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SPE 81499

Numerical Simulation of Non-Darcy Flow Utilizing the New Forchheimer’s

Diffusivity Equation
H.A. Belhaj, K.R. Agha, A.M. Nouri, S.D. Butt, H.F. Vaziri*, SPE and M.R. Islam, SPE, Dalhousie University
*BP America

Copyright 2003, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

cc/sec has been tested as well. Both Darcy and non-Darcy
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE 13th Middle East Oil Show & Conference behaviors have been identified for the domain of testing, and
to be held in Bahrain 5-8 April 2003.
the numerical model has proven of good agreement in
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
all cases.
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at Intoduction
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
Traditionally, when mentioned, non-Darcy behavior means
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is gas flow in reservoirs and the attention goes to the
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous Forchheimer’s equation. On the other hand, despite that Darcy
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
equation has been around for about one and a half century and
essentially based on empirical experimental approach with no
mathematical foundation, until today, it is considered the
Abstract corner stone of fluid flow in porous medium.
Recently, it became evident that non-Darcy flow occurs not The uncertainties usually associated with the predictions of
only in gas reservoirs, fractured reservoirs and multi- commercial reservoir simulators mostly attributed to a number
permeability systems within oil reservoirs experienced non- of factors such as poor quality and lack of in-put data,
linearity due to non-Darcy flow behavior. Most reservoir unrealistic history matching, assumptions encountered, etc. It
simulators currently used encountered false predictions due to is only lately that the basic governing equations of flow
their dependency on the traditionally used diffusivity equation. behavior become questioned. In fact, transmissibility and so
This paper introduces alternative diffusivity equation to saturations distribution within a reservoir at any time and
replace the one derived from Darcy’s law. The new equation coordinates are direct functions of pressure predicted by the
was derived from the commonly known as Forchheimer’s diffusivity equation employed. As it controls the evaluation of
equation which is basically Darcy’s equation plus an inertia other parameters, if this pressure is in doubt then the ultimate
term to account for high velocity fluid flow in porous medium. simulator predictions are consequently misleading.
Mathematical derivation of the diffusivity equation based Non-Darcy flow has been encountered in oil and gas
on Forchheimer equation has been presented in a previous reservoirs produced by vertical and horizontal wells alike. The
paper by the authors. severity of the non-Darcy effect is indeed affected by the
The newly derived diffusivity equation has been velocity of the flow and both physical properties of the
numerically simulated. Correlations used to estimate the non- flowing fluid and the characteristics of the medium.
Darcy coefficient “ β ” have been comprehensively reviewed; The productivity of a horizontal well has been affected by
nine correlations found suitable for use in this study for the non-Darcy behavior around the well bore. To include this
technical reasons. A new dimensionless number (Be) relating high flow rate effect on the productivity model of a horizontal
β , velocity, density and viscosity has been introduced to well the flow in the near wellbore has been assumed normal to
differentiate between Darcy and non-Darcy flow in porous the well trajectory and a radial flow region is supposed to take
medium for any rock type and any flowing fluid. Evidences place around the wellbore. The impact of high flow rate region
show that this new dimensionless number cannot be is predicted to occur near the wellbore and as it gets away
considered a declaration of turbulence flow in porous medium from the wellbore in the flow field the effect vanishes. It has
rather the energy loss is contributed to the nature of both been found that non-Darcy effect, if occurred, in a horizontal
flowing fluid and the porous medium. The point of deviation well under radial or pseudo radial flow cases become
from the Darcian behavior to the non-Darcian behavior has significant in a range of 10 to 20 feet around the wellbore,
been found at Be = 0, for practical use it has been determined beyond that the effect become insignificant and practically
that Be = 0.0526 at 5% deviation from Darcy’s linear trend. fades out 1.
A range of permeability from 1 md to 1000 md with The relationship between pressure drop and flow rates can
porosity changing accordingly has been verified with the new be complicated in producing gas condensate reservoirs more
model, velocity as low as 0.0001 cm/sec and as high as 700 predominantly near the wellbore. The main reason of this
2 SPE 81499

