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Received December 11, 2020, accepted December 20, 2020, date of publication December 24, 2020,

date of current version January 5, 2021.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3047138

A Decision Support System for Trading in Apple

Futures Market Using Predictions Fusion


1 College of Economics and Management, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China
2 School of History, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
3 School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan

Corresponding author: Shangkun Deng (

This work was supported in part by the National Social Science Foundation of China under Grant 19BGL131.

ABSTRACT In the last decade, High-Frequency Trading (HFT) has become a popular issue in the futures
market, which has attracted much attention from numerous researchers. In this study, an intelligent decision
support system is proposed for apple futures high-frequency trading. First, three eXtreme Gradient Boosting
(XGBoost) based models use the feature inputs from multiple time scales for return and direction prediction.
Then, based on a pre-designed trading rule, the signals of long and short-selling are determined, and
corresponding transactions are executed. In order to retain considerable profits in time and to avoid serious
losses possibly caused by sudden and huge price changes toward the opposite direction as predictions,
a position closing function is implemented in the trading rule. Meanwhile, Particle Swarm Optimization
(PSO) is employed to optimize the parameters of the trading rule as well as the XGBoost parameters.
By evaluating the experimental results, we observed that the proposed approach successfully achieved the
best performance in terms of direction prediction accuracy, transaction returns, as well as return/risk ratio.
It could be inferred from the experimental results that the proposed approach could provide decision support
and beneficial reference for market traders involved in high-frequency trading of the apple futures.

INDEX TERMS Futures market, trading rule, multiple time scale, parameters optimization.

I. INTRODUCTION and supply of apple is sufficient to support highly liquid

In the last two decades, Chinese futures markets have transactions. In order to lower risks, farmers or consumers
been rapidly developed. As an important form of Chi- who sell or need apples should not only take the over-
nese financial market, futures markets have relatively high the-counter spot market into consideration, but also be
liquidity than stock and foreign exchange markets, which encouraged to conduct hedging or arbitrage transactions in
can be used to hedge the trader’s investment portfolios to futures market. Meanwhile, a great number of market traders
prevent unexpected market risks in the future. As a kind of and relevant companies have participated in apple futures
agricultural commodity futures, the apple futures contract trading in recent years. Therefore, accurate forecasting of
has been innovated and became the first fruit futures variety apple futures price movement has become extremely crucial
in late 2018, which is traded in Zhengzhou Commodity to the benefits of them. Subsequently, it is of great practical
Exchange. Similar to other agricultural product futures, significance for scholars to design and develop an intelligent
the development of apple futures provides investors with decision-making system for apple futures direction prediction
diversified portfolios, and its function has been used to and trading.
guarantee farmers’ income, promote the scale production In comparison with other financial markets, the risk level
and operation of agricultural products and enhance the apple of the futures market has increased significantly due to the
market trading. Additionally, China’s apple production and characteristics of larger leverage. There are plenty of studies
consumption rank first in the world, and the market demand that investigated the price predictions in futures markets. For
instance, Hu et al. predicted the prices of crude oil futures [1].
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and Chen and Pan analyzed the price fluctuation of Chinese
approving it for publication was Chun-Hao Chen . stock index futures [2]. Das and Padhy researched the daily

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 9, 2021 1271
S. Deng et al.: Decision Support System for Trading in Apple Futures Market Using Predictions Fusion

