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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Tinambacan I District



GRADE School: Rafael Lentejas Memorial School of Fisheries Grade Level: Grade 7
DAILY Teacher: Aya Jamel B. Asoque Learning Area: PE
LESSON Date& May 17, 2022 (2:00 pm – 3:00 pm) Quarter: 4th
LOG Time:

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of guidelines and
principles in exercise program design to achieve
personal fitness
B. Performance Standards Demonstrates understanding of guidelines and
principles in exercise program design to achieve
personal fitness
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives At the end of the lesson the learners are expected
a. Identify the different religious and non-
religious festival dances in the Philippines
b. Describes the nature and background of
the dances (PE7RD-IIId-I)
c. Appreciate the importance of the festival
dance in the community


II. Subject Matter

A. Topic Nature and Background of Festival Dances
B. Reference Physical Education and Health 7 (Learner’s
Module) Page No.166
C. Materials Laptop, Slide deck, Philippine Map, Manila Paper,
Printed Photos
III. Procedure
May I request everyone to stand for our prayer.

Good afternoon, class! Good afternoon, Ma’am!

You may now take your seats. Thank you, Ma’am.

How are you today? We’re fine, Ma’am.

That’s good to hear! Today, I hope you’ll bring that

energy as we tackle new topics.

Attendance None, Ma’am.

Are there absentees today?

Good to hear!

But before that, I’m going to show you something

that is very familiar to you.

Do you know what this is? Yes, Ma’am. The picture on the board is the
Philippine Map

Very good!

The map says, Fill me up!

Let’s first play a game called “Fill me up, Philippine


Yes Ma’am
Are you ready?

I have here five pictures of different festival dances.

Your task is to paste the picture to the location
where the festival dance originated or performed

A picture will be passed on from one student to

another while the music is playing. Whoever is
holding the picture the moment the music stops will
be the one to paste it on the map.

Same process will be done until all the pictures are


Are you ready?

(Game starts)
Answers Key:
All right! Let’s check if your answers are correct.
Ati-atihan Festival – Kalibo, Aklan
Moriones Festival – Marinduque
(The teacher will show the correct answer through
Sinulog Festival – Cebu City
the power point presentation)
Maskara Festival – Bacolod City
Hadang Festival – Calbayog City


Based on our activity, what do you think is our Our discussion for today is all about Festival
discussion this afternoon? Dances and their nature and background.

Very good!
Our goal for today’s lesson will be: 1. Identify the nature and origin of festival
Please read. dance.
2. Describes the nature and background of the
3. Appreciate the importance of the festival
dance in the community

Who among you here have experienced joining or (Students raised hands)
watching a festival dance?

What is Festival dance? Festival dances are performed to honor patron

saint as thanksgiving

Very good!
Festival dances are cultural dances performed to
For further information, please read the definition the strong beat of percussion instruments by a
of festival. community of people sharing the same culture
usually done in honor of a patron Saint as a
thanksgiving for bountiful harvest. Festival
dances may be religious or secular in nature

Very good!

There are 3 types of Festivals. These are: Religious

Festival, Indigenous Influence/Non-Religious
Festival, and Flower Festival

But today, we will be only discussing common

religious festival and non-religious festival

What is Religious Festival? These are dances characterized by movements

showing reverence to a religious icon believe to
have interceded in their personal life.

There are 5 common religious dance festival,

First we have, Ati-atihan festival

Please read. It is a feast held annually in January in honor of
Sto Niñ o (Infant Jesus), concluding on the third
Sunday, in Kalibo, Aklan in the Philippines.
Sinulog Festival of Cebu and Dinagyang Festival
in Iloilo.

Second, Moriones Festival Held on holy week on the Island of Marinduque,

Please read. Philippines. The “Moriones” are men and women
in costumes and masks replicating the garb of
biblical roman soldiers as interpreted by local

It is held to honor the Sto. Niñ o to celebrate the

Then we have, Dinagyang Festival
arrival on Panay of Malay settlers and the
Please read.
subsequent selling of the Island to them by the
Atis, it is celebrated in Ilo-ilo City, held on Fourth
Sunday of January.

Fourth, Sinulog Festival

Please read. The celebration is held on Cebu City on the third
Sunday of January, it is characterized by a very
long parade with many groups of persons dressed
in colorful costumes, finding their way through
the streets while dance the Sinulog.

Then, Feast of Our Lady of Peñ afrancia

Please read. Celebrated on the 3rd Saturday of September in
Naga City, Bicol. It is a procession held in honor of
the miraculous image of the Virgin of
Peñ afrancia to honor the many favors he is said to
have received through the help of the Virgin,
especially pertaining to his health.