relationship complexity is the very high gas velocity caused by turbulence as the cause for non-Darcy effect. The main
the inertial effect “non-Darcy flow” and the increase in reasons for that is in turbulent flow through pipes, the linear
mobility at high capillary number referred to as viscous term (Darcy’s term) in Forchheimer equation does not exist,
stripping or positive coupling 2. the transition from laminar to turbulent flow in pipes is not
Simulators experienced problems when trying to history gradual but rather a sharp change and the critical Reynolds
matching. A satisfactory matching has not been achieved number at which the transition begins is much higher than that
without the inclusion of high-velocity effect (non-Darcy at which the non-Darcy effect begins.
effect) in the model used. Numerous correlations for estimating the non-Darcy
This paper discusses a numerical model for simulating coefficient β are available in the literature8. Only the single
non-Darcy flow behavior based on a diffusivity equation phase flow correlations and particularly those include either
derived from the Forchheimer’s3 formula. Detailed derivation permeability or both permeability and porosity have been
of the new diffusivity equation has been presented in a selected in this study. The reason for that is in this study only
previous publication by the authors4. The derived model single phase flow is considered and the correlations involve
includes a velocity term that expresses the non- linearity the tortuosity been excluded since determining tortuosity with
caused by deviation from the non-Darcian behavior. The a reasonable accuracy is not an easy task. It is advised though,
Darcian model does not include any velocity terms. that the non-Darcy coefficient is to be determined for each
case depending on the relevant available data for that
The Numerical Model particular case. Once permeability and porosity determined
The non-Darcy diffusivity equation in two dimensions that has from laboratory or field testing, pressure gradient and flow
been derived4 from Forchheimer’s equation is used for rate (velocity) data should be utilized to determine β
numerical simulation of both Darcy and non-Darcy flow in
porous medium: corresponding to that permeability and porosity values using
Forchheimer equation.
Table (1) summarizes the correlations used to estimate β
∂ 2P ∂ 2P µ  ∂ P  ∂ P ∂ P   (1)
+ = c  + 2 βρ v   φ + v +   for single phase flow. The applications, limitations and
∂x 2
∂y 2
K  ∂ t  ∂x ∂y   sources of these correlations are also mentioned in Table (1).
The proposed numerical model has been verified using these
Where: K is the permeability, φ is the porosity and β is the nine correlations.
non-Darcy coefficient of the porous medium. ρ is the density The behavior of pressure drop with velocity (or flow rate)
change as predicted by the numerical model using different
and µ is the viscosity of the flowing fluid. c is the
non-Darcy coefficient correlations is described in Figs. 1-3. In
isothermal compressibility factor and v is the velocity. general, it can be seen that at low velocity both Darcy’s and
This partial differential equation would represent the non- Forchheimer’s models seem to predict identical flow behavior;
Darcy flow at high fluid velocity in porous medium and if the the trend of velocity versus pressure gradient in both cases is
velocity of the fluid is low enough the velocity terms become almost the same at low velocity region. As velocity increases
negligible and the equation is reduced to the traditional the Forchheimer’s model predicts higher pressure gradient
Darcian diffusivity equation: than Darcy’s model and higher velocity would make the gap
between the two trends even larger. Darcy’s pressure gradient
∂ 2P ∂ 2P φµc ∂P (2) trend increases linearly (straight line) with velocity increase,
+ =
∂x 2 ∂y 2 K ∂t this is understandable since inertia term does not exist in
Darcy’s model. The inertia term in Forchheimer’s model
The original Forchheimer equation includes both Darcy’s (includes v 2 ) has a very small value “negligible” at low
term and the inertial term introduced by Forchheimer. velocity, but at high velocity the term become significant
Partial derivatives in eq. 1 and 2 have been transferred into because of “ v 2 ” effect.
finite differences in order to be modeled numerically. Crank- It is evident that the non-Darcy coefficient is a very critical
Necholson 5,6 and Barakat-Clark 7 methods have been used for factor in the Forchheimer’s model, this is obvious from the
numerical modeling processing. Both methods have shown plots in Figs. 1-3 since each of the nine correlations used to
converging and stability of solution at a very acceptable estimate β gives completely different pressure gradient
accuracy4. Crank-Nicholson solution was adopted for further
predictions with velocity variation. Accurate determination of
parametric analysis.
β is recommended and if β has to be estimated from
Results and Discussions correlations, a careful selection of the right correlation is
Recently, it has become evident that turbulence does not play essential. The nine correlations used to estimate β mentioned
any significant role in fluid flow behavior in porous media in Table (1) has been divided to three groups according to
rather the deviation from Darcy’s law is attributed to2: one the their predictions when used in Forchheimer’s model, β1 takes
convective acceleration and deceleration (to move at lower distinctive trend, β2 to β 7 take another different group-trend
speed) of fluid particles as they travel through the pores and
two the displacement of fluid particles from a straight line due and β8 and β9 take a third distinctive behavior as been
to the tortuous path in the pores system. Bear2 excluded demonstrated in Figs. 1-3.
SPE 81499 3