closing prices prediction of commodity futures index [3]. Forest (RF) [26] was found to produce superior performance
Liu considered the technical trading behavior in Chinese in many application fields. In the last decade, it has been
rebar futures market [4]. In addition, Several scholars have applied to financial market forecasting by scholars [27]–[29].
carried out further researches on the agricultural commodity Additionally, deep learning and other advanced techniques
futures such as wheat, potatoes, cotton, and soybeans [5]–[7]. have been applied to stock market forecasting in recent
However, extant literature has done little to research on the years [30]–[32]. Furthermore, in 2016, Chen and Guestrin
apple futures market. developed an efficient algorithm called eXtreme gradient
The technical analysis method generally assumes that boosting (XGBoost) [33]. Compared with the traditional
history will repeat [8]–[10], and the market can be predicted RF algorithm, XGBoost has a faster operation speed and
by judging the change of price movement through one or higher prediction accuracy [34]–[36]. Recently, it has been
more technical indicators [11]. For stock prices or futures widely applied in various industries and achieved excellent
prices’ fluctuation analysis, time series analysis method realization [37]–[40]. Therefore, owing to the weaknesses
is one kind of the most commonly used approaches to of traditional time series methods and the advantages of
predict their future prices. For example, scholars generally commonly used machine learning methods, this study intends
applied autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) to employ XGBoost algorithm to predict the movement of
and other analysis methods, and a large amount of liter- apple futures’ prices, as well as executing simulation trading
ature that analyzed financial time series prices has been in the experiments.
reported [12], [13]. However, some scholars pointed out Previous researches generally focused on low-frequency
that futures market generally has the characteristics of data, such as daily and weekly prices [41]–[44]. However,
nonlinearity, which makes the traditional analysis methods in the past few decades, as an increasing number of
such as ARIMA produce less ideal prediction results [14]. market traders participated in high-frequency transactions,
Therefore, traditional time series analysis methods may be numerous scholars started to carry out their researches on
hardly capable of capturing the complex nonlinear features high-frequency trading systems [45]–[48]. Compared with
hidden in futures market. low-frequency trading that generally focuses on daily or
In recent twenty years, with the development of machine weekly movement, high-frequency trading has the following
learning technologies, plenty of scholars have begun to characteristics in general: 1) The holding period of a
adopt a variety of forecasting methods to predict the price transaction is relatively short that many positions will be
movement of financial markets. Several machine learning closed within the same trading day. Thus, it can avoid the
algorithms with powerful learning ability have advantages huge risk brought by holding a long-term position; 2) It could
over traditional methods in dealing with nonlinear prob- provide more opportunities for trading times, while the
lems, thus have become increasingly popular for financial number of low-frequency transactions is relatively fewer.
time series movement forecasting. In particular, Support 3) If a better high-frequency trading rule could be found,
Vector Machine (SVM) [15] and Artificial Neural Network the market participants may obtain more opportunities to
(ANN) [16] are widely studied and applied methods in produce larger profits. However, since high-frequency trading
academic and application fields. For example, Wen et al. requires a fast judgment of market states that may change
constructed an SVM based method for automatic stock rapidly, the trading strategy must be adjusted with changes
trading [17]. Lee designed a stock trend prediction system in the market state. Therefore, it is necessary to design an
by an SVM based method [18]. Sewell and Shawe built intelligent decision-making system to assist high-frequency
a novel SVM based method and applied it to the fore- transactions. According to the advantages of high-frequency
casting of foreign exchange rates [19]. Ravichandra and trading and the requirements of it, the main aim of this
Thingom have successfully forecasted stock prices using research is to develop a high-frequency trading system for
an ANN based method [20]. Dutta et al. proposed an application in the apple futures market.
ANN based method to forecast the stock price [21]. A lot In this research, we factor the possibility that the changes
of researchers applied SVM or ANN based methods to in price movement direction in the apple futures market may
predict the financial market with outstanding performance, relate to multiple time scales of features in the historical
and the existing empirical researches have fully proved the price data. Therefore, our proposed approach is conducted
superiority of ANN and SVM over the traditional time series considering not only the return prediction from a moderate
analysis methods. Although SVM is capable of overcoming time scale but also return predictions from a relatively long
problems such as over-fitting, nonlinearity analysis, and and a relatively short time scale. Our objective is to enhance
local minimization, it also encounters several problems. For the direction prediction accuracy and profitability through
instance, some scholars pointed out it often seemed that the combining the predicted returns from multiple predictors
prediction of SVM of the prices just to follow the former using features of multiple time scales. In practice, different
trend [22], [23]. For ANN, it has several main disadvantages, market traders generally would refer to different time scales
such as local minimization and overfitting, that makes price of historical data to predict the movement direction for
prediction problematic [24], [25]. Compared with SVM trading. For instance, for prediction of the trend after ten
and ANN, an ensemble learning method called Random days, several market participants would focus on the analysis

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S. Deng et al.: Decision Support System for Trading in Apple Futures Market Using Predictions Fusion

of data from the previous ten days, while others may use most reasonable parameter values through traders’ or experts’
relatively long historical data, such as the previous twenty experience. In contrast, it would be better to generate a
days’ price data. Some market participants just focus on reasonable trading rule through the back-testing of historical
a shorter time scale of historical data, such as five days’ data and parameter optimization [49], [50]. In a lot of past
price data. In fact, numerous participants in stock or futures literature, Genetic Algorithm (GA) [51] has been applied
markets with more trading experience usually would judge to optimize the parameters of the trading rules, and in
the future trend of price movement from multiple time scales. many related studies, experimental results have shown that
Nevertheless, in the previous literature, scholars tended to use the trading rule parameter optimization could improve the
a fixed time scale of the period of historical data to predict trading performance. In recent studies, several scholars also
the direction change in the near future, while few considered found that Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [52] could
to fuse the predictions from multiple time scales. Therefore, yield superior optimization performance than GA [53]–[55].
we propose to fill this gap, and the method proposed in In addition to the trading rule, it is mentioned by us that
this study will judge the future movement direction of apple the results of multiple time scales will be integrated. Thus
futures’ prices from multiple time scales. the weights of the results of multiple time scales would
For the design of a trading rule, traders should first deter- also need to be optimized. Moreover, a lot of studies
mine the satisfied conditions for the long and short-selling have shown that the parameters of XGBoost model would
trading signals. Note that traders do not have to open a also affect the prediction effect to some extent [56]–[58].
position every time, actually, they generally could wait to Given the excellent performance in the previous studies,
open a position until they consider the conditions are more PSO is integrated into the proposed method for optimizing
confidential. Thus, in the experiments for trading simulation, the weights of predictions from multiple time scales,
the trading rule of the proposed method is designed with trading strategy parameters, as well as the XGBoost model
a threshold for long and a threshold for the short-selling parameters. It would be more convincing and accurate to learn
transaction. That is, the comprehensive predicted return suitable parameters from historical data by using PSO, rather
would be compared with those two threshold values. If the than selecting parameters by experts’ experience. A lot of
predicted return is larger than the value of long threshold, researchers have also demonstrated in their research that the
the proposed method will open a long position, while it applications of the hybrid methods can further improve the
will open a short-selling position if the predicted return is prediction or trading performance [59], [60].
smaller than the value of short threshold. Otherwise, there In a lot of previous related literature, many scholars
is no new position to be opened if the predicted return is in predicted the market price value directly, and RMSE
the range of the two threshold values. Additionally, for the (Root Mean Square Error) or MAE (Mean Absolute Error)
purpose of reducing the risk caused by the sudden market indicators were adopted to evaluate the accuracy of the
risk, market participants would often set up a loss stop ratio predictors [61]–[64]. However, for market traders, the
in the meanwhile of opening a long or short-selling position. accuracy direction prediction and the returns of trading are
Similarly, they could set a profit-taking ratio for the sake considered to be more important than accurately predicting
of retaining the profit. Therefore, for the model proposed in the value of future prices [65]. Therefore, in this study, the hit
this study, the position opening conditions (long or short- ratio is primarily used to judge the accuracy of direction
selling), the threshold of long and short-selling, as well as prediction. It should be noted that since we have intended
the rate of profit-taking and loss-stopping are considered in to incorporate a long opening threshold and a short-selling
the trading rules. Consequently, if the losses or earnings of opening threshold in the trading rule, the transaction would
the proposed method exceed the position closing thresholds, not be executed by our proposed method at each time.
the position will be immediately closed to take the profit Instead, the proposed method only opens a position when
or cut the loss. Given the pre-designed trading rule, after the long threshold or short-selling threshold exceeded by
executing a long or a short transaction, the position will be the comprehensive predicted return. Additionally, when the
held for at most ten periods of 30 minutes, which is regarded position open rule is satisfied, the trading simulation would be
as an extremely short-term simulation trading. Thus, our carried out, and the comprehensive return rate after a period
proposed method for prediction and high-frequency trading of time is calculated to judge the profit-making ability of the
does not take into account the impact of seasonality of apple proposed method. Moreover, since many scholars concerned
futures price movement. with the portfolio risk of a trading strategy than just the
For the design of a practical trading rule, the opening trading return, thus, other than direction prediction ability
signal, trading threshold, and the proportion of loss stopping and profit-taking ability, Sharpe ratio is also employed in
and profit-taking functions all involve parameter setting. this study to calculate the return/risk ratio for the sake of
Nonetheless, market participants generally rely on their trad- evaluating the risk of the proposed method.
ing experience to determine the values of those parameters, The intelligent decision support system proposed in this
while those parameters may not be optimal. Especially study mainly consists of five components: 1) Automated data
when multiple parameters are involved and combined in a download and processing element, in which high-frequency
sophisticated trading rule, it is quite difficult to infer the transaction data with one-minute interval is automatically