What is Indigenous Influence/Non-Religious

Filipinos who are known to be fun loving people
always. Find time to celebrate any occasion be it
personal, family or even those that will require
the whole community to commemorate an event
or acknowledge an icon which became a source of
inspiration, identity, or origin.
We have 2 common non-religious festival.
These are:

First, Maskara Festival

Please read.
On every 4th Sunday of October, Maskara Festival
is being held on Bacolod. This began in 1980
during period of crisis. The province relied on
sugar cane as its primary agricultural crop.

Lastly, Hadang Festival

Please read.

Held during the first week of September, in

Calbayog City. This vibrant festival has its root in
the local term Sarakiki. Its best described as the
frenzied movements of a rooster as it tries to
court a hen or challenge another rooster to a
fight. Hadang on the other hand is an olden day
ritual done by locals as a tribute to the gods.
I’ve heard one festival dance here in our barangay;
do you know what is it?
It is patamak festival, Ma’am.
Who knows the steps of patamak festival?
(Students raised hands)
Can anyone show me the steps of patamak festival?
Very good! (Students participated)
I have here a short video clip about the known
Patamak Festival.


Why patamak festival is celebrated here in our

The patamak festival is celebrated during the
feast here in Barangay Tinambacan, it is for the
people to have chance to be stepped on by the
saints as it is called “patamak” to be blessed by
the patron saint.
What is its relevance to the community?

It’s relevance to the community is it preserves the

culture of our barangay during feast.


What are the different Festival dances we have Ati-atihan Festival, Moriones Festival, Dinagyang
discussed? Festival, Sinulog Festival, Lady of Penafrancia,
Maskara Festival, and Hadang Festival

Tell me what is the nature and origin of the

following festival:

Originated in Kalibu Aklan, celebrated every First

A. Ati-atihan Festival week of January to celebrate the Sto. Nino.

B. Moriones Festival
Originated in Marinduque, during Holy week to
replicate the roman soldiers.

C. Dinagyang Festival
Originated in Ilo-ilo, during 4th Sunday of January
to celebrate the Sto Nino.
D. Sinulog Festival Originated in Cebu during last week of January to
celebrate the Sto. Nino.

E. Lady of Penafrancia Festival Originated in Naga City, held on third Saturday of

September to celebrate the Lady of Penafrancia.

F. Maskara Festival Originated in Bacolod City, every fourth Sunday of

October to remember the good time during
G. Hadang Festival
Originated in Calbayog City held on 1 st week of
September to celebrate the ritual done by locals
as a tribute to the gods
D. APPLICATION Directions:

The class will be divided into three. The musicians, Group 1

dancers, and designers/props The musicians will look for any material that can
produce a sounds so they will play the music of
Patamak festival

Group 1 for music Group 2

Group 2 for dance The dancers will prepare a one-minute dance
steps of Patamak Festival
Group 3 for designers
Group 3
The designers will look for any materials to be
used as costumes of the dancers
You will be rated as a class with performance
through the given rubrics
Musicality 30%
Performance 40%
Creativity 30%

I will also give you printed criteria as your guide.

You will be given 5 minutes to prepare and 2 (Students will perform the Patamak Festival)
minutes actual performance
IV. EVALUATION Direction: Choose the correct answer. Write the
letter on your paper.
Get ¼ sheet of paper, and number it from one to
five. 1. This festival in Cebu City and is held every
year on the third Sunday of January.
a. Pahiyas
b. Sinulog
c. Ati-atihan
d. Hadang

2. It is celebrated on the third Saturday of

September in Naga City, Bicol
a. Sinulog
b. Panagbenga
c. Feast of Our Lady of Peñ afrancia
d. Ati-atihan

3. It is held during the first week of

September, celebrating Sarakiki in
Calbayog City
a. Hadang Festival
b. Pahiyas Festival
c. Ati-atihan Festival
d. Panagbenga Festival
4. It is held on holy week on the island of
Marinduque, Philippines
a. Moriones Festival
b. Sinulog Festival
c. Ati-atihan Festival
d. Hadang Festival
5. It is celebrated in Tinambacan, Calbayog
City celebrating the feast of the community
and to bless the person who did the
a. Hadang Festival
b. Sarakiki Festival
c. Ati-atihan Festival
d. Patamak Festival

V. Assignment
Write the answer to your notebook, and submit it 1. What is Physical Activity?
on our next meeting. 2. What are the different skills of Physical

Prepared By:


Practice Teacher

Cooperating Teacher

Recommending Approval:
Head Teacher III


Secondary School Principal III

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