 calculated the averages of the AGB per hectare for forests, cattle pastures, and cropland in the same

183 three altitudinal ranges, and multiplied them by the area of each land cover that we have identified in

184 Step 3. Finally, we calculated the total AGB in each scenario by summing up the AGB accumulated by

185 each land cover.

186 The trade-offs analysis is used in the agricultural context to highlight the interdependencies between

187 production and ecological systems. In addition, this analysis is conducted to quantify or estimate the

188 potential of agriculture to jointly provide different ES (Balbi et al., 2015; Kirchner et al., 2015; Kragt

189 and Robertson, 2014; Rabbinge and Bindraban, 2012). For our case study, we first analyzed trade-offs

190 considering the land cover changes in the different scenarios. We then examined the trade-offs between

191 provision and regulation services by representing the total AGB (an indicator of regulation services)

192 and the total food provision from crops of each scenario in a scatter plot.

193 2.2.7 Step 7. Participatory refinement and communication of results

194 Participation of stakeholders in scenario planning increase the likelihood of relevant and effective

195 strategies, as it creates greater ownership and recognition of the building process and its results by the

196 community (Alcamo 2008) but also constructs legitimacy, especially under the direct social-ecological

197 interactions that rural communities of MtSES are exposed to (Palacios-Agundez et al., 2015; Vilardy et

198 al., 2011). Therefore, as a final step, this framework communicates the results with local farmers and

199 stakeholders as a basis for an elaborated discussion on the potential scenarios for sustainable future

200 transitions.

201 We conducted a second workshop in November 2018 to socialize the results from the socioeconomic

202 survey, narratives, and land cover maps of the scenarios with their impact on ES. Farmers who

203 participated in the previous steps of this study and local stakeholders involved in land-use planning

204 were personally invited via phone calls and mobile phone messages. A total of 50 participants were

205 able to attend the workshop. Participants were divided into groups according to scenarios and each

206 group was asked to refine narratives and evaluate the positive and negative implications of the

207 scenarios on different elements including water, wildlife, and people living in the urban and rural areas.

208 Then, each group presented in plenary its reflection which was taken into account to refine and

209 formulate a final version of the narratives. Finally, we asked participants to present and select the

210 scenario they preferred considering their reflections on the pros and cons. In March 2019, we presented

211 the results of the entire process at a larger open event where we encouraged the participation of not

212 only Las Cruces inhabitants but also relevant decision-makers and stakeholders from National Natural

213 Parks, regional environmental authorities, local NGOs, and municipal planning authorities.

214 3. Results

215 3.1 Study area screening

216 Multiple actions and events at different spatial and temporal scales have conditioned the current

217 situation of Las Cruces MtSES. According to participants, at the beginning of the 20th century, its

218 economy was based on cattle ranching and sugarcane, coffee, and cacao crops. With the national

219 expansion of coffee cultivation in the first half of the 20th century, the cultivation of coffee crops

220 increased. However, the armed conflict and the agrarian reform of the second half of the 20th century

221 provoked a change in the structure of land ownership and tenure. These changes, together with the

222 arrival of coffee diseases, led to the decline of coffee and cattle farming and the establishment of more

223 cocoa crops in the 1980s. However, the decline in the price of cocoa beans led to the establishment of

224 citrus crops at the end of 2011. On the other hand, the interventions of governmental and non-

225 governmental environmental institutions since 1996 have shaped the MtSES of Las Cruces through the

226 creation of nature reserves, the delimitation of a national natural park, and the establishment of the

227 payment for ES scheme to protect riparian forests. Finally, local climate change since 2000 has

228 provoked uphill range shifts of some crops and climate variability has caused unexpected natural

229 disasters (e.g. a massive landslide in 2011 causing the loss of lives).