The point at which the pressure gradient deviated from the using β2- β3 correlations have a very similar behavior, β5- β6
Darcian behavior as predicted by the proposed model is correlations have another similar behavior and β8- β9
considered the start of the non-Darcy behavior. This point is of
great importance since it declares the beginning of the non- correlations take a third similar trend.
Darcy regime; this point has been given careful investigation It should be noted that changing permeability and porosity
in this study. It has been found that the point of deviation from accordingly has been tested to check the validity of the model,
the Darcian trend is function of fluid properties, porous permeability values as low as 1 md and as high as 1000 md
medium properties and flow characteristics. Specifically, a has been tested. Porosity has been evaluated from permeability
dimensionless group “Be” consists of viscosity, density, using existed correlations9 for different oil fields. Although,
permeability, non-Darcy coefficient and velocity terms has using different correlations for β estimate would give different
been identified and found to be a decisive element to values of β, that by itself can be considered
distinguish the Non-Darcian behavior. This dimensionless permeability/porosity validation since the coefficient β
group “Be” takes the following form: includes both permeability and porosity.
ρβ Kv (3) Conclusions
Be =
µ This paper takes a numerical approach based on a
mathematical sound derivation of a new diffusivity model
The quantity “Be” is a unique and always equal constant value from Forchheimer’s equation and using empirical correlations
at the point of deviation from the Darcian flow to the non- inferred from both experimental and field dada. The following
Darcian flow no matter what fluid or porous media type is conclusions can be summarized:
used. Theoretically, it has been considered that “Be” equals 1. A new two dimensional numerical simulation model based
zero at the point of deviation. “Be” found to be constant at this on the diffusivity equation derived from Forchheimer
point. Fig. 4 indicates a relationship between “Be” and the equation has been introduced in this paper. This model
ratio of pressure drop predicted by Darcian model and may describe both Darcian and non-Darcian behaviors. It
pressure drop predicted by Forchheimer’s model. It is clear includes the viscous term of Darcy’s equation and the
that there is a unique value of “Be” at each pressure drop ratio. inertial term of Forchheimer’s equation, at low velocity the
For practical reasons, “Be” has been taken at 5% deviation inertia term drops out and the model reduces to Darcian
from the Darcian trend (0.95 pressure drop ratio) and found to behavior and as velocity increases this term become
be equal 0.0526. significant.
Appendix “A” describes a mathematical proof shows that 2. A new dimensionless group term “Be” consists of
“Be” is a constant value at the point of deviation from viscosity, density, velocity, permeability and the non-
Darcian behavior. Darcy coefficient has been introduced to verify the non-
Darcy behavior. This dimensionless term is equals to zero
Parametric Study. To verify the proposed numerical model at the point of deviation from Darcian flow but for
three type fluids of different properties have been used. Water practical aspects it can be considered as 0.0526 at which
as it has unique properties; methanol that is less viscous than the deviation is 5% from the Darcian behavior.
water and mineral oil that is more viscous than water have 3. A parametric study has been carried out to verify the
been used to predict velocity using the numerical model. Fig. model. The effect of density, viscosity, permeability and
5 shows velocity predictions of the model using water, the non-Darcy coefficient estimated from available
methanol and mineral oil at 5% deviation from the Darcian empirical correlations have been studied and the model
trend. Velocity distribution takes the same trend described found valid and gave realistic results.
earlier, when using the correlation β1 the predicted velocity 4. It is recommended that the traditional diffusivity equation
become too small to be noticed on the plot in Fig. 5, when derived from Darcy’s law that is currently used for
using correlations β2- β7 velocities are still small but it can be pressure predictions in reservoir simulators should be
replaced by the new diffusivity equation presented in this
seen on the plot of Fig.5. Velocity is slightly increasing as we
paper. This equation has been numerically modeled and
go from β2 to β7. When correlations β8 and β9 are applied validated. It gives accurate results and accounts for the
another significantly higher velocity predictions is identified. extra pressure drop caused by high flow rate encountered
Figs. 6-11 show the effect of both viscosity and density on usually around the wellbore or when fractured reservoir
velocity of the flowing fluid. The scheme of dividing is involved.
predicted behaviors according to the β correlation mentioned
before is still valid. Water has been taken as a reference with a Acknowledgment
density of 1 gm/cm3 and viscosity of 1 cp (gm/cm-sec), the The authors are thankful to the Killam trustees, the Natural
domain of both density and viscosity changes is from 50% to Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada and
200% of the parameter as shown in Figs. 6-11. It can be Atlantic Innovation Fund for the financial support of this
inferred that density and viscosity are in opposite effect on the research program.
predicted velocity, velocity would be reduced with increasing
density and/or increasing viscosity. Although, their behavior
has been categorized to three groups, density and viscosity
4 SPE 81499

