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Year 9 Enhancement English

CAT 2.1 Lord of the Flies Analytical Text Response Essay
Semester 2 - WC: 31st July 2023

Task Guidelines
● Students have a double period to plan the essay and a double period to write the essay.
● Students are allowed a hard copy dictionary.
● Students are to write in black or blue pen only.
● Students are permitted to use the book-listed edition of the text in the first planning double.
At the end of this first double students will hand in the plan and this will be returned to
them in the second double and will be the only support permitted aside from the dictionary.


Choose one of the following topics, highlighting your selection, and plan and write an essay of at
least 600 words:

1. …….?


2. ….?
Unpack the prompt. Write down the FULL topic. Underline key terms. Generate synonyms for ALL key words, giving careful consideration to the context in which
they are used in the text under study. Identify what you will need to do in order to address the question posed by the prompt tag. If the topic includes a quote from the
text – you will need to identify when it was used in the text and the idea it conveys.

Brainstorm ideas for how you could respond to the topic. Make notes about the author’s views and values and evidence in the form of quotes and literary devices that
could be used. You can use this page to draw a mindmap, quotes table, a target chart, or any other tool that will help you organise your ideas.
Draft Contention


Topic sentence articulating a big idea and argument Topic sentence articulating a big idea and argument Topic sentence articulating a big idea and argument
in support of my contention: in support of my contention:
in support of my contention:

Linking sentence expressively restating the idea and Linking sentence expressively restating the idea and
Linking sentence expressively restating the idea and
argument – attributing this to the author: argument – attributing this to the author:
argument – attributing this to the author:


Quotes that will support my argument and enable Quotes that will support my argument and enable Quotes that will support my argument and enable
me to analyse how the author uses these to me to analyse how the author uses these to me to analyse how the author uses these to
demonstrate the idea. demonstrate the idea. demonstrate the idea.
Symbolism and literary devices that I will analyse to Symbolism and literary devices that I will analyse to Symbolism and literary devices that I will analyse to
show how the author demonstrates this idea. show how the author demonstrates this idea. show how the author demonstrates this idea.

Conclusion - Convey closure, restating my contention and three main arguments using varied phrasing.

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