230 Multiple governmental planning, development, and conservation instruments from the national to the

231 municipal level have influenced and can influence the interactions between the communities and the

232 ecosystems of Las Cruces MtSES. The municipality of San Vicente de Chucurí has a land-use plan,

233 which suggests that Las Cruces should be oriented towards agroforestry and forest conservation. Las

234 Cruces is part of the Sogamoso River basin, which also has a management plan that prioritizes projects

235 in this micro-watershed related to water conservation and sustainable agriculture aimed at reducing the

236 occurrence of water-related disasters. The management of the National Natural Park is a top-down

237 planning instrument that prioritizes Las Cruces as a key element to evaluate the effectiveness of this

238 protected area. Therefore, actions have been taken to mitigate the main pressures in the upper zone of

239 Las Cruces, including the avoidance of agricultural activities incentivizing the displacement of farmers

240 by purchasing their productive private land for subsequent ecological restoration (Céspedes-Prada et

241 al., 2020).

242 3.2 Key drivers of change and future envisioning

243 We identified as the major drivers of change in Las Cruces the armed conflict, crop pests, instability in

244 agricultural prices, external interventions, governmental policies, climate change and variability, and

245 infrastructure establishment. The armed conflict (1970-2005) is one of the main drivers of change since

246 it weakened social capital and promoted land ownership change. The incidence of pests on crops and

247 the instability of agricultural prices have transformed the productive landscape over the years, leading

248 to the current establishment of diversified productive systems. Non-governmental organizations have

249 also driven the change of Las Cruces by promoting the establishment of coffee and cocoa crops, the

250 restoration of riparian forests, and the implementation of agroecological practices. Governmental

251 policy implementation has driven land-use change mainly with land reforms (1970-1999) and the

252 formal establishment of a protected area (2005). Climate variability and change have conditioned

253 actions within Las Cruces micro-watershed, particularly related to natural hazards, such as avalanches.

254 The construction of a large-scale energy project in close proximity to the study area has improved its

255 road connectivity to larger cities and paid for reforestation and conservation projects in the area.

256 After a discussion with Las Cruces inhabitants about the previously mentioned key drivers of change

257 and planning instruments, future local visions were collected and complemented with the results of the

258 survey. From there, we derived three scenarios. The first one, which we named “everything continues

259 as usual”, refers to a scenario where the current dynamics are reproduced into the future; that assumes

260 reforestation inside the protected and next to watercourses. The second one represents a future of

261 “agroforestry expansion” in the permitted areas based on current land use plans as a way of increasing

262 income for farmers. The third scenario focuses on land abandonment for “exclusive conservation”

263 within the micro-watershed given its role in water provision, its complex topographic conditions, and

264 its risk of water-related disasters.

265 3.3 Land cover classification

266 Our land cover classification resulted in a map with an overall accuracy greater than 90%, ranging from

267 98% for forests to 90% for cattle pastures and bare soil. The areas of the different land cover types

268 distributed in the three altitudinal ranges are shown in Table 1.

270 Fig. 3 Land cover map of the Las Cruces micro-watershed in San Vicente de Chucurí (Colombia)

271 based upon a supervised classification of Sentinel-2 satellite imagery from 2018.


273 Table 1. Land cover areas distribution by altitudinal range

Altitudinal range areas (ha) Total area

Land cover
Low Intermediate High (ha)
Forest 387.12 460.11 1 3557.63
Cattle pastures 118.77 162.50 242.83 524.11
Cropland 428.07 495.98 427.80 1351.85
Water bodies 53.86 17.41 18.94 90.20
Bare soil 79.72 52.62 55.40 187.74
Settlement 66.72 1.19 0.07 67.97
275 3.4 On-field data collection

276 We identified 12 different crops distributed in three altitudinal ranges (high, intermediate, and low).

277 These crops included coffee, cocoa, citrus fruits, avocado, guava, banana, paprika, tomato, onion,

278 blackberry, beans, and peas. Future perspectives of households for the year 2030 vary depending on the

279 location of farms. Households in the upper zone want to increase coffee crops. Households in the

280 intermediate zone are oriented towards the diversification of their farms, maintaining cocoa, coffee,

281 avocado, and citrus crops. However, some of them pointed out that cocoa will replace coffee due to the

282 effects of climate change and the incidence of the berry borer in this zone. Finally, households in the

283 lower zone consider that cocoa tends to improve its productivity due to recent replanting and

284 expectations of renewal in the short term; however, they wish to diversify their income with the

285 establishment and improvement of avocado and citrus crops.