Nomenclature 13. Li, D, Svec, R.K., Engler, T.W. and Grigg, R.B.:
“Modeling and Simulation of the Wafer Non-Darcy Flow
Be Dimensionless group Experiments,” paper SPE 68822, Proc., the 2001 SPE
c Isothermal compressibility factor Western Regional Meeting, Bakersfield, CA, March 26-30.
φ Porosity
SI Metric Conversion Factors
k Permeability of the porous system To Convert from To Multiply by
P Pressure Ft m 0.3048
x Space Coordinate in the flow direction md m2 9.869E-16
y Space Coordinate perpendicular to the flow direction psi kPa 6.894757
β Non-Darcy coefficient lbm/ft3 kg/m3 16.01845
t Time lbm/ft-sec kg/m-sec 1.488163
v Volume-averaged fluid velocity
µ Viscosity of flowing fluid
ρ Appendix A: Mathematical Formulation of the
Fluid density
Dimensionless Group “Be”
1. Tang, Y. and Kelkar, M.: “Effects of Formation Damage Pressure gradient according to Darcy’s equation:
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the SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Forcheimer Term
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5. Patankar, S.V.: Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Darcy Term
McGraw-Hill, (1980).
6. Kobayashi, M.H. and Pereira, J.C.F.: “A Comparison of
Second Order Convection Discretization Schemes for ( ρβ u 2 )
Be =
Incompressible Fluid Flow,” Communication in Numerical µ
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( u)
7. Barakat, H.Z and Clark, J.A.: “On the Solution of the
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ρβ Ku
Heat Transfer, (November 1966), 421-427. Be =
8. Li, D and Engler, T.W.: “Literature review on correlations µ
of the non-Darcy coefficient,” paper SPE 70015 presented
at the SPE Permian Basin Oil and Gas Recovery The relationship between the dimensionless group “Be” and
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9. Timur, A.: “An Investigation of Permeability, Porosity, Darcy term to that caused by Fochheimer’s inertial term), is as
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SPWLA Ninth Annual Logging Symposium, New Orleans ∂P 
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Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, And therefore “Be” will be a constant value for a particular
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SPE 81499 5

Table. 1 “K-φ” Non-Darcy Coefficient Correlations* available in the literature.

