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Families of children with Down syndrome: What we know and what we need
to know

Article  in  Down Syndrome Research and Practice · January 2009

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3 authors:

Monica Cuskelly Penny Hauser-Cram

University of Tasmania, Launceston, Australia Boston College, USA


Marcia Van Riper

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


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Families of children with Down syndrome:

What we know and what we need to know
Monica Cuskelly, Penny Hauser-Cram and Marcia Van Riper

This paper provides a brief overview of what is currently known about families of children with Down syndrome. In
addition, it highlights a number of issues that require further research if we are to have a thorough understanding
of the impact of a child with Down syndrome on families as a system and on the individuals who make up that
system. Some of these issues include the need for: 1) a more balanced perspective – one that acknowledges
both positive and negative aspects of the experience, 2) greater attention to the experiences of fathers, 3) more
cross-cultural research and studies focused on cultural perspectives, 4) increased attention to the change in
demands for families as the individual with Down syndrome ages, 5) more longitudinal studies, 6) greater variety in
methodological approaches, for example greater use of qualitative approaches and observational methods, and 7)
an increase in the use of statistical approaches that model change and test hypotheses about predictors of change
in both parents and children.

From a family systems perspective, the life, or the development of particular tal- those experienced by parents of typically
relational life of families provides the cen- ents that may not have been called upon in developing children[9], most studies sug-
tral ecological context in which children other circumstances[6,7,8]. gest that parents of children with Down
are nurtured[1]. The family system is influ- Parental adaptation to a child with Down syndrome experience lower levels of well-
enced by the attributes each individual syndrome has also been studied exten- being than parents of typically developing
brings to family relationships as well as sively in relation to parental well-being, children of similar age (see, for example,
by family members’ perceptions of those especially the psychological reactions of refs 10,11). However, it should be noted
attributes. The birth of a child with Down parents. Many studies on parental adap- that, in these studies, the majority of the
syndrome is likely to affect the family sys- tation to a child with Down syndrome parents fell into the non clinical range
tem in many ways, from the micro level have focused primarily on stress. The lit- on instruments measuring psychological
of dyadic interaction to the macro level of erature is often unclear about the precise functioning (e.g., refs 11,12). Nevertheless,
the cultural views guiding parent percep- meaning of stress. At least three interpre- as Singer pointed out, even mild levels of
tions about a developmental disability. tations have been applied to research on depression can have detrimental effects
Much research has indicated that a child parental adaptation. Some authors use on individuals and on their families[13].
with Down syndrome has effects on the stress to refer to the emotional responses Despite these increased difficulties in
family [2]. Some effects relate to the likeli- of parents to the demands of the parent- comparison to families where all chil-
hood that a child will display the cognitive ing role (e.g., feeling isolated, entrapped, dren are developing typically, as a group,
and behavioural phenotypes considered overwhelmed with responsibility). Others parents of a child with Down syndrome
to be typical of children with Down syn- focus on the demands brought about by experience fewer negative effects and
drome. These include specific patterns of the child’s temperament and behaviours more positive effects than parents of chil-
strengths and weaknesses in information (e.g., demandingness, soothability, activ- dren with other disabilities[14-17]. Many
processing, social interaction, expressive ity level). A third approach focuses on studies compare parents of children with
language, receptive skills, motor skills, parental mental health and psychological Down syndrome with those who have a
and motivation[3,4,5]. Such patterns and/ functioning (e.g., depression, anxiety, self- child with autism (e.g., refs 18,19), a com-
or the expectations of such patterns may acceptance, mastery). This latter approach parison that may increase the likelihood
influence the behaviour of caregivers in provides more useful data as it is possible of this outcome. There are also studies
dyadic interaction with the child. Other for families to face increased demands but which use families of children with other
effects may be due to increased difficul- to meet these effectively (see, for example, conditions as a comparison group (e.g.,
ties and/or diminished satisfactions in ref 8). Clearly, however, parenting respon- refs 16,17) and the results generally show
the parental role and to parents’ reduced sibilities, child demands and psychologi- that parents of children with Down syn-
opportunities in other spheres of life such cal outcomes are related. drome have higher levels of well-being. In
as career success. In contrast, positive While there is some evidence that par- a recent study examining “the Down syn-
effects are possible through the parents’ ents of children with Down syndrome drome advantage,” Stoneman reported
identification of a particular purpose in experience similar levels of well-being to that the findings generally replicated