286 3.5 Scenario narratives and maps

287 We created the narratives of the three scenarios (see Appendix Table 3) by tracing the drivers of

288 change across the sociodemographic, technological, economic, environmental, and political

289 dimensions. Subsequently, some rules were set based on expert judgment to generate maps of different

290 land-use scenarios (Fig. 3) based on the narratives (Table 2).

291 Table 2. Rules and assumptions to transform narratives into spatially explicit land cover scenarios

(A) Inhabitants narratives
Scenario Quantitative rules
(B) Planning instruments
(C) Expert knowledge
Everything The total area that corresponds to SYNNP SYNNP management plan is encouraged
continues as becomes forested and the rest remains the same (A) and people living inside the protected
usual as currently. area would leave (B).
SYNNP management plan is encouraged
Agroforestry The total area that corresponds to SYNNP
(A) and people living inside the protected
expansion becomes forested.
area would leave (B).

Change probabilities to cropland are assigned Cropland expansion is more likely to
to the pixels with forest, cattle pastures, and occur in areas with less slope and closer
bare soil outside SYNNP. The probability of to the roads (C).
each pixel converting into cropland is inversely Cropland expands and becomes more
proportional to its slope and its distance to productive (A).
roads. Agroforestry is the appropriate use for
50% of the pixels with higher change this area (B).
probability and closer to the current cropland Cropland expansion is more likely to
are transformed into cropland. occur closer to the current cropland (C).
SYNNP management plan is encouraged
The total area that corresponds to SYNNP
(A) and people living inside the protected
becomes forested.
area leave (B)
Forest expansion is more likely to occur
Change probabilities to forests are assigned to
in areas with steeper slopes and away
Exclusive the pixels with cropland, cattle pastures, and
from roads (C).
conservation bare soil outside SYNNP. The probability of
Young people are leaving the rural areas
each pixel is proportional to its slope and its
because opportunities are lacking (A).
distance to the roads.
Forest conservation is prioritized in this
50% of the pixels with higher change
area (B).
probability and closer to the current forest are
Forest expansion is more likely to occur
transformed into forests.
closer to the current forest cover (C).
293 Under the “Everything continues as usual” scenario (Fig. 3b), the area of the micro-watershed

294 corresponding to the SYNNP would be dominated by forest. With this change, the percentage of forest

295 would increase from 61.6% to 65.4%, and cropland would decrease by 3.1%. In addition to the

296 assumptions of the “Everything continues as usual” scenario that are justified in the current legislation

297 of protected areas of Colombia, the “agroforestry expansion” scenario (Fig. 3c) would involve a

298 process of expanding agroforestry in the permitted areas, that is, outside the SYNNP. Therefore, the

299 percentage of cropland would increase from 23.4% to 28% with respect to current land-use. Finally, the

300 “exclusive conservation” scenario (Fig. 3d) would imply a process of abandonment and sale of the

301 farms so that they are used for nature conservation. Under this scenario, forests would increase by

302 15.5%, and cropland would decrease by 11%.


304 Fig. 3 Land-use maps of the present (2018) and three future scenarios as derived from the land-use

305 transformation rules outlined in Table 1

307 3.6 Impact on ecosystem services and trade-offs

308 The total food provision derived from cropland in the current and future scenarios is presented in Fig. 4

310 Fig. 4 Total annual food supply under the current and three future scenarios.

311 For the current land use, Las Cruces produces 3500 tons of agricultural-related food annually. This

312 production would decrease by 500 tons in the “everything continues as usual” scenario since the crops

313 within the SYNNP would be eradicated. The agroforestry expansion scenario would produce 700 tons

314 of food more than the current land use given the hypothetical increase in cropland area. Finally, the

315 “exclusive conservation” scenario would radically reduce food production by 1600 tons compared to

316 current land-use.

