012.L52 Mathieu NOEL - Entry Paper For The 13th World Congress of Chinese Medicine

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Practice of Time-Acupoints-Space Acupuncture

. A report of 2 cases illustrating how to choose between time-points
. 法国 諾埃樂·馬奇耶博士
. Dr Mathieu Noel
. 【提要】时空针灸简称3C(个体性-时间性-场效应)是朱勉生教授在回溯古代文献
. Abstract :Time-Acupoints-Space Acupuncture / 3C Method” was set up by
Professor Zhu Miansheng according to her decades of clinical practice and
teaching experience. It is based on the Inner Canon of Chinese Medicine and
attempt to link the patient and his environment by sharpening his biological clock
and structuring his inner-space in order to support his inner strength. This essay
provided the analysis of two cases of recurrent, complicated and refractory
symptoms in the treatment of which very good effects were gained by
successfully using the Nazi Method, and also showed the application of the
method of space-points. In order to understand the efficiency of this method,
we’ve underlined how to chose between the time points.
. 【关键词】时空针灸简称3C, 朱 勉生教授, 子午流注 纳子法 纳甲法
. Keyword : “Time-Acupoints-Space Acupuncture / 3C Method”, Pr. Zhu Miansheng,
Ziwu Liuzhu Nazi Fa and Najia Fa,

The Time-Acupoints-Space method is a unique branch of chrono-acupuncture, developed

by Pr ZHU Miansheng based on her 28 years of clinical practice and teaching. It includes
the four traditional methods of chrono-acupunture:
1. ZiWu Liuzhu Na Zi method
2. ZiWu Liuzhu Na Jia method
3. Ling Gui eight-point method
4. Fei Teng eight-point method

The Time-Acupoints-Space method has two cornerstones. First of all, the time point wich
sensitivity change in relation to the particular calendar date and hour of the day.
Then the Space-points which are a selection of points that are based on the specific patient
syndrome. The organisation of the space-points is determined according to the rhythm of
the time-point and the energetic movements that are applicable to that point. The space-
points vary depending on the method used (NaZi Fa or NaJia Fa).
There is two way of using the Time points. You can use the consultation points. Since there
are two methods of Ziwu Liuzhu, there two posibility of times points at each particulary
time : one for the Nazi Fa, one for the Najia Fa. But, if the patient has began his pathology
after a shock it may be better to use the Time-points in relation with the particulary time of
the shock.
We use to work on four categories of shock :

1. memory of psychological shock

2. memory of accident or disaster
3. memory of surgical operation
4. memory of (difficult) birth / delivery

Consequently we have to choose one Time point among the two Time points of consultation
and the two Time-points of the memory shock.

When you choose the Space points, there are rules wich are different in the Na Zi Method
ant the Najia Method.

The Na Zi Method uses of 3 types of space-points :

① Dumai and Renmai points. Supporting the microcosmic orbit (la petite cycle celeste)
and the circulation of ying qi. These points remain constant throughout the day (do
not change relative to time).
② Points that stimulate the circulation of Ying Qi throughout the 28 vessels. These
points do change throughout the day (relative to change in time).
③ Additional points chosen according to the specific patient pathology.

The NaJia Method uses 3 other groups of of space-points

① A group of points that stimulate the Yuan Qi Basis. These points remain constant
throughout the day (do not change in relation to change in time).
② Points that stimulate the circulation of Yuan qi in the active meridian on that day.
These points do change relative to the specific day and time.
③ Additional points chosen according to the patient pathology.

In order to understand how it works praticallly we have choose two cases illustrating how
to work with TAS-Acupuncture and the memory function of a time-points. Two friends are
having dinner in a restaurant in Paris on 13 November 2016, when suddenly they hear gun
shots very close by (at 9.35pm). They exit the restaurant immediately and take shelter

The first friend is a 58 year old woman. As they are leaving the scene, the woman manages
the situation calmly and doesn’t feel stressed. She reassures her friend. She doesn’t show
any signs of panic or any additional symptoms. However at a wedding party some time after
the event, when she hears the explosion of fireworks, suddenly the scene from the
November 13th attacks comes back to her and she relives the event as if she was there
again, triggering anxiety and a feeling of tightness in the chest. Consequently when she talks
about the events at the wedding and the November 13th attacks, she develops further signs
of stress : she feels anxious, with a tightness in the chest located around 17RM, she
experiences shivering, a beating headache felt acutely at 20DM, a strong feeling of fear, and
very low energy. She has a medical history of high blood pressure and digestive issues such
as feeling heavy and bloated after meals. At he moment of the consultation her pulse is deep,
tense at the level of the Gall Bladder. Her tongue is swollen with red border and thick white

13/11/15 at 9.35pm (-1h) = J30 Guisi 癸巳 H59 Renxu 壬戌

Using the Ziwu Liuzhu method, the following time-points are applicable (either one can be
- Najia Fa: 65V
- Nazi Fa: 9MC/ R1/7R/7MC
The point we chose to use in this case:
9MC bilaterally (on both the right and left side)
The following space-points were added :
-Xiao tong jing: 67V Zhiyin puis 27R Shaofu
- 6R 12RM 22RM 14DM :
And the following symptomatique points (experience-based points):
- 3F HTA
- 17RM tightness of the chest
- 20DM 23DM Calm the shen
Following the acupuncture treatment of 30 minutes, she feels relaxed, the tightness of the
chest is cleared and she feels regenerated.