Down Syndrome Research and Practice • Advance Online Publication 105
the Down syndrome advantage found comparison group. syndrome indicates that they are contrib-
by other researchers[20]. However, once An increase in stress as the child with uting to family life in a variety of ways.
the variance attributable to income was Down syndrome ages was also reported by Hedov and colleagues found that fathers
removed, the Down syndrome advantage Eisenhower, Baker and Blacher[25]. These of a child with Down syndrome took
disappeared. Another possible explana- authors initially saw families when the a greater share of the child care (when
tion for the Down syndrome advantage is child was aged 36 months and then col- days off work to care for a sick child were
that families whose children with Down lected data again at 48 and 60 months and examined) than did fathers in families
syndrome are functioning more poorly found an increase in problem behaviour in where all children were developing typi-
than the average or those who have severe the children with Down syndrome which cally [27]. In one of the few studies focusing
behaviour problems (possibly as a conse- was associated with an increase in mater- on fathers’ perceptions, Ricci and Hodapp
quence of co-morbid conditions such as nal stress. Both Most and colleagues[23], found that fathers of children with Down
autism) may choose not to participate in and Eisenhower, Baker and Blacher[25], syndrome reported their child to have
research (see ref 21). suggested that the comparative protective more positive personality traits and fewer
There have now been several important effect often attributed to Down syndrome behaviour problems than fathers of chil-
studies that have collected longitudinal (in contrast to other types of disability) dren with other types of intellectual dis-
data related to the parenting experience of may apply only in the early years of life. abilities[16]. The older children with Down
parents of a child with Down syndrome. The longitudinal studies indicate that syndrome, however, were found to be less
Hauser-Cram, Warfield, Shonkoff and stress levels of parents of children with reinforcing and acceptable to fathers than
Krauss found that over a seven year period Down syndrome increase over the early the younger children.
(child age 3 years to 10 years) the demands to middle childhood period, suggesting There are a number of variables that
associated with raising a child with Down that more research should be directed at have been found to contribute to parental
syndrome increased for both mothers and delineating moderators of stress beyond outcomes, and it seems likely that moth-
fathers, and for mothers, this increase was the infant and toddler years. As Most and ers and fathers respond differently to the
greater than that experienced by mothers colleagues point out, however, the major- pressures associated with raising a child
of a child with a motor impairment or ity of studies are cross sectional and match with Down syndrome (see, for example,
mothers of a child with a developmental children on developmental level at the age ref 29). Krauss reported that although
delay of unknown origin[22]. At the ini- being studied[23]. If trajectories of devel- mothers and fathers of infants and tod-
tial data point (3 years) the mothers of opment differ, over time, the children will dlers with developmental disabilities