317 Regarding aboveground biomass, under the “exclusive conservation” scenario more biomass would be

318 accumulated given the hypothetical increase in forests (Fig. 5). However, the “agroforestry expansion”

319 scenario would accumulate more biomass than the scenario of “Everything continues as usual”.

321 Fig. 5 Total AGB under the current and three future scenarios. The biomass values added by the cattle

322 pasture are so low that cannot be seen under this scale.

324 In the “everything continues as usual” scenario, forests would increase by ~220 ha, while croplands

325 would decrease by ~180 ha (Fig. 3). The “agroforestry expansion” scenario would maintain forest,

326 increase cropland (~265 ha), and decrease cattle pastures (~187 ha) and bare soil (~74). Finally, the

327 “exclusive conservation” scenario would increase forest by ~900 ha and would decrease cattle pasture

328 and cropland by ~210 ha and ~635 ha, respectively. The three future scenarios would accumulate more

329 AGB than the current scenario due to the forest increase inside the SYNNP and outside it in the

330 “exclusive conservation” scenario. Although the “exclusive conservation” scenario would be the one

331 that accumulates more AGB, the “agroforestry expansion” scenario would be the second one and

332 would produce more food than any other scenario. Thus, food provisioning would trade off with AGB

333 accumulation (Fig. 6) in all scenarios with the exception of the “agroforestry expansion” scenario,

334 which would seem to escape this trade-off to a certain extent.

336 Fig. 6 Total annual food provision per year vs total above-ground biomass accumulation for Las

337 Cruces micro-watershed future and current scenarios.

338 3.7 Participatory refinements

339 We summarized the perceptions of participants of the second participatory workshop about additional

340 implications of the scenarios in Table 3.

341 In the “everything continues as usual” scenario, participants described they were facing the emigration

342 of young people to urban areas, bad infrastructure, and a lack of economic opportunities within Las

343 Cruces. They recognized the multifunctionality of their agroforestry systems and the link between their

344 management practices and water quality. Participants also perceived the lack of strategies to treat

345 wastewater from household and post-harvest processes. Most participants showed a high preference for

346 this scenario because it was considered the most realistic.

347 For the “agroforestry expansion scenario”, participants perceived positive aspects including increased

348 gains, the return of young people, the arrival of new families, and water conservation. They also

349 perceived negative aspects of this future such as prices dropping, the increase of costs for investments

350 in agriculture, pollution increasing, and more restrictions on water use. Participants proposed strategies

351 that would support the occurrence of this scenario like a scheme of payments for ecosystem services

352 derived from agroforestry, and the commercialization of their products through short food circuits and

353 solidarity economies.

354 The “exclusive conservation” scenario was feared by the participants if the government does not

355 support family farming and encourages policies that privilege disaster risk reduction, water

356 conservation, and energy production. Participants perceived this scenario would increase water

357 availability, forest conservation, and habitat for wildlife; but without people.

358 Table 3. Perceptions of local stakeholders and farmers about the implications of futures scenarios

Future scenario
Everything continues as
for Agroforestry expansion Exclusive conservation
(+) Increased household
(+) Benefits from income, better opportunities (+) Increased awareness of
Rural conservation-related projects for people, new farmers biodiversity conservation
households (-) Less leadership, lack of (-) Increased costs for (-) Loss of traditional
motivation and dialogue agricultural inputs such as knowledge and values
(+) Easy access to cheap and (+) Increased water quantity
good quality agricultural and quality
(+) Easy access and
Urban products (-) Decreased access to
increased quantity of
households (-) Intermediaries sell agricultural products and
agricultural products
agricultural products more higher prices, road
expensive deterioration.
(+) Environmental
awareness of water (+) Environmental awareness
conservation of water conservation (+) Increased water quantity
(-) Water pollution with (-) Decreased water quantity and quality
coffee and sewage residues and quality
decreases water quantity
(+) Agroforestry provides (+) Agroforestry provides
habitat and food for them habitat and food for wildlife (-) Less food from crops
(-) There are still practices (-) Wildlife displacement due (+) Increased habitat
such as biomass burning to crop pest management
359 The (+) and (-) signs denote positive and negative implications of the three future scenarios respectively.