The second friend is a 47 year old man. Whenever this patent travels to Paris he begins to
feel anxious and after a discussion with him about the memory function of time-points, he
feels increased anxiety and tightness in the chest. He hasn’t had anyone close to him that he
has been able to talk to about his experience of the November 13th attacks. He admits he
feels rejected by his family when trying to talk about it. However he did find some comfort
when discussing with a person who had been to war, who was open to listening to him. He
presents signs of weakness of wood energy which cannot rise up : including slow and
difficult digestion, belching, heaviness and fullness of the head, a feeling of tightness in the
side of the chest which is worse on the left side, impaired vision and a feeling as if the two
eyes are not working in coordination, dizziness, uncomfortable sensation around the
lumbar spine, a feeling of pressure in the abdomen, blocked/stuffy feeling at the root of the
nose, a feeling that Qi isn’t circulating at the surface in the chest area. He also mentions
feelings of insecurity in his life in general. At the time of the attacks he was also going
through a big life change and moving house.
His pulse is rapid, tense, thin, full at the level of the middle burner. His tongue is red at the
borders, thin yellow coating, sublingual stasis on the left side. We diagnose Kidney
deficiency as a result of excessive emotional strain, Liver and spleen are not harmonised,
there are phlegm at head orifices.
Therapeutical application: Nourish the kidneys, support ascent of pure yang energy to the
head, disperse the blockage of liver Qi, support the middle burner, calm the spirit (the shen)
Link between the event and the symptomatology : Fear of death because he was at the
scene of the gun attack and several people were killed. He has since developed digestive
and auditive problems.

13/11/15 at 9.35pm (-1h) = J30 Guisi 癸巳 H59 Renxu 壬戌

Using the Ziwu Liuzhu method, the following time-points are applicable (either one can be
- Najia Fa: 65V
- Nazi Fa: 9MC, R1, 7R, 7MC
The point we chose to use in this case:
65V tonify/stimulate on right side and afterwards on left side (asymmetric pathology;
sensation of tightness in the chest on the left side)
The following space-points were added:
- On a day with no active meridian: 7MC-3R-TR1-MC9
- Dantian: 25E , 6RM, 4RM, 13R
In combination with the following symptomatic points:
- 23DM-20VB-2V: clear head humidity /feeling of congestion
- 42V-28V: reduce anxiety, disperse pressure in the ‘lower burner’, ease lumbago pain
- 4MC: release blocked/retained speech
- 36E stimulate & regulate circulation of Qi in the middle burner

Following the acupuncture treatment of 30 minute the patient is relaxed. He explains he has
never before had an acupuncture treatment like this one. He feels a sensation of warmth
developing in the Dantian and in the liver meridian.

Discussion :

The efficacy of the A-TPS method is based on 3 factors:

- Using time-based points establishes the connection between the celestial and
terrestrial Qi and the the patient Qi.
- Using space-points supports the the circulation of Qi in the active meridian.
- Choosing a specific method for each patient and choosing symptomatic/experience
points based on the patient’s specific symptoms ensures a more customised
treatment; promoting the regulation of imbalances in the body leading to
homeostasis, therefore cultivating a healing process that is more efficient, that
occurs more rapidly, on all levels (regulating the symptoms and the cause) and that
is long lasting.

The criteria shared between two people who experience a traumatic event at the same time
and place give us the possiblity of using the same small amount of memory point. Althaugh
they share the same space/time dimensions they have a different experience/memory of
the situation and they display different symptoms after the shock. We understand that to
achieve optimum therapeutic benefits, the treatment should be adapted to the individual as
much as possible.
To continue research in TAS-Acupuncture it is necessary to treat a large number of cases for
a certain type of pathology, in order to have a sufficient sample size and reduce bias.
Another problem is that usually therapeutic protocols must remain constant. However it is
possible for us to propose a group of points that vary depending on the time and space
which are then combined with a group of fixed points relative to practitioner’s clinical
experience and TCM traditions.
This type of protocol allows a compromise between the need to, on the one hand,
homogenise and standardise the treatments and, on the other hand, remain true to a more
Taoist approach in order for the treatment to be effective.

In the situation of healing the pathologies that occured in a group of people after a anusual
shock, memory-point function could be used. After this kind of accident and disaster,
usually a team of practiotionner is created espacially to help. When an accident occurs in
which a group of people are affected, since there is a a common time-space link, it is easy to
identify the common time-points that should be used when treating this group of patients.
The first step for the practitioner would be to choose among the group of selectioned points
to treat all the patients affected by the event, in order to reinforce the efficacy of the
treatment. The second step would be for him to add some points of his own experience.

作者简介 諾埃樂•馬奇耶博士

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