a child with Down syndrome had lower cease to be matched, which may account (including Down syndrome) did not differ
child related demands, but these demands for the changes in parental status vis a vis in overall levels of stress, their patterns of
increased so that by age 10 they were the comparison group. stress were distinctly different[30]. Moth-
higher than those reported by the other The same association between behaviour ers reported higher levels of stress related
two groups. Very similar findings were problems and parental stress is evident in to the parenting role whereas fathers
reported by Most, Fidler, LaForce-Booth these parents as in other parents of a child reported more stress related to their feel-
and Kelly [23] who compared the trajecto- with a disability [14,16]. Generally, however, ings of attachment to the child. Similarly,
ries of child-related demands in mothers children with Down syndrome exhibit Keller and Honig found that maternal
of a child with Down syndrome with that fewer behaviour problems than children stress was more related to the demands of
of mothers of a comparison group of chil- with intellectual disability from other child care, while fathers’ stress was more
dren with intellectual disability of mixed causes[25,26], although more than typically related to the child’s acceptability [31].
aetiology using the child related aspects developing children and siblings[26]. Both Further support for differences between
of the Parenting Stress Index (PSI)[24]. The the Hauser-Cram and Eisenhower studies mothers and fathers is provided by
children were between 12 and 15 months reported that the increase in stress levels Saloviita, Itälinna and Leinonen[32]. They
on the first occasion, 30 months on the were related to the increase in child-related found that, although for both parents a
second occasion and were 45 months demands experienced by parents[22,25]. negative view of their situation was most
when the third wave of data was collected. It is still the case that the majority of associated with the experience of stress,
While mothers of a child with Down syn- research regarding family functioning mothers were most influenced by behav-
drome reported lower stress levels on the is conducted with mothers. Several fac- ioural problems in the child while fathers
PSI than the mothers in the comparison tors contribute to this pattern. One is that were more influenced by their child’s low
group at 12 months, when their child was mothers continue to take the primary social acceptability. It is clearly important
45 months of age there were no differ- child caring role with respect to children to learn more about fathers’ experiences
ences. The mothers of a child with Down with Down syndrome[27]. In an inter- of parenting a child with Down syndrome
syndrome showed, at the group level, view study with fathers of a child with and to examine their contributions to
an increase in stress that was not appar- Down syndrome that focused on their family life in ways that move beyond the
ent in the other group. While the groups experiences of parenting, 46% spontane- limited possibilities of providers of eco-
were initially matched on developmental ously stated that their wives took almost nomic and spousal support.
level, by Time 3 the children with Down all responsibility in relation to the child
syndrome were functioning at a lower with Down syndrome[28]. Nevertheless,
cognitive level than the children in the research on fathers of children with Down