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downloaded from the database, and then it is preprocessed (XGBoost), which is considered an improved version of
into 30-minute interval data. 2) Market return forecasting Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT). It is the out-
element. In this component, the market return after a standing ability of XGBoost, as a computing tool, that
fixed interval will be predicted by a multiple time scale effectively handles sparse data and flexibly executes parallel
forecasting method. 3) Parameter optimization element. and distributed computing [66], which greatly accelerates the
In this component, the parameters of the XGBoost prediction running speed and improves the classification accuracy of
model, the parameters of the trading rules, and the weights the model. In addition, XGBoost provides linear classifiers,
of multiple forecasting results are optimized by PSO using which also has a good performance on linear regression
historical data. 4) Forecasting and simulation trading element. problems [67]. In comparison with GBDT, the primary
The direction prediction and trading simulation of apple improvement of XGBoost is the Taylor expansion of the
futures price movements are performed by this component. loss function during the training process, and the model
5) Performance evaluation element. Three evaluation indi- is optimized by adding regularization terms, which can
cators in this component are adopted to evaluate the exper- efficiently control the model complexity and prevent the
imental results of the proposed method, and a walk-forward problems of overfitting [68].
validation method is employed by us for model training and XGBoost integrates K base learners into strong learners
testing to adapt to the possible rapid changes in market state to approximate the prediction Fk (x) by using an additive
in the apple futures market. function. The process of boosting can be defined as:
A method with high accuracy for apple futures’ price K
movements prediction is very crucial for market participants FK (x) =
fk (x) (1)
to make profits. With regards to this, this research focuses
on the apple futures market in an attempt to improve the
movement direction forecasting and transaction performance. where fk (x) represents an independent weak learner.
In short, this research mainly has three contributions: In XGBoost, by adding a regularization term , the loss
1) According to the perspective of futures market traders function can be developed to the objective function Lk . The
to conduct return forecasting from multiple time scales, formula is expressed as:
a multiple time scale XGBoost based method is proposed in n K
the current research to comprehensively consider forecasting LK (F (xi )) = ψ (yi , FK (xi )) +  (fk ) (2)
results from multiple time scales, and the comprehensive i=1 k=1
predicted return is used for direction forecasting, trading 1
signal generation, and simulation trading; 2) For the apple (f ) = γ T + λ kwk2 (3)
futures high-frequency trading, a sophisticated trading rule is
where yi is the real target of the model. 9 represents the
designed, in which the open position conditions, as well as the
loss function, which is employed to evaluate the differences
stop-loss/profit-taking functions, are considered and incorpo-
between yi and FK (xi ) of the i-th sample, and n is the samples
rated. Therefore, the trading rule designed for the proposed
of dataset. In Eq. (3), T denotes the number of leaves, γ is
method has great practical significance; 3) A PSO algorithm
a parameter to control the complexity of the tree structure, ω
is integrated into the proposed approach for optimizing the
denotes the weight of each leaf node, and λ is a regularization
parameters of the algorithm as well as the trading rule, aiming
constant. Additionally, XGBoost adopts the additive manner
to avoid mistakes caused by the parameters that artificially set reg
to optimize the objective function, the loss function 9 of Lk
by traders’ or experts’ experiences.
at step k is transformed as:
The remainder of this paper is arranged as follows.
Section 2 introduces the background of methodologies reg
applied in this research, including XGBoost and PSO. Lk = ψ (yi , FK −1 (xi ) + fk (xi )) +  (fk ) (4)
Section 3 describes the proposed method in detail, including i=1

the structure of the decision support system, design of trading In more detail, by applying the Taylor second-order
rule, and the procedures of the model training and testing. expansion to the loss function, the target to minimize the
The experimental design, including data description, division objective function becomes faster and more convenient. After
of training and testing datasets, benchmark methods, and removing the constant term, the formulas of the new objective
evaluation criteria, are presented in Section 4. Section 5 function, gi and hi are defined, respectively, as:
reports the experimental results and related discussions. n  
Section 6 summarizes this research and provides several
X 1
Lk ∼
= gi fk (xi ) + hi fk2 (xi ) +  (fk ) (5)
possible research directions for future work. 2
∂9 (yi , Fk−1 (xi )) ∂ 2 9 (yi , Fk−1 (xi ))
II. METHODOLOGY gi = , hi = (6)
In 2016, Chen and Guestrin proposed a new and powerful The equation for estimating the optimal weight scores ωj∗
ensemble learning model called eXtreme gradient boosting and the objective function L∗k at each leaf node j is given