No. β Correlation. Application Reference

-Field testing (variable rate test)
1 β= -Low permeability medium 10
K 1.176 -Hydraulically fractured medium

3.51 x 1010 φ 0.449 -Collective data

2 β= 11
1.88 -Sandstone and Limestone
1.82 x10 8 8
3 β= 5 3 -Natural porous medium
K 4φ 4

2.018 x 10 9 -Experimental data of Sandstone

4 β= 1.55 and Limestone
8.17 x 10 9 φ 0.537 -Collective data
5 β= -Sandstone and Limestone
K 1.79
1.15 × 10 7 -N2 gas
6 β= -Berea Sandstone

1.59 × 10 3 -Consolidated and
7 β= unconsolidated sandstone, 8
K 0.5 φ 5.5 limestone and dolomite

1 245 *10 8 -Different mediums 8

8 β=
φ 12 K φ -Gases (CO2, N2, Methane, H2)

1 1.8 *10 9 -Different mediums 8

9 β=
φ K φ -Gases (CO2, N2, Methane, H2)

* K in md and β in 1/cm
6 SPE 81499



∆P, Mpa/m





2.00E+02 Darcy

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Velocity, cm/sec

Fig. 1 Pressure Gradient Predicted vs. Flow Velocity for the case of β1 using both models


β8 β7

7.50E+03 β6

∆P, Mpa/m

5.00E+03 Forchheimer


0 5 10 15 20
Velocity, cm/sec

Fig. 2 Pressure Gradient Predicted vs. Flow Velocity for the cases of β2 to β7 using both models
SPE 81499 7


2.50E+05 β9

∆P, Mpa/m




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Velocity, cm/sec

Fig. 3 Pressure Gradient Predicted vs. Flow Velocity for the cases of β8 and β9 using both models

1 16
Mineral Oil Water Methanol
Pressure Drop Ratio

Velocity, cm/sec

0.4 8

0.2 6

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2
Fig. 4 Pressure drop ratio (Darcy to Forchheimer prediction)
as a function of dimensionless number “Be”. β1 β2 β3 β4 β5 β6 β7 β8 β9
Fig. 5 Predicted Flow Velocity at 0.95 Pressure Drop
Ratio using different β correlations.
8 SPE 81499



V, cm/sec




0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
ρ, gr/cm

Fig. 6 Effect of Fluid Density on Flow Velocity at the 0.95 Pressure Drop Ratio Point of Deviation (for the case of β1)



V, cm/sec




0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2

µ, gr/cm-sec * 10

Fig. 7 Effect of Fluid Viscosity on Flow Velocity at the 0.95 Pressure Drop Ratio Point of Deviation (for the case of β1)
SPE 81499 9




V, cm/sec



0.5 β6


0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
ρ, gr/cm

Fig. 8 Effect of Fluid Density on Flow Velocity at the 0.95 Pressure Drop Ratio Point of Deviation (for the
cases of β2 to β7).


V, cm/sec



0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2

µ, gr/cm-sec * 10

Fig. 9 Effect of Fluid Viscosity on Flow Velocity at the 0.95 Pressure Drop Ratio Point of Deviation (for the
cases of β2 to β7)
10 SPE 81499




V, cm/sec



0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9
ρ, gr/cm

Fig. 10 Effect of Fluid Density on Flow Velocity at the 0.95 Pressure Drop Ratio Point of Deviation (for the
cases of β8 and β9)




V, cm/sec



0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9
µ, gr/cm-sec * 10

Fig. 11 Effect of Fluid Viscosity on Flow Velocity at the 0.95 Pressure Drop Ratio Point of Deviation (for the
cases of β8 and β9)

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