Advance Online Publication • Down Syndrome Research and Practice


Parental satisfaction and in maternal parenting stress of children In a study of the perceived burden of care
with developmental disabilities have been of mothers of children with a develop-
self-efficacy found to be reduced in cohesive families mental disability (one third of whom had
Studies on parenting efficacy focus on (i.e., families in which members feel con- Down syndrome), Erickson and Upshur
parents’ confidence in their ability to nected to and supported by each other)[22]. found that the mother’s perception of the
fulfil the parenting role and successfully Another aspect of family functioning, per- caretaking burden was lighter when the
nurture children’s development. Parent- ceived quality of family life, has recently father participated in tasks and provided
ing efficacy incorporates dimensions of been investigated. Investigations of qual- emotional support[42]. Building partially
confidence in parenting with satisfaction ity of life provide a broad view of several on that study, Simmerman, Blacher, and
with the parenting role. Greater parent- domains of family life including health, Baker studied marital satisfaction of par-
ing efficacy has been associated with more financial well-being, family relationships, ents with a child with severe intellectual
positive perceptions of the child[33]. Has- spiritual and cultural beliefs, social sup- disabilities in middle to late childhood[43].
sall, Rose and McDonald found that par- port, leisure enjoyment, and community They found that mothers’ satisfaction
ents of a child with intellectual disability involvement. Brown, MacAdam-Crisp, with fathers’ help, not the actual amount
who felt satisfied with their parenting role Wang, and Iarocci investigated the qual- of help provided, predicted both mothers’
reported lower levels of stress than did ity of life for families in which a child had and fathers’ marital adjustment. Fathers’
those who were less satisfied[34]. Gilmore Down syndrome or autism in comparison help was most frequently reported to be in
and Cuskelly [35] compared the scores of to families of typically developing chil- the areas of playing, nurturing, discipline
mothers of a child with Down syndrome dren[39]. Although parents of children with and decision-making about services and
with normative data they had collected autism reported the lowest overall quality less frequently in areas of hygiene, dress-
for the Parenting Sense of Competence of life, the families of children with Down ing, feeding, teaching, therapy and taking
measure[33] and found that, when children syndrome reported a lower quality of life a child to appointments. These studies
were young (between the ages of 4 and 6), in relation to health, financial well-being, suggest that, although the dyadic rela-
mothers’ reports of their satisfaction with social support, and career opportunities tionship between mothers and fathers has
parenting were not different from those of (for parents) than those in the compari- multiple dimensions, maternal satisfac-
mothers of children who were developing son group. tion with fathers’ participation may guide
typically. Confidence in their parenting the relationship.
skills, however, was lower for the mothers Marital functioning
of a child with Down syndrome. One of the central relationships within The sibling experience
Self-efficacy in the parenting role reflects families is that between mothers and The relationship between siblings is con-
parents’ confidence that they have the fathers. A meta-analysis conducted by sidered to be one of the most enduring
skills to provide the necessary guidance Risdal and Singer found that the pub- relationships within families. There are
to their child[36]. Laws and Millward sug- lished data on marital functioning in a number of studies that have examined
gested that, for parents of a child with families with a child with a disability the impact on siblings of having a brother
Down syndrome, parental identity is tied were somewhat skewed by the negatively or sister with Down syndrome, although
up with being their child’s educator[37]. biased assumptions of researchers, and these generally focus on children who are
Parental self-efficacy for these parents that when these biases were addressed, in middle childhood or older. These stud-
may therefore be partially based on their the negative consequences for this rela- ies typically focus on behaviour or other
child’s acquisition of skills. In the study tionship were substantially less then adjustment problems in the sibling and/or
discussed above, Gilmore and Cuskelly heretofore thought[40]. Van Riper and on the relationship between the typically
found that confidence was not related to colleagues found no differences in mari- developing child and the child with Down
competence as measured by an IQ test[35]. tal functioning (or family functioning) syndrome. While there were some initial
Measures of IQ, however, may be inad- between families with a child with Down reports of adjustment difficulties (e.g. ref
equate to capture increases in skills, and syndrome and comparison families where 44) more recent research has found that
adaptive behaviour measures may be all children were developing typically [9]. the siblings have favourable self-con-
more useful for this purpose. Kersh, Hedvat, Hauser-Cram and Warf- cepts[45] and that many believe they have
ield also reported that married mothers developed additional strengths because of
Family functioning and fathers of 10-year-old children with their sibling with Down syndrome[45,46].
An additional view of parental adapta- motor impairment, Down syndrome or Also, findings suggest that there are no
tion can be gained by a consideration of developmental delay reported no differ- important differences in the adjustment
family functioning. The importance of ences in their marital quality, although of the siblings of a child with Down syn-
family relationships to the well-being of all three groups had lower levels of mari- drome and children in families where
all family members has been highlighted tal quality than couples in the general all are developing typically [26,47] and that
by the review of scientific evidence of population[41]. Higher marital quality was relationships are as good as or better than
early childhood by Shonkoff and Phil- related to lower levels of stress and fewer in these families[48,49]. Good sibling rela-
lips[38]. The way in which the family func- depressive symptoms for both mothers tionships are often perceived by mothers
tions may serve as a buffer or promoter of and fathers as well as to greater efficacy as evidence of good parenting[12]. We have
parenting stress. For example, trajectories for mothers. very little understanding of how parents