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S. Deng et al.: Decision Support System for Trading in Apple Futures Market Using Predictions Fusion

by Eq. (7) and (8): particle and swarm acceleration coefficients, r1 and r2 are
P two randomly distributed independent numbers within the
w∗j = − P
(7) range of (0, 1), and ω denotes an inertia weight, which has an
i∈Ij hj + λ important influence on the convergence of the swarm [69].
P 2
T gi
1X i∈Ij
hi + λ
Therefore, the formula of the information gain after
The structure of the proposed decision support system for
splitting can be defined as:
apple futures’ direction prediction and simulation trading is
 !2 !2 
P P  2 shown in Figure 1. It mainly consists of the following five
gi gi
 gi  elements:
1 i∈IL i∈IR i∈I

Element 1: Data Download and Processing (DDP)
G= P +P −P  − γ (9)

2 hi + λ hR + λ hi + λ  Element 2: Multiple Time Scale Prediction (MTSP)
 i∈IL i∈Ij i∈I 
Element 3: Parameters Optimization (PO)
Element 4: Prediction and Trading Simulation (PTS)
This splitting algorithm is a so-called greedy search Element 5: Results Evaluation (RE)
algorithm. Assume IR and IL represent the sample sets of the The main procedures of decision support are as follows:
right and left branch, respectively, and I = IR ∪ IL . XGBoost First, The DDP element downloads the 1-min interval apple
can thus branch a leaf node when G reaches maximum. futures prices automatically, and it transforms the original
1-min price data into 30-mins interval ones. Next, in the
B. PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION MTSP element, the return of each 30-mins is calculated
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a well-known as the labels. Then, the five, ten, twenty consecutive
population-based stochastic optimization technology that was periods of historical returns are used as the inputs for the
first introduced by Kennedy and Eberhart. It was originally XGBoost-5, XGBoost-10, and XGBoost-20 based method,
inspired and expended by the researches on the behavior respectively. The outputs of the MTSP element are three
of fish schooling and birds in groups. Starting from the predictions of XGBoost from multiple time scales. In this
concept of experience sharing, PSO searches for the optimal research, we have tested the forecasting ability of the
solution of an objective function by updating the trajectory of proposed model on the basis of ten periods ahead. In the
individual particles randomly generated in the search space. PO element, the parameters of trading rules and XGBoost
In PSO, suppose that there is a population of n particles in are optimized by the PSO algorithm. In the PTS element,
each swarm. The position Xi , which denotes the i-th candidate the trained model along with the optimized trading rule
solution, is defined by Xi = (xi1 , xi2 , . . . , xin ), and the is employed to conduct the direction forecasting task and
velocity Vi is represented by Vi = (vi1 , vi2 , . . . , vin ). Each trading simulations. Lastly, the RE element evaluates the
particle benefits from its historical movement experience experimental results of direction forecasting and simulation
and the historical information of group members, then, trading based on several evaluation criteria, and the detail of
it is attracted to its own optimal location Pbest i and the this aspect is discussed in section 4.3.
current global optimal position Gbest
i in the previous iteration.
Particles in the swarm fly through this search method and B. TRADING RULE DESIGN
dynamically update and adjust their position and velocity. In this research, the forecasting task is to predict the prices
The velocity and position of particles in the search processes of apple futures from multiple time scales using XGBoost
can be defined as follows. regression model. Then, the proposed method executes direc-
Vi (t + 1) = ωVi (t) + c1 r1 Pbest (t) − X i (t) tion prediction and simulation trading according to the value
  of the comprehensive prediction result and a pre-designed
+ c2 r2 Gi (t) − Xi (t)
(10) trading rule. In general, a trading rule is consisted of rules
Xi (t + 1) = Xi (t) + Vi (t + 1) (11) for opening a position and closing that position. In the MTSP
element, three XGBoost based methods are used to predict
where Vi (t) and Xi (t) represent the velocity and the position the return ten periods later. Note that the predicted return is
of i-th particle at the time step t, respectively. The update the comparison of the price ten periods later with the current
of the particle’s velocity at the time step t + 1 depends on price. Figure 2 shows an example of price prediction for ten
three elements: t–th flying velocity, t-th weighted difference periods later by using features from five, ten, and twenty
vectors (Pbest
i − Xi ), and (Gbest
i − Xi ) [54]. Additionally, Pbest
i previous periods of historical data.
is the current local best position of each particle since the first Subsequently, three XGBoost regression method by using
iteration, while Gbest
i is the global optimal position found by features from three different time scales are adopted to
all particles in the previous iteration. c1 and c2 are positive generate a Comprehensive Prediction Value (CPV ), which

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FIGURE 1. Structure of the proposed decision support system for apple futures movements’ prediction and trading simulation.