360 The presentation of results using this open call for the exchange of information and result sharing was

361 an effective way to encourage interaction and dialogue between researchers, local communities, and

362 decision-makers.

363 4. Discussion

364 4.1. Las Cruces case study

365 Using ES we explored the trade-off between three future scenarios and identified the “agroforestry

366 expansion” scenario to allow escape from the conservation and production trade-off. Similarly to Jiren

367 et al. (2020), this synergetic scenario between agricultural production and conservation is not only

368 based on diversification and better agricultural practices but also on the recognition of what is

369 important for the local population in terms of food security, vulnerability to climate variability, and

370 social justice.

371 By contrast, the “exclusive conservation” scenario would benefit certain regulation services such as

372 carbon storage and water regulation, but would have negative consequences for food provisioning and

373 might also decrease biodiversity since agro-ecosystems habitats also provide food and shelter to

374 wildlife (e.g. Brüning et al. 2018). This scenario is likely to happen and feared by local farmers since it

375 is a representation of how valuable mountain ES, such as water and energy, are managed by distant

376 decision-makers disregarding the local knowledge and interests of the inhabitants.

377 Interestingly, instead of choosing the best scenario in terms of ES most of the local people preferred

378 “everything continues as usual” indicating their preference for their actual way of life while

379 acknowledging their limitations to stop emigration from the mountains for conservation and disaster

380 risk reduction.

381 4.2 Strengths and limitations of the proposed PSP framework

382 Scenario development has been used in global (e.g., IPCC, 2007; MEA, 2005), national (e.g.,

383 Hagemann et al., 2016), regional (e.g., Griewald et al., 2017), and local scales (e.g., Kohler et al., 2017;

384 Rawluk and Godber, 2011). The use of participatory approaches has been increasingly incorporated at

385 the regional and local levels, providing stakeholders or local people with tools to discuss possible

386 futures and seek a vision for a common and sustainable future. However, scenario development is a

387 complex process that varies from case to case since land-use decisions are influenced by the actions of

388 a diverse range of stakeholders at different spatial and temporal scales, as well as the biophysical

389 characteristics of the study areas. Tackling this process requires the participation, knowledge, and

390 compromise of local stakeholders and for that, we need to create new transdisciplinary approaches that

391 help to create visions of a sustainable future that reconcile diverse interests (Bai et al., 2016; Boron et

392 al., 2016; Klein et al., 2019). Our paper offers a practical guide to PSP that was successfully

393 implemented in a MtSES with a strong presence of family farming.

394 As the first steps to develop scenarios for Las Cruces MtSES, we not only screened information about

395 its historical land-use changes and planning instruments from secondary sources but also involved local

396 farmers through a participatory workshop to discuss and complement this information and identify key

397 drivers of change, similarly to Kohler et al. (2017). This approach allowed addressing the challenge of

398 understanding MtSES dynamics across spatial and temporal scales (Klein et al., 2019) since the local

399 knowledge has been built over time considering the influences of multiple factors at broader spatial

400 scales.

401 Due to the history of Las Cruces, local actors were suspicious of external organizations that entered the

402 territory to conduct any intervention. This mistrust was also visible at the beginning of this study and

403 was one explanation for the low participation in the first workshop. Nevertheless, persistence and

404 maintaining effective and transparent communication with the community, and socializing results at

405 different stages of the process were key aspects that helped to gain trust, although associated with a

406 substantial effort.

407 To make sure that future visions were as comprehensive as possible, we presented the information

408 about social-ecological context, historical land cover changes, and existing governmental planning

409 instruments using visual tools such as aerial photographs and satellite images. However, participatory

410 approaches can be affected by power dynamics, especially in territories that suffered armed conflict as

411 is the case of Las Cruces. For future studies, creating homogeneous focus groups by gender, age, and

412 social condition as proposed by Rawluk and Godber (2011) and Capitani et al. (2019) may help to

413 democratize participation across the local community and include less assertive or more marginalized

414 groups. However, we tried to allow full participation and reduce bias by complementing the visions

415 gathered during workshops with those obtained from household surveys.