Down Syndrome Research and Practice • Advance Online Publication 107
accomplish this task, although it is clear ers[53]. Hodapp, Ly, Fidler and Ricci found ated with raising a child with a disability.
that the majority do so. no difference between parents of a child Belief systems about the perceptions of
Some of the challenges for researchers with Down syndrome and parents of typi- developmental disability are integral to
interested in examining the sibling expe- cally developing children with respect parents’ views of the effect of their child
rience include the lack of longitudinal to ‘rewardingness’[56]. Cuskelly and col- with Down syndrome on their lives[62].
studies with large, diverse samples. Most leagues found that mothers of a child with The role of spirituality or religiosity in the
of the existing sibling studies are cross- Down syndrome reported significantly family is also often central to such percep-
sectional studies conducted with small, more reinforcing aspects of their relation- tions[63]. Some cultures are more secular
convenience samples of white, middle ship with their child than did mothers of than others and different religious tradi-
to upper-class siblings. Many families of typically developing children[12]. tions view disability and its meaning quite
children with Down syndrome have more More work on investigating the satisfac- differently (e.g., ref 64).
than one typically developing sibling, so tions associated with parenting a child Religion is not the only way in which cul-
another challenge for researchers in this with Down syndrome needs to be done. tures differ with respect to their responses
area is deciding which sibling to include This is important in order that a balanced to and understandings of disability. An
in the study. A final challenge for sibling perspective can be provided to families example of possible cultural effects on
researchers is the lack of good measures to who are beginning their lives as a fam- coping processes comes from work by
evaluate the sibling experience, especially ily with a child with Down syndrome. It Blacher and McIntrye who found that
measures designed to assess positive out- is also important that the broader society Latina mothers reported higher depres-
comes. For a more complete review of the is appraised of these experiences as they sion and lower morale[65]. However, Latina
challenges facing researchers interested may contribute to attitude change and to mothers also reported more positive per-
in the sibling experience, see reviews by therefore increasing the inclusiveness of ceptions of parenting and a more positive
Hodapp, Glidden and Kaiser, Stoneman, our society. impact of the child on their family. The
and Van Riper[50,51,52]. authors speculated that this association
Connections to community may be a product of differing attributions
Positive outcomes for about the cause of the child’s behaviour
Community values
families from those of the comparison Anglo-
Disability is typically viewed as a burden, American mothers. Lam and Mackenzie
When given the opportunity, parents
and the general community holds fairly discussed the highly competitive nature
identify a range of positive contributions
negative views about parenting a child of Hong Kong society and the impact this
that the child with Down syndrome makes
with Down syndrome[57,58,59]. Naturally, may have on parents of a child with Down
to family life (see ref 53). Unfortunately,
many individuals who become the parent syndrome in that milieu[66]. Magaña, Selt-
that opportunity is often not provided
of a child with Down syndrome shared zer and Krauss found that family prob-
as researchers have generally focused on
these values prior to the birth of their lems were more strongly associated with
the negative consequences experienced by
child. While many parents alter their view depression for Puerto Rican mothers than
family members. Most relationships com-
after the birth of their child with Down for comparison mothers drawn from non-
prise both positive and negative aspects,
syndrome[60,61], they remain embedded Latina Anglo groups[67].
and the dominant quality may change
within a community for whom having a There is little cross cultural work or work
over time as circumstances vary. Fam-
child with a disability can be viewed only within cultural psychology to guide our
ily life in families of children with Down
as a tragedy. This is clearly somewhat of an understanding of what aspects of culture
syndrome is likely to contain some mix of
overstatement – there are many individu- are supportive or undermining of family
hassles and uplifts, disappointments and
als who do hold this opinion and families functioning when there is a child with a
great satisfactions, and it important that
of a child with Down syndrome will have disability in the family. The majority of
the uplifts and satisfactions be considered
contact with individuals with a range studies on families of children with Down
if an accurate picture of family life is to be
of views. The impact of this dissonance syndrome are focused on only a subset of
gained. These positive aspects of family life
between family and community values families, largely those who are white and
are also likely to contribute to the ability
has rarely been examined explicitly; how- living in Western industrialised nations.
to cope with the difficulties families may
ever, the enmeshment experienced by This gap limits our knowledge about the
face[54]. Parents report increased feelings
some families of a child with a disability many ways in which parents adapt to a
of empowerment, personal growth, and a
and the realignment of friendships that child with Down syndrome and deserves
rearrangement of priorities, as examples
many parents report are likely, in part, to a priority in setting an agenda for future
of the positive changes they attribute to
be due to this mismatch. research.
their experience of parenting a child with
At the macro-level, parents are embed-
a disability [55].
ded in a set of cultural and often spiritual Early intervention
Poehlmann and colleagues found that While early intervention is usually viewed
beliefs. The broader culture in which fam-
mothers saw their child with Down syn- as an intervention aimed at improving
ilies live and with which values are shared
drome as having a number of very posi- child developmental outcomes, there
is likely to play some part in the ways in
tive personal characteristics that acted is general recognition that it is part of
which parents cope and their level of cop-
to maintain and develop connections a developmental system[68] and as such
ing with the increased demands associ-
between family members and with oth-