FIGURE 2. An example of price movement prediction for ten-periods later from

multiple time scales of historical data.

is seen as the predicted return for opening a long or a When the predicted return exceeds the Open Long Threshold
short-selling position: (OLT ) or smaller than the Open Short Threshold (OST ),
a long or short-selling position will be opened, respectively.
CPV (t) = w1 P1 (t) + w2 P2 (t) + w3 P3 (t) (12) Otherwise, the proposed method will just wait if the CPV
where P1 , P2 , and P3 denote the predicted returns by the value is between the OLT and OST :
XGBoost based regression methods using features of five, if CPV (t) > OLT

ten, and twenty periods, respectively; w1 , w2 , and w3 denote Position = Short-selling, if CPV (t) < OST
the weights for P1 , P2 , and P3 , respectively. Note that the No new position, if OST ≤ CPV (t) ≤ OLT

sum of w1 , w2 , and w3 is equal to 1. Then, the trading rule (13)
is implemented with two trading thresholds, and they are
used to compare with the value CPV to determine the trading After executing a long or a short transaction, the position
signals for conducting a long or short-selling transaction. will be held for at most ten periods of 30 minutes.

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TABLE 1. Design of trading rules and conditions for position opening and closing.

However, in order to retain the considerable profits and elim- IV. EXPERIMENT DESIGN
inate huge losses for apple futures transactions, profit-taking A. DATA
and loss-cutting functions related to position closed rules In this research, 1-min high-frequency historical price data of
are also designed in the trading rule. That is, if the floating the apple futures traded in Zhengzhou Futures Exchange are
return is larger than the profit-taking threshold or the loss derived from the Choice Database [70], which is used for the
exceeds the loss-cutting threshold within the fixed holding training and testing of the proposed method. Then, the 1-min
period, the position that opened would be closed by the price data, which included open, close, high, and low prices,
proposed method immediately. The main reason to design the are transformed to the 30-min price data for the experiments.
position-closing function is to control the trading risks and The entire dataset after transformation starts from January 2,
minimize the probability of suffering a serious loss in one 2018, and ends on May 29, 2020. For the sake of evaluating
transaction. The trading rules and related conditions designed the performance of the proposed method in different periods,
for position opening and closing is shown in Table 1. the whole dataset is divided into four sub-datasets. Then,
the full dataset is separated into four sub-datasets that are
C. TRAINING AND TESTING PROCEDURES OF THE consisted of training and testing periods. Subsequently, each
PROPOSED METHOD testing period covers data of about one quarter.
The main steps for model training and testing of the proposed A walk-forward validation method is used to design the
method are as follows: model throughout the experiment. After one experimental
Step 1: Generate the 30-min interval price data of the apple period is over, there is a three-month shift to execute a
futures, and determine the input features of each XGBoost new round of the model training, direction forecasting, and
based method. Divide the whole dataset into training and trading simulation procedures. Details of the data division
testing data. are shown in Table 2 and Figure 3. In each sub-dataset,
Step 2: In the model training stage, determine the time the training period lasts for 17 months, and the testing period
scales of the training dataset period, and three XGBoost is 3 months, thus the length ratio of training and testing period
models with different feature inputs are used to predict the is about 5.7:1.
rise and fall amplitude after ten intervals of 30-min data.
Step 3: Assign weights to the three XGBoost forecasting B. BENCHMARK METHOD
results, and use a PSO algorithm to optimize the parameters To horizontally evaluate the prediction and simulation trading
based on the pre-designed trading rules. The objective performances of the proposed method, several benchmark
function of the PSO algorithm is the accumulated rate of methods are also introduced and conducted as one part of
return during the training period, which has a length of one the experiments. The method abbreviations of the proposed
quarter. method and related benchmarks, as well as their brief
Step 4: Generate the optimal parameters of the XGBoost descriptions, are described in Table 3.
methods in the training period. The optimal parameters In Table 3, Method 1 called XGBoost-M-PSO is the
of trading rules, the weights of three XGBoost prediction proposed method for simulation trading and direction pre-
results, and the parameters of XGBoost. Those optimized dictions, and methods 2∼12 belong to benchmark methods.
parameters are then used for movement direction prediction The proposed method fuses return predictions of multiple
and simulation trading in the corresponding testing period. XGBoost based methods from multiple time scales, and it
Step 5: Execute direction predictions and trading simula- adopts a PSO to optimize the parameters of the pre-designed
tions in a quarterly testing period. Then, repeat steps 1-4, trading rules. Method 2 adopts the same XGBoost based
complete the direction forecasting and trading simulation for methods from multiple time scales and the trading rule
four quarters (totally one year). Eventually, after a year testing design as the proposed method for direction prediction and
period is finished, judge the performance and effectiveness of simulation trading, while it uses a GA based approach to
the proposed method in four quarters and a one-year testing optimize the parameters of trading rules. Methods 3 to
period. 5 conduct direction prediction and simulation trading using

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TABLE 2. Details of data division for model training and testing. Note that a walk-forward validation method is employed to divide the dataset
throughout the experiment, the period of training dataset spans from 2018/Jan to 2020/Feb, and the number of samples in this training period is 3884.

FIGURE 3. A walk-forward validation method for data division of training periods and testing periods.