416 The lack of fine-scale data that is often a challenge for MtSES prevented the application of

417 standardized approaches such as InVEst models to create spatially explicit scenarios and assess their

418 impacts on ES. Although we required more time and resources for the implementation of the PSP, it

419 was an opportunity to contribute to local capacity building for sustainable management, as other

420 authors have pointed out (e.g., Capitani et al., 2016). We also encouraged the creation of synergies and

421 complementarities between scientific knowledge from multiple disciplines and local knowledge, which

422 is key to operationalizing transdisciplinary approaches catalyzing sustainability transitions

423 (Scheidewind et al., 2016). In addition, we generated data that could support ongoing and future

424 projects as well as territorial planning instruments in the area. Although we used simple transformation

425 rules for scenario mapping from the available biophysical and socio-economic data, this approach

426 captured well the inherent complexity of Las Cruces MtSES at an appropriate spatial resolution. When

427 assessing the impacts of future scenarios on ES, we assessed food provision and AGB using mainly

428 field-based approaches and only data from the literature that we did not consider strongly affected by

429 the local social-ecological context. This allowed the application of our PSP framework to different sets

430 of social-ecological conditions but required a diverse set of technical skills to generate fine-scale data

431 (e.g., generating a high-resolution land cover map or calculating AGB for diversified agroforestry

432 systems). However, in other contexts where information is not available, funding is insufficient, or

433 more ES need to be assessed, stakeholder-based methodologies for assessing or spatially estimating

434 multiple impacts on ES could be incorporated. For example, Plieninger et al. (2013) conducted a

435 participatory workshop where participants rated 27 different ecosystem services based on their

436 vulnerability to future landscape development. Vrebos et al., (2015) and Burkhard et al. (2009) used the

437 scoring of land cover types based on expert judgment to calculate and map multiple ES. In this sense,

438 this study generated an important and comprehensive baseline for understanding current land use, food

439 production, social organization, historical land use changes and their drivers, and local future visions.

440 We were able to identify a trade-off regarding land cover and provision of two ES; i.e. food production

441 vs. biomass accumulation as an indicator for several regulating services. This offers an opportunity for

442 local farmers and stakeholders to raise awareness about the costs and benefits of the different scenarios

443 and reflect on the actions that generate a transformation where ES trade-offs are reduced and ES

444 synergies are fostered, which is a challenge for research and policy (Brussaard et., 2010). For further

445 research, information about other ES (e.g., soil protection or pest control) could reinforce the reflection

446 on the impacts of the different scenarios as well as their importance on food production. Although

447 climate change scenarios were not explicitly incorporated in our PSP as they have been in others (e.g.,

448 Capitani et al., 2019), local farmers took them into account envisioning future management of Las

449 Cruces (e.g., coffee and cocoa cultivation migrating upslope).

450 Participatory refinement of the narratives provided avenues for discussion, understanding, and

451 ownership of the potential impacts of the scenarios. This refinement of future visions not only ensures

452 the relevance, legitimacy, and plausibility of future scenarios but may also pave the road to mutual

453 learning between scientists and stakeholders supporting sustainable transitions (Grêt-Regamey et al.,

454 2013; Mckenzie et al., 2012) and to develop strategies and rationales for actions during these

455 transitions (Prost et al. 2023).

456 Important advances of our PSP framework beyond related ones (e.g., Reed et al., 2013; Swetnam et al.,

457 2011) include the presentation of results of our PSP exercise to municipal government, NGOs,

458 environmental authorities, and governmental planning institutions at the regional and national levels.

459 Together with the local community and with the help of visual communication tools, as suggested by

460 Capitani et al. (2019), we showed the current land cover map, the socio-economic characterization, and

461 local future visions, which are highly relevant for decision-makers and stakeholders at the municipal,

462 regional, and even national level. This event allowed meeting stakeholders that otherwise would not

463 meet each other, facilitated exchange, especially with the local community, and allowed clarifying

464 misunderstandings which have created past tensions. In other words, reflections about the future

465 allowed a better understanding of the present and thinking pathways toward sustainable transitions. Our

466 PSP framework also integrated farm-level perspectives into the development of future narratives,

467 which has been explicitly recognized as a research challenge to support transitions to sustainable

468 agricultural systems (Prost et al. 2023).