Advance Online Publication • Down Syndrome Research and Practice

often has important effects on other fam- als plays an important role in assisting workplace expectations are complex, and
ily members, particularly mothers. In a mothers in their role as parents of a child the needs of working parents of children
review of studies of early intervention with a disability [74,75,76]. Van Riper found with Down syndrome and other dis-
(parent training models) with a child with that maternal well-being and mothers’ abilities demand more investigation. The
autism McConachie and Diggle identified perceptions of family functioning were impact of differences in employment is
positive impact upon mothers as one of associated with their perceptions of the also not clearly established. Shearn and
the outcomes[69]. Pelchat, Bisson, Ricard, quality of the support they received from Todd have identified a number of conse-
Perreault and Bouchard found that par- the professionals working with them quences for mothers including a curtail-
ents of children with Down syndrome or and their child with Down syndrome[71]. ing of their ambitions[81]. The role that
cerebral palsy who were involved in early We have discussed the important role of employment outside the home (or lack of
intervention had more positive percep- perceived spousal support earlier, espe- it) in mothers’ lives requires more focused
tions of their child and of their parenting cially for mothers, and will not repeat this attention.
situation, had lower levels of distress and here. Other family members, particularly
felt more supported[70]. The benefits accru- grandparents, play a central supporting Interventions
ing from involvement with early inter- role for many families[77]. We know little, There appears to be little research on
vention are likely to reflect a number of however, about their needs with respect direct interventions aimed at reducing
processes including the mother’s percep- to support. In addition, more work on stress or increasing well-being in par-
tions of progress for her child, the devel- understanding how best to provide sup- ents of a child with Down syndrome. In
opment of self-confidence in her skills for port for fathers is clearly needed. one report Greaves[82] compared an eight
working with her child, and an increased week group programme teaching from
sense of support as a result of sharing her
Rational Emotive Therapy [83] with teach-
concerns with professionals (see ref 71) Economic resources contribute to indi- ing related to Applied Behaviour Analysis
and other parents. vidual and family well-being[78], and and a no treatment comparison group.
In an explicit acknowledgement of the employment is the major source of these All mothers reported a reduction of stress
role of early intervention in supporting resources for most families. Employment arising from their responsibilities for the
families, Bailey and colleagues identi- contributes more than merely money to care and management of their child with
fied five outcomes to aid in determining individuals, however. It also provides an Down syndrome over the course of the
the effectiveness of early intervention, all important avenue of connection to the intervention. While there were significant
of which were aimed at the family func- community, as well as an arena to dem- improvements for the Rational Emotive
tioning rather than at child skill develop- onstrate competence outside the parent- Therapy group on some measures of stress
ment: ing role. immediately post training in contrast to
“(a) families understand their child’s There are a number of studies that have both comparison groups, no follow-up
strengths, abilities and special needs; (b) established that mothers of children with data were able to be collected.
families know their rights and advocate a disability are less involved in employ- There is a well established association
effectively for their child; (c) families help ment outside the home than are other between the use escape-avoidance cop-
their child develop and learn; (d) families mothers (see ref 79), although few stud- ing strategies and poorer outcomes for
have support systems; and (e) families are ies have investigated this area specifically parents (for example ref 74) It seems that a
able to gain access to desired services and with respect to mothers of a child with more sophisticated view of problem solv-
activities in their community”[72:p.227]. Down syndrome. In one of the studies to ing strategies may be helpful if research
Bailey, Scarborough, Hebbeler, Spiker do so, Hedov and colleagues found that is to provide assistance to families with a
and Mallik conducted a national study of this group of mothers were less engaged in child with a disability. A closer examina-
early intervention services in the U.S. and outside work than were mothers of a child tion of the helpfulness of which strategies
reported that parents had a very positive without a disability [10]. Warfield reported under which circumstances is likely to be
view of the help provided to their fam- that about two thirds of mothers of 5-year- productive. There are some circumstances
ily by early intervention services[73]. Most old children with Down syndrome, motor that cannot be changed and it may be less
families indicated that early intervention impairment or developmental delay were debilitating for parents to avoid think-
had a significant positive impact on their employed, and that employment status ing about that particular problem and to
family; 59% of those sampled stated that did not vary with the child’s type of disa- focus their problem solving on problems
their family was “much better” because bility, although more mothers of children that are amenable to change. Both longi-
of early intervention services. Although with Down syndrome were employed full tudinal studies of the benefits of certain
this study was not based on a randomised time[80]. She further found that greater problem solving approaches and system-
design (due to ethical reasons), it was large parenting demands related to greater atic intervention studies are required to
in both its scope and the diversity of fam- absenteeism at work but not to lower levels provide information to guide the practice
ilies and early intervention programmes of work quality. In contrast, greater inter- of those providing direct services
included. est in work and less work intensity were