TABLE 3. Benchmark methods for results comparison.

five, ten, and twenty periods time scale of features, respec- the proposed method adopts a weighted average method and
tively. Particularly, five, ten, and twenty are a relatively short, designs position-closing thresholds to enhance the direction
a moderate, and a relatively long time scale respectively, prediction accuracy and to improve the profit-making ability.
compared with the time scale of ten periods ahead prediction. Method 7 would open a long/short position only if all
Method 6 applies a simple average combination strategy of the returns predicted by those three XGBoost models are
the three XGBoost models to determine the prediction of larger/smaller than zero. Methods 8 to 10 apply an SVM,
movement direction and the signal of simulation trading. an ANN, and a RF based method for predicting movement
That is, if the simple average value of three predicted direction and executing the trading simulation, and the
returns is larger than zero, a ‘‘rise’’ prediction is provided, input variables for methods 8 to 10 are previous twenty
and then, a long transaction is executed. Otherwise, this periods of returns. It should be noted that methods 3 to
benchmark method performs a ‘‘fall’’ prediction, and a 10 perform direction forecasting and trading simulation every
short-selling transaction will be executed if the simple time if there is no position held, while the proposed method
average value is smaller than zero. Compared with method 6, (method 1) and method 2 open a position only if the value of

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the return is predicted to be larger than the OLT, or less than performance of the investment portfolio. The risk-adjusted
the OST. Methods 11 and 12 are well-known benchmarks for return, which can take both risks and benefits into account,
strategy comparison in stock and futures markets. Those two is considered an effective comprehensive indicator. The
passive trading strategies are adopted to compare with the application of this index contributes to eliminating the
profitability of the proposed method. negative effects of risk factors on performance measurement.
Among the related indicators, Sharpe ratio (SR) is one of the
C. EVALUATION CRITERIA well-known classic indicators that can comprehensively be
For measuring the experimental results, three ratios, includ- considered both for benefits and risks generated in a trading
ing hit ratio, accumulated return, and Sharpe ratio, are strategy, named after William F. Sharpe [71]. The Sharpe
selected to measure the forecasting accuracy of price ratio is employed to measure the excess return produced by
movement direction, profit-making ability, and return-risk each unit of deviation in a trading strategy or an investment
ratio performance, respectively. portfolio, which can be regarded as a way to examine the
Hit ratio (HR), as a commonly used evaluation indicator, investment performance by adjusting for its risk. After a total
is applied to identify the forecasting rate of the correct times of four trading quarters, the Sharpe ratio is calculated as
for apple futures direction prediction. Suppose that T is the follows:
total times of direction predictions during the testing period, E AR − R0
in which the number of correct ‘‘rise’’ predictions and correct SR = (16)
‘‘fall’’ predictions are respectively CR times and CF times.
Since the proposed method is designed with two trading in which AR is the asset return, R0 is the risk-free rate,
thresholds in the trading rule, our decision support system E[AR − R0 ] represents the expected value of the asset return
would not perform a simulation trading every time. Hence, over the benchmark return and σ denotes the standard
the formula of hit ratio can be calculated in the following deviation of the asset excess return.
Eq. (14):
The methods XGBoost-M-GA, XGBoost-5, XGBoost-10,
Besides producing higher direction forecasting accuracy, XGBoost-20, XGBoost-Ave, XGBoost-All, ANN, SVM, and
return performance is also very crucial for investors to RF are selected as benchmark methods to investigate the
evaluate a trading system or a trading strategy. After the improvement of the proposed method on direction forecasting
direction prediction is conducted, suppose that a method and profitability. Hit ratio results of the proposed method and
predicts the apple futures’ price to go up and the forecasting benchmarks for apple futures’ price direction forecasting on
return exceeds the long threshold OLT, a ‘‘long’’ signal is four testing periods (Q1-Q4) are reported in Table 4.
provided, and a long position is opened in the apple futures A greater result of hit ratio generally demonstrates superior
market. Similarly, If a predictor forecasts that the price of accuracy for price direction prediction. First, we focus on
apple futures will go down and the forecasting return is the results of three individual XGBoost based methods:
less than the short-selling threshold OST, a ‘‘short-selling’’ XGBoost-5, XGBoost-10, and XGBoost-20. It is found that
signal is given, and a short-selling transaction is executed. XGBoost-10 produced the best average hit ratio in four
The normal holding period for the trading position is ten quarters of the testing period, which is better than that of
periods if the condition of profit-taking or loss-cutting is not XGBoost-5 and XGBoost-20. It indicates that a relatively
satisfied during the normal holding period, which is set to be long or a short time scale of historical features would cause
ten periods. After one quarter testing period, the accumulated a decrease in the average accuracy for direction forecasting.
return (AR) can be calculated by: XGBoost-Ave yielded an average hit ratio of about 50.17%,
X which is smaller than that of XGBoost-10 and XGBoost-
AR = (Rt − C) (15) 20, indicating that just using a simple average could not
t=1 improve the direction prediction accuracy. XGBoost-All
where AR denotes the accumulated return in a testing period produced an average hit ratio of about 54.11%, which is
with about one season length, Rt is the return for one larger than all the three individual XGBoost based methods.
transaction, m denotes the number of transactions in that It demonstrates that the average direction prediction accuracy
testing period. Additionally, C represents the transaction cost, was improved by using the trading signals that all three
which is also considered in the trading simulation, and it is set XGBoost models agreed with each other. Furthermore, it is
to be 0.1% for each transaction. Note that the trading leverage observed that the predictors based on ANN, SVM, and RF
is set to be three for both the proposed method and other yielded average hit ratio results of 44.16%, 49.60%, and
benchmarks. 49.04%, respectively. All of those hit ratio results are smaller
Moreover, in addition to the direction prediction accuracy than that of XGBoost-20, demonstrating that XGBoost based
and profitability, traders and scholars considered that the trad- method is superior to SVM, ANN, and RF based methods
ing risk generally could play an essential role in evaluating the for direction prediction in 30-min apple futures during the

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TABLE 4. Hit ratio results of the proposed method and benchmark methods.

