Report of Market Survey

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I would like to acknowledge and extend my heartfelt gratitude to our

advisor Asst. professor Dipendra Ayer for his guidance and support in
the completion of this survey entitled ' Marketing Survey Of Crops
For Agrienterprise’.

This survey is focused on marketing different agronomic

crops such as rice, maize, buckwheat mustard, tomato,
lentils, pigeon pea, etc.
The marketing survey is conducted on the New public Krishi
Sarkari Sanstha of Gauradaha Municipality ward no.2. From
this survey we get to know about sales of product types,
types of products for sale, packaged and labeled/ branded,
amount of product sales last year, its selling price, most
preferred varieties in the market, sources from where the
product purchased, product type for sale, month/ season of
high demand, current sales, trend/ reasons for the trend. 
We also get to know about major constraints in crop
marketing, reasons for trait preferences as well as the
scope of agricultural production in Gauradha Municipality.
i. To be able to know about the market status of
agronomic crop
ii. To be able to know about the most preferred
agronomical varieties in the market.
iii. To collect data regarding pricing trends or systems
iv. To provide locally produced seed in the market

1. Firstly, 3 groups were divided and each group was

assigned one teacher
2. We were in the group agronomy department guided by
our respected teacher Asst. Professor Dipendra Ayer
3. He gave information about our survey and made a
4. After a discussion about the questionnaire we
individually visited 1 trader of Gauradha Municipality
and collected information regarding our questionnaire
5. Information was collected in the datasheet of the
production survey and uploaded into the MS Excel
6. Finally, we prepared the report. As per the instruction
given to us by the teacher.
We were able to draw the following results from
the marketing survey( New public Krishi Sarkari
Sanstha) conducted in ward no. 2 of Gauradha
1. Rice 
New public Krishi Sarkari Sanstha sold 9000kg
labeled rice seed last year at the rate of Rs.220
kg Indian and local Rs75 per kg. They purchase it
at Rs200 per kg Indian and local Rs70 per kg.
Ranjit is the most preferred rice variety in the
market and they purchase it from seed
companies. Rice seed is in high demand in the
month of May but its sale is decreasing due to
the Indian market and tax. It is sold on the local
market and is mostly preferred by young

2. Maize 

3600kg labeled maize seed is sold by the New

public Krishi Sarkari Sanstha at the rate of
Rs230-900 per kg last year. They purchase it at
Rs.210-850perkg.Hybrid is the most preferred
variety and it is purchased 90% from India and
10% from Dadeldhura. Its seed is in high
demand in the month of November but its
sale is decreasing due to the Indian market.
4. Mustard :
150kg labeled mustard seed is sold by New public
Krishi Sarkari Sanstha at the rate of Rs.250-380 per
kg last year. They purchase it at Rs.250-300 per kg
and local as well as hybrid is the most preferred
variety in the market and it is purchased from
Damak. Its seed is in high demand from Nov- Dec
but sales are decreasing due to the Indian market. 
5. Tomato :
New public Krishi Sarkari Sanstha sold 50 grams
of hybrid and 400 grams of locally labeled
tomato seed at the rate of Rs.15-200 per gram
last year. They purchase it at Rs.10-180 per kg
and Pusa ruby and Trishul, Aayush is the most
preferred varieties and it is purchased from
Birtamod. Its seed is in high demand from Oct-
Nov but sales are decreasing due to the Indian
market. Mostly older people prefer this and it is
sold on the local market. 
● Besides this, We also came to know about the
constraints and issues regarding the marketing
of these crops. Some of them are given below:
1. High cost of
agricultural marketing
2. Lack of good quality
packaging materials.
3. Uncertain risk
4. Low availability of
crop seeds to save
5. High market
competition and
fluctuation in the
market due to the
open border system
6. Monopoly market
system of trader
7. Lack of coordination
between agro-dealers
and co-operatives.

The market survey of Agri enterprise 2079 in the Gauradaha

Municipality shows that the current sales trend is Increasing
at certain rates in the market of maize, rice, tomato, and
mustard. All the products of rice, maize, and tomato are well
labeled & packaged while in the case of mustard it is poor.
Rice seed is the product that is sold at the peak level while
tomato seeds are at least one.

The survey's findings reveal some information regarding the

market for several commercial crops farmed in Gauradaha
municipality's Ward No. 2. The results imply that if there are
enough marketing and training facilities, there are better
prospects for traders. If they have an understanding of
seasonal markets and the concept to produce processed
goods from various agronomical crops, their marketing might
be increased. They must use modern technology in place of
labor-based trade, and GoN must pay close attention to this.
During peak season, packaging that is both effective and
accessible must be offered. It is necessary to build cold
storage to maintain a good supply both during the season
and off. Overall, the survey findings suggest that there is
considerable support from the local private and public
traders to improve the agricultural market and which has a
great chance to assist in our NGDP.

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