associated with lower parenting stress. What do we still need to
Thus, the relations among maternal
There is evidence that support by friends, employment, parenting demands, and
relatives, and health care profession- The review above has identified a number

Down Syndrome Research and Practice • Advance Online Publication 109
of issues that require further research if to increase with age and it may be that level and dyadic level predictors (or corre-
we are to have a thorough understand- the focus of research should be on these lates) of outcomes are needed. Moreover,
ing of the impact of a child with Down older age groups. The contributors to the outcomes themselves are not inde-
syndrome on families as a system and on this increase have not been established, pendent of each other and are more accu-
the individuals who make up that system. although child behaviour problems, rately modelled as bi-directional. In a study
These will be briefly summarised here. child acquisition of skills and the paren- on the contributions of family resources,
The nature of the association between tal relationship are potential candidates. parenting challenges, work rewards, and
phenotypic characteristics as displayed by Families with a child with Down syn- work demands on the parenting stress of
the child and the impact on parents needs drome who also has other conditions that both mothers and fathers in two-earner
to be investigated from the perspective increase the demands on families, such as families in which a child had a disability,
of parental adjustment, not solely from autism or significant sensory disabilities, Warfield addressed the critical issue of
the perspective of the impact on those need to be included in research if we are data dependency [85]. She employed hierar-
parenting behaviours likely to influence to have a complete understanding of the chical linear modelling[86] to account for
child development. Consideration needs implications for families. If we fail to do the effects of mother and father reports
to be given to parental expectations based this, these families will be even more mar- nested within couple-level data. The ana-
on the stereotypic view of children with ginalised, as they will not be represented lytic approach used in that study is likely
Down syndrome as well as to the ‘true’ in the usual picture of families of a child to provide a more accurate approach to
phenotypic characteristics. Down syndrome presented through our examining the mother-father dyad and
There is an increase in the number of work. may serve as a model for future work.
studies that include fathers; however, there Cross cultural research on family adap- Another methodological issue relates to
is much we do not know about the expe- tation to a child with Down syndrome, as the type of measures selected to investi-
riences of fathers in their parenting role. well as investigations that reveal cultural gate parent adaptation. Parent report on
These require further exploration if we are ideology in relation to family adaptation, scaled instruments has been the method
to understand what services and supports should be a priority. In these investiga- of choice, and Likert scales are the most
would assist them to adjust to the circum- tions the processes or mechanisms that common response format. Ease in data
stances of having a child with Down syn- underpin differences should be the guid- collection and analysis is one of the
drome. In addition, a deeper knowledge of ing question. Finally, the investigation of advantages of such scales. Nevertheless,
their contributions to family functioning direct therapeutic approaches to assisting Likert scales have been criticised for lim-
would provide a more complete picture of parents, and other family members, deal iting a respondent’s ability to accurately
the influences on other family members. effectively with the additional demands express opinions[87]. If respondents have
It is important that this information is associated with having a child with Down difficulty choosing between two options,
collected from fathers themselves, rather syndrome in the family, should be under- they are likely to leave an item blank, pro-
than using maternal views as a substitute. taken. ducing possible bias in the set of recorded
This will require some additional work Several issues emerge in consideration of responses. The problems of missing data
on the part of researchers as they look for the methodology employed in studies on and dilemmas about ways to address
ways to involve fathers in research. parental adaptation to a child with Down ‘missingness’ are considered by Schafer,
Investigations of family life must take a syndrome. As exemplified in this review, and although the approaches he suggests
balanced perspective and allow all aspects most studies on parental adaptation to (e.g., imputation) are preferable to prior
to be acknowledged. This includes some raising a child with developmental dis- approaches (e.g., mean replacement),
concentration on the satisfactions of abilities are cross-sectional and compara- researchers need to aim for as little miss-
parenting a child with Down syndrome (or tive. The comparisons are made in relation ing data as possible[88].
of being a sibling or grandparent). Grand- to the parents of typically developing Other than studies of mother-child
parents are often an important resource children (e.g., ref 27) or to the parents of interaction, other methodologies, such
for parents and as they are an integral part children with other disabilities (e.g., ref as observational studies, are seldom
of the family, they also should be included 14). Such studies have yielded important used in investigations of parental adap-
in research. We know very little about how information about the comparative well- tation. Observational studies have been
grandparents respond to having a grand- being of parents. Although many of the employed with other special popula-
child with Down syndrome and how this early studies employed maternal reports tions, however. For example, Jacobs and
changes over time. There are a number of as representative of the parent voice, cur- Fiese observed family interaction during
questions about the most useful ways in rent trends involve the reports of both mealtime using a well-developed observa-
which they can be involved in the fam- mothers and fathers (e.g., refs 22, 84). tional instrument to determine if families
ily that is satisfactory for themselves and Comparative studies usually employ of children with asthma who were over-
helpful for the family with the child with conventional analytic approaches, but the weight displayed distinct interactional
Down syndrome, as well as questions dependent nature of the mother-father patterns[89]. Observational studies may
about how they might be better supported data requires more complex analyses. provide more nuanced information about
in their roles. Mother-father pairs are often influenced parental adaptation to a child with Down
The demands associated with parent- by each other’s responses and behaviours. syndrome.
ing a child with Down syndrome appear Models that incorporate both individual The field of psychology has been slow