testing periods, which is consistent with the conclusions From Table 5, it is found that the XGBoost based
that XGBoost outperformed other classic machine learning benchmark methods XGBoost-5, XGBoost-10, XGBoost-20,
methods such as SVM, ANN, and RF [68], [72], [73], in terms XGBoost-Ave, XGBoost-All, and XGBoost-M-GA yielded
of prediction accuracy. Additionally, all those three machine average returns of −0.16%, −0.76%, −1.35%, −0.64%,
learning methods produced average hit ratio results smaller −0.69%, and 3.01% respectively. However, the return results
than 50%, which is the hit ratio value of random selection. in all four quarters generated by XGBoost-M-GA were
It illustrates that SVM, ANN, and RF based methods are smaller than our proposed method, as well as the average
relatively difficult to predict the movement direction of return result. Therefore, except for XGBoost-M-GA method,
high-frequency apple futures prices. none of the XGBoost based methods is capable of producing
Lastly, we focus on the hit ratio results of the experi- a positive average return. Additionally, XGBoost-Ave and
mental methods. Among all the methods, it is clear that XGBoost-All, which are the methods combining the predic-
the hit ratio results of XGBoost-M-GA and the proposed tion results from three time scales, both produced negative
XGBoost-M-PSO method were extremely better than that trading returns in half of their testing periods (XGBoost-Ave
of other benchmark methods. We observed that although was in Q1 and Q2, while XGBoost-All was in Q1 and Q4).
the XGBoost-M-GA method performed better than other The negative average returns produced by XGBoost-Ave
benchmarks except for the testing period Q4, the average (−0.64%) and XGBoost-All (−0.69%) demonstrate that
hit ratio result of our proposed method was still superior merely using a simple average strategy of the three XGBoost
to XGBoost-M-GA. It suggests that compared with the predictors or an ‘‘all predictors satisfaction’’ strategy failed
GA based method, the accuracy of direction prediction to improve the trading performance for investors.
was successfully improved due to the application of the In addition, experimental results of three popular machine
PSO algorithm. The proposed method produced hit ratio learning algorithms SVM, ANN, and RF are compared. It is
values 75%, 63.33%, 92.86%, and 68.42% for testing periods observed that all of those three well-known and well-applied
Q1-Q4, respectively, which was always the best hit ratio algorithms almost suffered from losses of the four quarters,
result in each sub-testing period. Additionally, the proposed which causes huge negative returns for the entire one-year
method finally generated a hit ratio value which reached testing period. Furthermore, we focus on the two passive
74.90%. It indicates that by using the design of return trading strategies LAH and SAH. It is found by us that
predictions fusion from multiple time scales, employing two although they could yield outstanding profits in several
trading thresholds to filter out uncertain signals, and applying testing periods, such as LAH yielded a profit up to 27.34%
the PSO based approach, the proposed method successfully in Q4, and SAH produced a 13.40% positive return in the
improved the forecasting accuracy of movement direction for testing period Q3. However, they suffered from great losses
high-frequency apple futures price. in other quarters, such as LAH suffered from serious losses
of more than −10% in testing periods Q2 and Q3, and SAH
B. RETURNS OF TRADING SIMULATION produced a negative return of −27.54% in testing period Q4.
For futures market participants, the profit-making ability It reveals the non-stability of their profit-making ability in the
is generally considered to be more crucial than movement apple futures market.
direction forecasting to evaluate a decision support system. Although the proposed method was incapable of producing
Table 5 shows the trading returns of the proposed method and the greatest return results in any quarter of the four sub-testing
benchmarks in four quarters, as well as their average and sum periods, it continuously kept gaining profits in all quarters.
for the entire one-year testing period. Note that in addition In comparison with other benchmarks, the proposed method
to the benchmark methods tested for direction prediction, XGBoost-M-PSO produced the largest average return in
two well-known passive trading strategies, LAH and SAH, four quarters of the testing periods, thus making it yield a
are also adopted for trading return in comparison with the positive accumulated return of total 15.79% in the one-year
proposed method. The value of the trading return is measured testing period. XGBoost-M-PSO performed extremely better
relative to the initial investment. than XGBoost-Ave, although both considered and combined

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TABLE 5. Trading returns of the proposed method and benchmark methods.

FIGURE 4. Net values of the proposed method and benchmark methods in four testing periods.

the predictions from multiple time scale XGBoost based accumulated return (for instance, a value of 0.05 denotes
methods. It is possibly because several uncertain market a 5% return). Note that the accumulated returns of the
signals could not contribute to making large profits, such as benchmarks LAH and SAH are not shown in Figure 5, since
small price fluctuations during market transactions, whereas the plot of the sharp fluctuations of the apple futures’ prices
they increased the overall trading costs accumulated by a makes the return comparison of the proposed method and
large number of transactions. In addition, among the meth- other benchmarks not distinct. As can be seen from Figure 5,
ods, the proposed method XGBoost-M-PSO outperformed the XGBoost-Ave and XGBoost-20 produced relatively good
XGBoost-M-PSO and consistently yielded stable positive accumulated returns among the benchmark methods from
returns in all four quarters, demonstrating that it could be May to October of 2019, whereas they encountered several
applied as a reliable decision support system for trading in serious retracements from November 2019 to the end of
the apple futures market. The net values of the proposed the one-year testing period. On the contrary, from results
method and benchmarks in four testing periods are shown depicted in Figure 5, we observed that the retracements
in Figure 4, from which it could be clearly found that the were not obvious within the entire one-year testing period
proposed method always generated the best return in four for XGBoost-M-GA and the proposed XGBoost-M-PSO
testing quarters. method. In spite of the fact that the XGBoost-M-GA method
Additionally, Figure 5 shows the accumulated return generated an annual accumulated return result of 12.02%,
results of the proposed method and other benchmarks for the proposed method finally generated larger accumulated
the entire testing period, which ranges from May 2019 to returns than all other benchmark methods during the one-year
April 2020, to show how the accumulated returns were testing period, and the production process of gains was
produced. The left vertical axis represents the value of the more steady, with a small entrancement only occurred from

VOLUME 9, 2021 1281

S. Deng et al.: Decision Support System for Trading in Apple Futures Market Using Predictions Fusion

FIGURE 5. Accumulated return of the proposed method and benchmark methods in the one-year testing period.