469 Although the proposed PSP framework did not explicitly include a step for monitoring and evaluating

470 the outcomes, it built a fertile ground for transdisciplinary action research in Las Cruces through the

471 co-production of knowledge and the trust building between inhabitants and researchers. For example, it

472 set the enabling conditions for the joint development of the farms for knowledge exchange (FiNCO), a

473 local strategy to transition towards sustainability, which can be considered as a seed for a good

474 Anthropocene (Buendía et al., 2023a). It also motivated turning Las Cruces remarkable transformation

475 towards sustainability into an animated video that explains and uses the adaptive cycle concept

476 (Buendía, 2023b). It also contributed to the improvement of land cover classification methodologies

477 that distinguish forest from agroforestry systems which otherwise are often considered as forests in

478 automated classifications, invisibilizing their potential for agricultural production and biodiversity

479 conservation (Bolívar-Santamaría and Reu 2022).

480 Las Cruces is a MtSES in transition, exposed to global, national and local drivers of change and

481 planned by top-down schemes, which is facing similar challenges to those described by Klein et al.,

482 (2019). To our knowledge, this is the first well-documented PSP study in tropical MtSES in Colombia,

483 if not South America. It describes a methodological framework to achieve fine-scale information as

484 well as strategies to integrate the local community in understanding the past and the present to

485 participate in shaping the future. We consider the insights from this study could support the co-creation
486 of future pathways for enabling just transitions towards sustainable agriculture and food systems that

487 recognize the inherent complexity of tropical socio-ecological systems, especially mountains, hence

488 facilitating better-tailored planning schemes and improved decision-making by policymakers,

489 practitioners, and other stakeholders. In addition, this study started to unveil concrete actions within

490 this MtSES where local communities are building capacities to creatively cope with external shocks

491 while being protagonists in shaping their future (e.g. FiNCO, Buendía et al. 2023a)

492 5. Conclusions

493 This study has shown the application of a PSP framework to depict and map explorative scenarios of

494 real concern and their impacts on ES in a tropical MtSES. Despite the challenges that MtSES are

495 facing, our PSP framework allows us to explore futures where the costs and benefits of decisions are

496 balanced and transitions towards sustainability can be catalyzed. Through its participatory nature, our

497 framework generates opportunities for transdisciplinarity where local knowledge is valued and

498 integrated with scientific multidisciplinary knowledge. It also generates fluent communication between

499 the local community, researchers, and other stakeholders that creates awareness about the history,

500 drivers of change, and possible futures.

501 The implementation of this PSP framework helps to overcome two main challenges posed by MtSES

502 (Klein et al., 2019). On the one hand, it generates high-resolution spatial data that accounts for the

503 complexity of the MtSES by integrating scientific and local knowledge. On the other hand, it

504 encourages the active participation of local communities, which is key for contesting the policies and

505 planning instruments that are often made outside MtSES.

506 We consider that this framework is a useful tool for planning under the intrinsic complexity of tropical

507 MtSES, especially in Colombia and South America.

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anonymized household survey

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Supplementary Material
Anonymized household survey database.xlsx
Revised Appendix

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Supplementary Material
Author statement

Authors' contributions

Tatiana Rodríguez: Conceptualization; Data curation; Formal analysis; Investigation; Methodology; Validation;

Visualization; Writing - original draft.

Björn Reu: Formal analysis; Methodology; Project administration; Writing - review & editing.

Sergio Bolívar-Santamaría: Data curation; Formal analysis; Software.

Alexandra Cortés-Aguilar: Conceptualization; Supervision; Writing - review & editing.

Corina Buendía: Conceptualization; Formal analysis; Funding acquisition; Investigation; Methodology; Project

administration; Supervision; Validation; Visualization; Writing - review & editing.

Manuscript (without Author Details)

Declaration of interests

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships
that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

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