Advance Online Publication • Down Syndrome Research and Practice

to respond to research designs that devi- approaches may offer new and distinct studies, although costly and difficult to
ate from conventional quantitative com- ways of delineating the ethno-theories maintain, have an important place in the
parative approaches. Qualitative research that mothers and fathers themselves bring study of parent adaptation. Carr’s study
studies, though relatively few in number, to the experience of parenting a child with serves as foundational work for descrip-
have added a new dimension to the work Down syndrome. Such ethno-theories are tive information on children and parents
on family adaptation to a child with a critical to a more complete understand- over time[93]. More recent studies (e.g.,
disability. Drawing from an ecocultural ing of parent adaptation and may serve ref 22) have taken advantage of statisti-
framework which emphasises the use of to assist in the development of improved cal advances that model change and test
the ‘activity setting’ as the unit of analy- interventions to enhance parental func- hypotheses about predictors of change
sis, Gallimore and colleagues studied how tioning. in both parents and children. The field is
parents adapt daily routines to accommo- In addition, population studies deserve now well poised to investigate more thor-
date their child with a developmental dis- priority if we are to ensure that a complete oughly the mediation and moderation of
ability [90,91]. Others, such as Harry, have representation of family life is captured. such trajectories. Such information is crit-
used ethnographic approaches to eluci- Without this, the experiences of families ical to a more fully developed science on
date ethnic and cultural differences in with a child who is functioning less well parent adaptation to a child with Down
views of normative development and dis- than his/her peers with Down syndrome syndrome.
ability [92]. Investigations using qualitative may be overlooked. Finally, longitudinal

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90. Gallimore R, Coots J, Weisner T, Garnier H,
University of Queensland, Australia; Penny
Guthrie D. Family responses to children with
early developmental delays II: Accommodation,
Hauser-Cram is at Boston College, Lynch School
of Education, USA; Marcia Van Riper is at the doi:10.3104/reviews.2079
intensity, activity in early and middle child-
hood. American Journal on Mental Retardation. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School
of Nursing, Carolina Center for Genome Sciences, Received: 15 February 2008; Accepted: 22 Febru-
USA. ary 2008; Published online: 2 July 2008

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