TABLE 6. Sharpe ratio results of the proposed method and benchmark methods. ER is the excess returns, SD represents the standard deviation of the
excess returns, and SR denotes the Sharpe ratio value.

November to December of the year 2019. It suggests that traded in Zhengzhou Futures Exchange, the risk-free interest
the proposed method produced profits more stable than rate used in calculating Sharpe ratio in this research is
other benchmarks. In particular, nearly all methods suffered from the Chinese bond information website [74]. The testing
from huge losses from January to March of the year 2020, dataset in the experiment spans from June 2019 to May 2020,
eventually making them produced negative returns in the and the length of the four sub-testing periods is designed
one-year testing period. In contrast, the proposed method as three months. Therefore, a quarter of the average of the
XGBoost-M-PSO yielded positive returns in Q3 and Q4 one-year Treasury bond interest rate during the testing period,
continuously, eventually produced an annual yield of up to which is approximately 0.61%, is employed as the risk-free
15.79% in the one-year testing period. The proposed method interest rate to calculate the excess return and the Sharpe ratio
not only outperformed benchmark methods at profitability results.
but also its way of yield accumulation was much more It should be noted that the larger the Sharpe ratio value,
stable. The outstanding performance of the proposed method the better the return/risk ratio performance. A larger Sharpe
illustrates that it could be applied as an efficient decision ratio value generally reflects a higher return and lower volatil-
support system for participants in the apple futures market. ity of a trading strategy or a trading method. The Sharpe ratio
Moreover, from the trading performances of LAH and SAH values (SR), excess return (ER), and standard deviation (SD)
in the apple futures market, LAH and SAH yielded about for the proposed XGBoost-M-PSO method and bench-
−6.14% and 5.34% accumulative return in the one-year marks are reported in Table 6. During the entire one-year
testing period. On the whole, the overall gains or losses of experimental trading period from June 2019 to May 2020,
LAH and SAH were not very large. It demonstrates that the the proposed method XGBoost-M-PSO achieved the largest
outstanding profit yielded by the proposed XGBoost-M-PSO Sharpe ratio value of 4.3377, which was extremely better
method is not because of the unilateral rise or fall of the apple than that of the benchmark methods. Except for the proposed
futures market. method, the method that produced a positive Sharpe ratio
is XGBoost-M-GA (2.0689) and SAH (0.0371). However,
C. SHARPE RATIO RESULTS the benchmark methods using XGBoost based models, which
The Sharpe ratio value is calculated using the risk-free are XGBoost-5, XGBoost-10, XGBoost-20, XGBoost-Ave,
interest rate, which is generally chosen as the one-year and XGBoost-All, yielded Sharpe ratio values of −0.6754,
Treasury bond yield. Since our trading target is apple futures −0.6618, −0.7050, −0.4125, and −0.6771, respectively.

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1284 VOLUME 9, 2021

S. Deng et al.: Decision Support System for Trading in Apple Futures Market Using Predictions Fusion

[76] P. Basu and W. T. Gavin, ‘‘Negative correlation between stock and futures ZHAOHUI QIN received the Ph.D. degree in
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no. 3, pp. 209–215, Jul. 2017. China, Beijing, in 2011.
[77] P. Adämmer, M. T. Bohl, and E.-O. von Ledebur, ‘‘Dynamics between He is currently a Researcher with the College of
north American and European agricultural futures prices during turmoil Economics and Management, China Three Gorges
and financialization,’’ Bull. Econ. Res., vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 57–76, Jan. 2017. University, Yichang, China. His research interest
includes agriculture product analysis.

SHANGKUN DENG received the D.Sc. degree

in open and environmental systems from Keio
University, Yokohama, Japan, in 2015.
ZHE FU is currently pursuing the master’s degree
He worked with Hitachi Corporation from
with the School of History, Beijing Normal
2015 to 2016. He is currently a Lecturer with the
University, Beijing, China.
College of Economics and Management, China
Her research interests include the economy, his-
Three Gorges University, Yichang, China. His
tory of economics, and the history of agriculture.
research interests include forecasting in financial
market, machine learning, and market regulation.

XIAORU HUANG received the B.S. degree in

information management and information system AIMING WANG is currently pursuing the
from the Xi’an University of Finance and Eco- master’s degree in applied economics with China
nomics (XUFE), Xi’an, China, in 2018. She is Three Gorges University (CTGU), Yichang,
currently pursuing the master’s degree in applied China.
economics with China Three Gorges University Her research interest includes agriculture
(CTGU), Yichang, China. products analysis.
Her research interests include price fluctuations
and forecasts in financial markets.

TIANXIANG YANG was born in Wenzhou, China,

JIAHUI WANG is currently pursuing the bach- in October 1988. He received the M.E. degree
elor’s degree with the College of Economics in global information and telecommunication
and Management, China Three Gorges University studies from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan,
(CTGU), Yichang, China. in 2015. He is currently a Student of the Doc-
Her research interests include price prediction toral Program and a Research Associate with
in future markets and machine learning. the Department of Industrial and Management
Systems Engineering, Waseda University. His
research interest includes purchase history data
analysis based on machine learning algorithms.

VOLUME 9, 2021 1285

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